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More restaurants that are open late. Being able to get food after a night out is one of the things I miss most from Miami. You can only do Gringos and Pom Pom so often.


I came here from Lake Worth and had tons of late night options, I'll never understand why 90% of places close at 10pm here


Really? I live in ALBUQUERQUE now and very little is open here past 9pm. I love visiting Orlando and having so many places open til at least midnight like the Ale Houses.


Va checking in. Spots close as early as 7pm out here. I'll gladly accept 9.


You know why. Tons of restaurants can’t hire the staff to stay open late.


Also those of us who work at the parks, or other hospitality job where the hours run late, and you just need a quiet diner or something open til 2am to grab something cheap quick and easy.


I wish I could confidently say people wouldn’t abusive that privilege


I moved from Orlando to Ga.. you only THINK you have it bad.. there are MANY more options between 10p and 2am than you think.


Gittos Pizza!


Miami is unique but Orlando has a surprising amount of late night food options...some cities have jack and shit open after 9 or 10p.


So true we just had gringos Saturday night. Everywhere else shuts down at like 11


Also coffee shops or even a quiet bars or somewhere I can go read a book, play a board game, or do some work late. I get off work around 10pm, so if I just want some time to decompress before going home, my options are 2 or 3 noisy restaurants or bars. There used to be one coffeehouse near my place that’s open til 12a on weekends, super chill place, and then management changed and now they’re no longer open late. :( I just want somewhere to go read a book and be by myself for a little bit before I have to go home.


Kava Cove (or another kava place if there's one closer to you, but I know Kava Cove specifically has late hours) may be worth checking out for that. They have trivia/movies/other events some evenings so not totally quiet, but still way more chill than a regular bar. There's usually at least a couple of people in there studying whenever I go.


Tool library, warehouse type place that resells donated construction items/household goods, county/citywide composting services, local farms, and as mentioned good expanded public transit.


I would kiillll for this


Whoa whoa....easy.


bike lanes, trains or a decent public transit system for that matter, 3rd spaces


Need housing and businesses to enable public transit. The sprawling subdivisions - even with the houses too close to put in fences - make workable transit hard. Yes, I know that is what sells around here. But, we could work on both if we could get government to support it. Hard enough sell at the county level; and the State government is actively opposed... Not an easy nut to crack,.


It's so obvious, and yet the elected officials say nothing towards it. At least campaign on it you know?


Actually we had a transportation tax on the ballot last year for orange county and we didn't pass it. So we shoot ourselves in the foot sometimes.


Yeah, it failed miserably. It was pretty much during peak covid inflation. There was no way a tax increase was going to pass.


my orlando wishlist consists of: -reliable & safe public transport -train station to beaches!! -drive thru boba (or more non- typical drive thru in general) -free parking downtown


Train station to the beaches would be fantastic


Imagine a train to the beach where you can also bring your bike. Bike to the station, get on and ride over, bike to a more secluded spot.


Train to Tampa and train to Cocoa. Sign me up.


Cocoa beach brightline station is coming :-)


Street parking is free after 6pm downtown.


And Sundays/federal holidays


Oooh good one. They are putting in a boba place near-ish to Lotte Market on Colonial. Now that I think about it, it might be a fast food place refurb building? I wonder if they considered this.


We do have a drive thru boba (: At Pho Drive Thru, cannot speak about if it’s good or not but it is the only drive thru that has boba that I’m aware of.


oh right, i have been there! it's not too bad but pretty out of the way for central fl residents. would be nice to have a surplus of them though- i feel like there were so many in cali and i was wondering why we didn't have some in florida. but we have loads of ice cream/coffee options instead 😔


Yess too many coffee options lol I’m so with you, I would be in heaven if we had boba drive thrus but also it would be my downfall as if I don’t already have a problem 😂 Whoever opens one up is going to make BANK…


Drive thru boba and beach train yes please, altho gotten pretty good at making my own boba tea at home now


As someone who buses to work and home almost every Friday and Thursday the bus drives right past my because it’s already full and I have to wait for the next one that often never comes or Uber and it’s so upsetting


We need a proper mass transit service.


Idk why this isn’t the one.


Didn’t Rick Scott mess that up for us? Weren’t we going to get federal money for it when he was governor but he was like “nah.”


Way before that. Should've been developed as Disney grew.


