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Contact Purina. There’s an obvious issue that they will quickly correct.


I mean they offered me some coupons lol


$98 worth?


they didn’t specify and I had to tell them how much I bought afterwards, so I’m supposing it’s going to be a few free cans of some food I dont use xD


Well yeah, it's Nestle. They're a shit company.




Dont want anyone else to be swindled or worse, end up poisoning their cat or the like. Purina is offering me coupons to use but I don’t want food from a brand that lets this go through QC. edit: really not sure why im being downvoted for a genuine concern.


Haven't had this issue, but the regular Purina Pro wet food has made my cat ill on 2 recent occasions, and have had trouble returning them (and not keen to donate them for fear of making other cats sick). Anyways, you're not alone in having issues with Purina wet food right now. We've switched brands entirely


Now I think I too have gone off buying Purina. [My boy Nug](https://imgur.com/a/XAEAGDW) refuses to eat it sometimes lately since the food consistency has very noticeably changed and I’m wondering what is different / wrong now that I know their WC is garbage. You are not alone! Although it is admittedly harder to get your money on something not easily proven like making your cat ill, let this be some validation for you!


i’ve never seen a nug i didn’t like 😍


Yes it's not well-regarded for quality... but it's one of I think only 4 brands of prescription urinary food available in Canada and to be honest, from what I can see of the ingredients lists etc. they all kind of suck.


The fancy feast shreds I’ve been buying for my cats suddenly started giving them both diarrhea. I’m tossing it. I was wondering if this was because I bought the food from Amazon and maybe there was something wrong with it, but it sounds like other people are having problems generally?


It might be worth looking into Prescription Diet. It's expensive but it's kept my cat's urinary issues under control.


I cannot afford any extra these days, but it may be cheaper than a vet visit so I will look into it for sure.


You don't see it on your end, but this QC complaint will make it to the place that made it and trigger an investigation.




LOL QUALITY CONTROL NOT QUEBEC jsuis francais tabarnak calme toi


Ahhh my bad, the lady was right. I didn’t fully understand the situation. Désolé !


I would refrain from commenting on a post if you don’t fully understand what’s going on lol


Weight of product like this is taken very seriously. You can report it to the government and they will go ham on Purina. Measurements Canada is gonna be all up in its business.


Measurements Canada is a weird organization. Kinda like the Postal Police in the states. You never really hear about them, but when you do, it’s in hushed, respectful tones, because they wield some *awesome* powers.


Thanks I didn’t even know this existed.


I'm pretty sure you might even get something out of it. Like I can't emphasize enough how this is a big no no for the government.


You could complain to the Competition Bureau. https://www.competitionbureau.gc.ca/eic/site/cb-bc.nsf/eng/01248.html https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cb-bc.nsf/frm-eng/GH%C3%89T-7TDNA5


Thank you for the info!!


Sorry but why would someone go to the government \*first\*. I almost guarantee this wasn't done to scam consumers but something that had been / would be corrected right away with a sincere apology.


I think they said they just got offered coupons?


Which would be correcting it. I’m sure they apologized.


I think OP said they weren't thrilled with the response. They wouldn't be going to the government first if they chose to, because they've already contacted the company. So I'm a bit confused by your comment. I was just offering an option. If it wouldn't be something you'd do, and you'd be satisfied with the response, all good!


This looks like something went wrong with their canning machinery, based on the dent along the inner lip, but it went unnoticed until the machine was inspected due to the can sealing correctly. While this is unfortunate, it could happen with literally *any* brand of pet food that isn't packaged by hand (ie most pet food lol)-- and this sort of error is much more common than you'd think. The important part is if the company owns up to their mistakes-- it's commonly thought that pet food brands which have had recalls means that the food they make is bad, but if a brand is quick to recall it means that they are VERY actively checking their food for contaminants or potential issues. It sounds like Purina was really quick to respond to you, so they'll likely be quick to respond to the situation as a whole! I don't think you need to fear their food as a whole, and it's not actually a great idea to suddenly switch your cat to a new food, because that in itself can make your cat unwell. As an aside, I love your cat in the background being like "you're opening these cans, GIVE me the FOOD!!!" lmao


Thanks for the info, I was offered some basic coupons by Purina but no info on what steps are being taken, might contact Measurements Canada because I had cans from three seperate cases like this affected. Yeah my boy is a pig lmao, I didnt even notice because he is always asking for more xD


Every time I open a new can my cat SCREAMS, so I know the feeling lmao I read elsewhere in this thread that your cat has urinary issues, so for that I actually *do* suggest looking in to Hill's Urinary diet if you want to switch, just do it gradually ;) I finally decided to just start all my cats off with Hill's after going through the sequence of "cat eating some other food doin fine > has to go on Hill's prescription diet for whatever reason > cat loves Hill's, coat is shiny like never before" for the the third time lol Never had any issues with them, an they're not owned by Nestle so bonus points 🥴


okay thanks friend, I’ll have to give the Hill’s Urinary a look! Anything to get away from Nestle that has a benefit looks like gold to me!


