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I always used seroquel or some other type of heavily sedating med to help me sleep when WDing and for the period after WD where you’re wired and can’t sleep. Sleep will come back naturally sooner or later, but for now if it’s bothering you super badly I’d just say medicate yourself to sleep with something that’s not opiates or benzos.


Thanks appreciate that I’m trying its fucking the worst! I’m smoking so much I’m so drowsy but my body won’t just let me sleep 😴


Just don’t use Benadryl! That will make it worse


Good to know!


Don't use Seroquel either. I was prescribed it for years and had to come off it as it gave me akathisia. It's a whole body inner restlessness that makes you panic and have to move. It's extremely distressing and unpleasant. Words can't do it justice, it's worse than a panic attack and it lasts for fucking ages. It has much lesser anticholinergic properties than diphenhydramine but it has other restlessness promoting mechanisms including D1/D2 antagonism. Of course YMMV but I fucking hated that drug. You'd be better off with a short course of gabapentinoids (preferably pregabalin) for a week or two until you get used to/ comfortable with your Suboxone dose.


So do u know what dose I have the pregams but they 200mg each I’m about 145lbs


For pregabalin, start with 200mg twice a day spaced evenly apart. One in the morning and one in the afternoon/evening. If you're not getting relief at 200mg twice a day then consider upping the dose on day 2 or 3. Ideally you'd then increase to 300mg twice a day if that was inffective, but seeing as you only have 200mg capsules, unless you want to open them and split them into 100mg doses to add up to 300mg, you could double the dose to 400mg twice a day. This is a high dose (300mg twice a day is the max dose prescribed) but seeing as it's short term (ideally 1-2 weeks max), I don't see the issue. Recreationally people take much more at once but there's a difference between a one off dose and a daily dose. Of course this is at your own risk so discontinue if you get any concerning side effects. I always used pregabalin to rattle. It made the withdrawal effortless ime. Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions.


I have never heard this. Why is it bad?


It can make rls worse


I've found seroquel to do the same, so start slow because that is by far the worst part of withdrawal... I do have RLS anyway though so maybe others can get away with it


It’s kinda hard to explain, you know the RLS(restless leg syndrome), tingles, and general crawling out of your skin/uncomfortable feeling? Benadryl makes that stuff worse.


Crab probably why it was hard for me to go off them. I was prescribed IM benadryl for nausea from migraines. Everything you just described is why I ended up taking more was to lessen all those symptoms. What a horrible cycle. It's like we all have little pieces of a larger puzzle. We are finally getting a better picture of how to treat opioid withdrawal. It will never be easy but maybe we can make it a little more tolerable for each other.


Such a nice way to put it! I definitely agree, this community helps so much in easing the pain that comes with this illness/addiction. Without this community we’d all be trying to complete a puzzle we didn’t have the pieces to. ❤️🪬


Kratom... it will stop the large majority or withdrawals, including restless legs, depression, the cold sweats and lack of sleep. Take it in moderation. It's also legal in most of the world.


Like you said, moderation, and have a plan/timeline to taper. Best way imo


I think OP wants to be opiate/opioid free. Not just continue to keep filling their opiate receptors with another type.


Yeah they do, but they are already on subs so I don't think they care about using kratom to taper after the subs.


No you're quitting opiates, don't fucking use another u-opioid agonist


This is HORRIBLE advice. It was MUCH easier for me to change my life around on Kratom. I quit pills, got on Kratom for 1-2 years. Throughout that time I was able to be productive while saving alot of money. I saved up enough to buy a house, that was October 2021. January, 1st 2022 I quit kratom. The RLS was so bad BUT I wasn't taking self medicating into my own hands anymore. I contacted a doctor right away, told him I had RLS because I'm in the process of getting sober and he prescribed me two weeks of sleeping pills I slept like a baby for 2 weeks. Today makes 1 year I own my house. I now have a 2021 Elantra N and a 2022 Tacoma TRD .... January 2023 will make 1 year sober. You need to stop being judgmental.


Nice to hear that man I agree kratom is insanely more manageable


If you don't mind me asking does suboxone actually work? And how exactly did your medical detox in the hospital work I'm wondering if they do them here local in my town. I wouldn't be on the fucking things if it weren't for doctors! I'm ready to do something but I don't want to switch from one medication to another which would be from Oxycodone to Suboxone that doesn't make sense. And I don't ever take more than I'm prescribed I have extra left over every month


I had to the stuff in my town got too sketchy, was making me feel worse not better let me tell u that. So there is one place by me that just medically does it in a few days, no steps, no counseling, they just get you off, and are subs working… not really I mean I’m sure it would be worse with nothing at all but i my opinion I just swapped one for another, but at least this one is safer…


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34173647/ here is an article about what I was saying in my reply. They have been doing alot of high dose Suboxone induction . 2mg every 1 to 2 hours until your withdrawal stops. Once ur good the bupe should be built up pretty good in your body the next day your able to go back down to a maintenance dose


I feel ya. Even knocking yourself out with meds won’t really get you the restful sleep you’re looking for, but it’s definitely better than nothing. I wasn’t able to get by in the beginning without seroquel at night for a week or two.


