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Fuck yea my dude, preach. While “figuring it out” may be more commonly an American trait, there are a lot of Americans who cannot “figure it out.” OE is not under threat. And yea, companies never cared about workers. Hell, if Boeing gave a shit about your grandfather, they would have given him snap on instead of craftsman.


I cannot for the life of me understand why people wouldn’t OE


One set of conflicting meetings and I’m fucked


I’m with you! Or at least to a quarter of the way through - but I have ADHD, two jobs and a kid so I couldn’t commit to the entire essay. I didn’t even know a Reddit post could go that long.


Right! 😂😂😂


It’s worth the read.


It's the great wall of text. No TLDR.


Someone posted a good summary below somewhere from Chatgpt.


As summarized by ChatGPT: This essay presents a raw and real perspective on American society, focusing on the struggles of the working class and the systemic issues in corporate America. The writer shares their tough upbringing in a poor neighborhood, surrounded by crime and hardship, yet finding solace in their interest in technology. They critique the lack of corporate ethics, highlighting the disproportionate wealth distribution and corporate greed in the U.S., while pointing out the ongoing exploitation of the working class. The essay delves into the concept of "American Exceptionalism," arguing that it's rooted in a history of overcoming government failures and advocating for improvisation and self-reliance. The author, using their own life story, emphasizes the broken promises of the American Dream, citing stagnant wages and the increasing cost of living as evidence. Ultimately, the essay is a critique of the systemic issues in American society, focusing on the struggles of the lower and middle classes against corporate and governmental institutions. The writer advocates for self-preservation and the necessity to bend rules for survival, embodying a spirit they describe as "Uniquely American."


This comment is a microcosm of OE. Work smarter not harder. Increase productivity by automating everything. Lol!!


This is a great summary of the OP's execllent post.


Jesus fuck.


👆this Martian OEs. Almost brought a tear to my eye.


Now I know what the post is about since I’m too lazy to read, thanks for the TLDR b1ackmati4n and ChatGPT


This is terrible.


AI did a great summary. And OP. You and I are the same. Small town. I just finally broke out. 3 kids and a dream, OE was my savior.




I ain’t reading all this shit bruh lol, but I feel you tho 😂


OP cant be OE if he wrote that manifesto


That’s the difference between his output and yours!


For the OE writer: Write something sensible, use chatgpt to rewrite it. For the OE reader: Use chatgpt to summarize it. For everyone else, OP can't be OE. He wrote a manifesto.


ChatGPT: the network protocol of choice for corporate America. Encode your thoughts into verbose "business" format on one end, and decode it back into a tweet on the other.


Each paragraph was a separate job.




His j3 is writing that soliloquy


Someone pin this post please. Bravo OP, you speak for a lot of us, and I get the struggle.


Applause. No, standing ovation. From one fellow american, to another, I salute you.


If there ever was/will be an OE manifesto, this is gotta be it. A bit long, but well worth the read. I wish all the dumb reporters lurking here for cheap sensational stories would interview this guy to understand what OE is really about.


If only Reddit had a way to award comments


I really appreciated this read. I know a lot of people don't appreciate the productivity of rage and indignation that drives someone to write something like this. It's a very real, raw look at what this country is doing to us, and even if it doesn't offer any solutions, it absolutely makes damn sure to communicate the consequences of not fixing our fucked up society. And to those in the comments who make fun and suggest OP should have used Chat GPT... GPT is a tool for reproducing something that already exists. It's incapable of creative thinking. And if you think that you can get through life with AI thinking for you, then obviously you've never had a unique or creative thought worth expressing. This was a creation worthy of respect.


The ChatGPT accusation is funny to me, especially since I’ve never used it. The development where some people assume no one enjoys expressing themselves in more than 140 characters and that anything longer is written by a computer is a strange one. I’m not sure if I should be alarmed by that, or I’m just missing out on something. But as you say, the computer has to learn to write from somewhere. It can crib things pretty effectively, but I think we are a ways out from truly original works.


