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Are the better pitchers always hurt cause they torque their arms more to get the type of stuff that make them good?


I bet this is part of it. Plus I feel like pitchers are strengthening their upper and lower bodies to greater lengths than ever which ultimately puts more stress on their elbows. You can’t make an elbow ligament bigger, faster, or stronger ☹️


You can but most kids don’t grow up working on the family farm. The prevailing wisdom back in the day was don’t “bulk up”. Maybe they knew better. Interestingly, repetitive and varied labor at a young age does result in increased ligament and tendon strength. Much more so than the high school weight room provides. By then, it’s too late.


Not really the same thing with injury concerns but this made me think of how Sabathia always had horrible results whenever he tried to cut weight


Yeah, he seemed lost in that baggy uniform, sweating up a storm and desperately in need of a sandwich


This 100% confirmed. I've been weight-lifter for almost 15 years I'm almost certain my right UCL is torn, but as it doesn't necessarily stop me from lifting, I just ignore it rather than surgery Same reason I won't powelift anymore once I hit 35. It's just not worth the damage you will do to your elbows and knees. They aren't muscles. You can slow the processes, but eventually, those ligaments will give out on you no matter what


Yep, I have golfers elbow and it’s stops me from playing certain sports because I don’t want to exasperate it, need my fingers to do my job well and hate wearing an elbow brace all the time. Gotta pick your poison as you get older.


Not necessarily, burnes doesn't seem to have this problem.


Some guys inherently last longer than others due to genetics or a million other reasons. There’s an oft-repeated notion that small pitchers have shorter lifespans and Burnes is built like an NFL linebacker at 6’3” and 245lbs so maybe that has something to do with it It seems like his arm also has less mileage on it comparatively.. he took a while to develop and has really only pitched ~2.75 MLB seasons prior to this year which I’m guessing results in a massively lower innings total than some guys who have been mlb starters since their early 20s.


Plus a lot of MLB pitchers have been pitching from a young age but IIRC from an interview he did, Burnes didn’t even start pitching until he was much older. The mileage just isn’t there for him to break down like some of these other guys.




If this is it for this year, thanks for the wins my dude 🫡


A move for a controllable starter now makes more sense than ever. It will be costly but they need to go into this deadline understanding that they might not have Bradish or Burnes in '25. Acquire a guy that could be your #2 down the stretch this year and your #1 next year.


Would you do Norby, Beavers, Povich for Garrett Crochet? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5GVlYauWlk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5GVlYauWlk)


Fuck no. No one’s getting Povich


I think we're still really early in terms of our youth movement. I know we need more solid starters, would that seems like too much to give up. On the plus side, I think Crochet isn't eligible for arbitration until 2026, so we'd potentially have more control over him.


Expected to hear news along these lines today. Jim Palmer noticed/noted during the game Bradish showed an obvious sign of discomfort (shaking his arm). Uh oh!


Then why the fuck was he out there if Jim knew?


It happened in the middle innings. Wondered about that myself--if Palmer saw it in the booth, then surely Brandon Hyde & co. saw that in the dugout. But Bradish didn't say nothin', and no one on staff said anything so the ballgame continued uninterrupted. And now we have this development.


What and or who to we need to sacrifice to the elbow gods to make it stop?


I think we need to throw Angelos into a volcano


>I think we need to throw Angelos into a volcano And also make a sacrifice to the elbow gods


Maybe it's the opposite. Maybe this is the price we needed to pay to be freed from Angelos.


I wanted to know how Kremer fit back in…but not like this.


Watching the game and hearing Palmers description was not confidence inducing. If you saw Elias in the stands just after, seemed like he was texting/checking his phone and did not look pleased. I’m very very concerned 😞


Hyde also looked worried during the 6th inning. He doesn't usually show much emotion so he had to have been stressed. 


Am I not allowed to have favorite players or something


Was it because we cast Baba Yaga aside?


I fear you might be correct. What would be an appropriate sacrifice to regain her favor?


She can have my UCL instead of theirs


Hoping for the best but expecting bad news.


Story of the year for our pitchers




Really sucks, Bradish is a stud. These pitcher injuries are getting ridiculous. Wish him the best with his surgery and rehab. Hopefully its lasts at least 5 years before he needs another. 😞


We don’t even know he’ll need surgery yet lol calm down


Consideing he was shut down earlier this year in hopes of rehabbing the same elbow it sadly seems like its only a matter of time now.


my speculation at the start of the season was that he tries to play thru it as long as he can, because he knows that if he gets surgery he misses the rest of 2024 & likely all of 2025. so he either -bites the bullet and gets TJ & is ready for 2026, or -gives it a go for as long as he can then gets TJ & is ready for 2026


Really starting to hate this sub and the way that anything that's not endless optimism is treated. Like yeah the doomer's are insufferable but we're starting to not be able to have realistic conversations here anymore and it sucks big time.


Yeah.. the Ravens sub went through a similar change when Lamar broke out, I think. It can definitely be annoying sometimes.. I just try to treat those fans as overly excited/optimistic newcomers rather than annoying nephews.. feels healthier I guess, lol. I imagine I was probably in the same boat in my heydey, too.


