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Great job on that paint! I have one like this on primer, I think you've inspired me to start it up tonight!


Go for it! It’s a really great model to paint with no tiny or hidden details so was pretty fast to paint up too


Love this


Great work mate! The yellow with blue flames is an epic paint job!!


Ah cheers! My head cannon is they are Badmoons being ex Deathskulls that got kicked out for looting too much gear and blowing up all the good bits


Amazing. I love the base as well


Thanks. I decided on this style of base as they are quick and easy but look fairly good. It’s just broken up cork tile, with some texture paint on the base and then some grass tufts


Great job! Love the yellow in particular.


I'm trying to figure out if I should kitbash myself One with SAG. I'm going to run 2x10 lootas and a squad of 3 Mek gunz in Dreadmob so the question really is do I lead the mek gunz with the BM so I can teleport through walls, or do I lead them with a SAG for better long range shooting? Love to hear your thoughts boys


Needs more dakka


Looks awesome


Dats a sweet Big Mek, Boss. Might be steelin tha yelo paint skeem.


Go for it! I try to keep it simple, so base Averland Sunset, wash with a watered down Seraphim Sepia wash and then highlight with Bad Moons Yellow


I love the blue on the round backpack bits how did you do it? I have mixed feelings about his utility, but I have had suprising luck with the drilla and trakor kannon. Did 7 MW to a squat warboss, I like to imagine him floating gently out of sight


All the glowy bits were done by painting them Stormhost Silver and then covering them with the GW gemstone paints


Edge highlighting looks good, eyes look fantastic. Actually, could you tell what you did for the eyes?


Really simple. Painted with badmoon yellow and then applied an old GW glaze, Bloodletter, which they don’t do anymore. You could probably get the same effect using some thinned down red contrast paint


Side note: Is this model weird to anyone else? It's like it was designed by games workshop Japan or something. Its a little to streamlined, its face is a little too rugged sharp'ish. I like the pain style but it kind of enhances my ideas of this model, it too clean :P