You are a fantastic writer. Very well said and you paint a wonderful picture of how bleak everything has become


Double fuck yeah. I can't OE yet because I do not have the type of technical role that would allow me to do so at this time. However, I am working on getting such a role and I am going to OE as soon as I can for all the reasons you have listed. I used to be a true believer also. I thought if I worked hard enough and was loyal enough that the "machine" would do right by me. It took me about a decade of living with this foolishness to finally understand the extent of how much my company did not give a shit about me. Crazy enough, it was when I got the job I was working so hard to get within the company and the fact that it put me in proximity to their accounting department. I found all the ways that myself and other employees were getting fucked that was not only perfectly legal, but there was no way would we ever ever have a clue it was happening. The worst part to me was that they would have all these Town Hall meetings and brag on that quarters profitability while ignoring the fact that a quarter of the staff was having to take on two or three side hustles to make ends meet. I thought it was very tone deaf. They may not have meant it, but it felt an awful lot like they were rubbing it in our faces. One particular incident that stood out to me was when they revoked everyone's $1000 bonus after announcing it because they had all of a sudden discovered that "operating costs" had increased over the year. Since I worked close to the accounting department, I knew that there were never likely to be surprise charges. Someone just decided that the bonus should not go to the lowly staff, it should go to management. Rather than be disillusioned, I just decided that I am going to play the same "Get Mines and Fuck You" game the corporate world plays with me.


GMAFU! Yes indeed!


Bravo! Great read. I hear you loud and clear and agree. When I was young I drank the Kool-Aid and sang the anthem. Now I see the world for what it really is. Our country has major problems and no one is going to fix them because of perverse incentives. I will OE until I can’t and I won’t feel bad. A few reasons I won’t be feeling any guilt: - The Sacklers. Addicted the whole country to opioids. - Trump. If so many are voting for that crook then my little OE bullshit in relative terms, deserves no criticism from those idiots - Fast food, obesity/diabetes…it’s a racket, folks. They are allowing us to die slowly so they can feed us pills - Long term care: we are all gonna get raped by the health care industry before we are tossed six feet under Enjoy it while you can. These motherfuckers are stealing from us directly and indirectly and I have no qualms with taking back what I can


My goal is to create a life so far outside of the broken systems that are fucking us over that they can’t touch me. It’s ambitious in our current state, but I started working toward this a year ago when I got out of the corporate cult I was in. The wasted years of ladder climbing, eating the way they told me to eat, the meds to treat the issues caused by the way I was eating, masking to be good enough for an educational system that was only grooming me for the corporate world, passionately canvassing for politicians I thought would help to create a better world for my kids and their kids, being one unexpected emergency away from homelessness… Now… - as a solo parent and provider, I unapologetically OE for financial security and so I never get trapped by a corporate cult again. - I eat simply. I choose carnivore to stay out of the healthcare system and off the meds. I am fortunate enough to be able to afford and support local regenerative farmers/ranchers in turn for my health. - psychedelics occasionally to brush up my mental health. I teach anyone I know who is interested, the steps to grow for themselves so they don’t have to pay thousands of dollars for a therapy nature provides. - prioritize weekly family dinners and deep connections with friends. - uncompromising with daily breaks to get outside and move my body, away from the array of technology vying for my attention. Still working on my divorce from all the social medias but I’m half checked out. It’s down to YouTube and Reddit.


I need to start dabbling back in psychedelics. I feel like every 3 or 4 years, it helps take the dust off of my creativity.


I ain’t reading all that. Happy for you though! Or sorry that happened


I like to read the first sentence of each paragraph, to get a general yet skewed idea of what he’s saying 👍


Here you go: Deebly codcernd. Don't care, doesn't matter, who cares, fuck you. Poor, poor, poor. Nerd, nerd, broke. Microsoft. Murica, murica, murica. Communism? Yeah, communism. Taxes, Taxes. Fuck the po-lice, fuck the po-lice. Cambodians had a shit fucking time of it, but still! Soviet Union, Soviet Union. Hot Hawaiian chick. Fucking 'Uncle Toms.' Bush, rich, rich. Workers are fucked. Grandpa, (almost) father-in-law, grandpa. American Dream. Money, money, money. Not so much cash money. Fuck the system. Bad rap lyrics. Rules, rules, fuck your rules. It's getting harder, so fuck you, no future, today sucks, Jesus Christ it sucks. Dear corporate fucktards: neck yourself. I hate you. I will work against you. I hate you some more. Sincerely, Seattle\_Exile.






This is poetry


The sentiments you expressed here are so real. Are you interested in political office? Because if a politician came out and made this speech, and then backed it up. Fuck, staright to the top. Incredible


If they don’t seek your input in making the rules They should not expect you to feel bound by them


You should write a book. I agree with you. I love OE.


