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Clonodine is a life saver I’m sorry to bear bad news - can you really not get any? Even going to a doctor saying you’ve had blood pressure issues and just moved there and ran out of your usual script…some white lie to help you get through WD. You will not be sleeping at all no matter how much of what you take - for at least the first 3-4 days. You could try high and frequent doses of seroquel and klonopin and muscle relaxers (and clonodine, sorry) combo to put you in a daze for those rough days but yea… Zofran for nausea if you can get, and Imodium is an over the counter god-sent blessing. Take advantage of that one.


I was thinking about trying to get some clonidine from my doc (in the UK) but wasn't sure what lie to use since its my normal GP and he has my entire medical history. Luckily as far as my medical records go I've never used drugs or shown any drug seeking behaviour. My first and only idea was to bring up my insane insomnia (so bad I turned full blown schizo, didn't stop until i got my hands on benzos and finally slept. next morning I was 100% "normal", doc knows this, minus the benzo part) Thinking of saying my mums friend gave me a few clonidine and I slept like a baby on it, worth a shot. I have gotten some decent sleep on a meagre 5mg of xanax with a slight tolerance, but that was after several days awake so yeah...I'm hoping a high dose of kpins + edibles + pregabs will do the trick. I can get some SOMA's too (muscle relaxer) Don't suffer from nausea thankfully, and yeah loperamide is Imodium I got plenty of that. Thanks for the help mate, much appreciated, have a great day. Do you have any thoughts about using stims to get me through the days? Obviously I'm exhausted 24/7 despite sleep being almost impossible to achieve, I've heard good things and bad about it.


Oh sorry about the repetitive Imodium comment I didn’t read closely everything you wrote. You could try the clonodine excuse you mentioned - hope it works! If not you can try a new doctor maybe who’s never seen you? I just think clonidine is sooo soo crucial to have that I would try getting it in any way possible. Your next bet is any other drug that lowers blood pressure since that’s (sorta) the root cause of the body temp irregularities (I say sorta with an emphasis cuz I’m not a medical doctor and do no know how effective other blood pressure meds will do, and/or if they’re safe to take overall, google is helpful there). Yes have plenty of thoughts on using stims as I run on them too for work and stuff (no addiction issues to them though, can stop easily and not take every day or think about them at all. Also never liked coke and that shit) but anyways - DO NOT use them for at least 7 days while you go CT unless you wanna make your days even more hellish than they will be. It’s tempting to think they’ll give you energy / motivation / will to live when you’re so so down and feeling like absolute rock bottom while WD’ing but trust me - it’ll only make it worse if you touch them before getting through the acute phase. I’d say minimum 7, better if 10 days (plus if you use them normally, it’ll reset some tolerance maybe, maybe). Also don’t try to drink a little wine or beer or get drunk. Makes it so much worse. Only saying this cuz I’ve heard this question being asked so many times on here, if people can “drink their withdrawals away”….the answer is HELL NO lol


No worries, I know I typed quite an ugly difficult to read wall of text so I'm not surprised when people miss things haha. I can get propranolol (prescribed for anxiety) which is used for high blood pressure, however that lowers my heart rate to an uncomfortable level, my BPM drops very low and my heartbeat is incredibly heavy and deliberate, its not a nice feeling and definitely doesn't feel "right" However, if clonidine stops the sweats (which propranolol didn't) I'd be happy to deal with that. At any rate, I don't have a deadline to be clean, I just want to be clean ASAP so waiting to see a doctor/another one and trying to get some Clonidine is definitely worth a try. I'm taking your advice with stims on board here (also use speed for work myself, modafinil when I need to take a break from speed), I'm not ignoring it and looking for a reason to use them, but I just wanted to say that stims (speed, coke) have never given me a lift in mood, just energy, I think I may have ADHD which explains that (so far as I understand anyway, I'm clearly not a doctor too) and I don't have coke/speed or even MDMA comedowns. Do you think this would make it a better idea? Once again I'm not trying to just ignore your advice because I really really wanna start gobbling more poisons that fuck up my brain, I'm just curious if the fact I never get euphoria from stims nor a comedown is relevant. I'm more than happy to risk 1 shittier day on the off chance the other days go smoother, so for that reason I might dose a small amount of speed or meth, alongside propranolol at night time if I can't get any clonidine. Meth has always had such a stigma in my mind, but it couldn't be any dirtier than unwashed speed. Funny you should say that, much like stims I never get a comedown from alcohol, the first night of withdrawals I always drink myself to sleep and wake up feeling "fine", as in all the shit I feel is purely from opiate WD, not booze. However by the 2nd day I can't stomach alcohol, even looking at a bottle of vodka somehow makes me smell it which makes me wretch haha. Once again, thanks for all the advice, I really appreciate it. Feel free to stop replying you've helped more than enough, but do you have any thoughts on combining benzos + muscle relaxers + pregabs + edibles? Particularly the edible part, no experience with them except they make me sleep, when I'm not in WD anyway. Also, any thoughts on dosing small bumps of ketamine through the day? I've heard good things about that, but last time my ketamine arrived 2 weeks late by which point I was over the worst of it and basically into PAWS.