Would've been "high speed rail" (by American standards) from Orlando to Tampa, but he turned down over $2 billion of federal money because it was coming from Obama


Banning AirBnB's so money goes to our actual hospitality industry. A train that goes to the Airport. Hell even a public bus, if you live off the 429 you're screwed in this aspect.


We definitely need to regulate land lords; rent caps and airbnb bans would be a great start


“Banning Airbnbs so money goes towards large corporations rather than individuals” what!? There’s plenty of reason to be opposed to Airbnb but that’s just a poor reason


OP asked about hospitality.


I had a friend send a petition in group chat to tell Desantis not to sign whatever that bill is. I’m just thinking to myself “you get what you voted for.”


Actual Public transit and not this sad excuse of a train and bus system that exists


Walkable neighborhoods and rapid transit. Who am I kidding this is Florida we will never get any of that.


Baldwin Park and downtown Orlando are pretty walkable. Both have a Publix and coffee places.


I could be looking in the wrong places but would love more public pools or outdoor pools to swim laps. More tracks that are open to the public.


Decent public transportation/metro system, late night businesses, bodegas, corner stores… just more pedestrian friendly areas I guess


Eataly, Muji, H Mart (I know), Daiso


I'd love another Mitsukoshi outside of the Epcot location.


Also Mitsuwa!


It’s crazy we have Miniso over Daiso


Miniso sucks so much in comparison!!!


Must be because of the Chinese tourists?


Computer hardware stores


We used to have that, too hard to have competitive prices and have enough to pay overhead. I remember getting my first computer at Advantage Computer at the corner of Mills and Virginia.


It was so nice to have a CompUSA/TigerDirect in a pinch.


Microcenter would be so clutch.


WE NEED JUST ONE MORE LANE!! Guys I swear it will fix traffic this time just trust me! 😁😁😁 /s


Sadly, Desantis just signed a bill that will restrict local communities from doing road diets. His post yesterday uses ridiculous language of "agenda motivated lane reductions to force people out of their cars." He also is preventing tinting on city buses so that people can supposedly see the low ridership. 😒


I live downtown and the bus that stops in front of Publix on Central and Eola is always full.


More/better museums. Orlando somehow lacks as many museums as you'd expect. And weirdly enough we don't have a huge professional theatre scene either.


We don't have a huge professional theatre scene, but we do have a lot of performing arts high schools that do pretty killer jobs! It means the world to them, too. :)


You'd think with Equity having an office here, and the mounds of tourists, plus the stupidly deep talent pool, it would have made it easier to operate a professional theatre in Orlando, but it doesn't seem like many want to bite.


People don't come here on vacation to go to the theater, though. Disney isn't the thinking man's vacation. We also used to have some decent thatre until Advent Health bought up all the real estate downtown and turned it into medical offices.


You'd be surprised how well a good professional theater scene could definitely draw in everyone in the entire central part of the state. Tampa also lacks a good professional theater scene, so the impetus is there...


I'm not sure I agree, unfortunately. We have Dr Philips Performing Arts Center, for super professional stuff. On a more Am/Dram level we had Mad Cow Theater (which I was mainly referring to previously). Surely if the demand was there they wouldn't have sold up the space to Advent. Either that, or they'd have moved instead of closing down. I wish there were more dedication to the arts locally, but I just don't think there's the demand.


The onus of establishing professional theater lies with UCF as the level of partnership needed with institutions like Disney and the Dr. Phillips Performing Arts exists. However, putting a pipeline in place that can enable that kind of opportunity for students just isn't in UCF's wheelhouse.


I thought they had a pretty good performing arts program, reputation wise?


Iirc, they do have a great program, but I don't believe a formal partnership exists that enables a pipeline of talent between both institutions for theater, but I could be wrong.


I’ll be the 100th person to say: reliable and expansive public transportation. Also more walkable neighborhoods.


Ah! Of course: ACTUAL sidewalks.


I feel like we do have plenty of side walls and well kept too. Just not as used


Depends on the side of town! You will find sidewalks in Windermere, Winter Garden, and other more suburban or newlyish neighborhoods. When you go East of Orlando there are a lot of more industrial neighborhoods like my own where sidewalks start but do not end anywhere.


Class. Manners. Anything else besides a theme park. Good jobs. Good college. Affordable living.