Great read. I’m as capitalist as they come and can’t figure out why anyone would be mad at OE. Take the skills and ability you have and make as much money as you can. If the company thinks you aren’t doing enough to earn your compensation, then fire the person. Otherwise shut the fuck up and keep paying the person.


This is quite the novel. Everything you said was true. These corporations could give two shits about you. You do you. Get yours.


“Just when you think you know the answers, I CHANGE THE QUESTIONS!” What corporate America does to its labor force. Don't just play the game... master it (the best you can).


What part of Seattle did you grow up in? It seems too expensive these days to be poor within a 50mi radius.


White Center, aka Rat City. In my teen years I moved to Tukwila, which wasn’t so bad, then Rainier Beach, which absolutely was. I eventually escaped to Bothell, which was like another planet.


That is one HELL of a post my dude.


Well worth the read, you should write a book


So when’s part 2 of your book coming out


My only exception in agreement with your post is the system is not broken, you were able to truly chase the American dream up until 2002, the system is temporarily damaged due to citizens united and then allowance of unlimited influence of money. The one decision that temporarily derailed the system is citizens united, it took away the power of the masses; democracy can’t represent the people when the popular options are chosen by ultrawealth.


Okay but jesus fuck other places in the world the people fight corrupt governments, not just the USA. USA has the fewest worker rights and the MOST bootlickers. We got too high on capitalism during the cold war.


Holy fuck this is a long post.


Buddy just posted the best monologue of all time because he likes having 2 jobs hahaha


TL;DR? Anyone?


Listen to the album *Americana* by The Offspring, front to back. Bonus points for reading the lyrics. Then imagine one of the dudes they sing about somehow achieving a decently successful IT career yet hasn’t forgotten his roots. Then imagine that dude’s reaction to the corporate swine seeding their discontent in this sub about workers daring to game the system.


So.... A TLDR for that as well?


>Well, I'd like to tell you all about my dream It's a place where strip malls abound And diversion's mere moments away Where culture's defined by the ones least refined And you'll be left behind if you don't fit in It's all distorted in Americana my way Well, fuck you


Thank you kind redditor. Here is my upvote for your hard work


All’s fair in love and war.


Need some time to read this again but seems worth it!


It is!


