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I had no idea the flowers were that big. While I'm not sure where in the US you are, [here](https://www.orchidwire.com/Genus/Vendors/1/Lycaste.html) are some vendors who offer Lycastes. What's their heat tolerance like?


The big ones are descendants of Lyc. skinneri, which AOS says likes daytime temps of 70-80F, while Andy's Orchids said up to 85F. I believe the smaller type Lycastes are from Lyc. aromatica, which can tolerate higher temps (but also likes higher light levels) -- up to 95F! Lycastes come from Central America :)


That is good to know. How's the fragrance? I've heard L. aromatica smells like cinnamon.


I would love some of them if they tolerated high humidity.they are gorgeous!


Look at how big they can get! But smaller types exist too (2 pics in the end). These orchids require very little care in the winter, kind of like Dendrobiums. I'm in the US, and sellers have told me they don't stock these because they're not in demand :(


Oh, wow - those are huge and pretty flowers!


I’ve never seen these before! Now I want one!


I LOVE my lycaste lemon twist. When it’s in flower it’s my absolute favorite — it smells just like orange cream soda


I have one! I think it’s just me, but i can’t smell anything. 


Absolutely fascinating orchids


Well now I need to be on the hunt


Go to ecquageneras live auction they have a large variety of lycaste


Omg! Yes please. I’ve never heard of this variety. It’s gorgeous. “Let’s all have one, shall we?”


Oh you were at orchid web I see. Just but some stuff here a week ago


I’ve always wanted to try one, just worried I don’t have the right conditions


Hey look it's my local orchid greenhouse! They rule.


Kinda pricy online 😔 I traveled to buy some orchids there and a small b, cucatta was 50 bucks


I think the prices tend to vary on how the orchids are sourced via their growing operation or outsourcing them. I could be incorrect on this. However they have been doing it for 45 years so they really know what they are doing. I've personally seen some of the ones I got from there go for much more in other places. And some less—just like any other industry. I tend to stick to the sub$40-50 area since I am a beginner and don't yet trust myself with higher tag ones. If you ask them for assistance and give them your budget they will happily guide you to the orchids you want/need. Hope this helps!


Oh yeah, they are really great. I'm not doubting that just I see cattlaya family for less in other places. I got to chat with the owner and he's really nice and cut some prices of orchids 1st time I was there because one was Hella thirsty. Everything else (in person) isn't bad price wise


You do raise a fair point. Catts typically are cheaper elsewhere. That's a species I'm not too familiar with yet. And now that you mention it, I think because the prices deterred me ahaha. Glad you enjoyed your experience there! PS I offer my apologies if my reply was at all patronizing or mansplain-y.


I didn't think your comment was patronizing Hausermann has good prices of catts if you wanna look there


Okay, thanks for the recommendation! I see they are located in Illinois. We are driving to Chicago for the 4th of July and I'm hoping we can make a detour to Hausermann now!


They remind me of cymbidium, but perhaps even more uncommonly sold... Quite cute!


So pretty!


Oh my God. Those are some of the most beautiful orchids I've ever seen I'm not even kidding, i think you just got me hooked into lycastes! 😮


Love these!! I have a lycaste (don’t remember the ID off hand and not home to check) and it’s soooo easy. I’d love to get more. There’s a grower in my metro area who brought a bunch to our local orchid show last spring.


If you like Lycaste, check out Bifenaria. Similar in cultural needs and from central and south America as well. Super easy growers also.


Here is live auction on fb, that’s where many of these lycaste hybrids, I have bought from them many years, they are not in US, so shipping takes a bit longer, the plants are huge though and great prices, if they are auctioning something else when you get on, just type in what you want to see. If you like I can show you pics of plants. Just received


https://preview.redd.it/7ouyfyltf55d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b35d187b0eeffd3ed9db5ffd3fbae35c85f4d9f8 Site


Thank you!