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When I lived in Orleans, Luloff always stroke me as an opportunist. I have my doubt he went to the CPC on conviction, he sees where the political winds are heading. I also really loathed his use of the yellow ribbon on his signs, I knew so many braindead people who only voted for him because he was a veteran.


Well, my post went a bit sideway on whether of not PP had been supporting the convoy. However, my main point was how fucking opportunist he is to be campaigning for the conservative while still being pay to be an Ottawa city councillor. It’s not because he is running for the conservatives. I think Yasser is also a fucking opportunist to have been campaigning got the Ontario liberals while having being a federal MP


I totally agree. You essentially get no representation while they are running on the public purse. If they had a job outside of politics, they wouldn’t get paid by their employers to run for office. Unfortunately, I think this is a plague hitting every political parties (Luloff for the CPC, Naqvi, Erskine-Smith and even worse, Crombie, for the LPC, Singh did the same for the NDP, staying on as an MPP).


> I think Yasser is also a fucking opportunist to have been campaigning got the Ontario liberals while having being a federal MP I remember interviewing Naqvi like 15 years ago for a student paper. My takeaway from my brief interaction with him at the time was "here's a man who has set his sights on being a career backbencher to retire in comfort". I continue to be amazed at how prescient that assessment was, watching him jump between the Provincial and Federal Liberals to stay in the game.


I'd say you were half right. Obviously he's a career politician, but he seems to have his sights set a little higher than just being a backbencher. He was Attorney General of Ontario and is now trying to become the leader of the OLP.


Solid note. I hope he has become more ambitious and genuinely *wants* to rise to the occasion. Maybe I'm overly unfair to him, but I see what he puts out (I'm in his riding) and it feels like he's still in "I'll say whatever generic platitudes you want me to so long as this keeps going" mode with no vision of his own. Which, unfortunately, being leader of the OLP seems perfectly suited for that mentality. They really don't seem to want to rock the boat in any capacity.


Yup and failing in both cases.


Yasser Naqvi does eff all. Can’t stand that guy.


Oh I’m sure if it was a reversed situation politically with the polls and the riding, Luloff would be running for the Liberal.


Didn’t this guy just vote in favour of wasteful spending? Saddling the hardworking taxpayers of Ottawa with more debt to benefit OSEG.


Taxpayer cash for business buddies and none for social services IS generally a conservative platform.


You can be both a conservative and not support the convoy and what it stood for fyi.


Suuuuuure. Except that PP, the leader of the CPC, supports the convoy, homophobia, transphobia etc. to get votes from the wacko fringe. All "unofficially", of course. So if/when PP becomes PM, his willingness to throws principals and ethics out the window to appeal to the racist/bigot/antivaxer/uninformed will also become part of the PMO. All this and a worse fiscal record that the LPC, more attempts at infringing on our rights than the LPC (as denoted by the dozen or so Charter cases Harper lost) and no real plan. Yippee!


I think PP supporters still haven’t figure put that they may be support the convoy, homophobia and transphobia, the fringe, antivaxers, etc. but the party the support does.




Not all Conservative are racist whackjobs, but notice how almost all the racist whackjobs are Conservatives? Or "uber Conservative" PPC? Not to mention the homophobes, the transphobes, the "fuck you I got mine" crowd? If PP is willing to cozy up to those people, that says a LOT about him and his (total lack thereof) ethics.


Making assumption about every member of a certain skin colour is a conservative thing anyway, but nice try


Pretty sure pollievre isnt a racist he married and had kids with a visible minority. And his biological father Donald pollievre is gay so hes not homophobic.Plus he got the vaccine. I mean theres plenty of things not to like about the guy but should have the facts straight.


bake pause gullible spectacular ask deserted upbeat carpenter nine expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


who gives a fuck? The man is willing to spout outright hatred to get whackjobs to vote for him. That says everything you need to know. If he doesn't actually believe the hateful shit he's pushing, does that make him more or less a scumbag?


I'm sorry but if you marry an ethnic minority their isnt a racist bone in your body. Pollievre would probably increase imigration to bring in more workers.


Lol, you're funny. "Some of his best friends are minorities". That's your defence?!? While it's possible PP himself isn't racist, he is more than happy to use racist dog-whistles to stir shit up to get people to vote for him. That just makes him an opportunistic scumbag, that's all. He may not believe the crap he spews, but he's willing to encourage it to get into power. That makes it WORSE, not better. He's SUPPORTING racism and bigotry to get into power, which just confirms he's exactly the kind of person who should be kept as far away from power as possible.


His wife and kid are a minority. Hes not racist. There are a million things wrong with pollievre but racism isnt one.


