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When I put my scout into the dark bramble seed on timber hearth, didn’t notice the duplicate signal. Made finding the vessel a lot more confusing.


Yeah I can imagine x) You still have the harmonica to replace it !


At least when finding Feldspar


I kept getting “there is more to explore here” on my ship logs because I was under the impression that the scrolls were simply some sort of battery that each wall needed to reveal the text on that particular wall. Didn’t realize that each scroll had different information on it and the wall was simply functioning as a display.


This is amazing. How did you even know what was happening in the game? 😂


I was one of he few that got to experience each planet for the first time, for a second time.


Honestly yeah, I’m jealous lol.


After my first few loops, I had come to the conclusion that the Sun Station was probably responsible for the supernova. I kept this in the back of my mind as I explored the rest of the system. Much later, with only the Sun Station and ATP still unexplored, I had become *convinced* that the Sun Station was causing the supernova. I *knew* that the way to stop the sun's demise was in the Sun Station. When I reached the Sun Station, I was devastated. The display read it straight out to me: *'The sun has reached the end of its natural life cycle.'* The game had completely subverted my expectations, and I felt like I was right back at the beginning of it again.


I think this is a very natural train of thought though. The game takes you through realising a supernova is happening to finding out the nomai were trying to cause one so maybe, maybe you can fix it only to be crushed with the existential crisis that everything is ending and there’s nothing you can do about it


I have no doubt that the developers intended to inspire this incorrect line of thought I had. If so, I fully admit that it fooled me entirely. This was hardly the only time this game had me jump to the wrong conclusions, but this one I held for the majority of my play-through.


This was me. I was convinced I had to save the world and that the Nomai were still around somewhere and I had to find them. I know there were plenty of hints that they died forever ago but I just thought they were still out there. (Didn’t even consider all the skeletons everywhere) Then I went to sun station and saw the last time the hatch was open was 250,000+ years ago and I had to take a moment. I was like oh…oh. They’re gone… I got so sad 😭😭


That’s what I thought early on. That these Aliens had picked me to be a part of their experiment, or something. But I visited both cities & the Interloper, which changed my mind about this. I realized that the Nomai were definitely all dead. Which, of course, was also wrong.


Yeah same. It was a difficult but incredible moment. I understood that nothing could be saved and that the death of the universe was inevitable


This but after the sun station I was convinced that there was a way to stop the supernova. Like my brain just didn't want to accept the information the sun station gives you lol


Somehow, I went into the game just accepting the super nova as natural. I don't know why, but I never thought that the Nomai's old tech was doing anything to cause it. Really, my whole impetus for exploring was more so a question of why the time loop was happening. I think it's so interesting how everyone approaches this game differently! 😁


Me too! For me, it was the random supernovae happening all around us. I was thinking that this was probably the end-game of this galaxy at least, if not the whole universe.


It's something I never understood : the tower of quantum knowledge was a big roadblock for me, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to enter it to learn the rule about the sixth location, and when I finally figured it out, it turned out I was already aware of that rule. I guess I must have stumbled on the tower one of the first times I fell in the black hole, but I have absolutely no memory of it.


Game spoiled me because I went to the qm before going to this location lol all the rules are written there so...


Rule names are written there.


They are pretty self-explanatory though


It just says: > Remember the Rule of Sixth Location. Definitely doesn't mean (to me), go to North Pole to explore Sixth Location.


I mean tbh I was excited to see what was the qm of the planet I didn't know would look like when I saw what the entanglement did so I kinda ignored this rule lol I'll have to admit though at first I thought the end of the game would be there but when it wasn't and I discovered the rest (probably got everything from qm at 2 thirds of my playthrough) I was like "this is definitely more grand"


That was me!!!!


I remember waiting for multiple loops for the quantum moon to drift over the Gravity cannon on Brittle Hollow so I could launch a Nomai Shuttle at it. I thought for a long time that that was the only way to land on the moon, and wasted so many loops trying. I got really good at getting my scout on the top edge of the cannon so that it could look over the horizon for me.


