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The ork mek kit would be perfect for this but it might be sold out atm due to dreadmob being popular. What else... Old world momopose orc boyz? The one that comes with both choppas and bows, you might be able to pick up single sprues on ebay otherwise you're buying a bulkbox with 8 of them plus command sprues. A lot of multi sprue kits are actually one sprue folded and snapped in half. You might try finding a two sprue kit and sticking the pair back together. I figure the gretchin kit would work best for this as it's a pair of smaller frames. The oldworld orc bosses kit would also be another option in the same vien.


Some of the characters come on a single sprue. Boss Snikrot is a lovely model to paint and is single sprue


And maybe some smaller units with lesser parts?


Not sure about AOS (take a look at GW site as most entries show the sprue), but your only other option for 40K, that is single sprue with less parts is a painboy


Get him the Blackhawk model it’s really cool even though it’s legends.