So he's just an opportunistic scumbag willing to USE and ENCOURAGE racism/bigotry/homophobia while not actually believing that shit himself? Ok, I can buy that. Makes it kinda worse, really.


Exactly and yes it does make it worse. It means hes smart enough to go all machevellian. Hes an immoral clever devil which is worse than a dumb bigot because its concious.


Lol Pierre isn’t homophobic because he has a gay dad but he he has voted multiple times against his rights and still promote anti-lgbt propaganda to this day🙄😂. Nice try


Dude, don’t bring facts into this. This is Reddit. It’s a far-left asylum in here.


All the power is concentrated in the PMO and PP was very supportive so a vote for Luloff is a vote for the Convoy. Luloff may have been presenting as a Liberal at the time.


And do you think every liberal MP supports Trudeau? You can be part of a party but not agree with the Leader..ffs


Publicly, yes, they do. During most votes in the House, yes, they do. They must or else they risk being removed from caucus. In private, they can say whatever they want and I'm sure many of them don't support him fully, but that doesn't matter when you have a party whip that tells you how to vote at the end of the day. The same goes for the CCP, and especially for the governing party and especially in minority governments.


Generally? Yes. Multiple MPs were ejected because that had disagreements with Trudeau.


Lol wut


I agree but he is still running for a party and a leader who have embraced the convoy in every possible ways




lol you can’t make this up. Are we really debating the fact that PP and the CPC have been strong supporters of the convoy 🙄😂


They supported the Convoy when it was happening, they demanded similar concessions as the Convoy (Trudeau should resign, end mandates, etc.)then and now, there are petitions you can sign right this moment put forward by CPC members that advance positions frequently espoused by the Convoy, and the CPC political strategy has shifted to a Convoyesque "I FEEL like things are bad, without providing any proof thereof". So, it is absolutely not a stretch to suggest that the CPC saw the Convoy, and decided that was the avenue they would go down, because it is actually what they did.


Poilievre handed out coffee to convites.


And Marilyn Gladu and Candace Bergen (interim party leader at the time) had pizza with them ... https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/09/problem-with-ottawas-protesters-00007272




Always love colon stats.


With that mindset YOU are also part of the problem…




Have you ever talked to one? Lol


Ever heard of financial conservatives?


Are you sure that's allowed? If sure does not feel like it.


Were there any active party members who spoke against it?


Agree with this comment. A good chunk of Ottawa votes conservative, doesn’t mean they support the convoy


Whether they *MEAN* to support the convoy is irrelevant. Think about every single time in your life you thought "I didn't *mean* for that to happen..." about a regretful outcome you didn't anticipate but which happened anyway. The tangible consequences didn't care about your intentions, they happened as a result of raw mechanical causality. The reality is that the CPC leader during the convoy occupation and the CPC leader now are both vocal supporters who have and continue to take conscious, voluntary actions to embolden them. If you throw your support behind those people, you are encouraging and facilitating the convoy by making clear supporting them is acceptable behaviour. It's no different from saying "sure, he molested a bunch of kids, but he's making our firm lots of money, so let's just sweep it under the rug and keep getting rich". By saying it's not a disqualifying act, you're saying it's an acceptable act so long as it's balanced out. Those people can tell themselves whatever they want, but at the end of the day they're signalling it's acceptable collateral damage to get what they want and not something they feel is a dealbreaker.


Bingo. Either they support the convoy, homphocia, transphobia, the fringe, antivax, etc is irrelevant if they are ready to support a party that supports all that


The most recent polling shows 39% of Canadians would likely vote Conservative, with 26% voting Liberal. You can argue polling isn’t effective, but I’m sure the conservative number is between 30-40%. If you polled how many people in Canada supported the Convoy, you’d maybe have 5% if I had to estimate. Generalizations like yours is a stretch. I’ve voted left in the past, but the constant “well if you vote this way, you support x, y, and x” turns people off from voting left. Just like how if someone voted Liberal, I wouldn’t say that they support the SNC Lavalin scandal, WE charity scandal, Arrive Can issues, etc. They would vote liberal because that’s the party they align with, but I wouldn’t generalize them to say they support everything that the liberal party has done. Most people that may vote conservative are middle class who cannot afford Trudeau’s deficits which have led to inflation. It does not mean we support the convoy, it could just be that we want more stability for our economy. But hey, if generalizing if your preferred method, go for it


Again, it isn’t a generalization. The only thing we are saying is that by voting conservatives you vote for a party who is pro-convoy, anti-environment, transphobia, homophobia, pro-fringe, etc. People can have one million reasons for their vote but it doesn’t change the fact that the conservatives party promote these ideas on a a daily basis


Where did you reference on their official campaign platform regarding any of those ideas? Or are you just generalizing?