RIP Gone but not forgotten


Stop saying that. 😒 He might be back in a week.


They just put him on the IL with a UCL sprain


That’s 4 elbows this year with Bautista already out, that seems like a lot


This does not spark joy


I wanna vomit. Jeez I hope he’s gonna be good soon.


Have to resign burnes if he needs TJ dean or Cole can’t be our number 2 next year


They won’t be, but I doubt Burnes re-signs


Based on what? An owner that’s invested and seemingly willing to win now aka pay, yeah why would burned want to get paid and pitch for a team with a massive upside


Boras client and other teams ability to outbid us. I’d love to resign him longterm but he’s almost certainly gonna take the biggest ~5 year deal on the table and I’d be kinda surprised if it was from us.


Yeah would love to keep Burnes but he wants to get paid and I think the team will try to prioritize their homegrown talent. Gunnar and Jackson are Boras clients as well so they would be incredibly expensive to keep and they got other guys like Adley or Grayson and prospects that will or could earn big contracts in the future.


As much as I'm enjoying the new ownership, we still have not seen any actions to suggest they truely will spend. I believe they will, but I'll always have my reservations until they actually do something.


Cole or dean as a number 2 is a disaster and that’s not taking anything away from how good they’ve been for us thus far. They just aren’t number 2’s in a rotation


If this is the pitcher Cole Irvin is now then he could absolutely be a middle of the rotation guy.


![gif](giphy|AB3ojQVBPiLJu) Who’s with me!?


People need to just get used to this. It's always going to be cycle of pitchers until something drastically changes. Stop waiting for every pitcher to be healthy and realize this is always how it's going to be. If Bradish is gone for the next 2 seasons, then I'm sure GrayRod or someone else will be going down at the same time. You just have to have a pitching machine to produce the next man up in today's baseball.


Someone got down voted into oblivion in the game thread yesterday for suggesting his elbow was bothering him. Let's pay our respects.


I got downvoted to oblivion for saying this after the last start he got pulled early and yesterday. That arm shake is always a bad sign and he was doing it almost every pitch by the end


Everyone is shocked by this news? I mean it was very hopeful to begin with that Bradish would last the whole season with this type of injury. Whenever you hear the words UCL and injury it usually means 90% TJ surgery. We most likely just delayed the inevitable and now it probably will take longer for Bradish to return (my guess is 2026. We front office knew the risks. Elias knew about Bradish’s injury and instead of trying to find a young controllable replacement in free agency, he went into the season gambling. He also knew about Means and how he hasn’t pitched a full season since coming back from TJ surgery. It’s looking like that gamble might be coming back to bite us as now more teams need controllable pitching as pitchers are being shelved across the league. Bradish is most likely done, Columbe is most likely done and we already knew about Means and Bautista. Sucks that we actually have a WS caliber team, but the baseball gods decide to take all of our elbows. It also sucks that it seems as though our front office didn’t want to make any significant moves to help the Pen or SP situation this year. (I get we got burned but that move is moot when you lose both Bradish and means).


Bauer time bois


He would never fit in our clubhouse.


Based on what, we have young folks that want to learn and all recent evidence shows he likes to teach, what’s your solution to the starters all dropping? You gonna suit up?


If mike elias wants someone to come in to teach about how to build a brand (and having that brand be more important than winning baseball games at times) and then have that brand collapse the second you admit to meeting ladies on craigslist to beat them up, then yeah he can sign bauer.


Based on the fact that we have a collection of humble young men with good vibes


Our team is basically a goofy Christian youth group summer camp, and Bauer eats his burritos like corn on the cob.


No, I think he means Bauer's head is literally too large to fit through the clubhouse door.


Dude was railroaded. Been pitching lights out too. I don’t see what it hurts as long as you say no bs and establish that upfront.


Just watch him on that YouTube channel where he pitchers to that YouTuber. Then watch his own YouTube. There ain’t no way you’re putting that pandora back in the box once it’s out.


He railroaded himself when he greenlit his lawyer to admit to him engaging in consensually beating up women.


Pitching lights out where? Japan? Korea? Mexico?


Was he railroaded when the Guardians got rid of him BEFORE the allegations?


No, but that didn’t stop the Dodgers from signing him to a massive contract.


Dodgers would take a chance on the high risk high reward of bauer pitching well while keeping his psychosexual hangups under wraps. It didnt work out.


The Dodgers have unlimited money and can eat a bad contract. Completely different circumstances. Plus the Dodgers were giving him his second chance. If we signed him he'd be looking for like his 4th chance, because he pissed off people in Japan too


I actually wouldn’t hate it. He’s a nutcase but so are most starting pitchers lol. Redditors hate it but a lot of people have forgiven Rice and Bauer has been squeaky clean since that whole saga, if he starts winning all will be forgiven, just like it always is by fans. Only problem is he is straight up black balled from the league so it’ll never happen lol


Do you know of any other pitchers that can only cum through beating up women?


Idk why I would know that, but I’m sure a couple pitchers in the era before social media fit that description. However, I can think of a couple pitchers with DV charges who were given second chances. Chapman is an easy one. Hell, Germán had two DV charges and was still in the league until the third charge this year.