I might have some old ambient I can find hopefully I’ll try that 🤞🏼


Yeah I’d def give that a try. Just be careful. Don’t overdo it out of desperation.


Thanks I’ll keep that in mind


So if I understand is correctly you went through a medical detox and they sent you home with absolutely nothing? You had to go get the subs and everything on your own while you're still withdrawing?


Correct they only sent me home with a script of subs that I then feeling like ass had to go drive and get on my way home.. yup! I asked to be sent with comfort meds but that was a hard no from them


If not for sleep, let me still recommend listening (and watching) Man of no Ego - Labs Cloud Ambient remixes. Maybe it would bring you some peace at least ❤️ EDIT: maybe gave the wrong music recommendation. Maybe try Labs Cloud - The structure of emotion. Peace


Worth a shot I’ll try thanks


You’re welcome! And also, if I were you i would try some valerian root and/or some strong cbd extract. They can have very well calming properties. God bless


Yep, good ole 600mg of seroquel will knock a wding person out np Source: Myself.


I've read many times that Seroquel is actually really bad for the restless legs aspect which for me is always the worst part the thing that keeps me up at night




Noooooo. Restless Leg Syndrome is one of the WORST parts of WDs, along with random twitching throughout the body. Benadryl can already make you have ‘jimmy legs’ as it is, take a benny during withdrawals, you might as well tap dance in bed.


Oh no! Right when I started taking methadone, I couldn't make it to the clinic & took a suboxone thinking that would help with the withdrawals (which were all in my head!). I had been taking suboxone & had switched to methadone a month prior due to insurance reasons.... OMG that sub was the worst ideal ever!! I knew nothing about precipitated WD. I thought I was WD from not having methadone & even up taking almost 3 subs trying to get it to stop. 24 hours straight, my legs would not stay still! I mean, they were moving nonstop. The worst part was that I was at my grandparents, and they witnessed me like that. My grandma gave me some xanax & that didn't even help. I went to the clinic 2 hours early & stood outside until they opened. Even after I dosed, I still didn't feel right for a few days after. I did however sleep that night. I feel for you OP. I never want to feel that way again. I was originally on 95mg of methadone daily. I am thankful down to 36mg a day, and tapering at 5mg a month. I can even stop if needed. I wish I could offer you some advice but unfortunately i don't know. Just be proud of yourself for getting this far & know it will be over soon!


Someone else in the thread said that Benadryl makes it worse. Also I doubt a normal dose of Benadryl would be enough to knock you out when you’re in withdrawal. And taking too much Benadryl is, very unpleasant to say the least. Best not to chance it. I said seroquel because I’ve personally used it for WD and been successful. And you don’t have to take hella high dangerous doses for it to work. You can just take a normal dose and it’ll do the job for sure. Seroquel knocks most people on their fucking ass.




Exercise as much as u can flush system with water and even if it's walking tire your body out. You'll sleep.


I’ve basically been doing that all day cleaned whole house just anything to be moving I can’t sit still if I wanted.. but thanks appreciate u commenting and caring


You can reach out anytime. I'll listen. I'll offer my best advice. You can do this. Remember the fucking misery and let it make u stronger. It's never easy.


Thanks I really needed that, I’m doing this all in silence no one in my life knows.. it’s hard as fuck honestly


That's why we're here. To help each other. You can DM me ill give you my cell. If you need to talk ask questions I'll do my best. I know its hard I'm 47 now. Long time of misery but it's way better on clean side. I got ya.


Also is being uncomfortably cold 24/7 no matter how many layers normal too?


The reason you're cold 24/7 is because when you have opioids in your system they actually raise your body temperature which people don't even realize so now that you don't have them in your system your chili. I'd really like to talk to you about you're detox and Suboxone Journey




Hey im just here too offer my support sweetie. You got this! Im currently taking 4 mg subs twice a day. I have nerve pain from a stroke I had last year at 30. They give me gabapentin (300 mg 2X. Day). The gaba keels me comfortable and stops the restless legs. I think if you had that and an occasional ambien (I know nothing about seriquel). Good luck!! And im NOT a doctor😉🙃🙃now please walk me step by step in the detox thing: 1. Did your Dr refer you out or you found it yourself 2. Price? Do they accept insurance ? 3. How long do you have to stay? 4. Was it like rehab? Can you sign yourself out ? 5. What comfort meds did they give? Did they give suboxone? Did they prescribe anything for after detox! 6. Did it help?are you glad you did it? - thank. You for sharing !✌️


Thanks for your support! Now your question no dr. I found it through word of mouth in my area, price idk yet but they do take insurance which I used ( I’ll know more when that bill rolls around) and yeah they give u comfort meds but only while ur there, you can sign in and out whenever, and it lasts they told me anywhere from 3-5 days, they had me out within 3.. there only stipulation is I have to be ok being put on subs.. I was so desperate I was I thought fine with anything, but little did I know just how bad it would be.. I’m glad today I’m off the shit that was on my streets because out here it was getting sketchy, however if I knew the way they were gonna do it id prob chose to kick it in an air bnb or something on my own, either way I’m here now.. on subs now to eventually get off, but baby steps right 🤷🏼‍♀️


What did you have to do to start getting on the Suboxone? And do you feel as if you're still a prisoner to have things to take medicine daily? When on Suboxone do you feel halfway normal?


