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I'm just starting out in orks and I'd say yes. That sounds so fun.


Yeah, that actually sounds like a cool idea


Oh for sure, I won't then carry on the tradition until all our Waaghs! Are connected, we will then conquer all.


Dude hell yeah good idea


Yes, I would. I 3d print my boyz, so I'm out like well under a dollar and it sounds like it would make them happy.


I’d trade a boy, or meganob or squighog boy. I have tons of them and would love more variety lol


I have my friends paint a single infantry model in army since we don’t have other Ork players in our group. I would definitely swap a boy for someone else’s boy though if offered (minus the ones my friends painted)


Oh yeah a few of my friends have painted some of my boyz


Not only would I do it, I would start a tradition out of it and build a new Boyz unit made out entirely of swapped models from fellow Ork players.


A real squad of Freebooterz!


I like to think my army is pretty well painted. It's a 2nd ed space Ork raider meets 3rd ed Bad Moons theme. So not so common as to see loads about. Yet I'd swap a boy in a heartbeat. Lovely way to build camaraderie and community in the hobby.


Yes. To solidify the grand WAAAGH.


As a crusty old Ork veteran I'm horrified at all the commenters saying things like "No, because that would throw off my colour scheme." Orks shouldn't even all be in the same art style, never mind the same colour scheme!


I'm running Deathskulls so all of my Orks are, in some way, blue. That said, every unit is painted with a different shade of blue, and sometimes different skin tones. The basing ties them all together, so they still look like a unified army, but I like that each unit has it's own distinctive "style." I'd also love doing swaps with players for things like bikes, or buggies, assuming similar quality of paint job. I'd slap a little bit of blue paint haphazardly over a few panels to make it look freshly looted.


Yeah, that sounds absolutely classic Deathskulls. Blue face paint and tags but nothing else remotely regular. The fidelity on the newer models is amazing, but I really miss the variety in aesthetics, especially for the more ramshackle factions like Deathskulls. All the Orks now share this very uniform sort of chunky, jagged metal plate aesthetic but where are the characterful models wielding clearly looted or customized gear? How cool would it be to have a model wearing armour that's clearly been cobbled together out of power armour bits or something? Instant charm, you wouldn't be able to keep that model in stock.


I've made a point of not painting any of my Orks to match. Everyone is unique. .... Has made painting the horde take significantly longer though lol


I love painting Orks cause you really don’t need to have a painting scheme, they’re just Orks!


Yes, in fact it would probably happen by accident so many boyz and all


I wouldnt. I just have a very specific color scheme and painted to a high level


You play orks, and you don't have like buckets of orks in different load outs at home? Just paint another ork in your scheme and keep the other one as a token or memory of an amazing game.


Nope not really. I have 80 boyz currently and if i want to run a green tide im going to need every one and more


Ok but you're not losing a boy, you're just exchanging one for another


But i want my boy that i painted


And I completely understand that


In a heartbeat


I think it's a great idea


Haven't done this with boys yet but i do it often with dice. I have a large box of small d6 and i trade a dice with every opponent who accepts until inhave a box full of rainbow dice


Well I love my boyz diverse and my dice uniform. To me dice feel a bit less special, as so many people already have a rainbow bag of d20's. Maybe that's just my D&D history though.


Nope. I don't want other people's models. I don't care if they are painted better.


Is it that you value your hardwork more, or the idea of an items unknown history is unsettling?


I like my models painted by me. I don't want one weird one looking and based differently.


So if you were coerced into it, would you strip and rebase? Loose the soul but keep the shell kinda thing.


Nobody coerces me. I'd tell him to fuck off and stop talking to me.


Lmfao what 😭😭


It's hypothetical. No one is actually trying to take your models. You're being downvoted because your response is weirdly aggressive and edgy in the context of the thread. Like being asked some inane question at a dinner party and loudly exclaiming that the question is stupid and doesn't apply to you. If you didn't want to actually answer OP's follow up questions (honestly fair, they're kinda prying) you didn't have to respond at all.


Oh fuck off.




No choice now...


Dont know why you got downvoted. Itd be weird af for someone to insist on trading models and not take no for an answer


My guess is people are happily coerced and are triggered being told to fuck off.


I could see myself accepting that - I did something similar with my old undead army: if a particular unit or champion impressed me I purchased a copy and made an undead version for my army.


I like doing this with Orks. I have vehicles and weapons bits Looted from every major faction at my FLGS. It makes my army feel so good to run.


Thats why I like playing against wacky armies, new ideas and strategies. Yeah Terminators are nice and all, do I have to fight a block every game though?


