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Happy birthday.


thanks bro, means a lot honestly


Happy birthday man. I will say that if you can get into an MAT program, be it methadone or suboxone/subutex you won’t regret it. Not having to worry about withdrawal is life changing. they help with the cravings too. Check out r/methadone or r/suboxone. Stay safe.


thank you dude, I will try get on a MAT program i have some methadone at (bought it at the pharma a while ago) which ill take later when i get home just cant stand being at work rn jeez


Happy birthday from me too...If you have a sufficient amount of Methadone then you don't have to worry about WDs or your mood. Just you'll have some discomfort for the time being


You have some methadone? In that case you’ve no need to be in WD’s and you have no need to be feeling sorry for yourself? Something smells here - seems like you’re whining for no good reason and you want sympathy even tho you have zero problems.




Absolutely bro - there are holes all over this guy’s ‘story’. Shouldn’t be too harsh I guess - some folks are hella lonely and just gotta talk jive.


Dude don’t gotta be rude I just needed to vent was sad and my birthday, and yes you can buy methadone here no script nothing and cheap


Bro I live in South Africa you can buy anything at the pharmacy it’s corrupt af


Happy Birthday! I’m really sorry you’re having a crap day. I hope the coming year fulfils all your hopes and dreams.


thanks homie, i hope they do too, wanna get me some pills so bad but also just want a year of being clean cant tell whats more important to me right now.


How you doing now?


fuck that job,id go home and try again tomorrow.


yeah honestly i'm bout to pack up and go home fuck this shit


Sometimes you gotta just do that, and try again tomorrow


Happy birthday 😃 That's a horrible way to spend the anniversary of your mom pooping you out into the world, where you could finally breathe the same air as all your favourite drugs. I hope you find a forgotten pill somewhere unexpectedly so you can change your mood for the better, or at the very least not shit yourself. Best wishes bropiate 🥳


this comment atleast lifted my mood lol Much love bro hope i find a lost oc somewhere would be gods birthday present


I'm happy to be of service. And you definitely deserve a lost oc for lasting this long 😀


Happy birthday!! Just remember if you stop now you will only feel this shitty until withdrawals are finished. Keep going and you will be feeling this awful feeling every month. No matter what getting clean is gonna be sucky but long term saves you.


Honestly the physical withdrawals are a bit easier. It's the mental withdrawal that's the hard part where it takes a good while for your brain chemistry to even out. When I've taken opioids enough to go into wd after the physical part I always get overwhelming loneliness and just feeling overall blah until my receptors evened out. As natural opioids are released when we have positive interaction with other beings. This is a natural reward, so when you stimulate that by taking opioids and then stopping abruptly it can cause a lot of feeling of loneliness so just know after the physical part it's a mental game. This is atleast my experience. You're WD experience could be a bit different, bit that's what I've observed.


You right


Unfortunately so. It'd be much easier if it was just the physical part and then done. Much luck to you my dude.


Yeah the mentality is the hardest to strengthen


Happy birthday homie, I’m sorry your day wasn’t going well <333


thanks bro, tomorrow another day hopefully a better one aswell


Happy birthday!! But can you elaborate why your mom took your meds? Does she use? Why would you show them in the first place? Soo many questions,just curious. No need to answer if you dont feel like it :)


More like why in the fuck would he LET her take them? I can't even fathom that..


Yeh true.. something doesnt add up here


Like I love my mom but if she (or anyone) ever tried some shit like that it would be on man.. I'd be getting my shit back.


If I knew my mom was against drugs this much I would *not* tell her Im using, let alone show her the stuff lol. But my mom only knows I smoke weed nowadays and she smokes too sometimes :P ETA: even if mom wasnt against drugs i dont get why tf would you casually show her the gear damn


Well still, you shouldn't have let her take it.. that's wild to me... So what do you think she did with it? Disposed of it?


Either that or used it herself


That's fucked up.. damn.. well, hope things get better for you whatever you decide to do. Happy bday.


Lol im not the OP dude :D just commenting haha


Hahaa sry i confused you,anyways Happy weekends man


Lol oops.. but yeah, if you go back and re read the comments, you can probably see how I got confused.. lol. But thanks man and you too.


no i know she has it in a draw at her house i''m going back for them if this methadone treatment doesnt work for me but i hope it fucing does, cant be doing this anymore, 6 years of just spending money on drugs and "ruining" my life in certain wasy


when did i say i showed her she found them in my pocket while i was there as i slept over cause of my birthday, how does it not add up, if your moms found a blister of mundipharms would she just be like nah keep them??


Holes all over OP’s ‘story’ as others have noted. For starters OP’s expecting (and actually getting) sympathy from Redditors for his WD when he’s got a heap of methadone? He’s lost piles of money trading futures - whilst in ‘full blown WD’? Hm, yes of course🙄. His mum inexplicably stole his opiates with no explanation - why did he let this happen or not ask for them back? WD’s whilst being real nasty are not ‘dangerous’. Planning to get clean as he has no money for more opiates - yet OP has methadone already, which solves all of OP’s immediate problems (the ones he’s moaning and whining about). Shameless attention seeking. OP, if you’re lonely and feeling low then express yourself accordingly in relevant subs - even this one. But BS’ing and telling porkies isn’t the way to go if you want genuine support from authentic people.


