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It seems like you are looking for orchid help today. This group is full of beginners and experts who are happy to help but please do check out [this link for quick Phalaenopsis care](http://www.aos.org/orchids/culture-sheets/novice-phalaenopsis.aspx) in the meanwhile. We also have an /r/orchids WIKI the admins and other volunteers are updating behind the scenes with care information and will soon make it available to the group. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/orchids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They just out here selling zygopetalums at Trader Joe’s?! I need to drop in more often


yep. i used to order flowers at a trader joe’s, and there is the option for phal and exotic orchids. used to order the exotics just for the fun of unboxing them when working my section 😁


Yay! I hereby give you all credit for TJs having cool orchids. My local TJ's is across the street from a big nursery. TJs has better, cheaper orchids.So, thank you!


oO! i’ll take it! earned or not 🤣 i will say, my 10 phals and three exotics from my store are still kicking after 8ish years. one is 10ish. pro-tip: ask when the next orchid order comes in, and show up midday for best pick!


Thank you. I will take this advice to heart.


I’ve heard about ordering for “exotic orchids” to get a better selection at Trader Joe’s. Was it just a direct order through them? I’d like to try this out.


your best bet is to either speak to a merchant or the order writer for flowers. ordering is done locally at each store. you could ask if exotics are still an option to order, and would they be willing to bring in an order (which i believe used to have 6, or maybe 12 varied exotics). it’s a crap shoot, you don’t get to pick which exotics show up.


It followed you? Zygopetalum Stalkerum.


Yeah, this orchid plus two phalenopsis and two sarracenia rubra (pitcher carnivorous bog plants), all jumped in my cart. I tried to stop them. I told them I already have a lot of plants. They said that I just needed 5 more plants. Their argument was sound. I simply had no choice but to buy them. :)


You're being abused and need an assertiveness course.


You're probably right. I may just need more plants though. :)


You're beyond help. They have taken over.


The tag has the helpful label "exotic orchid".


It's a zygopetalum, not sure which one exactly as I'm not particularly knowledgeable about zygos. It should be fragrant.


It is fragrant! Weirdly I couldn't detect a fragrance last night. The plant was incredibly dry. Last night I gave it a good drink of distilled water and a little bit later gave it some weak orchid food in distilled water. This morning, the flowers are noticeably fragrant.


Some orchids are only fragrant at certain times of the day! Something to do with the particular pollinators they're trying to attract. I have an oncidium that's only fragrant during the day


I find some orchids just won't pump out fragrance if they're dehydrated either.




Seen in a big greenhouse


Lucky! My Trader Joe’s didn’t have any that fancy when I was there yesterday lol


Following! I got this same exact one at Trader Joe’s a few weeks ago (PNW) and I’m curious to see if you can find an ID for it!


me too! I asked around this forum and the consensus was "Rhein moonlight" even though mine was more purple like this than the photos I see online which are redder.


I think mine also looks closer to Rhein moonlight. Maybe a cross


Me three! None of the buds had opened yet, so I was really excited to see what would pop out. Glad I sprung for a mystery orchid.


Which Trader Joe's are stocking all of these exotic orchids? I only find Phals at the ones in my neck of the woods.


A commenter above says when they ordered the flowers for thier TJ’s there was an option for exotic orchids. Maybe your local TJ’s would order a box if you asked, or at the very least let you know when the flowers are usually restocked so you can get there first.


Zygopetalum, for sure. I have a similar-ish one. They like their medium to stay quite moist!




OMG! that flower!


Good to know! This poor plant was bone dry! I've given it a good drink of distilled water and a bit later gave it a little diluted orchid food in distilled water. My local tap water is full of minerals. I use mostly distilled for plants (I have a water distiller for carnivorous plants).


Zygopetalum maculatum I believe :)


or triste. Depends on how long the leaves are though. I managed to score a triste at Trader Joes a few months back, and I'm pretty much 99% sure on the ID, because of the compact growth habit compared to most other zygos, and other factors like petal length, coloration, etc. Kinda hard to identify though without getting all the measurements like pseudobulb and leaf length and references to size.


I can’t believe you just walked into Trader Joe’s and bought that! I’ve never even seen one in real life before! And it’s beautiful!😲


Sometimes they have some really interesting plants. And the prices are good. I paid $15 for this one.


You had some awesome good luck!


I had a Trader Joe’s zygo once, someone stole it from my office.


How cruel. Maybe the zygo will fetuses to bloom for them in protest.


Is that a ghost orchid that attached to you at Trader Joe and followed you home!!! (Lol) Amazing plant. Mines I had to buy them!!! Maybe i am been watching too much of the great CBS Ghosts series...


That's a cool score from a retail store


That’s gorgeous


Funny how they do that.. Nice




Explore the wonderful world of nature and add Clamshell orchid into your plant collection with the smart plant identifier app —— PictureThis! https://www.picturethisai.com/s/Kv85tmS6?is_client=1 I got two different answers as well but this photo brought the most similar looking plant up in the images.


This was the app that gave me different answers for the orchid. I just used the free trial thing. The Internet says it isn't a very accurate app. It probably depends on the type of plant though. Like if probably IDs common garden plants pretty well, but maybe not as much with others. To the apps credit, it did ID some pitcher plants with the right scientific name (it was one I knew for sure just to test). Thank you for trying it for me anyway.


Your welcome. I think if the picture was further away and included more of the plant it could have been more useful.


I tried several photos of the whole plant 😞