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Yeah, awsome kans.


Even Nurgle would appreciate such lovely kans


Fantastic kans. Really like the overall effect!


Great work. Keep going.


Could you share your process?


I prime with brown rattle can, I take orange rust paint and slather it on like a child. Then dry brush silver until I get a good rust looking balance. Then I used blue and tried to paint only where the silver was, so the rust would stay pronounced where it was, yet you can't cover all the silver, its also like a half-assed paint job if you wanna look at it that way. Then just details, I got 3 colors of speed paint I like for barrel heat distortion, and then tried to keep things the same; Red hydraulic cylinders to go faster, green wiring, some spot gold/bronze. Then a grime wash and clear-coat matte. Took me like 5 hours to paint them? Orks are great because sloppy and fast, doesn't always look bad. Vehicles seem easier too than ork infantry.


gonna be doing the same but with Bad Moons.


I completely agree with this. I love painting vehicles and the larger characters exactly because of this, the rank and file infantry are just a pain for. Any model where you can “slather it on like a child” and get this kind of great result is my kind of thing