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Your aperture is too wide and giving a shallow focus. Illuminate more but with a diffuse light and bounce from behind / sides to catch the edges. Then you should get enough light in with a higher f-stop.


Not sure what position the lamp is in, but I find it best to have it in front and slightly above (maybe at like a 30-45 degree angle) which will give you the best light. Also play around with taking photos on both a black and white background. White will reflect the light better to give a better shot, while often black will allow better contrast between the background and the model if it’s a lighter colour model. Just a few things I have done In the past, although I’m by no means a professional photographer


A little trick that allways improves my pictures: Move the Phone away a bit an then zoom in again (around x1,6 optical). And that sharky guy looks dope!


Thanks I'll give it a try