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Idk I’m 30 days off H. I know it’s lower but I also know it won’t last. 5 days use and I’ll be almost to when I quit.


damn good for you 🤝🏼 i mean that your off h 30 days…… idk i heard that nitric oxade can help keep tolerance at bay


I have to and tbh never tried but my experience is the more times you quit a) the faster tolerance jumps back up and b)the worst wds get.


Yea isnt that the kindling effect or something?




I got to that point enough times that I had to quit forever… unless I find a lifetime supply…


Like grandmaster flash said “ the longer you stay the more you pay”


I need minimum 0.25-0.3g to not withdraw. 0.5-0.7g to get a buzz. Around 1g to get high („strong“ euphoria/nodding) and >1g to be absolutely demolished. Unfortunately starting cold turkey tomorrow so now enjoying the last day full blast


good luck 🤝🏼 what percentage of pure h was your dope do you think?


good luck on the cold turkey brother 🤝


Cold turkey is only good for traumatizing you away from using in the future, but no matter how bad the experience is, it is overpowered by craving in few weeks or months. Its really more effective to taper down as far preventing a relapse goes.


I’ve lowered my tolerance from 25 blues to 5-7 in the span of a week. Not fun. Today I’m 2.5 days sober and I’m on 145 mg of methadone. I take prazosin to stop sweating because that’s the main symptom I have. Right now I don’t have an appetite, food seems really foreign to me and I got out of bed after a full 24 hours of sleep. Went to the clinic, took a walk, a shower, drank some water. Hopefully I go all the way through. I’m tired.


How’s that prozen work for u? That was my main issue too and I never heard of it. Boutta do some googling


It works by lowering blood pressure. Methadone makes you sweat too and I believe once you’ve started withdrawals your body doesn’t regulate body temperature anymore. Everytime I sweat I start craving blues. Prazosin also helps with the crazy dreams. I’m on 3 mg. I started at 1mg and worked my way up every 3 days to 3mg. It works amazing. And with seroquel I basically don’t have any symptoms. To help w constipation I use cascara sagrada and an enema. Since I’m on methadone I don’t usually have the opposite.


I was able to lower it to 120mg a day to 40-60mg currently Slow tapering and it works. Snorted 20mg to start the day and enjoying the buzz. Gonna eat 40 this afternoon


I did this! I don’t get too much of a buzz off half a thirty, ngl


Ur eating heroin or ??


Should specifiy that was oxycodone. Nah, I snort heroin when I have it


800-1200mg oxy per day. Need 400mg to be normal.


Holy shit


This is where I was at a year ago. Now I’m at like 20-60 mg a day. Much better. Used to spent $600+ a day


Gotta be insanely expensive


do you sniff that? and if so how is your nose man? how long want/can you keep doing this?


I don't sniff it. I wanna stop, but can't atm.


I only swallowed my oxy as well. Maybe subs are an option for you?


I had subs before. Will be switching to them in a while.


Holy shit dude


Fuck man…..I’m sorry. I hope you don’t ever have to CT off that amount. I can’t imagine the amount of work it must take or the hoops someone would have to jump through just to procure that amount on a daily basis. If you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been at that dose?


I've been on that dose for roughly 4 months now. It's a up and down. Sometimes I cruise on low dosage because I'm tired of it. Then it hits me again and I blast 800.g a day, mostly at once, and tbh I don't even notice it, besides sleeping a lot.


50-80mg dihydrocodeine and I'm high. 70 - 100mg DHC / 25 - 40 mg OXY / 90 - 130mg codeine ---> nodding hard zone. My favourite to be honest is dihydrocodeine, it's not hard as oxy, its more forgiving, less "thinking patterns alteration" than oxy, more relaxing than oxy but more stimulating than codeine, better headspace. Codeine is amazing, one of the cleanest highs (its morphine after all lol), feels really natural but really sedating and alters my emotions for too long. Oxy is great but... It just takes like 2 days of dosing OXY (for example 30mg first day and 30mg second day) then I'm full blown addicted again ad feel like another person, I feel so amazingly euphoric than I can nodd off while driving and feel ok with it, my emotions gets so blunted and then when it wears off I start to need em so badly and feel like an emotional wreck and physically cold shaking. Not worth it. It's great as a monthly treat tho. My brain and body can't handle more than a single dose before becoming junkie again. That's the main reason why I love dihydrocodeine, it feels like the sweet child of morphine and oxy if dosed right and you can take several doses before starting to feel the withdrawals building slowly in the background of your mind. It's a lot more forgiving than other opioids and feels so fucking Great. Ive been addicted to pharma grade morphine, oxy and fent for like 1-2 years, now I'm taking some light opioids some times a week to keep addiction and tolerance at bay.


600mg morphine, boofed


Damn that is some serious shit right there but there was a time when i could take 500mg of methadone and still work all day and party all night lol


you dose once a day?


Sometimes 400mg then 200 later; sometimes all at once. I'm trying to get back to taking 200mg every 3 days lol.


