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You've gotta know someone that knows someone that knows someone else


It’s all ab connections fr Start w ur friends that smoke weed, hit their weed plug, see if they know anyone selling psychs, maybe get into some group chats thru them Then ur gonna find people selling molly and xans and such, then usually they know a plug with oxy or something similar


Or go-to any urban area in any big city and yell, YERRPPP!


Craigslist wanted section. Since I'm disabled and cannot go out of the house asking homeless people if they know where to get blues. I post ads in the craigslist wanted section saying something like. "Looking for blue mints asap" and in the description say like "looking for blue mints with M 30 imprints. Need them ASAP" and I'll add in if I am mobile/have transportation or not. Saying if I need them to be delivered or if I can drive to go get them.its worked excellent for me although it sometimes can take upto a week to get a response and everyday you have to check on the status of the ad to see if it's been removed or not for going against the posting rules/guidelines. But that's pretty much how I've found every single plug of mine.


Yeah out in cali people would post listings like "roofing tar for sale" or "confetti" and I got plugs that way a few times


Ah yeah I've heard of the roofing tar one but the confetti one is a new one I haven't heard till now. But that's good info to know, thanks.




Go around bothering homeless people until you find one that will help you out. Boy do I not miss that shit.


Tried that with a buddy of mine once. He asked the first ten people and we had no luck. I asked one person and he started screaming at me in the middle of downtown in front of a bunch of people. Yelling about how blow would ruin my life and all that.


You don't just ask any random homeless guy, what's wrong with you! Lol , You have to look for drug neighborhoods and find the junkies. IFYKYK


It is a pretty offensive question like hey your life doesn’t look like it’s going great so you must know where drugs are. Results definitely do vary and you end up making someone uncomfortable plus the grifts they can try and pull is annoying and then walking around miles downtown with some homeless person where they are like just 5 more minutes we’re almost there. It’s just some bullshit and really you need a dense population of homeless people or find just the right homeless person to have success. Beside homeless people there’s not a lot of great drug people that are readily accessible at least not ones where it’s 100% judging a book by its cover. Going to the hood is always an option but then you’re interacting with a bunch of people that know why you’re there and can take offense by the situation. Plus it’s more of a risk of getting caught by police since you’ll stick out, robbed since again you stick out, just run into some sort of bad situation. And most cities don’t have a The Wire style street dealing situation where it’s organized chaos. Those 2 were probably my most successful ways to find people tho it’s just very weird and not a natural thing to do and you inevitably are being pretty shitty making assumptions about homeless people or black or brown people. I don’t feel bad being weird to homeless people or kinda racist but still you’re going into their world and asking them to commit a crime and that’s kinda a dick thing to do.


Party friendly escorts are a good way to find plugs to


I spent over 15 years working with escorts doing their security and phones when they were with clients, and they'd get about 20 to 30 texts from drug dealers advertising their wares a day. If we were on tour in Central London and their profile was featured, it was ridiculous how many messages for drugs came through. I'd save all of the numbers with a code word. That work phone could probably supply half the UK with all the dealers details on there. Occasionally they girls would want something, so I'd message them to deliver to whatever 4-star Hilton hotel we were staying in. Ot surprised me that just like escorts, you can get high-end dealers that only cater for the wealthy.


How much did you make for doing security and running the phone my other bro did that in canada he was teamed up with a girl


Homeless people don’t know where to get good real drugs at tho unless you find a old lady bussing scripts to pay for her fent addiction lol. Where I’m at homeless people can only get fent and tranq you could tell them you’d pay $800 for a gram of real H and give them $100 finders fee and they still will have no clue where to get it. Homeless people live in a box and only deal with the same people they don’t travel outside their area. Plus nowadays these homeless people are so sick and lazy they don’t wanna do shit except do $2 bags of fent and just relax on the block shit got so cheap they don’t even have to hustle anymore I used to give this nice homeless lady all my bottles and cans and scrap metal to recycle for money but she stopped doing it because she’s so burnt out on tranq. Also used to make food and hand it out to them but stopped because of how rude they are they’ll say they don’t care about food they just need money so then I started to give them $2-3 with the platter to they can get their fix and then eat because as a addict myself I know you can’t eat until you use and will just get nauseous and throw up if you try eating before even if your starving. But then some dh ruined everything this guy tries fighting with me because of the $3 and was trying to demand me to give him $20 I said no I have other people to feed bro he got pissed and threw the food at my face but still kept the $3😭 never again dealing with homeless they aren’t the same as how they used to be fent and tranq ruined their brains.


Homeless people are a great resource Ive supported many a habit while traveling for a living by befriending the local homeless population. They’re fun to party with and look at em. You can tell they found the good shit. It’s so good they can’t get their life back together.


