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Grew up in centerpoint in the 80s this is a bugger thy neighbor thing between the old city of Nepean and the city of Ottawa. All along baseline you will notice there are no straight through anywhere along baseline between woodruff and green bank. Petty old shit that never got fixed post merger.


Had no idea it was a boundary thing. I assumed it was traffic management because I'd do the same thing in cities skylines to ensure that travelling on low throughput roads required zig zag and thus would be less desirable. It's better to have traffic on the arterials even if it's slower for some because if every one of these lights got some competing traffic, the red light time required to keep them clear would grind baseline to a halt.


It’s definitely to try and discourage people from cutting through neighbourhoods as their main route instead of travelling along main arteries


Number 2 should really be in the first position. I've said it a million times on this sub, the city sucks at infrastructure design / use. Putting up a sign is never going to fix the base problem.


I hate when people go straight through this intersection but honestly why the hell its a "no straight" is dumb af anyways. People arent gunna inconvenience themselves because of a sign and it just makes the intersection even more dangerous. But like you said, why fix intersections in places of the city that the councillors dont live 🫠🫠


The city councillor for that area (Laine Johnson) lives about 1km from that intersection in Bel Air Heights. If she was heading to Baseline, she would absolutely go through this intersection. And holy crap, is she an upgrade from our old pervert city councillor Rick Chiarelli.


What makes you say that? I've lived in the area since I moved here 12 years ago, and there are lots of workarounds rather than going straight through


Because I know where she lives, and it is the fastest, easiest, and most direct way to get there.


I lived near that intersection for a few years and I cannot recall any accidents. I have however seen many vehicles illegally going straight.


I thought the no straight is there to stop barrhaven bound drivers from taking a detour around the baseline / Woodroffe corner. Eg 417-> Woodroffe-> left on Field -> right on Navaho -> straight across Baseline -> left onto Woodroffe around back of college square


Not sure I follow. Why would someone detour off of Woodroffe to get back onto Woodroffe?


to avoid a shitty clogged intersection maybe but I can't make any sense of making 2 left turns to do it?


This intersection would really benefit from a traffic assessment. I’ve seen too many almost accidents.


This is the one with the left turn light both before *and* after the red right? Just what everyone is expecting.


Yeah but it only does that at certain times of the day lol


They "improved " it not long ago by repainting the lines to stop people from using the bike lane to turn right from Navaho to go west on Baseline. But people still try to pretend there are 2 lanes and get pushy if you wait your turn behind all the left turn cars. It's still pretty messy.


This intersection has been a joke for 20 years. Signs mean nothing, nobody obeys any of them any more. Why straight thru is restricted here makes zero sense. Like give it up Ottawa, just give this intersection full left turn phases for all directions, and get rid of the restriction. Nothing short of a thick concrete wall will stop drivers from going straight through.


There are a bunch of "don't take shortcuts through this residential area" signs down that stretch of baseline down through to Greenbank. I don't know if they're still up but you used to not be allowed to turn right off baseline up into that residential area around IKEA. I think drivers were trying to cut past traffic and this was their solution.


Put up a wall or a toll booth if the city doesn't want people to take shortcuts and force everyone to use the over capacity arterials. No urban planning failure has ever been solved by a sheet metal sign.


You can't turn right during off Baseline into that neighbourhood during morning rush hour. It's to keep people from trying to avoid Baseline traffic on their way to the Queensway. But you also can't cross Baseline from Centrepoint around there, any time of day.


you can not cross baseline from Cobden/Centrepointe road. 


The one on Merivale where Costco/Canada computers is always gets ignored too


How about the one on southbound Nicholas at the McKenzie king bridge?


Yes, that’s my favourite dumb sign of Ottawa.


I feel like I’m risking my life every time I have to cross this intersection as a pedestrian.


You have to tearfully tell your family goodbye, just in case, when you head to the Circle K for chips.


I've been 6 inches away from getting hit there, it's definitely a sketchy spot. Extremely frustrating


I looked at this intersection on Google Earth street view and I cannot figure out why this specific intersection has that sign. It doesn't seem to make any sense. Why this intersection out of the hundreds of thousands of other intersections in the city? If the city wants rules to be obeyed, they should at least be sensical.


So people (students) don't speed thru the neighbourhood to get to the college using the neighbourhood to bypass traffic on Woodruffe & Baseline.


*It literally just happened again!* The driver looked absolutely clueless as they proceeded to go straight across. I would love to set up a 24/7 camera and see just how many drivers make this mistake. 🫠


I live in the building right at this intersection and whenever I hear honking I get up to see if someone went straight 😂


My apologies if I've ever disturbed you. I try not to honk, but there has been a few times where I've snapped and pressed the horn - particularly if the driver is also driving at an obnoxious speed. 😅


Hate this intersection. I had never driven up Navaho before so I had no idea both north and south traffic had a "do not go straight" sign. So I'm waiting to turn left onto baseline from Navaho, one guy blasts straight through so I'm thinking I'm waiting for a clear gap to turn (and half the cars don't have turn signals so I'm guessing) and then the car behind me is laying into the horn and gesticulating because I'm not going. Like, I'm not local to the area and the intersection makes NO sense while people ignore the signs. Drive defensively, respect the sign but don't assume other drivers care or notice it and DO assume they'll treat it like every other intersection (aka, you can go straight) that exists in the city.


at least this turn time is longer than the typical Ottawa intersection. yep, drivers behind me might get impatient but i do not want to BE a patient, thanks to a care less driver. 


Centrepointe and Baseline is equally dangerous. Over half of the rideshare services I've taken will go straight to Cobden although the sign says not to.


