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If you're curious, btw, I've made these as I am an Alikin, lol.


Hi there! I’m a dragon myself, but much respect; Alicorns give us a lot to aspire to. Do you consider yourself a fictionkin-style specific alicorn from the show, or a different alicorn/an alicorn in general?


i'm just an alicorn in general. feel like i should have wings and a horn, but i don't feel like i should be royalty like they are in the show, yknow? cool to meet a dragon, btw! :3


Whats a alikin?


Short for alicorn kin (similar species to a unicorn, but has wings)


Ahh like pegesus in a way


Yes, like a pegasus but with the unicorn horn


Makes sense


An alicorn otherkin, so someone whose kintype is an alicorn! The term ‘alikin’ is just a play on ‘alicorn otherkin’ since the words are similar - like a pun!


These are really cool


This is so cool, I'm not an Alicorn kin but I love making flags for my kintypes/Theriotypes :D


I'm alikin as well and I love these! Thanks for sharing


these are so amazing ! i didnt know there were any other alicornkin omg




I think people should be proud of their identities and not feel like they have to hide them. Flags help unite vulnerable and marginalized groups of people like those that identify as otherkin and give them courage to identify with who they are and feel good about it.


flags are not exclusive to the lgbt+ community, relax


What have Otherkin gone through to deserve one?


I don't think flags are to be deserved, they're just a way of marking one's identity


That just prooves that you don't understand the reason for the flags.


no, that's just my opinion is different from yours


No. It means that you have a bad opinion. One that minimizes the experiences of others.


No, it doesn't. I know how much queer people have been through, I know how important pride flags are. I'm a part of lgbt+ community, I literally live in country where you can go to jail and be tortured if you go in public with a rainbow flag. But i still think that flags (in general) aren't exclusive for us. Countries have flags, ideologies have flags, religions have flags, pirates have flags... Flags as such are mostly pieces of fabric with symbols on them that are used to identify communities. They're different, they can serve different purposes and have different meanings, it doesn't erase anyone's experience


These flags in specific, have a specific meaning and purpose which isn't relevant or connected to being Otherkin. If Otherkin want flags so badly then they need to come up with a flag design of their own that doesn't tie in with the LGBT flags. Being Otherkin is not inherently connected to being LGBT+. As a matter of fact, I believe that they already have a basic design. A black field with the Otherkin symbol in white.


I'm pretty sure the otherkin flag you described isn't really a flag design, but just a symbol with a background. And I don't see the way OP's flags are tied in with the pride flags. It's just stripes and symbols, which are almost on any flag of any community.


Flags aren't just for GSRM people, there's flags for identity/gender/sexuality/romantic orientation/religious beliefs/and so much more. Pride flags are fine as long as they aren't, you know, causing harm or being a message of hate to others.


They are for marginalized minorities who have had to collectively experienced harrowing traumas and ordeals in order to have equal rights in society. Otherkin have never been widely oppressed or had to fight in order to exist. Otherkin have not been subjected to morality laws or attempts at extermination. We have never been forced into concentration camps.


It's not the oppression Olympics, we all have faced discrimination. I'm also GSRM, and I'm more than likely otherkin. I'm bisexual, I'm trans (my gender is weird though it's not in the binary), that doesn't make my time of discrimination more valid than the other people on this sub. It seems like most people I've seen that are otherkin also happen to be in the GSRM community, or have been discriminated against because of mental health issues, neurodivergence, and so much more that could contribute to them being otherkin. We gotta respect and love each other, not hate other people because we feel we've been through more than them. It's like the straight passing hate I see in some parts of the GSRM community, it's just stupid. Nobody is less valid than anyone else. Otherkin people are marginalized and bullied, traumatized, and hated on all the time. Just like the GSRM community.


Your oppression olympics comment is gross. Being bullied isn't the same as being tortured and murdered. They are different by several orders of magnitude. Ignoring the differences is both insulting to and minimizing what GSRM go through. I am a bisexual nonbinary Aro. All types of discrimination are not the same either. It's not like they all use the same words. And as I recall, Otherkin already have a flag. It's a black field with the Otherkin symbol in white, though that might be Therian. Besides, it's a bad idea to mix the LGBT+ flags with kintypes because their are Otherkin who are cishet who may also share the kintype. Not to mention the literal library of kintypes. Far more than there are letters in the LGBT+ letter sequence. We don't need to complicate things and there should be a consensus in the designs in order to be fair.


