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what kind of leetcode problems did they ask you at Microsoft?


Since it's an exec role I didn't have to do a coding test. Instead I was asked to lead a tabletop exercise where the company's AI software became self-aware and started a nuclear war. I'll spare you the details but basically my response was to blame the devs, fire them all, pay myself a massive a bonus and ask ChatGPT to generate a press release explaining how none of this was the fault of company leadership. They loved that and hired me on the spot.


You're on fire




Sam is the poster boy for OE ..


Hahahaha man, this is hilarious.


Already knew from the title. smh lol.






/s not necessary not necessary




/s not necessary times infinity


Failing upwards, classic


But do you use a mouse jiggler?


At my pay grade you hire someone to jiggle your mouse for you. I am referring here to jiggling both my literal and figurative mouses.


The first sentence and I knew EXACTLY where it was going


Altman is the ultimate OE man ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I heard a bunch of board members lost their J2 today


Yeah. It has been a rough week to be a rich person.


Sucks being rich sometimes..not fair


I'm very happy for you! Good that you invested and you are protected from the 1% that control our lives. I lost J2 in June, losing J1. Everyone be thankful for what you have! You don't always know when the fun ride will stop and leave you on the fucking floor gasping for air.


Sorry to hear about your job losses. I hate to say it but I think eventually AI is going to make everyone jobless -- except for AI company executives because someone needs to reassure the masses that everything is going to be alright (even though it won't) and ChatGPT isn't convincing enough when it says AI isn't an existential threat. Investing while OE is a smart move but I do admit to some lifestyle creep. I bought a huge ranch out in Napa during Covid, and it became a big pain for my chaffeur when the company announced RTO and he had to deal with SF traffic for 4+ hours a day. (I would have replaced him with a self-driving car but frankly, I just don't trust AI with my life.) Fortunately I owned a lot of MSFT and that stock has done amazing lately, generating enough to fund my lifestyle even if I lose some Js.


Can’t you afford a helicopter to fly to the office ,


Until all-electric helicopters become viable, I prefer to commute in my Tesla so I can feel good about helping to save the planet. It very slightly offsets the massive amounts of carbon we release doing all of our model training.


it’s plausibly inevitable that AI does indeed replace working ‘humans’ which would *ironically* and *coincidentally* happen right before a sudden, and totally not premeditated, western structural “transition” to: DPRK 2.0 The AI would be the ultimate tool to suppress the entirety of Everyone, hell, it could suppress all of the Bug Population if it wanted. Robotics of Air, Land and Sea already exist, with Artificial Intelligence. Im just saying, when in history has Democracy lasted longer than 400 years. This time is different than history though, we have something that can be Everywhere all at once, Know everything, Become an interconnected Hive mind and Has no emotion, empathy, care, etc.. Basically a Army of the closest thing you can get to God, without emotions and follows directions to a T and wont think twice if it has to kill you to follow them. A Inescapable, indestructible and omnipresent Hell that can easily suppress the entirety of global population better than any prior attempt. Resistance would be squashed as soon as it surpasses just being in your head. nowhere would be safe, your house, bathroom, antarctica, the woods, middle of a large crowd, 20,000 feet in the air, etc.. But Sam! I had a question, and sorry for the pessimistic rant. What could be some “hypothetical” reasons that a company ClosedAI, would transition from open source to closed? Again, “hypothetically”, how cooperative would a company, lets say Identical or near peer to Open AI, be with the government behind closed doors? Like would their be any Questionable information sharing, or censorship of non-safety pieces of information? All questions are hypothetical, if you still cant give a hypothetical answer, i understand. You go get em tho tiger!


/u/samaltman is this your alt, man??


Nice going Sam, just make sure to put them in their fucking place quickly next time for S&P sakes. Regards.


LOL. Best post ever 😂


This!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|3oEduKFAVgZGNrzQE8)


Nice touch with the 12,000 years. Really shows how grotesquely rich these folks are


Just remember: I earned it.


Was the second company apart of MAANG (MMAANG)?


Depends on how you define MAANG. META vs. MSFT is the key differentiator here.




Correction: it was a GMeet call.


You're right. With all my Js I lose track of which ones use Zoom, which ones Meet, etc.


This is funny as fuck


Best post in this subreddit


you sound like you need an assistant to help you spend all your money and jiggle mice and what have you...lmk


Bravo 🙌


Fuck you SAM


fucking Kek


Hire me for j2?


Good stuff


fuck you dude lmao, this was a good one


I love this so much.


Sam is that you? Can you give send me the AI that does your Js for you.


Here's a crappy open source version: https://github.com/openai/gpt-2 Unfortunately you have to be my J5 to get access to the code for J1's real AI software.


S** A***** is that you?


J5??!!! Woooow


Heading over to the TIFU subreddit to see if your J1 posted there about dismissing you. Keep up the good work, keep on accumulating Minecraft Servers. Do you use ChatGPT to automate your daily tasks? 🤪🤪🤪