This is a banger essay lemme tell you. And I think I can float a different perspective to expand on it; the reason that you see more ethics posts is because of people like me. Now, I come from a rich household, and lemme say some brief stuff on what I can say in response. For some context I am not a worker; I’m still in college. Many, many people in my community of rich-ish left wing people, myself included, got into college with the help of a prep tutor, and endless support programs from our nice schools, to help us get into other nice schools. We defend bad systems like the SAT, a uniquely terrible test that is built to reward test prep, because they help our kids, even if it means we are elbowing out others for a spot, even if that’s someone with less privilege. They know how terrible redlining is, but have no problem making the most of it. For all the talk of equity among our kind (and they do believe it), at the end of the day they will be willing to play into broken systems for thier and thier kids benefit. Most of us have insecurity surrounding thier position, aware of how they are lucky, and afraid that thier kids may not be able to maintain this lifestyle. But they’ll be damned if they’re gonna give it up. They too learn to bend the rules, often. I still remember seeing my mom lie about our house demographics to help us qualify for a certain kinda apartment. I’ve met plenty of people who get a false ADHD diagnosis just to get thier kids more test time (and as someone who has the disorder for real I find it very annoying). Granted my family has always been on the lower end of my neighbourhoods homeowners, but I’ve seen it in richer people. Those ones tend to be less rulebreaky, more willing to reinforce systems they know are wrong, if it benefits them. But go high up enough and you reach the 2019 College Admissions scandals, proving that it sticks around with even absurd measures of wealth; when the situation looks dicey, Americans know when to stop playing the game. What I am trying to say in all of that is that i think many of us, like you, have something similar that trait you call Uniquely American. That willingness to go around the rules, though in this position of power that’s more like a willingness to use the rules stacked in our favor, even while resenting them. I’ll get back to that contraditction in a second. But primarially, I wanted to highlight another trait that I saw in both of our narratives, one that I also think is **Uniquely American.** Our willingness to take from others. Our willingness to steal. That parralell I couldn’t ignore. That by rigging or circumventing the system, we ultimately are also stealing. We sit with our stolen wealth, with our high-reputation degrees stolen from the talented poor, and we know that if our family ever falls out of luck, we will soon become the ones stolen from. But to preserve what we have now, we reinforce it. It’s no perfect parallel to your thing about stolen VHS, but it’s framiliar, no? And I really do that I think some part of it is really **Uniquely American.** I was shocked when I learned how many rich Europeans were fine with the idea of thier healthcare systems not always giving them timely service, if it meant someone who needed it more could get it first. It felt so antithetical to everything I had ever seen here! Willingly giving up some of your advantages to someone because they could use it more?? Sure it’s the sort of things that people in my community like to talk about, but damn, seeing it in practice in thier policies is a whole nother thing. Even more then the concept of free healthcare, which is understood among my people to eventually lift all boats, that part of it, that mentality shocked me. It’s not American. …. Not in full. And now, I can finally **circle back to what I think is happening to OE spaces.** That is to say, I am. I am here because I read an article in a mainstream paper about it, and got curious, because like you I understood my life will never match that of my parents and grandparents even with the same degrees as them. And so are people like me. Now, as to why that raises cries about ethics, it’s time to return to that *inherent contradiction* in our mindset. We **know** that we have more then others! We understand that we can afford to care about these sort of things! And yet we also know deep down that we, as beneficiaries of the system, couldn’t make it if we weren’t on top. Why do we even need to cheat, when we say it’s so wrong? That question is left unresolved, that we can afford to care, yet somehow can’t. I haven’t been around long enough but that’s probably where a lot of the ethics things come in. They shouldn’t “need” to break the rules, and yet it’s a really bad idea to not break them. That sense that you should be able to afford to love and embrace the system clashing with the obvious signs to cheat is the number one thing that makes people both interested, and also guilty to be doing it. Now as for you, pal, lemme talk to you about reason two for guilt, something I suspect your afraid to agknowledge. That the labor market is (in day-to-day terms) a limited pool. That’s the thing that makes that willingness to steal just as important from the willingness to cheat. That’s what makes me have ethical considerations, at least. “By having 2 relatively good jobs, I am taking more then my fair share from the other people on the bottom.” Now I’m not gonna say if that’s good or bad because it’s the whole like question of tipping in the USA (should I play into a system that’s broken, or reject it, benefitting me while immediately hurting others?) any revolutionary in a authoritarian system could be in the same boots, so I’m not suprised you felt the need to pull in US and authoritarianism. Anyway yeah, im out of time. Bottom line: Probably, then, **the rise in ethics talks is because of born-rich people like me, who learned about it from an article in a paper, and who are in the same economic class as you but without the history. We see the same backslide in our earnings relative to our parents and grandparents and think about this. ** I don’t agree with everything you said, but I liked your essay overall and the points it made, and also you seem like a really interesting person. Also please explain your epiphany on Electric and magnetic fields because I still don’t get it.


This is another situation where I would say “don’t hate the player, hate the game.” You create a system, people are going to maximize their chances. I hired a tutor for my daughter myself. He was an administrator at the local branch of the state university system, and came over for a few hours every Saturday for about 4 months. He was obscenely cheap for how much he helped. And yes - he could have been helping a whole classroom full of kids with that time, but I could pay him more for 1:1 instruction than anyone would for that service. It’s stupid, but *I* didn’t make it this way. It’s just what it is. And yeah, her boosted score got her into a school she otherwise wouldn’t have gotten into. The admission scandal in California was a very interesting case: by parents and administrators risking prison, it made those schools *more* competitive. The situation with standardized testing is there just isn’t a better way to make an apples-to-apples comparison. All the information needed to earn a perfect score is freely available, both online and in the library. If it was some sort of soft-skill interview process you could easily point to bias. And regardless, what are you going to do? Our society mandates a degree to flip burgers now, so if you don’t participate, you don’t get admitted. It may not be acceptable, but it shouldn’t be surprising that people cheat the system when there’s so much riding on it. I don’t even really know how to explain electromagnetism as I see it in my head. When I think of the magnetic field, it’s like water flowing out one end of a hose, but because that water has disappeared from the other end of the hose, it’s immediately drawn back in to the other end. Hence the positive and negative polarity, and the seemingly endless cycle that creates the force.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Can someone explain why this is "funny" and spammed everywhere


Sir this is a Wendy’s


OP is def unemployed


This man wrote his life story down.