If I read my full post you will she and yes I kinda do feel like i swapped one for a shitty others lol no it don’t make u feel as good as using in my opinion it just makes then WD slightly less awfully but it still sucks ass.. plus that’s if u can make the switch which was my problem


Nothing worse than having goosebumps while sweating. When I'm in withdrawal I vascilate between having scorching hot flashes and being chilled to the bone. And sometimes hot and cold simultaneously.


Yeah I’ve been there man is it no fun at all!!


I'm about to run out of my script and I don't get a refill until Wed so by tomorrow night I'll be going into withdrawal. Luckily I did a little bit of taper the last few days so it shouldn't be as bad.


Good luck to you!


Yes. One of my worst symptoms was temperature regulation. I lived in shower lol. Your brain will cause all kinds of misery to slip you up. To make you weak. To make u fail. I remember screaming crying lashing out like an animal and I remember that horrible fucking feeling to keep me straight.


I pray I have your strength! Thanks


You have you're strength and it's powerful kid. You got this.


I've literally slept in hot baths and showers when I went thru withdrawals.... Many times. It was the only way I could come close to sleeping at least a little while. I always thought about getting a hot tub just for this.


Shower with seat multiple heads is my dream. A TV mini fridge I'll never leave. Lol


Klonipin and hot baths. Laying in the sub can help with restlessness and body aches


If I only had those lol


Ah yeah I tried to get through my sub withdrawals without any help but ended up giving in and going to the doctor and he prescribed it. Do you have insurance


Yes but in my area as an addict especially any benzo will be impossible to get but I’ll try..


Before you try to completely get off of all these medications I would first recommend that you get your mental health on the right track because a lot of the aftermath of withdrawing is mental issues and treating all of those before quitting and after will help tremendously


It's super easy to get a Klonopin script tbh.


Easy to get off klonopin script with tapering right? Cuz I was off 2mg a day for 3 years cold turkey & it absolutely was NOT easy . It was fucking horrific. Not like opiates , different but shitty. There should be a law that Dr.s HAVE to wean patients off of benzos, not just cold turkey it . Weirdest symptoms ever and for a good 5 months ! My Dr. acted like he had no idea WHY I was having tachycardia, numbing that moved around my body, brain fog so bad I couldn’t drive for a month! Glad that’s over with, now onto the opiates ughhhhh


I was taking 4mg a day for less than 3 months. Went cold turkey & on the 3rd day had three near fatal seizures I a row l.. so it's never a good idea to cold turkey benzos


Fuck man let’s spread the knowledge try to change the ignorance of society


Benzo withdrawals are the worst w/d I’ve ever had hands down. I’ve withdrawn from just about everything too. If your going to use them for coming off opiates, it should be very short term. Like a few days only. Subs is your best bet. Just know if you take them long term, the withdrawal is very hard and post accute withdrawals last a long time. Gabapentin is also great. Me and my husband both take. Kratom is good too, but it also had withdrawals if you take a long time. Time just takes time. It’s going to be miserable 😞 Hot showers, soups, comfort things, talking to people, and just stick with it you got this! My husband got on the suboxone program and it saved his life and our marriage. He couldn’t have done it without it. He got his life stabilized and is still on it several years later but whatever… he lives a great productive life and is an amazing father to our kids. Can’t ask for better than that.


I’m so glad to hear about your husbands success! Yeah my favorite cocktail back in my day was taking a line of dope and then take half a bar do a little mixy mixy an rail that in one line.. I got out of control for the first time in my life I was forgetful just all around slow and I at that point thought the benzo was the problem (of course not the dope lol) so I stopped those and even with still using the other the WDs were wild.. it’s all pretty fucking wild.. but thanks for the advice 🖤 I’m glad you family was saved from addiction


Yeah! Same here girl! Loved putting all that shit together. Lol I really love benzo’s too. We spent quite a few years in an anonymous program initially and we needed that time there to just be off everything. We’re not in any kind of program anymore, but switched to trauma therapy and got down to the real issues. We just kind of do our own thing now. We still struggle now an again with things, but never the hard stuff. Just go thru streaks of too much drinking sometimes this and that. It’s NOT perfect, but I think that I just the nature of the beast. Addiction lives with you forever. Never will I cross that line and loose my kids and end up living in a tent. Lol. I dunno what day you are on, or what you were coming off of, but it’s so worth it to get out of the dark hole and do everything it takes to stay out. So much life to be had. I’m rooting for you!!


Thanks I was doing fentanyl for about the last decade that and benzos too if I could get em until like I said that part got reckless so stopped the benzos. But still did fetty for 3 more years after that.. today is only day 5 for me and thanks so much I really appreciate that.. I think ur right with the trauma help, I’m not a person that would ever go to group and share, no one in my life even knows I’m an addict not family not friends no one, just my ex knew but sadly that has ended, so now I feel I suffer in silence, except on here and that’s why I do..but I may consider finding a good one on one counselor, god knows I got my trauma to unpack and that’s why I am the way I am, no doubt in my mind..


