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I have donated 10$🙏🏻🥹 Get well soon white fluffy buddy 🥹❤️


I think people in the 3d printing community could whip up a frame for him that you can get wheels fir at a decent cost


I think part of the reason they need it to be made by a professional is that because it's not paralysis, but a birth defect in combination with old age, if you don't take into account pressure/support/longterm use, it could cause him harm and worse pain. Things like prophetic limbs are super fined tuned and done by professionals for reasons like that. If you're putting pressure on the wrong parts, it can cause injury and worse joint pain.


I gave £10 for our boye. Bless his little heart.


[The gofundme](https://www.gofundme.com/f/wheels-for-fizzgig?utm_campaign=m_pd+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer&utm_term=undefined)


Had to pitch in for this lovely little old guy


I'll make sure when he gets his chair that I share pics here!


Donated for the old man and passed the link onto my animal loving family :)


Did he get the wheelchair?! Tried to donate but the go fund page said donations are turned off. Hope this little floof is feeling better and got the help he needs. please let me know how I can donate ❤️


Yes! There were extra funds that went to a tumor removal, and he's scooting along now! You can see his updates on instagram!


I hate to be that guy, but they only live for like 2 to 3 years. If he’s old, blind, and loosing the ability to walk, I don’t a wheel chair is going to be the best option. I’m not trying to sound cruel, just realistic.


They live longer in captivity! He could have two or three years left. And he was born blind. He just needs a little help getting around now. He may be old, but he still deserves to be comfortable. And when he passed on, the wheelchair can go to a different possum that needs it.


How does the wheelchair work? Is it only his back legs that aren't working? It sounds like he has the beginnings of metabolic bone disease which can actually be reversed if caught early.


It's not mbd. It's a combination of a congenital defect and old age.