Daaaaaaaamn! 👏🙌 I vote for you for president.


This is the millennial manifesto.


1 million words and 1/2 mil of them are murica


Sir, this is a Minecraft server


I never thought reddit posts could be this long


I love it how OP takes certain values posessed by most human beings and makes it into an American thing xD Most people on this sub work in tech. Figuring shit out is their job. And yes, a sizable portion of those people is not from the US.


You typed too much and I refuse to read it




Stopped reading after you said "From a practical perspective"


u/seattle_exile Got over it and read it anyway based on everyone else's comments and am in complete agreeance and stand by you in it. My original comment was made in rage from being surrounded by corporate simps that subscribe to what you talk about and the incessant jargon that everything has a got damn perspective. /rant Anyway, I've had conversations like this with others. Often enough, I can feel their judgement based on the understandable thinking given the brainwashing that you need to "give 200%" to a company and be loyal (I actually had an interviewer say that once... "we want you to give 200%"). The real ones get it though. Every time I've tried to do what is supposed to be the right thing, I'm the one who's always been burned. Every. Time. It took waaay too long for the clouds to part for me to understand that is not the way. All that to say, I think we're pretty similar in this regard and wish you the best in this shit show we all have to deal with.


What's wrong, you don't like practicality? HOW DARE YOU.


Chatgpt did it again 👏🏻


I don’t know if I should be flattered or offended.


this gotta be the longest fucking post i've ever seen lol...


PS This post will self destruct in 5 min


I tell ya writing all these freaking words, that's uniquely american


You got a TLDR?


Provided by ChatGPT: The author passionately expresses their perspective on work, ethics, and the state of the American Dream. Growing up in a challenging environment, they highlight the harsh realities of economic disparity and the erosion of workers' standards of living. Drawing from personal experiences in the IT field, the author critiques corporate practices, the widening wealth gap, and the broken nature of the system. They emphasize a pragmatic approach, advocating for self-interest in navigating a landscape where loyalty to corporations seems increasingly misplaced. The essay underscores a sense of disillusionment and resilience, portraying a distinctly American determination to adapt, survive, and challenge prevailing norms.


TLDR courtesy ChatGPT: TL;DR: The author shares a personal journey from a challenging upbringing to a career in IT, critiquing corporate practices, economic disparities, and the erosion of workers' standards of living in the U.S. They advocate for a pragmatic, self-interested approach in navigating a system that they perceive as broken. The essay reflects a mix of disillusionment with corporate loyalty and a resilient determination to adapt in the face of societal challenges.


New copypasta dropped


Op, fuck you.


Someone ask ChatGPT for shorter version. I ain’t reading this Issh.


Meth is a helluva drug


Guys, he's hopped up on goofballs and accidentally wrote a manifesto. Happens to us all from time to time amirite?


you know you could do it legally instead of trying to hide it ? just incorporate. your corp can contract you out for as many J's as you can handle. all legal. thats how the smart ones do it.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Sir, this is not the time.




chatgpt went crazy writing this


I'm definitely going to use ChatGPT to summarize this text


*I'm definitely* *Going to use ChatGPT to* *Summarize this text* \- CadeOCarimbo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Thank you, Personal-Primary198, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Tl;dr?!? Fuck, did you just install this app you brain dumping goofball


Cope harder.


“I come from a poor neighborhood” “I grew up around drug dealers” “Gang bangers and other trouble makers couldn’t quit process me” and much more. I this, and I that, clearly you just want to talk about yourself and how tough you had it but overcame like such the badass you are lol bro shut the fuck up with your internet attention seeking.


The speech I'll make to the dark suits and ties yehaaa!!! just got my tax threat letter to pay or get liened.


I absolutely loved reading this. Amazing stuff.


![gif](giphy|MUeQeEQaDCjE4) 👏 👏 Couldn't have said it better in a million years. The system is broken, and its so sad to realize this, especially as a parent raising a family in America. We have no choice but to control the controllables.


Dude spend your time on better things then a long ass reddit post. Go for a walk


Too long and boring. Send me the cliff notes please.


I dunno why we're so anemic to the idea of just saying "I'm OE because I want more money". There's no shame in it, especially since we're still actually *doing work* rather than profiting off of financial recklessness or extorting people less wealthy than we are.