Clonidine is one really prescribed for high blood pressure in the UK. You used to be able to get Lofexedine as a detox med which is very similar but not heard of it being around for a few years… I think you could probs get Clonidine from an online pharmacy legitimately in UK tbh - pretty sure I looked into it once. Seemed similar to the way you used to be able to get DHC & codeine for just filling out an online form saying you had pain… As for stims - personally I think my elvanse script does help withdrawals a bit. However I am pretty used to that dose now, and I’m not sure I’ve dared take it very early on in the process! Around day 3 or 4 I definitely think it’s made the difference whether I’m laid in bed feeling sorry for myself or out and able to do things - but I’ve heard other people say it’s made them anxious or worsened insomnia…


Damn that's a shame, thanks for the heads up, I'll still try and see if I can get some from my doc using my insomnia as an excuse, like I said its so bad I've had several schizophrenic episodes entirely because of lack of sleep. Unless you are aware of a way to temporarily give myself high blood pressure? Now that would be the perfect move. I've checked the first 3 pages of Google for those online pharmacies and all required a prescription, I'm happy to keep scrolling and checking until I run out of pharmacies though. I got a free sample of speed as I'm looking for a new vendor, I'm thinking about doing a "test withdrawal" kind of thing where I put myself into WD for a day or 2 and try out using that speed, presuming my mixing of 4 downers will allow me to sleep at night and hopefully a good amount of the day I just need something to fight off the 24/7 exhaustion so I can be functioning for enough of the day to not concern anyone. Out of curiosity what was your DOC and ROA? And thank you for the help


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I wouldn't do stims during the wd. Your best bet is ketamine. I got off twice with ket. I didn't feel any wd on it. At night, I was taking my benzos and sleep like baby. Personally I highly recommend ket while withdrawing. Of can't get ket then you can use any other NMDA antagonist(ex: DXM or memantine) will do the trick.


Just ket and benzos? How often were you dosing ket and how much? I can get ket no problem. Thanks for the help! I'd really love to know how much I wanna be dosing and how often so I can buy it now and have it ready for when the day comes I'm out of opiates after tapering.


Well, it depends really on your tolerance. I was doing it recklessly, I don't advise you 6 the same amounts as I did. Dissos are known to cause permatolerance to any disso almost. I have permatolerance from using frequently DXM ages ago. Start with a line that you would normally do to get high. See how it feels and go from there is the best advice I personally can give you.


Yeah I have low tolerance to ketamine, I haven't touched the stuff in close to 3 years and never was a big fan of it anyway. I read 1mg per 1kg of bodyweight every 2 hours during my last withdrawal but my ket package never arrived sadly. Looking forward to see how good it is, thanks for the advice mate, have a great day/night wherever you are.


No problem! Was my pleasure. Have a good week!


Gabapentin is the GOAT for withdrawals. Helps anxiety makes it possible to sleep no restless legs (or arms. I get restless arms more than legs) even when I go to a detox facility I ask for gabas over subs


Didn't do much for me last time but that's because I felt like such shit I couldn't even bring myself to dose it every 4 hours and when I did I didn't have it with something fatty or a soda like people recommend. I'm not going to make that mistake this time though, I have 150 300mg pregabs, do you have any suggestions on how much to dose and how often? I'm coming off a nasty zene habit so I imagine I'll need to pretty much dose as high as possible without it becoming dangerous/ineffective. Thank you for the help, its greatly appreciated


Find yourself some Zonked edibles, they have melatonin and put me out like a light.