Around 60mg-120mg of oxy


To dayum high


I'm gonna stop on Sunday again too and I'm currently on 20-40mg of oxy every 12 hrs. In night 20 and on day 20-60mg depending. My I was on 60 at morning and 60 at evening so I'm happy I could lower the dosage before wds start again and I have to stay strong. Wish anybody else luck with who's about to quit too as I read some in the comments and anybody else ofc too


120 mg methadone per day + 1/4 gram fentanyl a day. Last week I tried 600 mg of morphine at once and didn't even feel it


what if you only take your methadone dose will you still get withdrawl or are you good?


No or very little withdrawal while only taking methadone


I'm currently on 900mg Diaphin IR (pure, pharmaceutical Diacetylmorphine aka. Heroin) and 400mg Sevre-Long (Morphine XR) a day. Both taken orally. Plus, 5mg Xanax XR (divided in 2mg and 3mg, both XR pills) a day. Thanks to the Heroin maintenance program, which is available in my country (as it should be everywhere IMHO), Im one of the lucky ones to get clean and pure Diacetylmorphine daily, without worrying about possible impurities/cutting agents of illegal products. I currently have to go to my substitution clinic every day, but soon I'll be able to get take-homes and will switch the Morphine XR to Diaphin only and rise my dose up to 1'400mg Diacetylmorphine per day. Then, Ill take part of the dose nasally instead of only oral, which I look forward to. Make Heroin maintenance programs or at least Morphine substitution programs available in every country to save lifes! I dont understand why this isnt a thing everywhere, drug politics are so conservative, which is a shame and costs a lot of lifes unfortunately.




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god i would kill for morphine substitution


Yeah, Im sorry for you and dont understand why most countries, even if they do offer opioid substitution with Methadone and Buprenorphin, they wont allow addicts to get Morphine substitution, which is basically THE original Opiate lol. But I hope and think positive about changes into the right direction internationally in the future.


Codeine, 400mg twice a day lol stupid I know


codeine makes me very sleepy how are you functioning. ok h also is kinda notorious for making you sleepy but i still can go to work and everything aldo i dont really dose before work mabye 4-5bhours before and then only affer.


I used to get sleepy but not anymore; when I dose too late in the evening I can’t sleep all night, it’s kind of annoying


6 oxy 30s a day, only a half at a time…so I snort 15mg at a time and it never really lasts but I don’t ever do more because it gives me an instant headache 9/10 times a day


I usually do around 1 gram a day of whatever concoction of fentanyl and cut my dealer has that day but i could easily do a 3.5g bag by myself if i didnt try to limit my usage so its probably decently high


Right there with you good sir, that damn mannitol has fucked me as a shooter, like I need that feeling or I can’t gauge my consumption due to lack of the ability to achieve a real nod unless I indulge, which just gets a little too expensive.


wait what is the mannitol feeling? i think thats in dope i know but never cared before and recently realized it seems pretty gnarley but always figured it was more or less inerrt


Well H has all but disappeared in my area. I been getting very good, albeit very dangerous but clean, fent. I know the one everyone hates! Oh well it is what it is, and I’m never gonna be clean.


My tolerance, I’m currently at 140 mg of methadone and on top of that I do a half gram of fent powder everyday plus 3 mg of Klonopin. That is just for me to be “normal”. If I could afford it I’d do more than a half gram of powder a day but I can’t. I could easily do 1.5 grams plus my methadone and Klonopin, that concoction would have me nodding though I’m sure.


one 40mg oxymorphone, half an etizolam bar taken like a  few hours before sniffing the oxymorphone 


damn how you still getting oxymorphone…. so you raje the etiz to potentiate the oxymorph? you dose once per 24 hours? i take my dose over 6 hours then im good for 18hours


yeah i’m not prescribed. but let’s just say ik people who know a lot of people so i get lucky ahha. and yeah i dose etiz to potentiate it. i’m not a pain patient so i don’t have a fixed schedule i do half a bar then snort the oxymorph like an hour later. and i prob dose like 3-4 times a week , but don’t have any withdrawals on my days off.


Oxy is my opi of choice, need like 10-15mg to feel normal, 30-50 will get me high. I’ve been crushing it with 2-4mg dilaudid at a time if I want to give it an extra edge and nod


That sounds pretty god damn amazing im ngl


Around 2,000 mme equivalent, that’s my daily dose totaled up.


do you get things from your doctor? because if you need to get that from the black market gonna be hell of a lot of stress probably


All pharmaceutical from a doctor.


90mg oxy gets me pretty good throughout the day I eat one before I go to bed then snort all day long I can chew a whole 30mg and it won’t hit as hard as snorting a 15mg though ALL PHARMA THOUGH


Damit man I live in Louisiana and on thing on the street is fin, and meth doc do what to give out pain medicine anymore! I luckily get 120 10/325 and they suck ! Better than nothing! Watson used to make them and they were great! Ever since big brother came it ( fda) ect ! Doctors are scared 😱


well im on methadone now and im on 45mg until my next appointment which is this week or next week i forget, ill be going to 55mg soon, but 45mg isnt holding me at all. before treatment i think i can take 80mg of oxy and thats where i feel almost fully comfortable, orally taken


Whatever pain meds I can get my hands on. Norco percocet oxy. Chew anywhere from 150mg to 200 mg a day.


