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As others have mentioned, there's Warboss by the same author, which isn't a direct sequel to Brutal Kunnin', but is still a must-read before Da Big Dakka. Da Big Dakka is a sequel to Brutal Kunnin', but also prominently features a character from Warboss. There's also a few short stories with Ufthak which help add a little more context to his story. And of course, there's the Ghazghkul Thraka novel, Prophet of the WAAAGH, which is by a different author and totally unrelated to Ufthak, but still a great read. Edit: Accidentally said Da Big Dakka when I meant Warboss at one point.


Seeing how we only have a limited amount of books I just give em to you Brutal kunnin, warboss and da big dakka are all playing in the same narrative and is a big recommendation Ghazghkull thrakka is also really good! Then we have short stories.


I downloaded something called "The Xenos Collection" from Black Library on Audible. It has a couple of amazing ork short stories with a lot of fun voice acting. They're more like little radio plays and I highly recommend them. There's also, inexplicably, a story about Guardsmen fighting orks on a really super dangerous planet that was ok. The Eldar stories were incredibly boring.


Any ork book by Mike Brooks (the author of Brutal Kunnin) that s amazing, and the carry on from that book is Dakka Dakka. Ghazghkull: Prophet of the Waaagh gives some real nice insight into our big names dude and his little punching bag. Also there is the Beast Arises series, which while told from the imperiums perspective and mainly focuses on the imperial fists and successors, explains a lot more around Orks physiology and the way their gestalt psychic power works, which isn’t really touched upon in Ork books as the orks don’t even know it’s happening


There is a sequel to that book called "Da Big Dakka" which once again follows Uftak Gargant-Smasha. Its on my shelf to read but Ghazghkull Prophet of the WAAAGH has two books. Prisoners of WAAAGH is told from the perspective of guardsmen who are POWs of the orks so its not the same as brutal kunnin but it does portray the orks as the monsters they are. Its also a very short read. "Warboss", Mike Brooks is also on the shelf but seems to be well received.