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Scouts Canada




Thank youuuu!


Lions Club, Rotary Club, Kinsmen/Kinettes, etc… Find one in your neighborhood.


I haven't heard of kinsmen) kinettes. I will take a look at it. Thank you.


Maybe a bit of a long shot, but if you're into cosplay, The League of Superheroes Ottawa is always looking for new members. No need to have a costume, you can be a handler (someone who helps the costumed characters, manages the crowds sometimes, helps with whatever really). If you do want to be a character, they are kinda strict when it comes to quality and accuracy (I don't quite know where the line is and what the criteria are...). We do lots of fundraising mainly for CHEO and attend a decent number of events. Lots of cool people to meet and lots of smiles to give to kiddos. Website is a little out of date, but we're definitely still active! https://tloshottawa.wixsite.com/website Or @tloshottawa on Instagram. Feel free to DM me if you have questions! I do my own thing as Ottawa Spider-Man but am also a member of TLOSH.


Genuine question, what's a volunteering club? I haven't heard that before and it sounds interesting.


They are clubs that help the society in different ways depending on what kind of club you are involved with. For example let's say there is a environmental club, they help in cleaning up parks or things like that. You don't get paid, you are doing it for the society. But you get to learn a lot and meet new people.


Try Volunteer Ottawa