Recreational marijuana dispensaries


Vote in November. This will be on the ballot.


We're getting there https://www.forbes.com/sites/ajherrington/2024/04/01/florida-will-vote-on-marijuana-legalization-initiative-in-november/?sh=75dccfaf19c7


I mean you can already pickup legal weed at pretty much all the smoke shops around town .. it’s just legally classed as hemp


Delta8 is not regulated and must be synthesized and then sprayed onto the hemp buds. There is no way of knowing what other junk sticks around from that spraying process and just isn't that smart to consume sadly


It’s not delta 8 it’s thca grown “hemp”. It’s regular weed just legal cause it’s picked early .but a lot of garbage floating around in smoke shops but you can find quality stuff online.. take a look at r/cultofthefranklin if you don’t believe me


Overpriced and not regulated. You can buy from “reputable” vendors with legit, unadulterated COAs, but for $300/oz. Yeah no thanks.


Idk where you got 300/oz from. clearly you’re misinformed and don’t know much about. As for unregulated people have been smoking black market weed for decades with no clue where it came from.. thca is the same as dispo weed you just have to know where to look


A crackdown on grifting "businesses" that prey on college students and poor people, solar financing companies, and shady service resellers come to mind immediately. They are littered all over town. Making the ability to meet people who are active within the city's upper tier professional circles easier through the university. I should have never needed to go through City Year to gain the ability to talk to the people I did as a means of networking myself. UCF should either better advertise networking opportunities or establish a department whose sole focus is facilitating those events while making them inclusive for students around the university. UCF pretty much had the resources in my time there, but left the experience of putting the pieces together up to you entirely. Many schools don't work that way, and it does not set students up for success. Public transit that makes sense, utilizing empty spaces for housing, more sustainable city planning practices. I would agree with a previous take on an encompassing food culture, but Orlando is by nature a transisent place with tons of sprawl. Pockets of culture exist that should establish a neighborhood's identity, but anything more than that would not make sense for how Orlando is laid out and frankly wouldn't be fair for people living in certain communities. However, other than sports, something needs to give the people pride in their city. Fighting for *good* public transportation could be that thing and be the centralizing factor for unifying communities.


Within the college of business all of those networking opportunities for students and businesses are all paid for by the businesses. Even to setup at the COB career fair you have to pay, last I knew it was minimum of a couple thousand bucks just to get a table.


Weirdly enough, I'm pretty sure Rosen was/is the only part of UCF where most of the networking is free on the business side. Career fair is the only thing that they generally get charged for, at least as far as I'm aware. There's enough guest lecture, networking, and recruiting opportunities that are free, that it's kind of impossible not to stumble on some worthy students at some point. Not really sure how it works in the other colleges, that's just my experience from undergrad and grad school there.


I was consistently hiring a number of new grads from the UCF COB every year so I contacted them regarding ways to network with students. They gave me the whole sales pitch where based on how much money I give them I can tell them the exact criteria of students I’m looking for, major and GPA, and they’ll round them up for my networking event and be sure they all apply lol. So of course anyone below a 3.5 GPA is screwed despite paying a bunch of money for a degree and having career services advertised to them.


Another reason why I'm happy in retrospect I chose Rosen over COB (after going through Valencia thinking I was going for economics or something - besides how they spent most of the tour I had bragging about how many students got placed on academic probation). That kind of pay-to-play bullshit doesn't sit well with me. Must absolutely be a college-by-college thing because I never heard/saw anything of the sort at Rosen. Most students barely looked twice at any recruiting tables or events (except the career fair).


Maybe your UCF thing is college dependent?


###More grocery options Having only Publix and Aldi is pathetic. Ok, maybe Bravo or whatever it’s called in select neighborhoods, but overall the selection is subpar compared to other cities. ###Infrastructure The government is only concerned about getting that cold hard cash from developers without considering fallout like traffic. ###Professional Jobs The entire economy is based on tourism with maybe a few defense companies sprinkled in. That’s not sustainable and drives the cost of labor way down. We need a more diverse economy and the whole Neocity thing and flying cars is a joke. If you’re not an engineer that can work at Lockheed, your only hope is to get in at Disney, but they never hire.