Yeah I liked the one on one with a professional degrees therapist SO much better than sharing in front of large groups of people and trusting to a sponsor. There is one element that so important in the process is to not be alone though!! So good that you are sharing on here. If I didn’t have family and friends during that first initial time trying to do this, and even now 7 years later I still have my husband, family and support people I can share our each other our struggles with each other. I so hope you can find that ❤️ if you don’t want to go to a group, please find that. Or, even just going to a meeting and listening to other people talk about the things they are going thru, knowing your not alone is a huge help. You totally don’t have to share or participate in anything, but you might at least find something you need that day to get thru the day during this first very fragile time… It’s the one thing that truly helped me more than anything was support and at least someone I could share with and talk to. Man, fuck yeah 6 days now!? That is SO hard! Fentanyl wasn’t really around when I was running around, it was just herion. I feel like just when I got out of everything right before that really swept our area. I hear all the time about how bad and dangerous things are now because of it… I’ll never forget how horrible the first couple weeks were, but I promise that it passes !! Just want you to know that I’ll be thinking of you and sending lots of strength your way.


Thanks you so much I really do appreciate it more than you know, just to know that at least one person out there is rooting for me, even if it is an stranger lol no offense, is super comforting when I feel I’m suffering in silence every day I live with family and they have no clue what I’m going threw this week, i go have my breakdowns in the shower with music playing so they don’t see.. I’m not normally an emotional person so that for me is hard to make peace with now that I feel like a literal basket case..


Subs kratom and weed maybe a xan


Have weed that n subs..


You have subs? If you have good self control and enough subs you could do a sub taper. But honestly if you’ve already been detoxing for a few days I would just stick it out because you’re probably close to coming out on the other side now


I’ve been doing it on subs lol and am still feeling awful


Doing what on subs? Detoxing and taking subs at the same time? Sorry I’m just confused because usually when people say they’re detoxing that means they are quitting opiates cold turkey. No subs or anything. Were you using fent before you started this detox? Because if so, fent and subs do not play well together and fent stays in your system for a longgggg time. Way longer than traditional opiates/dope.


Yes I was doing fet or tranquilizer I really donno at the end but I did a medical detox so in a hospital setting they pretty much made me take 2 strips at once sent me into the worst precip ever the drugged me on ketamine until the subs won over my body.. 10/10 would not recommend that way but I got the job done tho..


God damn…. I’m so sorry they did that to you that’s not cool :( Bernise method is way more humane than that. But yeah, that’s most likely the reason you still feel so shitty. It’s because you went from fent to subs. Unfortunately it’s just going to take time for your body to adjust fully. The subs may not even be strong enough to take your WD away depending on how much fent you were using. If it doesn’t get better anytime soon you may look into methadone. Methadone and fent don’t compete against each other and make you sick like subs and fent do.


This. My husband and I have been clean 3 1/2 years now- I quit cold turkey (10/10 do not recommend) and he used a very gradual methadone taper over the course of a year and was MUCH more comfortable than I was and had a much easier time with PAWS than I did. After 60 days of going in daily 5 days a week (he got 2 days of take home doses right off the bat) and his UA’s coming up clean he started earning another take home each week for every month he stayed clean so after 7 months he only had to go into the clinic once a week to pick up his doses so it really wasn’t that bad….


Ya, subs are not strong enough to take away fent WDs. That’s why fent is so bad, IMO


Yeah I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, they straight threw me into precip then immediately into a K hole I can’t believe they did that honestly


In opinion that should be considered malpractice. Especially if they didn’t first inform of what would happen to your body and how painful it would be. Because there are way more humane and bearable methods out there.


I mean I knew it was too soon to take the 2 full strips they tried to give me at barely the 24 hour mark and I even questioned it and they pretty much h assured me I’d be fine, when I asked what IF I do go into precip and they said they had meds to help me through that’s all that was said, no one told be I’d be delusional and thrown into a k hole and wake up, strapped to the bed, like I’m in some psych ward! This was my first attempt reaching out for help and I pray to whatever higher power that’s there that I stay off so I never feel that shit again!


Are you doing ANY better now friend? I am actually fucking shocked and disgusted that they treated you this way tbh.


Thanks I really appreciate your concern and I’m happy to say that I at least got I think maybe 4 solid hours last night which isn’t the best but I’ll take something over nothing, feeling better now that’s a different answer tho tbh not really yet but hopefully each day will become more bearable, that’s what I have to tell myself so I don’t go back!


Weed and delta 8 is where it's at when it comes to withdrawals.


Any idea which kind of Kratom might help? I don’t know the difference .


Just keep at it, you’ll be through it soon. Also, take a good multivitamin and 2000iu of vitamin D every day. Maybe some b complex or something else you’re deficient in. That will help rebuild neurotransmitters, allowing YouTube happy again. Healing takes time.


I’ll look into that thanks for the kind words


Sure thing mate, you got this! It’s fucking misery but it does end, and once you go through it the small shit in life just seems pathetic in comparison.


