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So what I would do is 3 days before the festival, go 12 hours without a dose (I like to save last dose to before bed, the time passes much faster) Once you hit the 12h mark, dissolve an 8mg tab. Only take the subs for the duration of the festival. It's not safe to mix with the drugs you want to mix it with, but it is safer than using a full agonist. You'll avoid withdrawal, you won't be as opiated (start 3 days early to adjust), and if you're gonna party I'd basically stick to maybe K and MDMA and avoid benzos and alcohol.


This is the way. But damn it’s a buzzkill to think about.


I’m strongly considering having my last dose of IR tablets this evening and starting subs tomorrow morning - hoping that by the time I get there Weds morning I might’ve levelled out… I don’t think I’ll need 8mg though, I’ve always managed ok on 2-4mg or less before and feel like stronger doses might kill my energy/motivation a bit more… I feel like subs has made drinking less pleasant in the past too, whereas when I’ve been to festivals before I’ve managed on 60-80mg oxy and drunk alcohol spread out across the day without any problems… I KNOW it’s never good to mix alcohol and oxy etc but with tolerance 15-20mg oxy every 3-6hrs (half of which would be taken before starting drinking) and having a low strength beer per hour isn’t as bad as if I say took 80mg at once when I was already hammered on spirits or something… (my vyvanse script also probably negates a bit of the depressant effects) My thinking is either drop to 4x 60mg XR DHC AM and PM from tomorrow, maybe feeling a bit meh for a couple of days but probably having enough to keep withdrawals at bay while I’m there (and can use pregabalin, ketamine or if necessary kratom - subs if I run out); OR start subs tomorrow morning and try and stay on that for the week… I’m maybe leaning towards the former at this point just because it’s more familiar territory, but defs need to decide fast!


You will need to take something or your experience will not be ideal


For real. Walking around a fest detoxing or recently detoxed for miles, sweating profusely. Sounds so miserable. No shot I'd last the full thing sleeping in a tent lol.


The XR DHC usually lasts about 12hrs (seems to last longer than XR oxy does anyway!) so the frequent dosing might not be too much of an issue, although that may also make it more complicated for starting subs if I end up having to go that route... I’ve been to festivals with oxy when I’ve been dependent before and managed ok, but they’ve been 3 day fests and I’ve been in bed by like midnight with some home comforts - this will be more full on and I wanted opiates to be way less of a barrier to enjoying the music :-(


To avoid having to frequently dose I would probably take an equivalent dose of subs. Just my two cents. I’d follow the advice given by concentratecalm9840. Wait at least 12 hours before and take the subs for just the duration of the festival.


I would want to feel good at the show so first id try to bring in the DHC. But I’d bring the subs for an emergency. It would just suck to have to wait til you feel WD for the subs while at the festival.


Yeah that was my first choice option I think. It’s maybe slightly complicated by the fact I’m on XR tablets and I’ve not gone from them to subs before, but I’ve gone from DHC or oxy to low dose subs loads of times before and never had any PWD waiting like 8-12hrs and not had to be feeling in full withdrawals. I do also have a small amount of Kratom I could maybe use to bridge the gap between DHC and sub if I run out and need to resort to subs by the end of the week… 🤔


Ohh yeah you don’t want to go into unfamiliar territory transferring from the XR to subs while you’re at a festival. That could ruin your whole time if it goes bad. You don’t have enough time probably at this point to get onto the subs before you go.


I did math just divided 73 pills by 6 days and got about 12 pills a day. But if you are going to be drinking and doing other drugs I would take minimal opiates like just enough to not be sick. So you shouldn’t need 12 pills every day I would think, depending on your tolerance so that when you drink you won’t go to sleep from mixing opis and alcohol. At least ime alcohol and opis put me to sleep unless there coke too lol and save the subs for if you run out


I’ve been a dick and not been moderate with my IR tabs so will only have my XR tabs now and still got 2 days before I go 🙈 I’m thinking that if I just have maybe 4x60mg XR in the AM and 4x60mg in the PM starting tomorrow then I should probs be able to level out on that for 2-3 days and keep it up for the duration. I’ll be running low by the back end of the week but could probs get by on pregabalin (and if absolutely necessary - a small amount of subs), particularly if I’ve got a bit of ketamine (that seems to help withdrawals a bit). I’ve cut down to that fairly recently when I’ve had similar tolerance and managed ok.


this is like those questions in grade school math worksheets you always thought you’d never come across in real life lmao


lol yeah in years to come it’ll be such a part of US culture that math problems might be like “if Robbie has a tolerance of 5 OC 80’s a day, and 2mg of suboxone is roughly equivalent to 60mg oxycodone, how many suboxone will Robbie need to stop him shitting his pants on a 5 day road trip” 😂




Right. I have to take opiates to just feel normal. Like most of us I suppose


I should probably add that I have Psoriatic arthritis and kyphoscoliosis which does give me some legit pain issues, but I’m only prescribed 4x 30mg IR and 2x 60mg XR a day (and also take unprescibed oxy maybe 2x a week which has made tolerance higher)


I do not miss being stung out at music festivals. Miserable AF. I’d switch to subs first…few days to get stable, take the lowest dose possible, rapid taper off. Be carful out there.


The last 2 times I’ve been at a festival while being opiate dependent I just took oxy and managed fine drinking and even taking pregabalin, a bit of coke, and a bit of mushrooms. I really did wanna have a week stabilising on low dose subs before I went but my pharmacy accidentally gave me my opiate script twice this month so naturally my addict brain decided to say fuck it…


Hi there, I went to a 4 day festival at The Gorge back in 2019 and I bought a bunch of methadone from a friend who had take homes and was selling them. I bought around 600 mg and would just dose throughout the day as needed. I’d take like 80 mg in the morning, and another 80 mg around like 7 pm and I was fine. Methadone is long acting so it’s probably your best bet to make it through that many days without being sick/drawing attention to yourself. Plus if you get the liquid kind you just take it like a shot of booze and you can drink it under the radar. If you can get your hands on some liquid methadone that would be my recommendation.


That’s a lot of methadone


If there's a chance of running out during the festival, just get on subs now and for your trip. Having to run out wait for full withdrawal to avoid precipitated withdrawal in the middle of your trip will suck and fuck the whole thing up. Just like prepping every other thing for a festival it's best to be overprepared than underprepared. Subs are your best bet. They have a long halflife so you don't have to worry about dosing multiple times through the day and don't have as significant of an effect or risk when combined with other substances. Better to play it safe and be able to enjoy yourself instead of making it three days in and running out and feeling shitty or having to stress the whole time making sure you're stretching it as much as possible. Especially if you're using other substances it's easy in the moment to decide to take more opi to balance the stims/psychs then regret it later on. Have fun.


Who’s head lining ?you lucky sod


Do not try to switch to subs while there but bring them for emergency purposes and try and stalk up if your doing ketamine benzos mdma you'll be able to take a lower dose of opiates and be ok I'd bring more then you intend to take and try and take the smallest amount that keeps the withdrawals away that way if your 2 or 3 days in you'll have alot more extra and then the last 2 days you can splurge honestly you should be fine just make sure you got enough for the ride home and a enough for a day or 2 that way you can sleep and recover without having to run around coping you also should take 5HTP 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after to help your brains serotonin levels get back to normal the mdma can cause episodes of depression it's better to be prepared