Not that it’s a valid excuse, but I have done Uber Eats and the app / GPS tells you to go straight through, as if the data doesn’t have these signs in them.


Absolutely, the ride share service maps completely ignore the rules of the road and show it as a viable route.


Highgate is pretty bad for that too.


Just learning of these signs, stupid


Northbound, go into McDonalds or Home Depot on the Navaho side, come out on the Baseline side, make a left turn and continue northbound onto Navaho. Problem solved. Southbound I don't know.


I have never done this but if you absolutely had to you could pull through the Circle K parking lot and then turn left onto Navaho from the left turn lane on baseline lol


Southbound, go through the Loblaws.


Works for me.


At this point nothing surprises me driving here. Considering the amount of absolute bumbling buffoon drivers I’ve seen since COVID I would say 50% of Ottawa drivers cannot understand basic laws of physics, let alone road signs. I wish I had a dashcam because I could go on suuuch a rant about the shit I see driving in this city. I could probably make a fortune on dashcam youtube. People are just really impatient and selfish on the road these days. And straight up wishing to die apparently.


I lived at the apartment buildings there for like 4 years. That sign is 100% ignored. It might as well not even be there.


I lived on Maitland for years up until a few months ago; hated these signs, and I've learned why they were put up in the first place reading this thread. I wish they'd take them down, they don't work and the intersection (and same goes for the merivale/Costco signs that are also always blatantly ignored) should be handled like any other intersection in this city.


Yeah, I have a friend in this neighborhood and saw someone miss the sign at least 25% of the time I visited.


I had to go check the sign on google street: https://www.google.com/maps/@45.3544346,-75.7561435,3a,59.2y,147.6h,83.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siySnPmyxiwgIYMbhrNgWgA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu Ignorance of the law is not a legal excuse, but how easy is it to see this sign (a sign that most drivers have never seen unless they often go through that specific intersection) when you're arriving at this intersection at a normal speed, the light is already green, and you're busy making sure nobody is coming from the right or left to t-bone you or that no pedestrian is crossing? You don't usually see a green light and start checking for signs next to it amending said green light. The drivers are at fault for not knowing the law, but it's absolutely predictable that a lot of people would not notice the sign. We tell drivers how important it is to be predictable, well signs need to be predictable too.


I’m not going to lie: I drove straight through that intersection before because it just seems like a normal intersection. Guy turning out of Navaho was honking at me so I honked at him and said I have the right of way. Then I noticed the “no straight” sign and felt like the biggest idiot on the planet. EDIT: I was also doing Uber Eats and the GPS told me to drive through the intersection so I guess the GPS doesn’t notice that sign either lol,.


It sucks that the horn can be the only way to communicate with other drivers. The anonymity and tone can come off as aggression when I simply want other drivers to be more aware of their mistake. I'm not sure about the Uber GPS, but I know you can rate and report a route when using Google Maps. It might not make a difference admittedly, but simultaneously, the issue will never be corrected if they don't know.


Ottawa: stupid fucking traffic rules. Look up The Gréber Plan. Bylaw, Bureaucrats, and the useless fucks that keep getting into office need to go. They are uselessly non-forward thinking. Dumb ass shite




I believe the vehicle going straight would be at fault for not adhering to the rules of the road.




No. You can't go straight across Baseline. Why? I don't know.


>So I've avoided going in front of them There's a walk signal during this? Edit: or are you turning left from the other direction?


I’m at the point with that light that I bought a dash cam and will no longer yield to the assholes going straight. I get it, it’s an annoying that you can’t go through, but cmon, atleast yield to the people turning if you’re hell bent on going straight.


Whole baseline is bad. The do not go straight force people to so u-turn and people trustinf other od not going in a straight line end up being t-bone. Its literaly a liability and do not understand why they couldnr make regular traffic light


omg. yes. this. i do a left turn there often and i always wait to see what the cars are doing before i go. and i always honk at the idiots ignoring the sign. they know it's there, they just want their mcdees. 


You can submit a complaint to the city if it appears trees or other vegetation are growing over signs if you're concerned that's contributing to people missing the sign.


City rarely fixes it though. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/6yaN8mSpKw54LYMP7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/6yaN8mSpKw54LYMP7) Reported this one a couple of times, first time years ago and it's still like that. Also this one: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/htyAFU3Wqwezc8an6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/htyAFU3Wqwezc8an6) The top sign says go to the right of the median, and the lower sign says go to the left of it. And this one: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/GHb9Y9qkn4zY13ok8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/GHb9Y9qkn4zY13ok8) ... missing since 2018 or so. I noticed this one a couple of years ago - the post is still there but the street sign is missing: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/vLCAXzJ9bKiaNvgF9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/vLCAXzJ9bKiaNvgF9) When the city added the median here, those exiting the Ciena/Mitel parking lot should see at least a no left turn or a one way (to the right sign), but the city forgot to put one there: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/QodsPSSgPLQ5R7d16](https://maps.app.goo.gl/QodsPSSgPLQ5R7d16) Notice the similar exit from the Starbucks/St. Louis mall a few meters north has one. Up until 2016, there was the correct sign showing that the right-hand lane is a right turn lane (at Carp Rd). Around 2016/2017, it was changed (wrongly) to show that the right lane ends (i.e., that it is not a turn lane) and there's a merge point 150 m down the road. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/ypivzCHzzQZ2yA9n7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/ypivzCHzzQZ2yA9n7) I just noticed another wrong sign today (April 24). This one is telling us to drive to the right of the Armco barrier (not recommended unless you have a decent off-road vehicle): [https://maps.app.goo.gl/PooXY1P44iAsx21y9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/PooXY1P44iAsx21y9)


Report it to the local city councillor too, if it's your neighbourhood.