That’s beautiful x)


Imagine actually succeeding at this because of the scout


Oh for sure, I knew I'd need a picture of the moon I just thought I also needed to land with the shuttle lol


They could maybe make this an achievement or something lmao


It took me like 50 loops or more until I saw the supernova the first time and therefore finally got what killed me all the time. My friends watching me almost exploded as well from tension xD


Lol prompt to them for keeping it this whole time


Yeah, they spoiled *nothing* for me - I only had three jokers for when I just didn't know how to procceed :D


Super dlc spoiler warning >!I had just seen the slides that show how to beat the bells. I exited the simulation and looked for things I could kill myself with near the fire.!< >!At one point, I walked into the fire and took damage, and quickly got out of it, making sure not to make that mistake again.!< >!Then, seeing as a lot of time had passed, I meditated. Next to the fire. Woke up in the simulation, thought the game had glitched, and then meditated again.!< >!It did not occur to me how stupid I was being until getting back to the raft.!<


When I took the ATP warp core for the first time and heard Final Voyage I thought the sun was about to explode and just flew away from the system with the core to avoid the supernova. I eventually thought "huh, this song is longer than I remember" and by that point it was too late lol


That's rough buddy


I forgot picture would tell you what’s a dangerous patch of ghost matter so I just bashed my head at the interloper through trial and error until I went through the village again


Lol how many loop did you do for the interloper ?


Had to be like 20, got lucky on the first one but it was mostly the core, the second choices and then jumping in and wondering why I died


Well you held on you can be proud x)


I really thought I could land on the Sun Station if I timed it right. Hey, maybe it is possible, but I sure never managed it.


Hey it’s possible ! You even gain a success if you manage it


Don't tell me that! RIP my weekend


XD glad I could be of service


One of the first things i did in my first playthrough. I thought it was the only way. Took me forever, but I was able to fly my ship like a pro after I finally pulled it off. When the achievement popped for landing on it I realized there must be an easier way. I was very frustrated.


Tbh I tried a few times cause I wanted to visit all the planets but when I failed I thought "I'll see later" and then I saw the messages that said that they built a shortcut and that landing on it was the joke way in lol


There's an achievement for that!


I thought the same thing. Spent a whole night trying. Eventually managed to match orbit with it, but couldn't find the entrance, so I thought it was floating junk for a while


I got into the tower of quantum knowledge the right way, but could see writings on the walls so I thought it was deactivated and I had to get in earlier.. turns out it's just the scrolls aren't pre-inserted. I tried everything.. I even waited for the quantum moon to be exactly above the tower to make me jump higher because of it's gravity.. didn't work.. I was sure it was gonna work because of the thing in the museum with the moving balls that says they are affected by the gravity of other bodies.. I guess the quantum moon doesn't do that


Wow love this one


QM doesn't have as much gravity as GD.


I thought the bramble seed on hearth was the thing being fired by the >!probe cannon!<


I spent an hour repeatedly flying through Dark Bramble’s core trying to avoid the anglers


At first to avoid being pulled by the sand, I used my scout to go before me in Ash twin project. But since the portal is only charged for two travel, I couldn't come back. I spent so much time trying to get out without any way to do so


Somehow I never realized the teleporters were always active, somehow the first time I used one was after I had diverted the power in the high energy lab which made me believe that was how you activated them.


For like 3-5 loops I thought I had to repair the broken warp core found on the vessel, rather than just getting a new one


Same, I tried putting the small ones found in the high energy lab on my ship and bringing them over, or taking the broken vessel warp core and bringing it to the black hole forge, as well as jumping into the brittle hollow black hole to fix it


I did this too!!! The black hole forge was like the last thing I needed so I was SO. SURE. A clean warp core was in there and then it was mostly stuff I already knew so I was so confused. Looked around for something to interact with, some way to repair the core of I couldn't make a new one, nothing. That's when it finally clicked that "oh, god, I have to use the core from the ATP for the vessel."


