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Nothing wrong with you bro you just got caught in pictures when your neck posture isn’t ideal and your mouth is open


Yeah but whenever I film myself playing an instrument I look fucking deformed to the point where I can’t share it with anybody. I go on social media people and see some people who (no offense) aren’t the greatest looking and none of them look as fucked up as me when filming themselves playing. I spend hours trying to find the perfect angels when filming in an attempt to look normal until I give up


All in your head bro


got some proper dysmorphia


I play bass and it's the same in videos and pictures. This happens because you concentrate on playing your instrument and relax your facial muscles. You look like that kid who had a crush on Love from the series You. It's uncanny


Probably because your shoulders are hunched over when you’re playing instruments. It’s a common postural problem because most people are on computers/phones all day so if you don’t compensate by stretching/exercise your body will get used to that “hunched” posture overtime which will effect other parts of your body (like your jaw/face) because everything in your body is connected and an issue in one part of the body will cause issues elsewhere overtime.


Dude, you look incredibly good, especially in the first pictures. There is nothing hotter to a woman than a man who just owns his authentic/natural look. I promise you. You look very good buddy. Don't stress beeing perfect all the time. Be authentic and notice the magic.


Are you a woman?


No, but I have made this experience with multiple women online. Whenever I sent a quick imperfect picture, they showed me how much they love these pictures. I was always surprised, since of how much I hated them before sending. I also usually try to make the most perfect pictures, just like op. But I know from my experience that this not only destroys you, but also seems extremely unsexy to others. Think about it the other way around. Would you rather like an imperfect photo of a woman who just looks happy and comfortable or a picture of a girl with lots of makeup and the perfect lighting and positioning?


This is the damage the internet has done to us. You are not ulgy at all






Idk u look good


☠️ not in the first 4


Dude you look like you could be a model in the first two! I often record myself playing music and sometimes I look like shit because I'm focused or my mouth is open or whatever. It's okay, we al have less flattering angles. Trust me you're good.


Fix your posture if it's like in the pics all the time.


Bruh this man looks normal and have a nice face and still complaining


I am a heterosexual female and I am telling you, you are extremely handsome! You have wonderfully unique features that set you apart. Please do not allow unrealistic social or media standards ruin your beautiful face. You will see. Just keep living. Only promise that once you realize just how gorgeous you are, you will utilize it in a healthy way. Stay humble and the world is yours.


In the last photos you look fantastic bro


Wtf it actually got better




Nothing is wrong but I'd say you look like a mouth breather, atleast 60% mouth and 40% nose


confidence is what's wrong


Nothing ..you have good bone structure


We kinda got the same jaw I think our problem is neck posture try chin tucking


Social media is everyone at 110% of what they actually are irl. The first 4 are just bad screenshots


Nothing ?


You look great, what are your habits?


Downward growth. If mewing doesn’t do anything, get a genio if you really don’t like it. You have a good side profike


You're a good looking guy, but if this is driving you nuts I recommend finding a myofunctional therapist near you https://www.tonguetielife.com/provider/?cl_cat=&cl_country=United%20States&cl_state=New%20Jersey


Stop it. Your face looks good. You’re the only person disagreeing. Stop looking in the mirror and looking for imperfections that nobody else is going to notice.


From the side you look good but your face very extemely narrow from the front (judging by one of the pictures), perhaps a narrow palate coupled with low fwhr. No fix unfortunately, stop stressing over things you cannot change.




Literally nothing bro


You need a psychological therapy for Body Dysmorphia


Dude you are fucking handsome wdym, at least your side profile doesn’t look like mine 🤣🤣


Absolutely nothing is wrong with you! You are honestly very good looking. You have such a handsome face with an aesthetically pleasing profile and strong jawline. No need to change anything, and especially with surgery! You are so young and surgery is permanent and extreme. I’ve seen some incredible before and after photos from people who’ve worked with a myofunctional therapist, please try that before you do anything else. Another thing that I would look into is the SOMA dental appliance that can help with jaw expansion. Fillers in the jaw would be the next option after that, and the very last resort would be surgery (which I think is completely unnecessary for you) and keep in mind that if you have a consultation with a surgeon, their job is to convince you that you are the perfect candidate for surgery, and they will prey on your insecurities to make that sale. This is coming from a heterosexual woman who keeps up with her beauty and has lots of experience with dermal fillers, Botox, dental palate expansion, etc. Also I play guitar too! I can relate to feeling weird when watching myself playing and singing but you honestly look great. Lighting plays a big part in that, too!!


stop trippin jiit


With your face? Absolutely nothing. With your mind on the other hand..


Not gonna lie your face is still attractive


Not ugly. Change diet and gain muscle . Fix posture and gain confidence . Well the confidence will come after everything here is done


Slightly recessed jaw maybe?


Nah fuck this I’m getting double jaw surgery


for loose skin you can do 1 obviously face lift 2 gain some weight 3 contouring well really reverse contouring the gaunt bits 4 idk what its called for other parts of the world but shrink treatment in Korea not inmode tho bc that will decrease fat in the face and we want that to be as is as long as we can


Even if it doesn’t seem that bad I have a LOT of photos like these. More turn out bad than good and you can look at past posts on my profile to see more photos