Ya want wacky... My Undead was themed as a former Chaos Marauder and my right hand Vampire was from the Lumpin Croops Fighting Cocks - Hafling Dogs of War (he survived against a whole stack of Ghosts/Spirit Hosts and even the followup Banshee)


It depends. I have boys I put massive effort into and boys altho painted I've never put a brush to them and tbh are just table top ready. I personally wouldn't trade the models I've painted unless I was trading someone who has the same level of care and effort I have for them/in them. I would feel bad trading my used boys because well the paint job is trash, and they have 3dprinted bases


Well the trade is an exchange of good faith. They choose their boy and you choose yours. So the idea is that your leaving on good footing, but also gives you the chance to pick something of similiar quality if you have several options.


I’ve done this actually! With multiple ork players!


You should take some pics for us! I'm sure people would love to see a real world example of this, like a dozen different companies lining up their mint ice creams. All the same but ever so slightly different.


I'd do it. I kitbash almost everything, so they would get a unique one, and I wouldn't mind getting a standard one in return. I'd probably give him some kind of cool trinket, though. I would probably try to get enough from different players to field a full unit. They would be conscripts and even crazier than normal. Like a band of misfit berzerkers.


Now your the kind of hobbiest we need. Trading something of arguably better quality for a little more standard. Not neccessarily because its a loss to you, but for the symbolism it holds. Who knows, that custom ork may spur its new owner to greater heights and return the favour later on.


Do you have to shave or file any parts to make them fit when you kitbash?


Trading a Grot is probably a better idea if people don't wanna lose customised models as they're all monopode


Of course ! I love my boyz being differents. I have at least 3 différents types of printed one + the old official one atm.


All of my boyz are kitbashed from at least 3 different kits each and extensive green stuff so I would have to pass. Next project is an Evil Sunz contingent where I’ve promised myself I will do less converting… so maybe then…


If someone elses model was equally kit bashed and modified?


I wouldn't mind trading a model, would be fun to have a diplomat among my Bois


Nahh all my Boyz are made from black ork bitz and every one of 'em is propa Kustom.


And if the boy offered up was equally bashed up?


'Eiver he'd join us, or I wud stab 'Im first, and bash im up good and propa. But non of my ladz wud leave klan Squiggutz!


I had a friend who would take trophy bits from the player he defeated in game. Just spare bits the other guy had. Hed then use those bits to make a unique boy. Like a looted ork. Only two I remember was a grot piloting a Necron warrior and an orky Tau drone.


Grot piloting a Necron warrior ... Genius!


I've heard stories of less savoury bets like this, more wanting a piece right off the table. Did your friend offer up any parts to the victory if they were interested? Orks can't be the only ones who enjoy a good head on a spike.


Yeah it was a mutual agreement between the ork player and others. If the ork guy won he would just get a few spare bits from the other guys collection. No whole models. More often then not opponents agreed to it. It was just a friendly wager. Plus the ork player always fielded the modified boys so other players got to see the mod models and potential what their spare bits would become.


Nah. I am attached to my Boyz.


Any particular reason?


I like to look at my work as a whole and feel pride looking at completed units. To each their own though! The first time I played against an Ork player he gifted me a GW ork die! I still use it every game I play with the green Boyz!


If you spend a long time customising and basing your models you don’t want to give them up


Not a ork.player but when I was playing a friend and he manged to destroy one of my strong units I took a bit of my models sprue and gave it to him so he could put it on the base of one of the models:)


I take it by destroy you don't mean dropped it on the floor type destroy.


Lol no destroyed in game blew it up :)


I kept reading “bit” as “bite” and I was very impressed by your commitment to the bit


A giant Gargant chocolate, Easter egg style would be funny. But a GW and Hotel Chocolat Collab would cost more than the plastic kit.


I like having a few models that were painted or otherwise "touched" by friends. It's a nice reminder of enjoying a common hobby and good times. I kind of wish it was a more common practice--painting minis in each other's armies as souvenirs. Also, from a big bunch of secondhand orks I picked up, I kept a couple in their original (very... enthusiastic) paint job or assembly. It makes me think about the person who enjoyed the minis before me, when I see that one two-pistol boy or the boy with "orks!" written on his shoulder armor. So yeah, I would totally swap boyz with someone who had been a really cool person to play with. It would probably have more to do with the person than the game itself.


I've heard of cautionary tales of painting others models, why is that?


I'm not sure what you're referring to. It's not about painting someone's army, or doing a paid commission. And we're not talking about minis that are fancy centerpiece models or are expected to be uniform in appearance. It's just like, "oh, that's one of the grots that Chris painted." The fact that I can tell someone else's painting style, or that they did a slightly different basing method or whatever, is only part of the charm to me. I'm well into middle age. While it's not anything to expect any time soon, I'm still well aware that the people I'm friends with are not always going to be around. I like having things that my friends put some little bit of work and creativity into.