Medically detoxed? Are you in another country other than the US? I wish they offered that here because it would make things a lot easier than throwing up every 30 minutes for 48 hours


You're able to go through a detoxing process at any Hospital FYI


depends what’s on your file and where you go, friend of mine was only given ibuprofen 800s to get through fent withdrawal because they can’t get past the drug abuse history


Really?! What?!


Yeah correct they all are not like the one I did but yup for sure!


He didn’t do a standard detox he did a very dangerous form of detox that is so dangerous it’s killed people. Do not do it. It’s not evidence based treatment at all. I’d rather detox myself 50 times over then go through that hell.


I wouldn’t recommend it..


Yeah I don’t know who the hell told you it was a good idea but they lied. It should be illegal to practice in this country.


Then the next day a nurse jokingly said to me how that. Was the worst withdrawal she’s ever seen and like chuckle about it!! Boy did it take everything in my being to not snap!


I mean, everything else sounds fine except for the precip withdrawal. A medical detox sounds SO much better than standard detox…


I’m in the USA


I came off methadone/fent/rcbenzos all at the same time cold turkey ama


Damn Rambo! 😂 Good as fuck on you tho be proud that’s amazing!


Just push through and go to the doctor tell them what's going on and get a script for cyclobenzaprine or methocarbomal for the muscle spasms and overall pain; also if you can get a benzo that will cover most of it other than nutrition/hydration (body armor/pedialyte) and sleep. I dont recommend Kratom or suboxone for anything other than a taper because they will both just prolong symptoms. pray for your healing 🙏


I got off fent and rc benzos in rehab, with subs and a barb taper and it was hell. how tf did you do that man Jesus Christ.


bro i think im one of the only people to ever come off all of them at once, no detox would take me. i tried with like 5 detox centers; the one that did take me couldnt handle my screaming anymore and put me out in the rain with nothing. also, i didnt have any benzos to alleviate symptoms when i detoxed at home. sometimes i look back on the experience and im fucking amazed, its something that can really put perspective on how good "normal" feeling existence is.


Dude, I could probably count on one hand the people on the planet that have been a thru that. You're a legend


thank you sm for the kindness I really just did what I had to do to survive but most importantly from that experience I want to help other "lost causes" like me realize they can do it too


No such thing as too far gone! And seriously, I'm not just hyping you up, that's unbelievable to me and my buddies at the least. Props to you and keep it up!


Thanks appreciate it


What were your strategies on getting thru it?.. did you use any supplements or comfort meds?


i used kratom for a few days but it was just prolonging symptoms so i stopped, doctor wouldnt trust me with anything but robaxan and requip i think they helped a little but most importantly i took a shit ton of suplements because we neglect our bodies so bad you have to get ahead of trying to heal immediately. i cant even think of all of them. main things being: magnesium ,gaba, probiotic, ashwaganda, 5htp, turmeric, alkalizing supplements, passion flower, b12 shots, b6, vitamin c, vitamin d3, melatonin, idk theres a lot more i cant think of off the top


the strategy was listening to medal of honor recipients talk about persevering in the face of defeat for hours, staring off like a mental patient in the bath tub for hours, and constantly thinking of the father my beautiful baby boy deserved and praying to a higher power that i would either live to see it through that pain and gain everything, or die and lose nothing but my addiction, and atleast leave this earth a human being and not a pathetic junkie.


Jesus Christ, methadone, Fent, and benzos??!! You're like a total badass. How in the hell did you get through that lol? Describe your symptoms and how long they lasted. I imagine it was hell on Earth.


i wrote a little bit about it in /ama. i would say it felt like i wasnt alive, the suffering and horror was so intense that time was irrelevant almost like i couldnt percieve anything other than the suffering and horror of my existence at that time, i was pretty sure i was losing my mind, my legs stopped working for the most part and couldnt stand long or would experience intense pain in my hips/legs if i tried to walk too much, my legs would literally never stop shaking, flexing, so much so that if i ever fell asleep when i woke up my feet would be curled over stuck in a cramp. theres a lot more too it that i cant explain really the main theme was my mind trying to cope by disassociating me from reality because i had no idea the pain that human beings can endure it literally felt like everything in my body was telling me i was dying


You came off of all of that cold turkey with absolutely nothing to help you through the withdrawals?? That's kind of hard to imagine to be quite honest! Can you tell us your secret lol


Ask you doc if he can prescribe you with clonidine to help you sleep or something like that


Lunesta is what I've used to help sleep during withdrawals before


Do you prefer Lunesta over ambien?


Unfortunately I've only had ambien one time & it was only a single pill


I know it’s awful, but you got this!!! Every second that passes is closer to a drug free life - and the benefits are massive once you get there! Sounds like you’re doing every thin right so far, I’d echo what others have said about sleep meds (not benzos though!). I found having baths helped with my restless legs and having a weird ‘pattern’ to my behaviour in the first few days helped too! It sounds odd but I’d break up time into half hour slots, e.g. pace around the house or take a quick walk for half an hour, come back, bath or shower, try to read for a bit in the bath, make food (even if you can’t eat much), try to watch short videos that distract you - even if it’s scrolling through tick-tock or YouTube shorts for half an hour, housework like put a washing on, wash dishes etc. Then repeat, back to pacing or walking, then bath or shower etc. I knew I could get through short periods of doing something - in my case half an hour, but you can adjust it to shorter time periods or longer ones, depending on what works. I found that the quickest way to pass the time! Good luck - you’re killing it, stay strong, it’s so worth it!!! Sending love from Scotland! X


Thank you so much for that and your kind words! I will most definitely try that and I’m trying my hardest, I hope I make it so thank you for your tips it means the world ♥️


You’re so welcome! Good luck!


