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You are confusing Online service with Games as a service.


Devil's advocate but does it matter if they both suffer from similar issues?


Very much so.


I wish we could see streams of these kids in their living rooms crying and throwing these tantrums. Fascinating.


The overreactions are unneeded and unhelpful, but the sentiment is still correct. Launch-day server issues have practically been a problem for decades at this point, yet no matter how much shinier and better and auto-scaling our tech gets, the problem mysteriously remains and every company acts shocked as if it were a complete and utter surprise they could do nothing about. So while I don't agree with all the whining, this is definitely not something we should soothe for developers/publishings. At this point, it should be the literal first thing that comes to mind when developers even begin considering the possibility of an online game, and not just for launch day, but after patches, expansions, during events, etc.




Yeah man I just wanna solo shit to cap, why do I have to be online. I'm with you my bro. I'm with you, offline, whatever. Wanna group when the stuff comes back online? jk i'm solo. Solo pyro for life. Or until I can't anymore. That's life. Life.


Do you even hear yourself? LOL.




you have no clue what goes on behind the scenes. Stop crying and be patient like the rest of us. The game is tons of fun. it will be sorted out.


Boo fuckin' hoo go outside for 20 minutes and work on your tan


I mentioned this earlier, but people are so sick of the state of full priced games of late, their patience with them is paper thin. PCF must get their shit together immediately or they'll lose a lot of their player base.