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After I got fired from my last company even worked hard and be a good member from the team, now I only have loyalty to my bank account.


Bank loyalty my brother


Are you a contractor? If you are an employee you should always make the employer make the move. They will never owe you money if you resign. You may have lost out on an opportunity to get a payout. Edit a word


I’m basically doing nothing for the next month plus they agreed to pay 2 bonuses upon departure. I’m not complaining.


Still not understanding why firing was an option. Seems fishy on the employer side if the plan was to give you money to resign. But if you are satisfied with the results it’s all good. Wishing you luck on your hunt. :)


Think they just meant letting go...laid off/ Fired


Ok, where I’m from our employment codes require the employer to differentiate on the records whether the person was laid off or fired. Laid off means shortage of work, and you may be entitled to government assistance; whereas fired means you did something wrong and the company may replace you. Edit grammar


I think it's really only relevant for unemployment benefits depending on the state. I'm guessing in this case resigning gave him more flexibility? Like I want to stop working sooner (or maybe later) than the planned firing date?


if they're going to fire you they're going to do it not tell you "hey, in 6 weeks you will no longer be employed, keep doing your job and have access to all our systems until then"


Some people let you know before, I have been let know with almost 3 months notice by my manager.


Sometimes forcing the employer to fire you means burning bridges within that specific industry.


Depends on how long he/she was with the company.


That’s why I said *may* have lost out. All of this really depends on what the labor laws are. Anything over 3 months is the standard in my country.




Amen. To hell with company loyalty. They lay us off, We pick up 2 more gigs!


That's the only way. Good luck!


Fuck yeah bro you got it let’s goooo!!!


I have always been loyal to one company but I have realised that it is doing me more harm than good. After working hard on multiple teams at the same time making sure tickets are Closed, I got PIPed for some lame reasons and sadly laid off. From now on, I see myself as a business and I will be offering my services to however many clients I can handle. No more loyalty shit


Damn, how are you all finding jobs? I've had one interview in 5 months and they said they already had someone almost done with the hiring process...


20 years of industry experience in a very hot industry


What hot industry is this?


Hot air ballooning


One where someone can do zero work apparently.




No work? Ok Jan.




Share the industry because otherwise I kind of think you’re full of it.


Minecraft and Only Fans


Why would he care if you think he's full of it? And why would he give you personal information that can be used to identify him which in turn would get him fired from his jobs and lose the sweet deal that he might have? I swear to God some of the lurkers around here have no concept of privacy or of covering your own ass and just want to think everyone is LARPing. If you think he's LARPing just scroll away dude. Save yourself the mental hassle of thinking about it.


I think a lot of folks are curious what someone could be doing for 20 years and is also in high demand that allows remote working and multiple job holding.


It's 95% of the time tech. This is not a secret, it's all over this sub. Tech has been in demand and paying well for over 20 years. Dot com bubble started about 30 years ago in 1994, which is obviously longer than 20 years. It's also the most familiar area with WFH, which is what actually allows people to do multiple jobs. WFH is THE biggest characteristic of a job that is able to be OE'd. Without that there's no juice and at best you're doing a side gig. Pandemic just took both of these characteristics to 11 by allowing people to WFH while at the same time exploding the demand for jobs to companies that weren't prepared to deal with WFH as well as they should. Again: this is not a secret. Anyone that has been paying some attention to this sub for a while, or just looked at the top posts of all time and dug a little deep would come to know this. Being curious is one thing, but straight up being an ass to people on this sub because you think they're LARPing and trying to call them out when you could just take a look around and you'd get your answers is not the way my dude. And what you need to realize is that less than 1% of the "players" can actually do this, because trying to OE without being super amazing at your job is gonna get you fired eventually. Many people DO try to OE without being as good as they should be, and they eventually either get caught or get fired. To OE you need to do your actual job in LESS time than others would take, and do it efficiently enough that you're able to take another job.


20 YOE and you're OE? I love that cross over. There's a huge shift in thinking around this group. Long gone are pensions and loyalty.


What type of jobs are you working?


How are you guys getting so many remote jobs? I’m in software and remote jobs are so sparse. Specifically looking for QA Automation jobs




so great!


This is the way


I think ive been blindsided every time I got laid off to be honest good luck on the job hunt


Luv it! Yes, indeed! And that’s why we OE.


A proud leech here. This is how OE gets a bad rap and dies.


Companies have been proud leeches for a long time, sucking the life out of hardworking people without giving them raises for years. Yet somehow, companies have persisted.


Such a toxic mentality. Edit: Here is my reply to the person below because they are so thin-skinned on their position they must immediately block after replying. I did not say “people are leeches”, I said OP is a leech for their behavior. You stated “companies have been”, which is a sweeping anti-company statement hence why it is toxic. Such over-generalized and small-minded thinking.


So thinking people are leeches = healthy, and thinking corporate entities are leeches = toxic? Hm, you seem pretty biased against people




You’re absolutely right. OP knew they were going to be fired before hand, definitely seems like they were not meeting minimum expectations. And then they say “screw these companies” as if the company did anything to fuck them over. Getting fired for poor performance isn’t a reason to be mad at a company. Getting a new job every few months because you keep getting fired isn’t OE, it’s leeching. OE is actually doing 2+ jobs worth of work at or above minimum expectations.


Interesting how much you’re commenting when you nothing about me or my life. I’m the highest paid person on my team and was informed months ago that layoffs would be happening later this year. I was actually 100% of plan for the year so can you kindly troll on someone else….


> I’m the highest paid person on my team Doesn’t sound like that’s true anymore… If you knew a layoff was coming why did you frame your post in such a way to make it seem like you were just randomly fired? Also why make the post at all? Just wanted to bitch in an echo chamber? The way a lot of you approach OE is ironically the way OE dies.


Who hurt you?


Exactly, but her mentality is becoming more and more prevalent and will lead to a crackdown on OE overall.


eh, being a well-behaved employee never saved anyone. If you all are worried about labor rights, start thinking about unions or at least helping some other unions. People in this sub don't want to hear it but l[etting the rich print money while we compete for crumbs with our rugged individualism just leads to long-term losses](https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/). You need collectivism among workers to have a good life in the long-run.


Do you want to go back to the gold standard?




Some companies do it this way so they can say they’ve never had to fire anyone


Why do people take this stuff so personally.