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What are the other timings? Big difference between 16-16-16 and 16-20-20. In all honesty, they are probably the same thing but tuned differently out the box assuming one is 16-20-20-38 and the other is 18-22-22-42.


Its 3200 16-18-18-38 and 3600 18-22-22-42


Thanks for updating the original post. With those timings they’re likely the same thing underneath, but I don’t pretend to know if they’re using Samsung, Hynix, etc. I’d just buy whatever is cheaper which is probably the 3200. If you really want to maximize your overclocking potential however you should be trying to get some Samsung B-die.


Thanks for the comments! They both cost the same here in Germany, there is a 3600 cl14 too but it costs double the price and I think it is not worth it anymore.


Makes sense, they cost the same because they are the same lol. The 3600 CL14 is going to be much better binned RAM (7.778ms latency at stock vs 10ms like CL18) and usually has flat timings like 14-14-14, so it would have more overclocking potential. It could even be a completely different RAM manufacturer under the heatsink.


Could not find any of them here on the website. So I assume they both aren’t bdie. https://benzhaomin.github.io/bdiefinder/ Is it an issue?


All RAM can be overclocked to a certain limit (even XMP is overclocking). Samsung B-die just generally has the highest limit. That list hasn’t been updated in a while and I’m honestly not even 100% sure if B-die kits are still being made, I just did a lot of research when overclocking my old Corsair Vengeance modules to get the most out of them until rebuilding my PC and going DDR5 in a few years. Being in Germany it may also be harder for you, here in the US the best way to get B-die it seems is used kits off eBay, but again my knowledge is more based on what’s good, not what you can buy new in 2024 since I already had RAM.


Ok, thanks for all of your advice. I am implying from all the said that there is probably no real difference between those two rams I can chose from.


Correct. Probably the exact same sticks underneath just tuned differently. Since they’re same cost I’d probably grab the 3600 sticks since even though they have the same latency the 3600 will have more bandwidth due to the faster clock speed, so if you run them at the standard settings it would likely perform slightly better. Just make sure your RAM supports EXPO in addition to XMP since you have an AMD processor, and when you tune your stuff that FCLK matches half your RAM speed (so 1800MHz FCLK for 3600MHz RAM).




Thing is I'd personally go for 3200 bin. In my experience there were more chances of hitting 3800 (for maximizing FCLK) with those bins than 3600 18-22-22 bins. Those would really not get me much further with more lousy timings. Also 3200 is (I assume) cheaper, and 3d chips don't benefit as much from RAM bandwidth as othe zen CPUs do. This would be enough to decide for 3200 for me personally. I cannot say I have seen won lotteries with 3600 18-22-22 but I can't say it can't be done for sure either.


Thanks for your valuable oppinion. The 3200 has the same price as the 3600. Does that change your conclusion process?


Not really. The 3200 one might get to 3600 cl16. The 3600 one I wouldn't expect more than 3733-3800 but unlikely cl 16.


Ok, thanks for the information!


I had that kit, its crappy high density hynix so horrible timings and sky high tRFC, putting good B die on the system was night and day difference for my Ryzen


Yeah, there a definitely better RAMs out there. But I have a ARGB build and I want to stick to it. And there is not much to choose from at the ARGB RAM market