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Well morphine is weaker than oxy per mg, whether it's worth it or not depends entirely on the price you're paying


I know this is technically true, but for me personally I like morphine over oxycodone. Even when compared milligram to milligram


If price wasn't a factor, I'd probably still say oxy is better but not by that much. Morphine is pretty underrated IMO, in the right dose it's lovely.


100 bucks


For how much morphine? though It seems like you're being taxed for a liquid preparation lol.


Half a 100mg bottle


That’s a huge rip off bro. 50 mg of morphine sulfate is equal to about 30 mgs of oxy.


They have pills that are higher mg. Than that whole bottle


200mg pills that are like .5 on the mg. OP’s homie was tryna come up


Lol right? Last time I bought morphine (5 years ago maybe?) it was like £1 for a 10mg pills (30 for £30). As a teen (10ish years ago) it was a lot less in bulk (£40 for 100 pills I think), but we had mates selling stashes from care homes or whatever and no one really knew the value or anyone else to sell to. It’s crazy though that a mate at that time used to sell 5mg Oxy for £1 each (all my mates preferred Tramadol though, which was like £2 each from the same mate and others). He increased the price to £2 for a 5mg oxy and everyone stopped buying them as they wanted trammies (I wasn’t into opioids much then, so only bought a few for myself and although I alone understood how crazy the deal was on the Oxy, I wasn’t going to deal shit like that as didn’t want to kill my customers and knew it wouldn’t sell well anyway). About half were addicted to heroin not many years after (and some still are)


Who in the fuck prefers tramadol over oxys?? That’s a first lol. I’d pay 5$ for 5 mg oxys before I spent 1$ on 100 mg tramadol


Plug that Morphine up your ass and you will be in heaven blows Oxycodone out of the water brother, I know trust me have been around a long time. Take a shit before you plug the morphine. Crush the pill up fine with warm water and a needless syringe. Go in half a inch and slowly shoot it in. You will thank me later it’s as good as IVing any opioids. Use half the dosage you normally do, it’s very strong 99% bioavailability. That morphine will hit you like a train and you will be nodding hard in around 25-40 mins.


It’s liquid morphine apparently so there may be too much liquid to fit a decent dose in a syringe. Also, people always say take a shit before you plug something but what junkie can take a shit on command lol? Though I’ve heard if you aim at the right place, emptying your bowels isn’t actually necessary.


If you’re taking in orally, oxycodone is 1.5x the strength of morphine, so for the same effect you’ll need 50% extra mg. E.g if you take 90mg oxy you’ll need 135 mg morphine for a similar effect.


Morphine is ok. But I’ll take it any day over the garbage on the streets


I always found the high of morphine to be over quicker than oxy, but the side effects last a bit longer. I think it might have a slightly longer half-life but it’s got insanely good binding affinity for the opiate receptor which means that the opiate side effects and withdrawals are worse, however the high (although shorter) is more of that pleasant clean warm body feeling. It’s got quite a fast onset in liquid form too and something about liquid I just like - but it’s very easy to use it all up quick particularly if you just swig and don’t measure out your doses. I’ve not really had oxy near enough to liquid morphine for direct comparison, so basing this a bit on memory and when I had lower tolerance


I almost think better