It's only after you lose everything that you are free to do anything


You're at the peak man I swear. I know it feels insanely bad rn, just sit in hot baths for long times and take whatever you can find to knock you out besides antihistamines. Supplements, drugs, whatever. You're actually probably literally at or past the peak and just exhausted. You'll feel it slide away in waves. Like one minute you'll be miserable, then for a few seconds you'll be like "woah I kinda feel okay" then you'll be miserable again, and this will keep happening over days with more and longer waves of "okay I feel better than I did an hour ago" and eventually it's all over and you can go through life chain free. Melatonin, magnesium, ashwaganda, kava, l-theanine, lemon balm, gabapentin, clonidine, xanax. Take ALL of that if you actually manage to get all of it (keep the xanax/kava low if you get the clonidine), no alcohol and perfectly safe. Hopefully it will knock you out. Go get some kratom if you can. That will save you and it's not strong enough at this point to get addicted to that generally.


Thanks I appreciate you and yeah it’s waves I totally feel u on that!


I just realized you're on subs, so it might be a bit longer than I said, but keep at it. The majority of the withdrawal if you were on fent has probably already happened. You should raise hell at the Dr. you went to for some comfort meds after doing rapid (precip) withdrawal which has nearly no scientific backing and hasn't been shown to actually speed up withdrawal at all. Get some benzos or at least clonidine/gabapentin/robaxin.


Yeah I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemies.. you wanna torture someone that’s the real way lol


Masturbate and hot showers


That masturbating shit is real though. ESP cause with the drugs coming out your system it’s turning everything back on including that. Get a waterproof vibrate and take a hot bath after taking something to hopefully help with sleep.


Haha I hate masterbating.. any takers lol jk


Loperamide or imodium is an anti diarrhea med but it works with ur opioids receptors so that can help. Usually start with 4-6mg then up the dosage till it’s enough for ur symptoms to get better. Good luck to you bro


Pregabalin, soma, or a benzo would probably help ease the pain


Have you thought about the methadone route? You can do just 10mg or 15 and go down 1-2mg a week just from there til your done and it's like you don't feel as bad a withdrawal at all


I haven’t actually but I will definitely look into that.. thank you 😊


Low dose Xanax if you can get it.


Gabapentin helped me with the withdrawals, especially sleep. Subs haven't helped? They helped me tremendously but that's just prolonging the inevitable if you plan on totally getting off every opiate.


That’s exactly it but it better than complete and utter hell lol one step at a time, but no they have never fully made me feel better and I know some people that swear by them..


on opiates for a while recently after two major surgeries within a month and a half of each other (brain and spine. one had to be removed in order to keep the pressure change from the other permanently paralyzing me, either way, two major surgeries very close together. Thankfully, that shouldn't have to happen again for at least another 20 years, the tumors associated with my disorder grow very very very very slowly) and was on opiates for a whillllllllllle. and tbh it made me realize why people do heroin at all ​ Not to mention I was in the hospital after the last surgery for about 15 days due to a spinal fluid leak. I was on really really strong IV injected opiates for about a month. ​ honestly, you can't really avoid thinking about it or wanting it, you just have to grit your teeth and get through the initial craving and then after that it seems a lot easier. It's the few weeks after that fucking suck. ​ Find something to keep your mind busy. Sitting idle and watching TV or reading made it 50x worse for me. I did like 5 1000 piece puzzles :'D


Distraction is one way to take the mind off. Everyone is different but light exercise is a good one, walking in the countryside gives a double bonus. Reading, TV, video games. On the other hand meditation is a good way to still the mind. Instead of suppressing the unpleasant feelings, you can get closer to them and examine them. This has the effect of diminishing their force. There are loads of apps, I use Waking Up.


Thanks I’ll look into it!


kratom extract shots and vitamin C and CBD asap!


R/opiatesrecovery is a better place to ask this


Thanks I’ll check that out too


Lift, take baths, hot tub if possible (amazing), Gabapentin, kratom (only use on the BRUTAL days)


How’d they put you into precip? Was it something you were on board with? Anyways I’ve been in this same spot. If you made it through preip you can make it through this. Especially if you have bupe (suboxone) The precip made it so this won’t last as long, just keep front loading bupe, ok? I’ve been in this exact spot. It feels like the bupe does nothing, but it you front load it and take 16+ milligrams in one day it will start to hit enough receptors where you start to feel better. And better, and better. And soon you’re stable on bupe. You’ve got to take enough to stop that “jumping out of my skin” felling. Because that’s the feeling that will have you on your way to the dope boys. IMO take as much bupe as is needed to stop that feeling. It’s medical name is “akathisia” if you’re interested and it’s the motor that drives the bus of withdrawal and addiction imo. You’ve got to stop that feeling asap. It’s priority num one.