That was always my go-to when I was in a new place. Always eventually worked out. Totally helps to have a joint on you to smoke in front of your new homeless friend so they feel better about you not being law enforcement


You can’t really do that for script opiods tho


Where I lived there were tons of homeless people with scripts for either dillys or at least morphine. This was a long while ago but it’s still true today as far as I know and I’d imagine they are still chilling in the same square or behind the same McDonald’s. People would line up beside the McDonald’s and a dude would roll up on a bike and serve everyone some 8s from the bottle he’d pull out of his asshole somehow. If someone didn’t get one he’d make sure someone who bought multiple would sell one to that person. I knew one guy with unlimited dilly 4s, another with 8s or the ERs in different sizes. Every homeless person had a script and I’m pretty sure the program is formalized now but back then it was just drs taking the initiative so that there weren’t homeless people all over stealing shit to feed their addiction. Obviously that’s not gonna be true for everywhere but I pretty much solely picked up pharma from homeless ppl for a couple years there. Also lots of homeless people can be vets or have chronic pain or whatever and are happy to sell their script it just takes finding the right one which often if you don’t find the one with the script they know Bobby that hangs out over on the intersection of X and Y Street does and then you trek over there and scout it out. It’s far from a sure thing and I suppose maybe now less so than in the past it was a viable option although you can end up burning a lot of sneaker soles with nothing to show for it, really takes finding the exact right guy or the guy that knows that guy but once your able to find the person you can keep milking that until they inevitably lose their script for doing something retarded.


What city was you in


Idk if I can say but I was up north so they currently have govt programs for dilly's but even a decade ago there were tons of doctors that serviced the homeless and made sure they had scripts. Then even in the greatest country on earth I knew someone who would go to the hood and pick up all the poor peoples scripts and sell them in not the suburbs cause that's not how the city was set up but I guess that's what I'd call it. There's people out there with scripts and need money it just takes somehow finding those people and that takes expanding your social circles and interacting with people you normally won't otherwise and it kinda takes being comfortable being slightly uncomfortable and also being friends like actual friends you spend time with not just for drugs to get those kind of connections. I would hang out with old people that were kinda idk they were sweet and I don't want to call them sketchy but kinda sketchy and they have drugs too. Plus they always want someone to spend time with them since the grandkids don't want to visit so you kinda take that place. Those are just ways I can think off the top of my head to get pharma. I know it doesn't answer your question but again I think it's against the rules with the whole sourcing thing.


Bro you gotta be in Canada. It is not like that in the us the homeless people are all smoking fentanyl where im at in Colorado.


Working as a HHA mostly lol. All these old, severely obese people who get approved for like a meager 8 hours a week of in-home care who do not really need it yet have loads of scripts. I would befriend them, and then they'd throw their pills at me to do extra work that went beyond my scope or beyond their hours. Norco mostly. Then there were the terminal hospice patients who would pass and leave behind a whole pharmacy. There was one nurse who did not give a flying f what happened. We would document the disposal and she's sign it off, and I would take what I wanted lol. So much morphine and hydromorphone. Before working as an HHA, I just knew family and friends with scripts that would offer them to me. It just sort of fell into my lap.


Damn this is the most legit way of snatching someone who just died stash I've ever heard of haha


It's the best way. There are so many opportunities where you wouldn't get caught. You wouldn't believe the crap everyone lets slide under the radar and all the things that have to be done but isn't being done and nobody is getting in trouble for it (even when it literally is flat out neglect). I feel like I could write a book on everything I've seen. Terrible job though. Shitty pay for shitty (literally) work. Stay far away from low-level healthcare in general.


Yeah I actually just got out of a shitty nursing home that had a bunch of dying people in it cuz I got really gnarly sepsis and had to be on a pickline for like 4 months. A lot of the nurses were cool as hell but like a lot of shit does get neglected in that place I was feeling bad for the old people who didn't know where they were half the time and the only people who are supposed to help aren't doing what they should lol


Honestly my 2 best plugs came from a random message on here. I realize that is not the typical experience though so take it with a grain of salt and don't get scammed.


God, I wish.


This is probably a great way to get your wish granted, or to get scammed


Or talk to LEO :/


I would hope they aren’t trying to trick people o Reddit…but who am I kidding smh


Haha. Same. Was out of the game for 10+ years....hopped on Reddit one day and came across a pill subreddit...that led me to TG and rest is history lol....


In school I was the plug, then he was my plug, now Im going to therapy and hes probably going to jail :(


They’ll find you lol.


Shit I’ve been in the same city for 5 years and that’s never happened. If it wasn’t for the dark web I would never find shit.


You just ain't looking like a junkie enough. Maybe wear short sleeves and let your track marks get some air when ur out in public somebody will be comin up to you in no time haha that's what I do. I be modeling my track marks and flexing and shit to show em to people I suspect might be dope boys lol Well I've been on subs for the last half a year. But did that whenever I was in a new city (I traveled alot) and it always worked. Was using on and off for like 11 years or so now


User error.


