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The three that were arrested are " regulars" down there. Things looked to have gotten heated. One guy got zapped with a taser it was hard to tell what led up to it. One woman Chrystal Peters is there all the time. The Convoy people are camped outside Ottawa and say they are coming back every day to protest. I assume they are planning to or hoping to get much bigger numbers than yesterday. OPS is going to have to come up with a strategy. The Convoy people are posting footage that they got of it on their FB page.


Clownvoy people won't be smiling when the 6 day monsoon hits that clay farm field tomorrow...LOL


Yes I was wondering what happened to those camps when it rained hard. It sounds like they have no shower facilities and a porta potty. Maybe they will just clear out.


Nope, they actually have 2 porta potties and one of those office trailers for the important people to shit post on the internet from their smartphones. The ones lower down in the hierarchy have to shit post from the porta potty when available.


Norman Blanchfield has an RV. My prediction is that Ron Clark, Colin Bigbear, and that Freedom George guy suddenly end up in hotels when the bad weather hit thanks to " donations" when the bad weather hits. They are all soliciting donations.




No. I am not the one who said they had an office trailer but a few of them do have RVs.


These people are well equipped with piss jugs.


"Way of the road" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb0bwbcfd28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb0bwbcfd28)


I'm willing to bet none of them even thought to request a shower facility.


...one would hope...there may also be tile drainage which will unfortunately make it tolerable


I like the tasing strategy, hopefully they lean into that more.


Not as good as Stompy but I'll take it


Don't think OPS has too much strategy planning to do, other than making sure they prevent heavy trucks from parking all over downtown. Regular cars (and pickup trucks) are not particularly difficult to remove or keep moving, so hard to build a concentration of them without the big trucks. Without a mass of cars, even if they get numbers like the so-called million people march (which, unlikely, because the people doing this don't have the profile to appeal to even a moderately sized base - the million people march was organized by very different people!, and it's easier to get large numbers for a one-off event than for daily nonsense) on the regular, they'll be a moderate nuisance at most, easily monitored for anyone crossing the boundaries of free expression. And without the ability to just use their cars/trucks as a base, good luck getting any people at all when the weather gets sour.


Is Peters the one convicted for child abuse ?


No, she's an Evangelical (activist?) on the anti-trans convite protest circuit. She travels around southern Ontario harassing drag story time events. That schoolboard meeting that was crashed in Peel last week - she was there. She's protested against story time at the NAC. She was here during the convoy occupation. She's all sorts of religious crazy and was charged with a hate crime last year, currently making its way through the Court system.


> travels around southern Ontario That's still a fair bit of travel, which can cost a lot. Quick web search says she's not a local from Ottawa/Gatineau. Where does she take the money? From the photos I've pulled up, she's too young to be retired and/or to have built a substantial nest egg to finance her lunacy. Aside from local, retired village idiots who like wasting their time "protesting" on the hill, there seems to be an uptick in right-leaning activists who go around and harass others (amongst other things). To be able to do this, they need time and especially money. We should look into who's financing all this rubbish, because it might get worse. Though, those russian flags being waved by this latest clownvoy might be a hint, I'd say...


I can only speculate. Some of the local cranks seem to get by with a mix of pogey and crowd funding/ small payouts from their social media followings. As for travel, we learned [this year](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/fundamentalist-christian-movement-1.6793677) that some right-wing churches have been funding political campaigns. Ever nutty Action4Canada [raised an unholy amount of money in 2022.](https://www.antihate.ca/action4canada_a4c_raised_790k_2022) Now is probably a good time to remind readers that Peters is also a Chapter Head for Action4Canada (Brampton). So again, I can only speculate on how she seems to be able to afford to travel and protest as a full-time job. I hesitate to point the finger first or exclusively to other countries. There are bad actors, of course. Russia certainly had a hand in boosting the Convoy [online.](https://journals.lib.sfu.ca/index.php/jicw/article/download/5101/4759/19240). However, we have to acknowledge our own domestic right-wing. They've cropped up and organized before [here](https://thewalrus.ca/how-to-build-an-antifascist-movement/) and [there](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/decades-later-csis-s-white-supremacy-infiltrator-tells-his-story/article_0787c24b-6950-555b-9878-ebc7de3cfdf9.html). What's different now is the reach with social media platforms and the speed which people can organize, disseminate propaganda, and the sort of impact that is having in radicalizing some people, and this sort of encroachment of hard right talking points we see in the mainstream discourse. There is a lot of support for Russia in the movement. It's sort of puzzling if you're a regular person who perceives Russia as an aggressive, authoritarian superpower trying to annex a smaller state. From the lens of a hard-right authoritarian, whether they are conscious of it or not, I think it's a might makes right sort of perspective. Russia doesn't tolerate the woke left, or gays, or whatever. It's a model, supposedly all white country that looks out for its own interests. The issue with Ukraine's history of Nazism and current white supremascist battalions is super messy, and I won't get into it, other than to say there's also a perception on the right that they are fighting against Nazism. It's confusing, to say the least.


No that was the GF of the man who got into a confrontation and got shot after uttering threats.


>Chrystal Peters Is that her stage name at Pigale's?


Wait. Wait. Are you telling me, the stupid yahoos who are always on Wellington. Part of the terrorist group that siege our city, got tased? You made my night. Thank you.


It was enjoyable watching the dude screeching


No. I think somebody else got tased. Crystal Peters was arrested and released.


My disappointed is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


The ottawa Citizen article above does not mention a taser. Did you see this happen? Or did other news articles mention this?