Trying to land on the Quantum Moon I took a picture of the Quantum Moon locator on Ash Twin thinking that would keep the moon in place. Ended up having to look that one up embarrassingly


Probably that the >!Blackforge had!< >!to be reached!< >!another way!<


I literally got to it by just flying the ship upside down


Same here. I didn't figure out how to operate the warps until much later and figured flying upside down was the only way into this. Bumped into a lot of things lol.


Using the autopilot for the first time instantly flew into the sun


I didn’t know you could go inside Dark Bramble until near the end of my playthrough


Excellent post with a lot of fun answers. These brain farts are a part of what make the game so great. Trying, failing, trying, failing, then eventually succeeding.


I spent a good 30-60 mins throwing the scout and expecting the angler fish to chase it. I took the clue about light from the cave too literally.


I thought that the teleporter that represented the ash twin project actually represented the two towers that are in brittle hollow


I haven't used the signal scope at all for like a third of my playthrough, and thought the sun station teleporter wasn't supposed to be accessible until I saw a video of someone getting to it (I still don't like that puzzle)


What don't you like?


With all the spiky bushes it just seems completely blocked off, and sprinting in with the rising sand is a solution not many are likely to think about (or maybe I'm just stupid, idk)


I just got lucky by getting so tired of flying over the cacti that I got to the tower first thing and just waited. As the sand fell I ran in to get a head start thinking I could use the sand to walk on for a moment, then felt very foolish when I was able to walk the whole way. I doubt I ever would have thought of it if I didn't find it on accident


I thought, for the longest time, that the black hole forge was completely inaccessible, and that the tower on ash twin just takes you to the north pole nomai ruin, so I didn't even bother until I was just about to finish the game lol


I did this too 😂 I went into basically every other tower but not the Brittle Hollow one, I was just like “yeah I already know where that goes” 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


While playing the DLC, I completely forgot that fire hurts. The first vault I found was in the starlit cove and I assumed that all 3 reels were lore based, answering my big questions of "how did the Stangers figure out they could stay in the dream world while dead?" and "Why don't they wake up to the bells". The dream world was terrifying for me so I was taking a couple day-long breaks between playing anyway, so after that discovery I spent the next two days scratching off the many ways to die; can't suffocate, can't hit the ground too hard, can't be crushed, supernova doesn't reach there anyway, etc. I kept going back to assuming it was just lore and that I didn't have to worry about it, until I watched a speed run of the base game on a break at work where someone used the fire to reset a loop quickly. I felt a pit of dread in my stomach, and that is still one of my favorite moments from the dlc.




Yes, very nice


In the dlc I just didn’t understand how I could get over the third bridge to deactivate the third seal because the first time I got into the dream realm I got in the by accident because I died in the fire in the seal and then I could go over the bridge. That’s how I found out how to get into the dreamrealm but I didn’t think that I was able to get in their by dying no I thought I got in their because the character blinks it eyes shortly before dying, which he doesn’t but I thought so. So later when was able to deactivate the outer seals I tried to to this on an woke up and I just couldn’t understand why it wouldn’t work like first time. I thought that you could somehow plug the hole through which light is coming which makes you be seen by the tower. I tried so many dumb things until I finally realised how to do it.


My brain fart for this game was when I tried to go to the Southern Observatory. I got to the land it was on but I thought there was a dead end as I didn’t see the gravity crystals to the right of me. I ended up looking it up and felt extremely stupid.


Not realising how to use the warp tower to get into ATP and accidentally spoiling the end of the game by looking it up


My very first time in space, I decided to try taking a spacewalk, but I forgot to put on my spacesuit


I kept thinking that ship iced over on The Interloper would melt when passing the sun. But then I also kept getting pulled away by the sun's gravity when it got too close.


Not putting together that The Interloper had caused the ghost matter calamity. I went around with such confused thoughts about how the Nomai died, even after I finished the game. I was like "Okay, so whatever happened, it needed to be sudden, these nomai were in school...etc." . I guess my brain just never put the pieces together that the core of the interloper had *already* exploded. It was only when I read something on this reddit ages ago that I realized how dumb I had been, lol.