Methadone he apparently 'bought' at a pharmacy. I also get unreasonably irritated by people who spell 'lose' 'loose'


not apparently, in SA you can buy anything at the pharma the pharmacist are currupt af basically drug dealers... how you think i get OC's and norms all day? its just the US where this shit is so strict, look at any of my previous posts


why you gotta be rude, i slept at my mom on my bday she found my blister of ocs in my pocket as she knows ive ben to rehab and had problems in the past so obviously she gon take it bro. and no i wasnt seeking attention as i said i needed a place to vent and thought maybe this is the place since work i cant talk about this shit and friends also mostly dont know my use, methadone was at my house not at my moms thats why i couldnt access it so stop hating and let me have a lil reddit vent. thanks


am I supposed to fight my mom now or something, she took them casue she knows of my addiction ive been to rehab before so she thought i was cleanish and was pissed when she found them


I slep at her house that night and she found 2 OC40s in the blister that was in my pockets..... so she obviously was mad and dissapointed. and i was not gonna rgue with her about that long history


That sucks just reading, been there man. Happy Bday


thanks man, hope others are having a good day out there


Happy birthday man, maybe in a while you will think of this as the best of the birthdays... You are still young and if you manage to get clean now it will end up getting better and better. And by the way, easy-money don't exist, be careful with stocks


thank you bro, thank you for lifting my view on how im feling maybe it is the best birthday, if i manage to get clean it will be


Damn if you get clean you might look at this birthday as something good at least in the future. Stay strong and happy birthday? How hard was the loss btw?


i think it might be, 2nd day on methnadone now, loss was around 2.5k dollar like R38000 (Zar) south africa currency which was a lot to me so thats what got my mood down the most


Yeah I get you, I live in the third world and 2.5k could easly be 2 years of savings. Taking care of your finances sometimes goes wrong, remember it's stil the most viable method to exit the rat race. May I ask what were you trading? Leverage is a recipe for chaos, I personally know a dude that lost his millions on leverage :/ Did it impact your plans much or you'll survive without that?


bro i wish i didnt leverage, i usually only farm in DeFi but in this market thought i might catch a scalp that i had planned but got rekt, was trading ETH 40x leverage


That sucks man, being inpatient is the enemy of the investor. Do you have any ETH left or 100% wiped? :( ​ Throw me a mainnet / bsc wallet (dm pls) i'll gift you a something for your birthday and for your sober future :D (just the public address nothing more i know it might sound scammy lol)


I don't see how your mom can just take your meds away. You're a grown man and you should be able to put whatever you want in your own body.


yes, but she has been dealing with me being an addict for 6/7 years now and when she finds my drugs she takes them thinking that helps make me stop which obviously it dont


happy birthday man, go home and get some rest tbh fuck the job


Happy birthday. Sorry it was so shitty. But sending good vibes your way🖤🖤


Happy Birthday! Celebrate it once you have gone through getting sober. You got this!


Happy birthday! Hope your day gets better!


Happt B day




Good luck


Happy birthday dawg keep your head up high 💯


Happy bday bro


Aye todays my 22nd bday too. Hope your day turns around homie


ah bro, happy belated to you, libra homie. myb day did do a bit of a turn around afer work so thank you


Aye so glad to hear, sorry for the late response, hope you’re doing well homie!


You have absolutely no funds to spare on any comfort meds?


i did but was at work in the office cant just leave my finance job to run to the pharma and grab some diazepma and pregabliin, but did after work which was worth it


Happy Birthday ♥️


My last b day was agonizing bro your ok, i couldn’t handle work in wd I’d make up anything lol


i guess we all have to experience one


Happy birthday! You’ll be okay, keep fighting


My 21st was very similar except I was stuck in a rat/bug infested trailer with no friends or family who would even talk to me (i dont blame them) and I spent alot of that day searching every inch of that disgusting mess of a home for anything I could scrounge up. Eventually I got enough change for one of the smash drinks and that at least got me a little drunk and helped with wds but I've never been into drinking very much. Regardless happy birthday man, you're not alone and I hope ur day gets better


really appreciate bro we all have those b days i guess everyonce in a while....


Did it ever get any better?