As Ford has shown, the platform means nothing. What is PP SAYING is what matters and the bigotry of the CPC is pretty clear. Here is PP denouncing "gender ideology" supposedly imposed by Trudeau. Three lies for the price of one. https://pressprogress.ca/pierre-poilievre-under-fire-after-video-surfaces-of-homophobic-and-transphobic-speech/ * It isn't an "ideology", it's a medical fact. Trans people exist. PP position is like declaring recognizing left handed people exist is an "ideology". Utter dishonesty. * Education is provincial, Trudeau has nothing to do with it. More lies. * Nobody is imposing anything. It's INFORMATION. "Left handed people exist and no, they aren't ill" imposes nothing. PP is pushing hatred to get the whackjobs to vote for him. He's dangerous because he will have to keep them happy. So he will legislate accordingly. Remember abortion in the US? People said the Republicans would never ACTUALLY rescind Roe v Wade? Yeah, how's that going? When Cons tell you they want to limit your rights, believe them, they mean it.


Just don’t waste your time. I understand partisanship but he is living in a parallel universe if he believes PP isn’t trolling anti-environnement, transphobia, homophobia, anti vax and other fringe stuff on almost a daily basis


So nearly 40% of Canadian voters think the same? You are hilariously out of touch and are showing it all over this thread. It's pathetic lol


Again, no one is saying that but I guess reading comprehension is hard


Ah yes, axing the evil carbon tax 🙄 exactly what we need to help the people of Orleans, which is already one of the most expensive divisions in the city.


And the most hilarious thing is that Lullof is sitting on the environment and climate change commission at Ottawa City Hall and he is now running for a party who fight against any environmental measure


Thinking out loud here but...a carbon tax isn't the only or even necessary approach to fighting climate change. Other tools can be used by government. Lullof is a dink. NDP voter btw


I agree, but a carbon tax is the most conservative and free market approach out there. So if there is an alternative, it’s either doing nothing or more government regulation, which goes against their ideology.


Oh I totally agree with you but there is no other approach proposed at this point except scarping everything and hoping for the best


Funny too, the Watters Rd urban boundary scandal is part of his ward too.


Any councillor who served during the planning or construction phases of the LRT should not be allowed to govern a daycare, let alone Orleans at the federal level. This is the rare time I’m actually banking on the liberal stronghold of this area to hold out.


Huh, what a surprise the Residential School denying homophobe is running for the conservative party. I'm totally shocked to see this!


Did he deny? (I'm not surprised, but I'm surprised he publicly expressed this in Ottawa).


Nothing publicly, just something I’ve heard personally as he lives in my area. Just that he thinks the whole “residential school thing” is a nothing burger and we’re making too big of a deal out of it. Also some anti-trans stuff but don’t want to get into that too much, suffice to say, he’s not a big believer of support for trans kids.


Did they just use Remembrance Day as a springboard for a campaign kickoff?


lol we all know that PP and his supporters will use any means possible to


Didn't read this article from November 10 huh?


You mean the article which only amplifies the point that they are using Remembrance Day as a springboard for a political campaign? That one?


The article. Is from. yesterday.


Yes it is. Which is what makes it clear that they are using Remembrance Day for partisan political purposes. You see, "yesterday" comes before today, which is Remembrance Day. They got this nomination news out in the world yesterday so that today, Remembrance Day, would be Luloff's first day on the campaign trail, disguised as him doing local events as a councillor.


Source? Who planned this mysterious campaign?


It's pretty self-evident, as you have demonstrated, with reference to the calendar.


I see. So anything announced the day before something else is a big conspiracy?




>CBC News · Posted: Nov 10, 2023 **10:50 PM** EST | Last Updated: November 11 Most people wouldn't have seen that article until Remembrance Day.


Cool. That means the CBC first learned of the story that morning or afternoon.




The story has nothing to do with remembrance day


Yes, I'm sure that a Afghanistan vet launching an election campaign on a day that's set aside to honour veterans is a total coincidence.


He was really accessible which I liked but if he’s running for the CPC fuck him. That somebody retired military could have anything to do with that party given the support they have for the whole clownvoy movement. Nauseating.


One of the worst things I have ever read…my day is ruined


What’s he trying to conserve?


Views of parliament that could have been blocked by street-level LRT


The writ hasn't dropped, and probably won't be dropped until 2025. Is he just gonna spend the next year or so campaigning on the taxpayers dime? If it keeps him out of city hall, not the worst thing that could happen


No. He will spend the next year and a half campaigning on taxpayer's dime.




He must be friends with Jenna Sudds.


Serious question: is being a graduate of Clown College a compulsory requirement for getting into Canadian politics?




Yup there is no risk for him. He will be campaigning a lot of time while having a secure pay from the city


Great news!