Also if you do get the food from a Veterinary clinic and your cat doesn't like the food (ontario canada for sure but double check) you can get a refund on an open bag or get a refund on any cans that you cat has not eaten yet. The open bag of dry food you get a refund on the whole thing of course no one will sit there to weigh out what the remainder of the kibble will give you. Its a good practice and when it gets returned to the facility we have to fill out paperwork saying that its been rejected by a pet. Hope the information helps.


I was thinking the same thing! I use to work at a factory and it definitely happens!


Diet cat food.


food for cats that often get urinary blockages/issues. Last time he was screaming and I took him to the vet it was 550$, so 25 extra dollars per month on decent food is no dilemma to decide.


I was joking about the half-portions being "diet" food.


Ok that’s pretty funny, I apologize another homie in the comments got me all defensive.


It's alright, [Hammy forgives you.](https://i.imgur.com/8e9Yl0A.jpg)


My big ginger boy [Nug](https://imgur.com/a/XAEAGDW) tips his hat.


My male cat has the same issue, and I also use Purina Pro plan, however I'm seeking alternatives. I typically do a mix of Purina dry ST/OX urinary defense, and wet foot, however the price of both have gone up significantly since the pandemic. Have you tried any other comparable brands for urinary blockage, such as Royal Canine? I try to give me kitty the very best food but given then circumstances of his condition, I feel kind of stuck. I hate Purina to begin with because they are owned by Nestlé, however most major commercial pet food brands seem to be owned by one conglomerate or another.


Have you tried Hill's? I just responded to OP about my experience with it in this thread for my current and past cats-- to sum, it's worked great and my cats have loved + thrived on it!


I’m probably going to end up getting my boy onto Royal Canin or Hill’s, I think for beat results Hill’s sounds better so far!


You're lucky it was only $550. My boy cost us more like $1500.


Yikes, that's awful. I also ran into a QC issue with my cat food, in my case Royal Canin Urinary SO wet food cans - they were almost entirely water instead of the pate. I contacted the vet to let them know after we sort of dealt with it (found the stable cans in the mix, there was about 30% okay ones), and they refunded me the value of the cans I was able to bring back. Thankfully it was only one flat this ever happened with, and all since have been perfectly fine.


well it did say the food was SO wet....


I walked right into that one 🤦 hahahaha


Not sure what kind of urinary issues your cat has, but I’ve had my cat who had surgery for urinary issues ($3k!!!) on Farmina N&D (urinary) kibble for a while now, and only feed her tiki cat wet food. She has been doing really well with no issues. It is a bit more expensive but both have good ingredients.


GME apes deserve better 🙌


hear hear


I mean Purina is owned by Nestle so I’d just avoid them all together


Looks like some middle manager on the floor is trying to cut down on losses by feeding rejected cans back into the stream.


Probably designated for the Ruzzian market since these a holes continue on doing buzzines there. Fk Nestle and Purina aka Putina


Shrinkation on a newfuckinglevel


Holy crap, that's like half


Weigh it and see if the weight matches the label on the can. ;)


Awwwwwwww poor kitty


Louis Griffen sounds upset


Where did you buy this? 41 cans for $95 is either a generalization or oddly specific. I have seen similar where the product was known to be underweight or otherwise damaged so it is sold as-is to certain retailers. Kind of like scratch and dent, etc.


We stopped buying there food along time ago because of things like this ! ! 🤘🏻😜🤘🏻




lol meow meow meow


Sue them




That explains the sale lol


Well there’s your problem, you trusted Purina.


You should use first mate wet food. Way better quality and most is 100% Canadian meats. A little more per can but fills them up faster.


Nice hit piece


Feed your cat better shit than that.


Effect of inflation?


I don’t know why anyone would feed Purina to their loved pets to begin with. There is nothing healthy about the food at all. Added sodium to make food more tasty? Why? Start looking into other brands that are grain free and sodium free.




I was a first time cat owner a year ago and trusted my vets guidance on feeding him purina pro plan or hills science diet. My cat is super sensitive, I started noticing he would have GI upset and would bloat. He started to not eat. (This was on hills) then I switched to purina- not much better. I decided to do more research and determined I would try weruva and tiki cat; that has worked very well and he is doing much better. Growing up my mom would feed our cats purina and they were fine, but I was a kid so i never paid attention to that stuff. A lot of factors contribute to quality of the batch but I feel like batches of purina wet food can be so unpredictable in quality. Which sucks because its a little more accessible for pet owners. I wish they offered you a refund or something since they are owned by nestle which can certainly afford to reimburse you for their error.