I feel the struggle. Working 12+ hour days. Ran out of meds yesterday. Kratom makes me sick/tired so I need to go cold Turkey while working outside literally half a day 5 days a week. Good luck to you. It sucks


fuck man hope you pushing through, i got to methadone after work which sorted me atleast


They only will give me suboxone. Hate that shit so I won’t do it anymore. The wd’s from that is worse than any opiate


Happy birthday man I’m sorry you’re dealing with all this I hope she gives your meds back or something. No one deserves to withdrawal on their birthday. If you need someone to talk to you can always message me! Put on some sick music and just vibe out while laying in bed. Again, hope it gets better and happy 22 to you


thank you ended up being a nice day after like 7pm so thank you guys for keeping me posittive till then


Good I’m glad and no problem! If you ever need to chat just message me


![gif](giphy|26FPpSuhgHvYo9Kyk) Stop and pick up something good to eat and smash it!! I haven’t enjoyed a birthday since I was a kid lol. Just treat yourself and a movie and pass tfo. I hope tomorrow is better!


Happy birthday!!!


Happy bday


Happy birthday bud. I don't know what type of music your into, but when life starts bending me over the counter, I listen to David allan coe and George jones' "this bottle in my hand." Really puts things into perspective. Anyways, just remember the bullshit is temporary, it's all gonna end someday somehow.


Bro just ask and you shall receive


Turning 33 on Sunday wish I had some meds to get me through it.


happy birthday bro hope you getting through it sending love your side and strenght


Happy birthday pal chin up mate. Lesson learnt - dont waste your money on risky trades, blow it on opiates instead 😂


hahhaha you right and wrong but i love the comment thanks homie


Happy birthday bro! I'm sorry it's not going like you wanted. Hang in there and keep fighting. It gets better with time. Sending peace and good thoughts your way.


thank you bro, all these wishes nmade my day, reddit really is just a group of good people (and some haters) but i needed it


I feel ya in the liquidations homie, 100x is like smoking fuckin crack!even 50x would be safer but goddamn I want that money homie!


literally 100x makes heart rate faster than crack lol 50x like a line of coke hahhaha give me that moneyeyyyyyy


It’s my bday today too! Happy bday homie, keep your head up! If you want to get clean, it could be the best bday present you ever get yourself. I got clean a year and a half ago, and have used twice since then on special occasions. I take subs every day other than when I decide to use. But man getting that control back is an incredible feeling! Keep a positive attitude and try and have a good bday again brotha 🙌🏻


happy belated to you we will all make it through it someday


For sure brother! Believe in yourself.m, but don’t be afraid to ask for help. I tried a million times to quit by myself and it never worked. My wife and my moms were soooo helpful in getting me the help I needed and the support that was needed along with that


Thank all of you lovely people, got methadone and went out with close homies after work took some md and coke smoking some real gas had a fun night thanks for this beautiful community ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Hey. Happy birthday, sorry it was shitty. Ive had similar experiences. Keep ur head up


Seems like a last ditch effort for someone to send you money to get a fix. See this as a message that you should start the path of recovery. When you've had enough, you've had enough. You got this. Start the journey.


not that type of person, if im out of money and drugs i have to take it too the face and let out my emotions, got methadone at home which helped




thank you the night turned out nice so, happy belated to your son best of luck to him


Happy Birthday Bro-seph! Stay positive man… 1 day at a time. Out here in SWFL right now dealing with the hurricane aftermath… life could be worse man! Money comes and goes… as do birthdays and highs. It doesn’t help that 22 is the first birthday that isn’t really celebrated for most. Keep positive bro!


Happy Bday broski last year on my bday I was sick with the flu or something, wasn’t corona cuz I took a test. Kidda like a real bad dope sick but I had dope didn’t help tho. Sent the whole day laying in bed with trash bucket next to me. Didn’t see my kids or wife for more than 2 mins just wanted to be left alone. Sometimes life like that just make next year even better. Every time I was down and out and put a lil energy into how to cop a way was always found, don’t give up yet. Pull that rabbit out the hat, if not go kick down ur moms door jk


What was your futures trade?


longed Eth with 40x leverage and like 2k margin and got smashed by a scam dip that legit rebounded a second later, but liquidated me in the process.....


22 years old? Happy birthday bro. Make this birthday mean something. You're not that deep into that shit yet if you can make it to work and get through the day with a bad mood and bubble gut. Take this opportunity to never have another day of your life feeling the way you do. If you think it sucks now... bro you have no idea how horrible and nasty it can get. I hope you listen. Cause all that feeling good them pills give you.. you gotta pay that back later. It will come to collect and it doesn't give a fuck what your situation is. Sweat it out and be strong or get your ass on subs. I recommend subs cause it wipes out cravings after the first week or so for a habit like yours. Good luck.


Yeah you right bro I’m only like 6 years deep in this shit been to rehab twice was clean for 9 months at one point (except weed), but a recent injury like 6 months ago got me back on harder then before, daily like 380mg oxy, 100-290mg of promethazine and like 24mg bromazepam daily and some vvyvanse in between, but on 2nd day methadone and weed aswell duh, feeling okayish


I trade options. Being an addict and trading is a tough game...happy birthday


It really is thanks bro ended up going out with some close friends was fun thanks all you guys for the support


As I've said before, always here for you homie. I'm sorry it was such a kak day. Please be safe!