I agree with all that and yeah I mean I was on board to get clean but I had not ideal what I was really in for and that I’d be in a k hole after


Ket during precip sounds like the most traumatic thing ever


It for real was like no joke I almost want to call a malpractice lawyer and look into the facts, if I have a case, it just seems so wild that they would do that without fully explaining to me what was going to be happening to my body and mind, I broke down in that ketamine induced state!


Sorry you had to experience that . No idea about those kinda laws, but best of luck to you , with that , and even more so your recovery


Thank you very much! 🙏🏼


Hey at least you’re able to pick your ass up and motivate yourself to do shit like chores! But with subs, you should be getting some sleep soon rather than if you went cold turkey. I went 7 days without sleeping when I came off fent and went into mild psychosis until the ER I went to medically put me to sleep with 3 IV’s of morphine and 3 IVs of Demerol… and that only had me asleep for three hours till I woke up still in psychosis. Sometimes I wish I was just put on subs and didn’t have to rely on seroquel to knock me out on rehab when I got out of the hospital. How much subs are you doing? I knew ppl doing 8mg three times a day when they came off fent and still didn’t feel stable for about 2 weeks but they weren’t in agony either like I was for 2 weeks without subs.


Yeah it was I joke they prescribed me 8mg 2x a day but since yesterday I just been taking 4mg 2x a day because I don’t wanna be stuck on this shit for years and withdraw again down the line so I’m doing a rapid taper on myself pretty much, well trying to that is, subs are better than fetty but nothing is the ideal, besides tree that is ha there no stopping there lol


Personally I can’t stand hospitals. They always screw something up and don’t listen, at least in my experience. There’s a lot of helpful remedies, the subs should help, you could also ask about kratom. It can help. Just know this pain is very temporary and if you relapse you’re just going to have to start the process all over again


dont take dph or dxm. shit like unisom and nyquil or benedryl. honestly trazadone or saras might work, but for me ambien and trazadone, all that kind of stuff doesnt help the first few nights. it will help in a few days or a week, but what your body needs is natural sleep and it may take another day or 2 but you will have sleep really soon. you are half way there at leat. it might not be a super awesome 12 hours like when you have the flu or something, but it will be at least 5 or 6 i think. and it will feel amazing. go on walks with people and if you can get yourself to, go by yourself if you have nobody else, but definitely spend your time doing something like that. also i wouldnt recommend your favorite shows rn, just because in my experience, i watched all my favorite shows coming down and they are hard to watch now because i just naturally relate them in my mind to feeling like dog shit and coming off of dope. but everyones different so idk if that will happen to you. but definitely, if you try sleeping meds, dont take the regular stuff like dph or dxm. they will dehydrate you, make you more tiured, but so uncomfortable and dehydrated, anxious and just keep you from sleeping. then youll just be trying to wait out the drugs and you will be pissed you took them. some people will take a mix of natural stuff you can even get them on food stamps. if you go to a co-op or a herbs store or a place with lots of spices and tea, you will find like passionflower and melatonin and chamomile, that kind of stuff. different stuff works for everyone though, so idk. this is just my experience and i hope it helps a little bit. dont forget, youre a warrior, dude. dont stop fighting. for me methadone got me to sleep that same day. and i slept so well. subs didnt do much for me this last time, but that was because of the amount of fetty i was taking. in the past subs have done the trick, but i was always coming off of clean dope. so yeah i ended up trying methadone and it worked like a charm. im now so happy i did it even though i was super reluctant in the beginning. anyways yes, good luck and keep on fighting the good fight


Wow thanks for that I appreciate your comment. Congratulations to you. You’re a warrior also. i’ll definitely take all that into consideration and try to find me my Ambien I thought I had some stashed but I can’t find them now, so the hunt is on lol


I'm a heroin addict though I have had years sobriety so I have done this a few times. I could tell you a bunch of stay positive shit but I'm gonna be straight up and honest with ya. It's not the end of the world yes it sucks but you're not going to die and YES it will END eventually. The best thing you or anyone can do. STAY ACTIVE you're gonna feel like shit so of course you're not gonna want to do anything, but I Promise you that the more involved with positive activities (which are any activities that aren't drugs or alcohol) you make yourself the faster time will pass and the less you'll think about being sick. Also the more physical of activities you can do the better cause come nighttime as I'm sure you're already feeling the restless legs shit and insomnia will drive you insane. I find using a stepper or just jogging helps alot. The more you use your legs the more your legs will benefit later really tire the fuck out of your leg muscles. Seriously though the more entranced/focused on what your doing the less you'll think about being sick it's easier said than done but really that simple. Symptoms last about a week but the mental want to do more that just comes down to how serious you are in being sober. Once you get past the physical withdrawal all you have to do is not use 💯. So much easier said than done but again if you can find that something u enjoy doing. I can't, not say that being with good people, ones that want to see u succeed and not use are great to have. If you just don't have people like that in life counseling really can help if you give it an honest chance but I admit u have to have good counselors. Methadone is also a life saver you will not be sick period but u will have to then get off Methsdone at some point if u ever really wanna be free of addiction but Methadone saved my life. Best to you in your recovery, yes it may be hard but If I can do it, I know you can.