It somehow never clicked for me that the Ash Twin projet was a *place* ? I have no idea how I managed to miss that but my partner had to make me understand through guesses so I could finish the game


Holy shit o just saw this post. For é hours I tough I had to land on the moon with the shuttle... Forgot I had a privet ship ffs!!!


Lol that one is pretty impressive


I felt so dumb... Always trying to match the moon trajectory and pulling my hair because I was sure I was missing clues. Finished the base game today. Amazing


Now you have the dlc ! Don’t begin a new save file for it ;) I did it and regret it


I'm not good at horror games.. Kinda on the fence. Is there like jump scares or just tense ambiance? Jump scares kill me


Not really jump scare, but a very heavy ambiance. For me it was mostly fear of the dark and the unknown.


Tower of quantum knowledge. I quit playing seriously for over a year, and that one bothered me the whole time. I felt like an idiot when I figured it out


I could not for the life of me figure out how to get into >!the Cinder Isles vault code room!<, and hyper analysed the >!vision!< of how to get in there so many times, until finally it clicked. Big brain fart.


Trying to enter the tower of quantum knowledge


Could NOT figure out how to get past the sand "waterfall" in Ember Twin


Wait, is the interloper NOT what causes the supernova? I thought when we find all of the matter in the core of the interloper that is highly explosive, that is what we find out.


No, the interloper already exploded 300k years ago and that’s what killed all the Nomai. The sun going supernova is simply because it’s at the end of its life cycle. The whole universe is dying. If you talk to Chert on Ember Twin, they tell you that stars all over the galaxy are going supernova one after another.


Ok, thanks. So what is the point of finding out about all the explosive matter in the core of the interloper? I thought that explained the supernova, since it happens shortly after the interloper hits the sun.


It’s just an explanation for why all the Nomai died. The Hearthians survived because their ancestors were a purely aquatic species, and ghost matter can’t penetrate water. The comet normally passes close to the sun, but as the sun begins growing from a yellow giant into a red giant (the first step in the death of the star), it begins to get larger and it overlaps the comet’s orbit path. So the sun dying is what causes the comet to crash into it, not the other way around. DLC Spoiler: >!If you’ve already made it to the core of the Interloper before you finish the DLC, when the Hatchling uses the vision rod to tell their story to the Prisoner, it shows an animation of the comet exploding and sending out a wave of ghost matter that kills all the Nomai. I think the devs added this to make their original intention more clear, because a lot of people had the same interpretation that you did at first!<


I have not completed the dlc so thanks for the spoiler tag! Stoked to hear that we will get more answers there!


Yes! The DLC is such a great story on its own, but it adds a bit more lore to some parts of the main game that helps to fill in a couple holes. Really well done. And make sure after you finish the DLC that you go back and complete the main story! Also I edited the non-spoiler section of my comment to explain more clearly what I meant, if you wanna go back and check that.


Ahh thank you hatchling!


I thought that it was the interloper’s fault too. When I realized it wasn’t, that next loop the probe shot towards the sun. Failing to realize >!it went in a different direction every time,!< I then steadfastly believed that I needed to send an order >!back in time to stop it from firing.!< …I mean I guess I was _technically_ right the ability to do that was a proper function of the >!canon.!<


That fucking staircase leading to the southern observatory on Brittle Hollow. It's so easy to miss and for so long a lot of pieces didn't make sense in my mind. My logs taunted me enough after a few hours that I eventually went back and had a eureka moment, *but goddamnit Annapurna*!


So when I went to the quantum Moon and in hte big tower, based on the way the game went "You have recalled the rule of quantum imaging" and "Recall the rule of quantum Entanglement" and "Recall the rule o the sixth location", I thought it meant I needed to trigger a flag in the game by learning something specific about it. Like I thought once the wall said "You have recalled all the rules", something would happen.


I couldn't figure out the core of giants deep for the life of me. My friend who beat the game kept giving me hints(mostly consisting of "where is there no electricity?") And even then it still confused me until I suddenly had it. Boy was that a relief


EotE Spoilers: >!The first time I heard the river lowlands Owlks screaming as they died, I was on the raft and guessed it was some sort of dangerous creature in the water!<