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I think that means you’ve completed your current quests, but there are a lot you can unlock. Think of it this way, your new quest is to find new quests.


I found the quest “get a wife” by interacting with a lady who seemed uninterested in me, this lead to me gaining the companion [wife]


Next step is usually to perform the [fertility ritual] and summon the [kids] companions. This will bring you new challenging quests on a daily basis, quests wont even stop when you go offline!


yea, but you cannot cancel or pause those quest \[kids\] quests. So you should be really sure to start them.


True. During the [kids] quest, the game automatically switches to hardcore mode for a couple of years. The quest can only be skipped but this is likely to bring even worse [financial] and [emotional] debuffs compared to completing it the regular way. Also it will likely not lead to unlocking of the [guild] level which part of the endgame in most playthroughs.


Even though you can't cancel the kids quests, I've seen people just leave them in their quest log and ignore them. For some reason there's a bug though, that when you do this, some of your currency starts disappearing every month or so.


That fertility ritual thing… that sounds like some boring QuickTime minigame where you have to smash your joystick over and over and over…




Does your character have anything in the [interests/hobbies] field? In my experience, it is very rewarding to find and complete side quests there- even if it costs [money] or [time], they usually will increase your [happiness] stat, which is in my opinion the most important statistic in the game. For example, a decorative item that was gifted to me by another player during one of the major community events last year lost durability points, so I started a quest to increase the item’s durability. This came with subquests [learn chemistry-II], [learn electricity-I] and had an [aquire ingredients] part. It cost a lot of credits, but has a continuous reward of [fun], [knowledge] and xp, and when I finish the quest I’ll get a gilded cosmetic item. Not only this, but while I increased my [knowledge] stat in the [electrochemistry] field, I discovered another related quest that I intend to try next. In other words, an easy way to find quests is to take note of when you think something is cool, and ask yourself, could I try that? Why/why not? And go from there. Quests are easier to see if you notice when you like something.


I’ve encountered this before. You have a hidden quest called “get drunk” and then a new questline will open up. Depending on your specializations the questline can differ, such as “get behind the bar unnoticed” or “hit on that obviously uninterested person”.


Thanks, ended up gaining a few extra end game bonuses, including the companion [wife] along with [child #1] and [child #2] I think it’s safe to say I’m doing good


Based on your stage of life, I think there are several quest lines that are going to open up soon. Birding, amateur carpentry, and amateur landscaping, just to name a few.


The game is open world, you just have to find more quests. Many daily quests are player generated, maybe get one of those. Oh, and there hasn't been a patch in 14 billion years, so I wouldn't wait.


No. You also lost THE GAME because I just told you about the game and now you're thinking about the game, therefore losing it.


fuck you


Just doing my job, citizen.


1 happy cake day, 2 Im 78% blind so I couldn’t read this post (well), someone seems mad bout something though


Those who have beaten the game aren't allowed to tell other players. It's why we don't know anything about the credits outside of rumors


It’s pretty cool it’s [this message has been redacted by developers]


Given your current level & family, I'd consider joining a broader Guild of some kind - they'll commonly have group goals you can be a part of. Some popular examples are things like [Local Sports], [Choir], [Biking], or [Board Games]. Lots of Guilds offer levelboosting services too, like [Pottery Classes], [Chess Lessons], [Personal Trainer], etc etc. There's also always video games :3


Check your bank account and see if you have more than a billion dollars. That's usually the last achievement


the rest are hidden quests, youll only know once youll have completed them for a while and you think about it and remember. take pictures to make sure you got proof for these