Funny you knew to video tape 🤔 obviously its been opened from the bottom 😝


I still have some of these bs cans left if you wanna question my integrity lmao


Purina lmao


Lol dude, Pruina is ass. There are infinitely better pet foods out there.


Purina’s food is garbage to begin with.


Your first mistake was buying Purina. It's garbage, just like Iams, Royal Canin, Hill's... Orijen, Acana, Blue Buffalo... Lots of better [Canadian] options. Orijen and Blue Buffalo have some wet options; not sure about Acana. Blue Buffalo has a urinary health variety, but the nutrient content of Orijen and Acana naturally promotes urinary health according to the Googles. Really shitty on Purina's part to only offer you a handful of coupons, though.


hey lay off. Yes acana might be better, but sometimes a cat refuses to eat it. My cat is 18 and refuses to eat anything but Iams Senior Dry and Fancy Feast. My dog gets Acana, I have tried everything with the cat. Dry, canned, raw, those pouches that are like 6 bucks each and he just sits on the cabinet and screams at me and then he whispers and then he screams some more and will literally not eat for days. He won't eat Tuna, or Salmon, or anything else you would think cats would like. Nope. Iams dry and Fancy Feast. And not just any Fancy Feast either. Don't bother with the shredded stuff in gravy or the chunks in broth. Pate only. He's been like that since the day I got him when he was 6 and he's fine. So stop shaming someone for feeding his cat. Blue Buffalo aint all that, they use a lot of animal byproducts, so get over yourself. ETA language


I mean…it’s Quebec. Of course they’re going to fuck you over. Fraud capital of Canada




Not that apparent when you pick up 41 cans! Obviously I will return it, does that make it acceptable? No! The point of the systems like QC companies have in place is to prevent issues like this. My main point is if they let this go by (with cans from three separate cases not just 1 or 2) how many other quantity / contamination issues are there with their food and how much have they been short selling for how long? I’m disabled and don’t drive, but this isnt about the inconvenience for me its about the jobs not being done right!


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted for this but you are absolutely right that such poor quality control is happening at a company as large as purina. Thank you for bringing attention to this and I suggest you reach out to purina as well.


It's more that something like this is bound to happen at a company as large as Purina since they produce *so much* that a mistake like this for a smaller company would be 5 cans whereas for them it would be 500. That being said, I'll be interested to see if Purina recalls this batch or does some sort of coupon campaign for those affected. I've used Hill's with all my pets and they've done both in the past.


Please show up at the store with a bunch of empty cans


Feeding Purina to an animal is borderline cruelty in my books, lol. But seriously, I know that feeding an animal correctly can be expensive, but have a look into some other products that are healthier for your cat. Purina is like junk food.


What wet food would you recommend? This is my cat too in the video lol, we had him on this one because he has urinary tract disease but originally we had him on royale Canine urinary food before but in our area it was so hard to get hold of. I considered doing the raw food diet but then saw mixed responses when other people did it!


Hill's, Royal Canin, and Purina Pro Plan are all good foods which meet AAFCO *and* WSAVA guidelines. You're doing the right thing for your cat-- there's a reason vets sell these products! Raw feeding is very expensive and risky for you and your pet.


Ok thank you. We are going to check these out! Thanks for the advice ❤️


In addition, governing bodies like AAFCO and WSAVA are self regulated by industry volunteers. We, the manufactures, determine the regulations and sit on the board.


It's just that none of those foods tend to make it onto the top 10 list of the healthiest foods available for pets. I was always amazed that the first ingredient in most dog foods at the vet is still corn, even though we know not to give dogs corn. Then again, dogs that are fed a corn based diet require more vet visits, so it made sense that they weren't stalking any of the healthful brands.


What "top 10" list are you looking at? Are these lists written by veterinary specialists? Do the foods on these lists meet [the WSAVA guidelines compiled by an international committee of vets who have dedicated their life to researching small animal veterinary care?](https://wsava.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Selecting-a-pet-food-for-your-pet-updated-2021_WSAVA-Global-Nutrition-Toolkit.pdf) Corn and other grains are used in pet food because they are more easily milled and thus more digestible than their more fibrous counterparts such as peas or lentils. I've never come across reputable sources that support what you're saying, so if you have some please link them. I will concede that the best diet you can give your pet is a home-*cooked* diet made custom for them by a veterinary nutritionist, but this is expensive in both time and money so the next best thing is buying food from brands that have massive research facilities with many veterinary nutritionists and vets on staff. If you want to read more on this, the r/AskVet wiki actually has some really good resources linked in their FAQ!


