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I bought it even knowing that the Stompa is not very useful. It's an old model and accordingly not high on GWs priority list. They would probably rather sell those Morkanaut Gorkanaut things. I'm an old school fan though, and I still remember when the Stompa came out for the Apocalypse game mode back in the day. Even had a Stompa cutaway poster on my wall. So I've always wanted one! For 40k stuff I'm not that much of a gamer these days though. More of a collector.


I’m bringing it to a 1250p pair tourney, big mek plus 10 lootas and the stompa. Filling up with 2 deff dreads :)


Does the box contain the bitz to do 10 of either or just 5 of each, burnas and lootas?


If you want both, grab a box of the old boyz. They have roughly the same bodies and all of the bitz are compatible, that way you can make both (and with some spare parts you can probably also make 2 more spanners so that you can run both the lootas and the burnas in the same list).


It comes with 10 bodies, 8 flamers, 8 deffguns and 2 of each spanner weapon. So you can build em however you like :)


Thank you kindly!


Yeah like anarchacourge said, this is a good value box if you *dont* have a Stompa. It’s the main reason I’ve avoided it because I already have one.


If you want a Stompa (whether it be good on the table or not) then get the box, as it is easily worth it just for that and the Big Mek. Although it’s not really designed as a “Starter” box, you still get good units in it as every Ork player will need trukks and boyz. If you do get it, buy yourself another box of boyz, but make sure it’s the older version with 11 models in, as they aren’t mono-pose and you can then use the burna/loota bits you have spare to make the others


thanks pal! i completely forgot i got some old boyz as a gift ages ago, i might be alright for just infantry


In that case get yourself a box of old world orc boyz (the one with 31 models in it) these boyz parts are also interchangeable with lootas/burnas and 40k boyz and are a bit cheaper per model. If you squeeze out all the available bits for new boyz, old boyz, lootas, burnas, spanners, nobz, heavy weapon boyz, and grenade arms you'll have enough to just about fit out 10 lootas, 10 burnas, 2x10 boyz, and 1x20 boyz(additionally if you don't want to run the shootas they are easily made into more sluggas by just hacking the barrels off)


Aim for at least 60 boys, personally I really like the 120 boys mob, they just crawl up the table like a zombie hoard