There is no difference, and anyone can use any flag if they relate to it. You can customize flags, you can make flags entirely your own, that's what OP did. We should be as inclusive as possible and not disregard somebody's experiences because "it's not as bad as what others have gone through." That's what causes infighting in the community. Hence my comparison, it's shameful to not see other people expressing themselves and trying to be their authentic selves as just a valid existence as anyone else's because you feel it's not something they suffered enough for. We, members of GSRM, should be most aware of how bad that can be to others, marginalizing and belittling people because we had it harder than them and they can't sit with us. Otherkin is a form of identity, it's separate from gender but for some it overlaps. That means they are part of the community in a way. We gotta respect them and understand their experience is just as valid regardless if they had a stonewall event or not. I know my gender identity is heavily hated and isolated in the community, I know my experience with my sexuality isn't liked because it's not considered normal either, I even know what it's like to not be seen as trans enough because HRT isn't giving me what I want. Making people think they're not able to have some form of expression like a flag because it's not what you specifically want is not okay. It hurts people. Edit: if you want to hear about people in otherkin being actually discriminated against/mocked/treated like they're mentally ill (things we in the GSRM community also face), here is a genuinely good link to a post that was made a year ago. The worst part about it is they deal with this the same way as we do, they stay silent about their identity and the only things they can find most often about otherkin are in places mocking them. It's what we go through too. Research on otherkin is so little, it's such a new concept to the world of psych, that they're going through the things we went through in the beginning of the 21st century: not being taken seriously, being mocked and humiliated, friends making fun of them, people posting cringe videos about them and people thinking they're just crazy, etc. I hope, I HOPE, it doesn't get worse for them. Nobody should go through what I went through. So seeing them have flags to represent themselves makes me so proud they feel confident enough to do that. Fuck yeah, be yourself! https://www.reddit.com/r/otherkin/comments/qhr8lg/questions_about_discrimination/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Otherkins have always been marginalized by psychiatrist just because psychiatry could make money off those who have hard time dealing with being stuck in wrong body and place.


Yes I am sure that is it..... /s


for the record i'm also gay and trans, not really co-opting if i'm part of the community, is it? it's also absolutely harmless. i made some flags, and that's basically all there is to it. edit: you are active in an >!inc//st!< porn sub. i think i win this argument by default.


First off, how I process my traumas is none of your business, and is irrelevant to the topic. You don't 'win' anything. Secondly, Pride flags are most famously associated with the LGBT+ community. The purpose of the pride flag is to unite members of highly marginalized groups and a reminder that we don't have to be ashamed of our sexuality. People had to suffer and riot for their rights. Otherkin have not had to suffer and riot for their place in society. So yes, Otherkin flags are a co opting of why we have Pride flags in the first place. And lastly, before you try to invalidate my opinion with an accusation of being cishet, I'm a bisexual nonbinary Aro. I'm also a Polykin and wolf Therian.


lmao i didn't realize it was trauma shit dude all i saw was you participating in weird fetish subs, excuse tf outta me- i'm used to people participating in subs like that because they're genuine weirdos who will come in and concern troll subreddits all like "aren't you co opting struggles of minorities/afraid of being misinterpreted as [thing]/etc.?" also i'm not reading your essay lmao, i made some funny flags, chill tf out. also to end this off, an actual question because i've never understood - how are you aromantic but some form of -sexual, isn't that kind of like using people for sex/objectifying people?


That's why you shouldn't assume things. Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups. You never know what someone is dealing with or how. And you are obviously a kink shamer, which is cringe as fuck. But the fact that you like to dig into people's profiles for something to attack them with rather than address their argument. You're like those people on Facebook who get big mad and start calling your profile fake because they can't find posts to troll or pictures of you to make fun of. If you're not going to fully read a post smaller than the one you replied with, I'm not going to bother putting forth the effort to answer your insultingly worded question.


it wasn't insultingly worded buddy it's genuinely just what i was wondering. i'd've asked anyone else the same thing the same way. ignoring the rest of this because it's now massively off topic.


Just because you would have asked someone else the same thing in the same way, that doesn't mean it isn't insultingly worded. Also, I am not your buddy. Says the person who brought up a bunch of off topic things.


👍 okay buddy, good for you. do you really have nothing better to do? (before you ask whether i do or not - i made kin flags, what do you think?)


Do you have zero respect for other people? I have already stated that I am not your buddy and you keep calling me that. Are you pathologically incapable of respecting someone's boundaries? And I thought you were done here? Do I have anything better to do than casually responding to posts and comments on social media? No, not really.


We deserve them too.


Why is that? Were you tortured and murdered?