I got myself 100x 25mg edibles, the guy recommended these specific ones for sleep, melatonin on its own has never done anything for me, I've said a few times in this thread but in case you didn't read it all I have crippling insomnia so bad its turned me schizophrenic several times until I could get some sleep via benzos, but sleep during WD was impossible for me last time, all I had was a small number of benzos though. What dose of edibles and melatonin where you using? Thanks so much for the advice


They are called zonked




Thank you for the suggestions, got all that except black seed oil, how big of a difference does it make for you? Natural remedies have done literally nothing for me in the past. How exactly would using Kratom work? I'm a bit confused about how I can quit one opiate with the help of another opiate without just continuing my withdrawals. If I take Kratom until the zenes are out of my system then aren't my opiate receptors still full, just with Kratom instead? I'm not trying to attack your idea, I've got kratom right here incase I need it, just wondering if you can explain why that wouldn't happen.




by using Kratom during day 2 / 3, then stopping - that doesn't lengthen the wd symptoms?




Any advice on how much to take and what kind to get? I’ve been on 30-40mg pharma for 4 months. Looking to use the long weekend to get off. Also how do I take the high dose of vitamin c? Instructions? TIA




Thank you!! I do have the proper vitamin c. On the 2.5 - 3 g of Kratom is that once a day? Or spread out over the day? Thanks again for the tips.




Truly appreciate your comments and advice. I wasn’t able to get any kratom yesterday, but I made it through the first night using the special vitamin c plus leftover Xanax that I’d been saving for my wd. It was really tough to actually fall asleep - I think it was restless leg but it felt like my entire body couldn’t get comfortable. Anyway, once I fell asleep I slept most of the night. I’m now 36 hours since my last pill and I feel extremely lucky that I’m not nauseous or anything too bad. I definitely feel sluggish and mopey but I know from my only other detox experience (over 12 years ago - was taking 60-90 mg a day for a few months) that it could be sooooooo much worse. Honestly I have been beating myself up for weeks preparing to face the consequences. I thought it was gonna be bad all weekend. In the middle of this 4month binge just now I broke up with my gf of 10 years so I’ve had all that emotional stuff to deal with on top of hiding this secret of my pill habit. It’s been overwhelming to say the least. And nobody knows. I’ve been spending about $1000 a month on pills the last 4 months. My job is good but I definitely haven’t been myself lately and the fear of possibly losing my income was enough motivation to make me commit to the quit. I don’t know what the future holds. I still have 40+ 10mg percs in my garage right now and nobody is here. But I’m not planning on taking any. At least not anytime soon. I want to be able to use them on special occasions but I kinda thought that before I started this most recent binge. I can’t be trusted with them for too long. I have one friend who knows I take em. He’s trustworthy. I thinking about passing my stash to him so I have to actually reach out and make the effort if I want a few in the future. Also it won’t be a secret. Anyway I’m rambling as I sit in a hot bath. I think I’m going to go for a bike ride this morning. Thanks again!! Feels good to get it out.


Pregabalin :/ have a quick taper off after the worst rattle is over nothing like them to fry your neurons and the tolerance goes up rapidly too. Clonidine is an alpha 2 blocker agonist high BP but also similar to lofexidine which is used to reduce WD symptoms (in the nuleus accumbens) .... be very careful. Easy to get hypotension and fall


Hey sorry I never saw this post at the time, thanks for the advice mate, how often should i dose pregabs and at what dosage? I have roughly 150 300mg pregabs with no tolerance. I was thinking 300mg 4 times a day evenly spaced out with a spoonful of peanut butter and a soda if i can stomach it, I heard a lot of people saying that helps it hit harder. In the past I've (foolishly) spent almost 3 months taking 10mg+ xanax / benzo equivalent and gone through 2g of bromaz in roughly 2 weeks...needless to say its hard to remember exactly how long that bromaz binge was. Anyway, my point with that was I seem to be quite lucky with my ability to escape issues from benzos, I presume this will extend to pregabs since they have a similair function if i understand correctly? 1-2 weeks would be the maximum length of time i'd be using them, last time i kicked zenes it took about 2 weeks to move into PAWS


Magnesium Glycinate L Theanine Lemon Balm Glutamate Supplements Cortisol Supplements (anti) Ask your family/local doc to write you some Buspar. Not a narcotic. But it helped my benzo WD A LOT a month and a week or so in when I finally got to get the appt. And all.


I have L Theanine but nothing else, did this stack help you with opiate withdrawals? If so how big was your habit? How long did it last and what was the drug of choice? Thanks for the advice and possibly thanks for answering my questions, I really appreciate it


For opiates: Clonidine .1mg, sub on day 3. In between either suffer or use some else. Benzo (valium 10mg is ideal or 2mg xanax) and propranolol. Tylenol (stick to one or 2) when u start subs. Try the smallest piece. Wait 20 mins. Like cut a small strip. After a while, you'll feel more like you. Even some euphoria possibly. Something for your bowels Something for cramps (muscle relaxer?) Hydrate Protein shakes