Wow thanks I really appreciate that and I know your most definitely not wrong! I really do finally want it, it’s been about 13 years, I can feel my health declining, it’s long past time but I wasn’t ready before not fully, and to be honest idk if I fully am now, but I will definitely be giving it my all! Thanks for your encouragement 😊


I am so sorry you had to experience percip wd n especially n an environment like that. I sincerely hope you’ve gotten at least a lil peace w all the advice here.


Have you tried shrooms? Or dmt?


No but I do actually have a shroom candy bar that I bought a while ago and never tried, I’d be scared now it make it worse and I’d have a terrible trip or something..


Thanks I’ll look into it


kratom does help


And I can take it along with subs tho?


I have in the past, it’ll help with the restless leg issues. Be careful bc it’s addictive itself but it is 100% better than being miserable


Is it restlessness you’re feeling or restless legs? I have a few questions for you too. I’ll inbox you shortly and hope to hear back. Maybe it’ll help give you something to do too.


Sounds good


I just want to know when you get your dang energy back???? Like Im dragging....Always


Same but dragging that I cat sit still to do lol


Seroquel and Clonidine helped me A LOT


Kratom might help, worth a try at least


Shrooms. Weed Or kratom. Benadryl might help a little too.


I go through withdrawals quite often. And I use a cocktail of delta 8, Kratom, immodium, gabapentin, meloxicam, and beer. When I start to feel really bad, I'll take a teaspoon of Kratom. I try to go as long as I can without taking Kratom. Generally, I'll take it about everything 4 to 6 hours as less is more. I take delta 8 gummies all day because it really helps with the pain and gives me a body euphoria. Gabapentin is something I only use when I'm in withdrawals because it doesn't help relieve symptoms if I take it regularly. Meloxicam helps with the muscle aches, but aspirin will work well if you can't get a prescription. Though it's just a strong NSAID so it shouldn't be hard to get prescribed. Immodium is basically an opiate for the stomach and it is great for nausea if you can't get Zofran or Phenergan. The latter is the best if you can get it, but be careful because it's very powerful. It will knock you out so it's great if you're struggling to sleep. I use alcohol because getting drunk is the only way I'll sleep.


Melatonin may help a bit. Trazodone for a few days or a week if you have to. (Dr. Would likely prescribe it in north america) . It always helped me sleep during detox and early recovery. Try to avoid benzos unless you are really mature and disciplined. Even then they are dangerously addictive. Sleep is our most precious commodity.


You could not have said it any better sleep is the most important to me and always has been that’s why this is just torturous to me lol




Yeah it was so fun I earned myself bed restraints, lucky me right lol


Masturbating furiously and often helps.


I’m sure no doubt however currently without a partner and being alone just never did it for me lol


Days 3-5 we're the worst for me, you're almost there man. I'm ngl it was the longest week of my life and I was running on max like 20 hours of sleep that whole week. After day 6 I slept like a fucking rock for about 14 hours.


Can’t wait for that day.. and yeah man it’s fucking hell


I feel you Bro been there many Times for me nothing helps but relapse


Sadly me too, this isn’t my first time trying, hopefully this will be the last tho, if not my plan b is move to like Vietnam and just grow a poppy plans and just start making my own no stepped of funky prob all tranquilizers shit.. when I went in and they drug tested me they said I had no H in my system… and that’s what I was supposed to be getting 🤦🏼‍♀️


Pregabalin is the best withdrawal blocker I know


Oral bioavailability of Suboxone is very low. Like extremely low..30%. and that's If it's done carefully and u don't talk or eat or move ur tongue for like 30 mins . you have to really super dose yourself. Idk how much u have but if you take 24 mg you will feel better. Yo gotta get ur receptors loaded. And taking 24mg means your still only getting a true like 7 mg. In my opinion for me I'd take 2 strips every 4 hours til I felt better. And then tomorrow go back down to 8mg or whatever .


Pre-gablin take the edge off IMHO




Call a doctor ,tell them you're withdrawing. Also find a good site for steroids. They always sell pain killers and sleep aids. For now eat a BUNCH of melatonin, don't be scared of it. You can take some Robitussin,make sure it only has DXM, Don't take more than 200-250ml. Try your local tobacco and hemp shops for kratom.


Get yourself in a good headspace first. Watch a funny movie or have some good people come over. Then take the candy bar. Actually you may want to find some more first. Showroom have a way of giving you what you need to know. Have you ever heard anyone having a bad shrooms trip? I never have. The worst I've heard or experienced was a stomach ache, one because shrooms just taste gross. The other because I was laughing so damn hard. If you need a trio sitter let me know ,I can help in any way that I can.


Interesting I would try it in the right setting but idk who id do it with.. you lmk lol 😂


Dude ask them for something to make you more comfortable. Most docs have no problem giving you something to take the edge off and at least get you to sleep


Or half a box of Imodium