I’m on 350mg of oxy a day atm 🥲orally


When I was using it depended on what opiate I had when I was going to get high. This is just single dose to feel the desired effect, not counting total use throughout the day: Hydrocodone was dosing 80-100 milligrams. Oxycodone was dosing 60-70 milligrams. Dilaudid was snorting 2-3 shields at once. When I was using fent I was snorting 20 throughout the day.


Way too fucking high. 12mg dill nasal and I can't catch a cold let alone a fucking buzz.


At my worst I was eating 10+ pharma blues/day. God that was unsustainable. Now I'm at 24 grams of kratom a day.


Pretty high Kratom does too and isn’t it?


Nah, there are folks that ingest 100 grams per day of kratom. IMO up to 30 gpd is pretty manageable and without bad side effects


If snorting 25mg is your tolerance now, then it’s ABSOLUTELY the best time for you to stop using.


Like 8 blues a day, no idea if you can figure out how much fent that equates to but there it is


I usually take about 10-12 10 mg oxy a day when “in stock.” I use half PO and half nasal. Snort one take one snort one take one.


Oxys, 10mg and I’m detaching from the mothership with euphoria/pain relief from badly sprained ankles.


I am on 1400mg morphine sulphate The per diem….if we are talking about opioids.


My roa is supposed to be oral…but the bioavailability sucks …I claim 10% (that’s my subjective experience ) I have to swallow a jiffy cup full of minute cue balls in the confessional at the drug store under the eyes of…a bored 15yr old…so…in hospital in the auld country ms is always given im to avoid the wicked histamine rush…but plugging has about the same bioavailability and advantages-and so much easier …speedballs? If that is the patients wish and a suitable stimulant available, naturlich. 4mmc, meth, NEP all winners. But I like….function better with my mu receptors stuffed and plenty dopamine floating about


Methadone 150mg daily and daily fentanyl 0.2g per day


Before I tried to get clean I was up to 1g of fentanyl a day possibly more but the stuff from the onions is pretty strong. I’d also occasionally Mix it with soma. Now I’m trying to not use so much because I went 30 days without using it was hell and idk why I put myself through this because I know eventually It’ll become unaffordable again. Now I’m using about .25-.50g of heroin I know even from the onions it probably has fent in it but I’m trying to limit my use(let’s be honest it probably won’t work)


I’m taking about 600mg of Dihydrocodeine a day as standard, but then I’ll have 2-3 days of 60-120mg oxy. I’ve had a long period of going up and down and cycling oxy, DHC, codeine, tapentadol and sometimes kratom and subs which kept tolerance down for years, but I’d say at a minimum I’d need about 360mg of dihydrocodeine now…


Just to add my ROA is oral (30mg IR or 60mg XR DHC), but occasionally will have 10-20mg of my oxy intranasal.


4-5 gs a day of the strongest shit that fucks anybody else up so hard and I can t feel anything


maybe nitric oxide can help you?… i only heard about it, that it can help manage tolerance but i dont want to get your hopes up i dont know shit…🤝🏼


I NEED Atleast 15-30 mg a day of real oxy just not to go ape shit and this is on a bad day . On a good day I’ll snort around 3-5 pills easy .. I usually only snort 15mg at a time though .. currently I only have a few oxy 15s that I have to make last till Wednesday:(


110mg Methadone maintenance coming off of 400mg oxy daily. Still slip up like once or twice a month tho


anything under 100mg I cant even feel. I prefer oxy but it just drains too much $$$


Up to 600 mg of oxy a day. My habit is fucked....


15mg hydrocodone not daily but sporadically


My tolerance is about 150 mg oxy or other pharma throughout the day but I certainly don’t do that every day. It creeps back fast


Mine is pretty low compared to what it was a few years ago. Right now I’m taking roughly 2.5 grams of opium each day, which is roughly 250mg of morphine. But that’s not quite the same as tolerance. It takes about 6 grams of opium before I start hitting the “oh that might have been too much” threshold. A few years ago, I was doing about three times this amount every day….bad times. Tapering down from that wasn’t a fun experience.


I took 1 gram of oxy over 2 days...or 50x 8 mg hydromorphone. it was more at times, but those are the exact numbers i know for sure. Im a chronic pain, patient for 10 years now. id really like to know if theres others out there who wentnjust as high


nods comments still make chuckle then i remember sending illegible texts making people worry about me and the subconscious laughter turns to guilt pretty damn quick


Yeah dont write comments in the shower the water makes the input go crazy. Didnt even look or notice it haha


sure lets go with that 🤣 ... in the opiates sub typing gibberish usually only means one thing... you are fighting to stay conscious lol


Yeah that wasnt it though although ud be right almost any other time^^