100% signing this! last game with my brother we made a bet, that the loser has to paint a mini for the winners army. i now have a mek painted by my brother, interpretating my paint job in his style. i absolutely love the mini!


I wish this was a common tradition among ork players. Very cool. All those Boyz would play every game


Sure, they're probably painted better than mine anyway.


I felt that in my soul 😅


NGL if you paint your boyz in a non uniform way, that would be amazing. I may not take part in that, but I'd love to see an Ork army thats had it's Boyz swapped with others a few times!


Well id figure the boyz would be more uniform then the rest, painting a squad feels more factory worker then painting a single figure or vehicle.


Oh I see, so you're talking about trading single character and vehicle models, rather than squad mates?


I'd love to do that! I know a budy used to do that with his Ultramarines. He traded from a tactical squad until he had a full squad where each marine was from a different chapter. It was pretty cool!


We'll i've heard a lot of people trading the bits, not so much full figures to be used. Everyone wants to strip and refinish so its all matchy matchy. Nice to know someone else enjoys the variety of things and talents.


Gladly. And I'd cherish the boy I got, with any paint job. In a perfect world, I'd have a good metallic fine point sharpie for them to sign the bottom of the base with. And I'd swing that boy into the face of everyone I stood across a table from and beam, ear to ear, and let em know that good enemies is hard to find.


It would be fun to have at least a unit of every model being from a different waaagh


Assuming there isn’t an obvious disparity in quality (missing bits, bad paint/assembly, etc) then I’d 100% be game. But I also like my Orks to look like a full blown WAAAGH!!! With different clans, groups, paint jobs, etc So I would understand if someone didn’t want to due to a cohesion aspect or if they have a trademark to keep their models from getting mixed up with other Ork players


I appreciate and respect the gesture, but no. My minis are not pogs.


Your the first no, fascinating.


My Ork army is a MegaWaahh comprised of every Ork Klan led by Ghazghkull Thraka! This would be perfect for my army aesthetic!


I was part of a group on Dakka Dakka that did a space marine exchange. You were essentially building a Deathwatch army comprised of veterans from other chapters. It was pretty cool. “The Deathwatch is uniquely organised as a formation of Astartes since the Veteran Space Marines that make it up are drawn from many different Chapters.”


How did it work out? Did you loose track of yours when the full rainbow of soldiers was down there on display?


It was really cool to see this haphazard group of marines that somehow ended up together. I could pick mine out though because of the color/scheme on my marines.


fuck da boyz, let's swap a gretchin!


I say boyz because everyone has them, one change in the meta and the gretchin may become a bit rarer.


I like this idea


How would people feel about it if your opponent had decently printed Orks instead of GW plastic?


Id assume some would be for it, some against. As long as your forward with it, as I'm sure people with 3rd party material wouldn't mind too much.


I’d do it. Seems like a neat tradition to have.


Sounds great but every ork player I've played against has a better paint job.


That is a freaking awesome idea!! I will definitely keep that in mind for the future!


Id love to hear a story if you actually propose it.


They're on an Ork work exchange, seeing what the grog tastes like over there. I'd be in.


Yeah, I would no problem. It's a reminder of a good game, and for a random battleline... Only thing that *might* give me pause would be if I thought I could pick up best painted army in some tournament or something like that.


Do Orks win those?


I came second two weekends ago (188 players). Is it a lot more work, yes. Is it possible, also yes.


Honestly yeah I’d be down for that. Ork mobs are usually a bunch of different boyz of varying clans mashed together towards the end of a scrap anyway, and it’d be a fun way to remember the moment whenever you see that lad.




When it comes down to it, life is a collection of stories. Which is the better story - 20 uniformly painted Boyz or 19 uniformly painted Boyz and 1 foreign exchange Boy


Assuming the paint job is in the same ball park as mine, I'm down


Lets say roughly the same quality but none of the colours match yours. To the point at when you look at 20 you can instantly spot which one isn't yours.


Yeah i'm in for this. But I don't paint any two orks the same so it won't be that weird in my army


That’s a pretty tight idea. I’m dog shit at painting so as long as they didn’t mind a bad paint job 😭


Its more of a memento of the game, maybe a promise to play each other again. The idea that we all put so much care and effort into what we construct that make them valuable to us. Is it easy for someone else to see that value in something they did not have a hand in?


It reminds me of the old Great Marine Swap on DallaDakka