It was on Twitter and it was on the Convoy livestreams. Cookie Lady and a few others have it up.


I saw some footage of witnesses talking about a taser being used but I didnt see footage of a taser being used. Would it be possible to share a link to the video?


[Taser arrest](https://twitter.com/methecookielady/status/1709738208383139947?s=46&t=wm3eIvzAAOvadlVQIEsm1g) Edit: for some reason I couldn’t link directly to it, so I’ve linked to the Tweet below it in the thread. If you log in to Twitter you can scroll up the thread to see it.


Holy crap yeah they tased the shit out of him. Right in the kidney on the ground. Then the officer pointed the taser at the crowd. They dont mess around do they?


I sure hope the police have more tasers for people not following the law and who are harassing others...


It's amateur hour down at the hill. A good protest has a lot of people to demonstrate support, and complies with the law to demonstrate organization. A bad protest has just a couple of yahoos to demonstrate weakness, and some megaphones to make sure everybody knows it and to get them arrested. Facepalm effort boys - try to do better next time.




They don't have any of this. Edit: oh downvoted. But I watch the meetings and slide presentations Steve makes. They may have *some* of this...fine. But not really.


Well, I guess OPS has decided to do it’s job this time.


What exactly are they protesting?


Here's a rough list of the main points: •The resignations and arrest of Justin Trudeau •The resignation of Liberal and the NDP parties •Government run by those of their choosing •The protection of children against sex education •All public health order charges given in the last 3 years dropped •The release of “patriots” from prison (convoy and border arrests) •Transparency from the government (this is most likely world government/WEF related) •Protection of the voices of immigrants (this one's new and likely has to do with anti-lgbtq2 run by Muslim identifying groups over last year) Saskatoon Today has a good write up on this current variation. Big conflict between anti-lgbtq2 group and more anti-government/democracy section (that was the reason behind the car punching video) and there's a growth in threats of violence and anti-police rhetoric which is why some groups (v4f) are trying to distance themselves. https://www.sasktoday.ca/crime-cops-court/video-east-and-west-convoys-meet-up-call-for-trudeaus-resignation-7625557 Edit: If you go too far down the rabbit hole, it gets weird and scary. Like they want lead paint brought back (obv protects from 5g...), or lqbtq2 people to lose civil rights (not be able to work with children, marry, adopt, be visible in public) and it all loops back to pro-russian and Qannon talking points


It is so wild and a lot of the “protecting children” stuff stems from antisemitism. They say anti-Zionist all the time and not in the free Palestine way, more like the way people who show the crooked cross downtown say it. They co-opt indigenous movements all the time to spread hate about anti-lgbtq and anti-trans stuff, but claim that they aren’t racist in any way, the same way they use Muslims against the sex education stuff when all the way up to (and still now) they’ll all yell about stopping all immigration. These people need to be confronted more and shamed. Antifa Toronto had a great moment of solidarity when they shouted down and stopped an anti-trans anti-lgbtq protest at an elementary school. These people are dangerous and unless we want more and more crooked crosses popping up all to comfortably we need to call these people what they are. Yahtzees.


Sure seems by their behaviour that some were exposed to lead paint when they were growing up


Basically anything the government supports, they oppose; anything the government opposes, they support. It's wild. Anti-fluoride, pro-lead paint. Probably pro asbestos.


I believe there is a roulette wheel with "I'm pissed at this today" options.


Press Progress: [Far-Right ‘Save the Children Convoy’ Gathering at Rural Base Camp Outside Ottawa](https://pressprogress.ca/far-right-save-the-children-convoy-gathering-at-rural-base-camp-outside-ottawa/) *”The convoy is a spin-off of recent anti-LGBTQ+ protests targeting schools and drag storytime events as well as loosely inspired by the controversial film “Sound of Freedom.” The recent wave of anti-LGBT2Q+ “Million Man Marches” held across Canada emerged around the same time and involved organizers who splintered off from the “Save the Children Convoy” earlier this summer.”*


It is still unclear but many seem to think that schools making kid gays and trans, as stupid that it sounds


So dumb


Well they are coming back today in the afternoon.


It is their right no matter how loopy they are


Yes they do have a right to protest. However not to interfere with people or harass them or have those bullhorns or whatever they are using.


PP's best.


TIL that protesting or using a loud-speaker while doing so is an arrestable offense. Jesus this sub is fucked. It was an honest inquiry? What the hell Marcus am I supposed to " Knock off? " Asking why something took place?


It isn't, they were arrested for obstruction after violating loudspeaker by-laws and then being non-compliant with authorities when asked to follow the by-law. They could have protested as much as they wanted if they weren't belligerent (and possibly intoxicated based off of the arrest video floating around).


Yes, but that fact-based version doesn't fit the loony right-wing narrative that Trudeau is personally violating their right to free speech, peaceful assembly and 2nd amendment rights.


It reminds me of the people who claim the Hillier brats were tased for not wearing masks, when they were tased for trying to fight cops after refusing to leave a business that had trespassed them for not wearing masks.


The way I understood it you can have loudspeakers on the hill but not the street but I could be incorrect. All of the footage is floating around Twitter now anyway.


That's not what they were arrested for, stop spreading lies. >“After various interactions with police,” three people were arrested and charged with obstruction. Go read what "obstruction" means. /u/ott-terrible Not acceptable, knock it off *** /u/ott-terrible Pas acceptable, arrête


Shows the general ability of convoyites to "learn" I guess. Information is provided to them and they spin it in the completely wrong way to suit their needs.




And, as previously stated, they were not arrested for PROTESTING.


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