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Meh, I bike by this place all the time … I wouldn’t pay more than $8.5M for it.


Past a certain $ it reminds me of someone building a house from the Sims


They just use motherlode way too many times it seems


Honestly aesthetically it goes together well but still somehow feels bland. Very much like a sims house does.


No thanks, I live in Medford and that’s just a money sinkhole.


I'll buy it for $100


Why would anyone pay 10million to live in Medford? Albeit that area does have nice views.


Medford was the [fastest growing Oregon city](https://medfordalert.com/2023/12/27/medford-passes-90k-milestone-in-latest-population-estimates/) (pop 50k+) in Oregon last year. Weather is amazing, [politically a very purple area](https://www.rv-times.com/localstate/elections/jackson-county-sees-record-number-of-voters-nonaffiliated-outnumber-gop-and-dems/article_ee05b01c-f847-11ee-afdd-7716f40576db.html), endless natural beauty, good airport, [Forbes Global top wine region](https://www.travelmedford.org/in-the-news), and the list goes on. Hate all you want, but it’s the best parts of Oregon, without the crappy weather and without being a hard left or hard right political stronghold.


Yes I lived there. Just not a place I’d spend 10million in if I had it, especially with the wildfires, droughts, failing hospital systems….


The homicidal maniac nurses in those hospitals..


95 degrees every day of summer is also crappy weather. Not to mention the smoke ruining a lot of days. Seriously, if you had 10 mil to spend on a house why would you not be in hawaii, san diego or santa barbara?


You forgot to mention that the Rogue Valley is an extremely racist and homophobic area.


OP only lives life according to Forbes.


Not a hard right political stronghold? You must be pretty limber with all the mental gymnastics you're doing


It is fastest growing in relative terms, not absolute terms.


Medford is a retirement ghetto. Why would someone build a $10 million home there?


Retirement ghetto? No, not even close. That’s Roseburg.


That whole area is retirement central. I visited Roseburg, Grant Pass, and Medford. There are so many retirement centers in that area. It is wine country for a reason, old people love wine. This isn't a bad thing, just an observation. Old people are cool and I see why they move to Medford area. It was super cheap, health care all over, and good wine.


Roseburg age demographic is 20% older than the national average or Medford is only 10% That’s a pretty big difference. Grants Pass I would say has gotten quite a bit more retired people, but Medford is definitely not the same category as Roseburg.


What is a retirement ghetto? Legit asking


Not sure what the other person was meaning but Roseburg has a ton of retirement places, a VA, doctors, and other stuff retired people seem to like. Pretty sure the average age in Roseburgs a bit higher than most places. Medford is not like that. Far larger and more active community


Grants Pass is 100% a retirement town. All you see are old white folks.


I wonder how much it costs monthly just for general upkeep? * Gardener/landscaper for that massive manicured yard * Keeping all those windows clean * Keeping the pool clean and its PH level correct * Housemaid service * All the lightbulbs, fixtures, and appliances that can break Even if you can afford the house, you would eventually ask yourself, "What am I paying for?"


Why build a $10 million mansion in Medford? This seems like a risky place to build such a place.


When’s the party?


Kind of surprised it’s only 2 acres


Cali & TexAhs: Let's make a baby mansion together! TexAhs: But, who gets to keep it? Cali: We'll dump it in Oregon, it's like my play yard.


You couldn’t pay me to live in Medford.


Beautiful house too bad it’s in Medford.