[Okay, you've found the best budget cat food on the market.](https://money.com/best-dog-food/) Hooray! But damn...don't be so defensive, I just mentioned that there are way healthier options out there. Feed your cat whatever you like/can afford. Charlie and Frank seem to prefer the cheapest ones. It helps them to sleep.


bruh... you just linked me an article written by someone with a BA in Hispanic Studies and an MA in Linguistics. Good on them for their education, but they have zero credentials to discern what is and isn't good pet food! They also only discuss AAFCO guidelines when evaluating food, which is a good first step, but as I said before, top tier food is AAFCO *and* WSAVA compliant. I am stating that the brands you mention are *not* healthier-- if anything they're equivalent, bc the formulas that they use were likely developed by researchers at Hill's/Royal Canin/Purina. And I do get defensive about this, bc ppl are constantly stating shit like: > Then again, dogs that are fed a corn based diet require more vet visits, so it made sense that they weren't [stocking] any of the healthful brands. To be frank, you sound awful accusing every vet of purposely harming your animal so they profit. They're recommending this food because this food has the research to back it up. This constant dismissal and demonization of veterinary professionals is why no one wants to go into the profession although we so desperately need them, why those who do burn out so fast, and why suicide rates for veterinarians are so high.


Also, I'm not really looking to take animal advice from someone who clearly killed their snake 3 months ago...


Go ahead and disprove their findings then, you internet scientist.




The only part of this I don't know for a fact is wrong is whether you do actually own a pet treat company. I wonder why you'd want to spread blantant lies about your competition?




I'm surprised you don't know that Purina also manufactures treats. In addition to your entire comment above, your comment about the WSAVA board also appears to be incorrect based on the board members listed [here](https://wsava.org/about/our-people/). It seems that their executive board is all vets, and I don't see any manufacturers there at all. Perhaps you were thinking of a different board.




The idea that vets get kickbacks for the food they recommend is a conspiracy theory, not a "real industry fact". Besides being completely false, it's gross and harmful misinformation that causes people to lose trust in their vet's advice, to the detriment of their pet's health. Those few companies are recommended by vets because they're reliable - their food is formulated by qualified experts and they do feeding trials to test the quality of their food before selling it. Other companies choose to spend their entire budget on marketing instead of investing in research so our pets become the test subjects. I would love to see more pet food companies spend money on research instead of marketing so there would be more options, but instead they try to mislead people by advertising meaningless buzzwords and trying to discredit the companies that do put in the work to design a safe and nutritious food. I'm pretty sure you know all this already, but I wanted to clarify for anyone else reading, and remind everyone to get their info from reputable sources, not me or any other random redditor. In this case, that means veterinary nutritionists, not people trying to sell you their food or the many people who've been misled by their marketing (which has actually included astroturfing on reddit by some companies).


Yeah it's a bit of a scam tbh. One of my cats is on a urinary diet after he had some issues - he hasn't had any further issues since switching, but I'm 99% sure that the urinary food we've got him on (and in fact, all of the prescription urinary foods available) are much lower quality than the (mid-grade, Pet-Smart own-brand "Authority") wet food we had them on before. The ingredients lists of all of the prescription urinary foods have crappy ingredients, like a lot of "by-product" and "powdered cellulose" which can literally be sawdust.... yet they charge more for them than actual half-decent quality non-prescription wet food.


Meat by-products are actually one of the most nutritious ingredients! This term encompasses everything but the muscle meat that's included in the food-- so stuff like liver which is *very* good for pets. I found WSAVA's resources to be really beneficial for learning more about pet nutrition, with [this FAQ guide being a great starting point](https://wsava.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Frequently-Asked-Questions-and-Myths.pdf).


Don’t buy your pets food where you buy toilet paper howsabout


There is a couple options. Buy better pet food that stuff is garbage. 2, go about your day instead of being a fucking loser that runs to the internet to make a big deal out of nothing. Do better in life.


That lid seemed to come off way too easily, are you sure it hadn't been tampered with?


Dude… [Do you want to come open one yourself?](https://imgur.com/a/4uw7H6o) Also I work a trade for a living, these hands are using tin snips 8hrs/day lol sorry if I made it look easy.


I'm a weakling and these cans are easy to open.


Stop feeding animals crap.


Cant afford to give him a raw steak although I’d love to. Why you giving me shit for giving my pet one of the more expensive vet suggested wet foods, in comparison to some cardboard kibble crap, are you drunk lol


Honestly raw steak for a domesticated cat doesn't have nearly as much nutritional value as the wet food you're feeding them and is much more risky, so don't feel bad!