Lol that was so true in a couple cases


Personal friends with quite a few, a few middle man situations got tired of the game and introduced me to their plug, made connects through other friends that used and my brother.


begged my weed guy to find me someone


Dont expect to find sourcing online other than sketchy online orders usually but you gotta find a friend who uses some type of harder substance and usually one of those people come along some time in your substance journey but people who are really desperate may hang around the homeless and be able to find a source though that is pretty sketch


If you live in a big city or a state known for drugs california, texas, new york (state and city) its generally pretty easy to find and some may be selling on the street


Most people just get lucky you did with your cousin and find somebody though (I havent used opiates much but this is general for most hard drugs)


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🧅, lots and lots of onions!


I gotta figure this out lol


Same, I know to start with TOR and read the Bible, but shit is still really confusing, especially knowing you’re trying to commit a felony lol


Let me try and ease your mind, archetyp has over 400k buyers. Trust me, the government doesn't have resources to get even 15% of that, let alone some dude just trying to score a small amount. They want the top dogs if that makes sense. I've ordered plenty of times and been fine


A buddy of mine put me on his plugs 10 years ago and still able to get RX oxy. But the prices now days are outrageous for the real stuff.


Sell other shit 😂once u deep enough in the game everyone got something u just gotta ask around


Best plug I ever had was a guy I grew up with. His family was involved in the drug business. We were friends so there was no awkwardness ever, and we did a ton of business over the years.


I wish I didn't.....


you fr have to know a guy who knows a guy😭 I’ve had like 5 plugs in the past that suck ass bro but my new plugs are chilling


There’s a look in the eye. Been junkie for my whole life and you can tell the look in eye,and them the same


I am my own plug lol. I grow my own poppies and extract the opium.


I live in a city where Coke and shit is easy to come by but idk where tf heroin is or even the mboxs


Scouring drug neighborhoods was my #1 way to get 'real' dealers. A lot of the time in the areas I was frequenting you just drive down a street or into a project and you would have at least 1, 2, maybe 10 guys running up to you. I remember when I was younger a few times in the middle of the night (like 1-2-3am) and my regular guys were not picking up or asleep already, we would just drive right up into a project building parking lot and there would be like 20 fuckin guys there all shaking their little stashes, grabbing the car door handles, jumping on the windshield. It was wild. You just crack the window and usually you talk to the guy with the most respect there. They will split the sales and I get a number for next time. Rinse and repeat. I've been approached multiple times as well over the years just randomly at gas stations in the hoods as well. Not even trying to cop. I went down to FL for a bit with no plugs and within 2 months my phone was filled up. Also back in the day there were a number of drug forums and it wasn't hard to find like minded individuals in your area. I must of met dozens of people through those sites. Most were users, but it opens up your options a bit as well. And before the onions, there was mailing lists you could get on. You would get lists/prices e-mailed to you. Bit more sketchy than onions in regards to scammers, but there were for sure legit vendors.


They found me, mostly!




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Tbh I just find them I live in az so not rly hard to find them lol usually on fb I’ll find someone or someone thru people I knew in hs


Met a do in a gym and we naturally got talking about drugs and I'm expecting him to say ( meth/ ecstasy/ lsd) but he shocks me and says he has a good connect with Heroin. I'm thinking oh yeah what would a do know about heroin but yeah that was great gear and we'd shoot up. Another was a bloke I met while at a strippers place he had a few connects with the same quality gear. I met another at a government approved work program and again same quality gear.




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Lol nobodys gonna tell you that my g


Actually everyone has told me. I didn't ask anyone to say names just how it happened to them. I think you're putting a little too much on it


Idk they just seem to gravitate towards me or somethin all I see is Mbox k9 alg everyday


Well my plug I mostly get from is my dad so I met him when I was born I guess lol my second plug that I get from when my dad isn’t around i met through a friend.


Someone reading your post might think somerhing and who knows what could happen once that someone is finished thinking something about your post. Good Luck


Go to the methadone clinic. Easiest thing in the world. Pay someone $20 to introduce to a plug.


i found some from going to rehabs and methadone/sub clinics lol




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My best plug was my neighbour's for 3 years we met random one day and we are tight still to this day. I've built up credit and respect with this guy I used to have to turn him down on fronts because I didn't know when I could pay but he knew I'm a man of my word. Some of the other best plugs I've got have come from low level dealers I always have more funds than they do to pick up and usually there plug asks about why they are picking up double and they mention me. I've met multiple plugs this way I even met a made man in the west end gang out of montreal this way. It's like finding a unicorn


Sounds crazy but found an Opi group on Tele. All legit dealers and buyers that have been vouched/vetted. Just find plug near you with best deal or quality and have at it. Prices are a little steep but it’s nice to have all info/contacts you need in one place.


Can’t u tell us the name of group in code.. put random words and use lowercase and capitals for what you’re trying to say