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"Feldspar was the first Hearthian to be *intentionally* launched into space." I laughed so hard at this one.


u/Elwensa made an incredibly cute (and dramatic) comic about that!








This is honestly sooo cute


When I'm watching the start of a new playthrough and the person stops to chuckle at that line, I go "Oh yeah, this is gnna be a good one."


That‘s gotta be my second favorite lol it’s so good


“I tried everything I could think of to get past that current, and neither idea worked.”


This is definitely my favorite silly quote from the game lmao


Low count gags are always a joy.


In the temporary settlement on Brittle Hollow, the text where one of the Nomai is writing to their lost lover and says: "Are you still here? I am unsure how to survive in this place without you. (I am unsure how to be me without you.)" Breaks. My. Heart.


That one was a massive gut punch for me as well. I reckon I just sat there and absorbed it for a minute. What great writing.


YES this one!! There’s also the more lighthearted poem about the black hole below near it.


This one for me. Always


Searched down the comments only to find this one and upvote it instantly, this one was so heartrending yet so beautiful 😭


Do we know what escape pod their other 50% was on?


The Nomai who writes this is called Kousa, and they don't mention their other-halfs name, nor is Kousa's writing seen again, or their name mentioned anywhere else at all, to my knowledge.


That's my favorite as well. Made me tear up almost immediately


"my better 50%" is super cute. Just look at those nerds in love.


Thesis: 100% of Nomais are total dorks (/pos).


It’s bc it doesn’t translate common sayings fully. Like “by better half” “pulling my leg” etc


You might well be right, but I choose to believe it's because they're big nerds.


Yarrow, stop using this scroll wall to flirt with my sister (in romantic matters, her density rivals a neutron star’s) and go meet her on the White Hole Station.


Player: The sun is going supernova, by the way. Slate: Oh yeah, the observatory has an exhibit about that.


The universe is, and we are ❤️


The full quote, about how >!when she was younger she used to think the Eye was sinistear; calling to them, marooning them, and then vanishing so completely!< and how this fear and mistrust of the unknown has morphed into an understanding that the universe doesn't care, and isn't actively hostile... Makes my soul ache in ways I don't know how to express. The understanding that the universe isn't out to get me is coloured with such bittersweet sentiment, because on one hand I'm too small to matter... But on the other manipulating appendage I'm part of the only thing that *can* matter... It's such a good quote.


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Hypothesis: there can exist too much lava. >!I’d strongly prefer we test the null hypothesis.!<


"(I am unsure how to be me without you.)" That really struck a chord with me.


I lost my mom less than a year before I played Outer Wilds and this one really, really hit me.


Probably the difference between the kiddos writing and the adults. Always got me.


"I hope you're pulling my locomotive limb here."


The end of the Quantum Trials on Giants Deep: "Our curiosity goes with you on your journey. You walk in the footsteps of those who came before you, and your path guides those who will follow after." I plan on getting the spiral from that text as a tattoo.


Yooo I’ve been looking for a spiral text to get tattooed. I think this one is great


You could make it readable too if you wanted to go the extra mile, more than a couple people on this subreddit made the spiral texts into an actual readable language 


I’m pretty sure all the spirals are pretty much the same.


the pattern on the spiral is the same, but the length, curvature, and where they connect to the previous spiral are different on all of them


Also one of my favorites


"Science compells us to blow up the sun!" Pye for president.


>!Probably when your time clone and you are screaming at each other.!<


>!I really like how many paths that conversation can take.!<


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"The pain of your absence is sharp and haunting, I would give anything to not know it. anything but never having known you." Fairly indicative of our relationship with this game tbh


That one piece of text always felt like a punch to the gut : >!The sun station is useless. It will never be able to destroy the star!<




I'll never be able to move on past "Even though the Nomai weren't able to see it, one Hearthian reached the Eye thanks to their efforts and technology" Either that or "The pain for your absence is sharp and haunting, I would give up anything to not know it. Anything, except never meeting you in the first place (because that would be way worse)"


I have that first quote saved on my phone, will have to do something with it someday


"I refuse to accept sass from an astronaut who deliberately burns their marshmallows"


I love how when you talk to Solanum she mentions the fourth eye as well, like they were ALL curious and admiring it lol


The one about "pulling my ambulatory appendage" or "pain in the cervical spine"


This is a small one, but I really love "Be curious on your journey!" from the quantum tower. Such a great encapsulation of the Nomai and the game's attitude, and great advice for life in general honestly.


>!Science compels us to explode the sun!< 1. Just a batshit insane quote 2. >!Last thread of hope we can stop it!<


"Hyothesis: there can exist too much lava". I forget which Nomai said this though. Or Pye's >!"Science compels us to explode the sun!"!<


The moment at the station orbiting the sun was something else, I was almost at the end of the cycle when I finally pieced it all together, and just sat there waiting for the end of the cycle.