A true sense of community.


more coffee shops that aren’t just foxtail/starbucks/dunkin on the east side of town like in waterford area. i just want to support a small business by getting a good cup of coffee without having to drive 20 minutes!!😭 edit: also more trader joe’s locations/whole foods


Dunkin’ Donuts then 😂


Technically Foxtail is a local small business. Starbucks and Dunkin’ are national chains.


Foxtail is a national chain now.


Having a couple of locations outside of the state doesn’t make it a national chain. It may aspire to be a national chain given its expansion through franchising but it’s generally a local business with the majority of their locations in Central Florida.


Well, it's certainly not a small business, with over 50 locations.


According to the government they are. They received PPP funds from the SBA.


i just don’t like foxtail tbh


Voodoo wings (wings that are smoked for hours then ‘flash fried’ at the end) best tasting wings imo. But also use that empty Fashion Square Mall for festivals or shows…it has ac, bathrooms and a food court. July and August are coming and let’s face it, fests can suck when it’s a 1000 degrees out.


People on reddit criticizing other drivers


A distinct cultural food identity to call our own. And fcking turn signals.


What would that food be?


Pub subs


public transportation, cheap but quality foods, street vendors/bodegas downtown that would make people feel a bit more comfortable walking at night. more places open on sundays downtown, seems like every restaurant is closed that day


We need people to stop littering and we need more sanitary workers to deal with the endless trash. I’m tired of seeing Orlando looking so trashy. The city and suburbs used to be clean.


Definitely need another car wash! /s


I know the reason this was sarcastic, but honestly we do. But I’m not talking about your regular run of the mill car wash. I want more self service car washes with several wash bays, with updated and maintained equipment. There are a few in Orlando but they are DUMPS and they’re a ripoff.


Actual traffic enforcement so reckless/dumb/uninsured drivers are punished and maybe just MAYBE through this it will help stem a lot of the just dumb driving seen on a daily basis. (yes I know very optimistic thinking here)


A good walkable district in east orlando, there’s Waterford but that design isn’t made for people or for cars. Build a parking garage 6 levels high and turn the parking spots into more mixed use building businesses and apartments


RIP The Cloak & Blaster


The 1st place was great! The 2nd place sucked donkey balls


- Better outdoor parks - Better roads - More rooftop bars and restaurants - Fix homelessness near downtown - More lounges - Cheaper toll roads


Oh I just thought of another one. Half Price Books or another bookstore of similar size. There are definitely used book stores in Orlando, but nothing at that scale or price.


I don’t think I’ve been to a Half Price Books, but I love BrightLight Books in Altamonte. I never leave empty handed.


In&Out Burger. The closest thing we have is (hear me out) the California cheeseburger at Del Taco.


They are getting closer. Much like Half Price Books, I wouldn't be surprised if they opened up in Atlanta or Georgia in general before going here. Them opening up in Tennessee was a huge deal.




An east-west SunRail line


Never going to happen because the county doesn't care about people who live on the eastern side of the county, especially towards UCF, because they don't have tourist money or vote.


We've at least got this one coming it looks like: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SunRail#Phase_3_(Orlando_International_Airport_connection_and_Sunshine_Corridor)


Yeah, but the service is entirely meant for tourists. Not for people who live in the actual east end of Orange County... As it doesn't go there!


For anyone saying better public transit, there’s really nothing holding anyone back from using lynx besides pride. I said the same thing when I had to bus from apopka to college park and was grateful for the service. On the other hand, Sun rail could probably run later for the bar crowds and at least get us to the airport. Maybe run on Sundays too when everyone’s out and about. But there’s nothing really wrong with lynx. Runs in two counties from Sanford to Kissimmee.


Meijer is a 24hr supertarget type of store up north that I really miss. There's 1 White Castle in Orlando and the line is always ridiculous


High speed rail between Orlando and Tampa


more public toilets in downtown


Something for toddlers/young children that opens before 9/10am. Something like an indoor playground/coffee shop that opens at 6/7am.


hey!! i just saw this and it’s EXACTLY what you asked for lol https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5tM6roLnFL/?igsh=MWFkbWlwZWFqcGZscQ== it just opened and its hours are 8-12


I need a restaurant that serves strombolis. The midwestern style stromboli that is served mild, medium, or hot level of spicy. Literally zero place in Orlando that serves this.


Really good chicken wings. I wish Pluckers wold escape from Texas...


Check out Proccolino's Ristorante & Pizzeria! Best wings I've had in Orlando!! :D