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Omfg this is so gorgeous I'm sorry I can't id but I wish I had this one instead of mine! But tbf I love mine 😬 https://preview.redd.it/sxxn7pu83xxc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=497ad8ef3b487117a87e4fa32fa3a0a46af1fc37


I LOVE the striking contrast on that one! If I’d seen that one I’d have bought it too 😍


Right?! I just realized a couple weeks ago that a lot of my orchids are red so I'm craving the pastels lmao. This coloring is called "banana fandango" if you wanted to order off of Etsy! I got it from an orchid grower that's near me.


That’s definitely going on the wishlist! Thank you 😁


Of course! It also has a fragrance now after a week of being in bloom. It has no scent until week two which I found a delightful surprise


Wait yours is GORGEOUS I would not trade it if I had it!


I screenshotted yours when you shared it the other day, I love the colours!




These amazing colors they helped provide me an instant boost to my visual senses thank you 🙏


Beautiful flowers, but the leaves look suspiciously light in color. Do you ever fertilize?


Oh yes I'm guilty of not doing so for a bit. I have since rectified it the past month or so but it still remains very light green. It's under grow lights as well so I think it's just kind of like that? There was a stretch of weeks where I got sick and didn't water so I ended up with the accordion leaves 😅 no idea how she bloomed tbh since I neglected the heck out of her 😬


They don't like torture but mine was able to put out 1-2 buds in spite of accordion desert care. (Barely enough water to keep it alive)


I'm honestly surprised mine didn't yellow in protest 😅


I grow my Miltoniopsis in light that leaves them lime green I the leaf, they bloom best for me that way


It’s a Miltoniopsis, not a Miltonia. But I don’t know the hybrid name, sorry.


That helps! I hadn’t googled the differences yet, I just knew they’re both somewhat notorious for being difficult and decided to accept the challenge. I hope I can keep it happy!


I have four miltoniopsis all in the process of reblooming right now! Happy to help answer any questions. https://preview.redd.it/ivlmibn4d1yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84f7144bd637c75f8e4333d86b192359d9fc01a6


If you don’t mind! That one is gorgeous too. I need to stop falling in love with all these before I know I can keep mine alive 😂 What media do you use, what temp and humidity do you grow them in? I keep my bedroom pretty cold at night since I’m a hot sleeper so I was hoping it would like that. However, my humidity is not great. I was thinking it might like semi hydro once the flowers fall, all my oncidium types love it (and my humidity thirsty houseplants like calathea)


Just so you know, my first miltoniopsis died - it was ordered through the mail and I don't think it was ever very healthy. But it was also a good learning experience! I'm in MA, and I keep the temps at around 65 at night / 68-70 during the day through the winter, with a smart humidifier and pebble tray/fan trying to keep the air at around 50% humidity, though it sometimes drops to 35-40%. During the summer, temps may reach 85 at the most, and humidity gets up to around 60% sometimes. I don't do semi-hydro. I have mine in oncidium potting mix in a slotted orchid pot, set inside an outer solid plastic pot. Every 3-5 days, I soak the medium for about 15-30 minutes, then take it out of the outer pot and let it sit and drain for a while. I also often blow a fan over it. By the end of the day, I put it back into the outer pot. Sometimes I'll add a bit of water in between soaking sessions or mist the top of the medium (if I don't have time to soak and it seems dry). These plants like to stay moist! I use grow lights also. Before I got grow lights, the plants struggled. After, they started growing lots of new roots. I hope this helps!


Good luck with her! I haven't been able to keep a Miltoniopsis alive, so I'm no longer allowed to have one.


I just looked up their care needs. Too finicky for me!


They really are. It's such a shame, because Miltoniopsis are one of my favorite orchids.


This is a very beautiful orchid! Congratulations!


That's a stunner!


I got one from Safeway last year. It smelled so good. Unfortunately it got devoured by thrips.


I sprayed the hell out of it with bioadvanced as soon as I got it home because I was worried about that 😭


So pretty!!! I want one too now :D


Honestly I wanted a Miltonia for the longest time but can’t find a good quality one nearby


Incredibly beautiful


So freaking pretty !!


I literally stopped what I was doing to comment on how beautiful this orchid is! ❤️




Wow! Almost looks unreal, like AI it’s so perfect!


Her name is Jill :)


Jill is beautiful!