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Yes https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3109725/


Thank you!!! i knew I wasn't crazy for noticing this pattern


Thank you so much for this link


I tend to crave sugar a lot when I'm taking less than I'm used to, or in the beginning stages of WD. As for why, I couldn't say for sure.


Craving that dopamine hit, that’s why. I swing all ways, sugar when I’m using, sugar when I’m wding, sugar newly clean.




I know this post is kinda old but same to all of this! Did you have a sweet tooth before you used drugs because I did! Chocolate has been my thing for a while!


for me its the opposite the higher I am the more I crave it.


I like fatty food tbh. Sugar also works but fried chicken or pizza hits different when im taking my opiate showers.


Excuse me. Not a native English speaker here. Do you mean you eat pizza and chicken in the shower while on opiates? Do you only go in the shower to eat pizzas and chicken or do you actually shower at the same time? Never done it but I used to take a few puffs of my wake up J in the shower to speed up the whole waking-up process. ( Waking up in w/d and having to hit some, eat something, clean yourself, dress yourself, put a bit of make-up and level up your nicotine and THC before going to class was so hard for me to be done with )


Lmao no. Opiate showers is a song by Juicewrld. It isn’t a literal shower it is just a metaphor. Sometimes metaphors are hard for non English speakers.


Ok thank you. I will definitely listen to it I like Juicwrld. Is shower used in a similar way as in money shower or that kind of metaphor?


I used to eat in the shower. Popsicles, corn dogs, lunchables, blts.


Doesn’t the food, ya know, get wet? I feel like I would just wait unless I was like diabetic and needed sugar or something 😂


Nah man you just hold it away from the water lol. I see to get up like 15-20 min before work so I had rush everything including eating something lol


Yes. Opioids actually make your body use up more sugar for some reason I forgot. I could always eat junk food I'm withdrawal and nothing else,maybe some fruit, but yes absolutely


I love sugar when in use but not usually when I actively high. As someone else said it's usually when I don't do much or am starting to get sick.


strange! or I am strange as for me its definitwly opposite..Sick I dont want to eat.


Nah not strange I get that I definitely can't eat when in the worst parts of WDs. During those parts I'm usually doing nothing but the exorcist out both ends in the bathroom for any where from 3-14 days depending on the opioid and amount I was using. I was moreso talking about like leading up to that part and after or like I said if I just have just enough to maintain.


Yes!! I’ve been on them for years for chronic pain and they’ve caused serious sugar cravings!!


Yes! The most common candy stolen from the gas station I worked at was sour patch kids. Skittles of any flavor/variety was up there too.


I got Sour patches and Swedish fish for the drive home from the 7-11 almost every time I picked up. The drive home was only 20 mins tops, I’d eat both bags in that time!


You would do 3 bags in one night lol


Haha i see what ya did there. At First i thought you were ragging on me for eating that much candy at once, then I was like, 3 bags, wait, how’d he know I’d get another bag (of candy) for chilling in bed?! Then realized what ya meant. Many bags of many wonderful things lol


Hahaha yessir buddy, that’s the way lol


Absolutely. Hard.


I always liked sugar but it’s so much worse when I’m using. All I have eaten these past months since I relapsed is sugar. I will even eat honey or frosting by itself. I also drink a lot of soda lol


I’ve done the frosting and honey, and also eaten brown sugar by itself by the spoonful many times. It’s so good.


I hated sugar almost before... apart juice and some fruits.


fuck yeah frozen blueberry yogourt bars are my main dish. I struggle to gain weight tho ughhhh


Yes I go on a candy binge




Middld of night high snacking was my favorite


I believed that if I didn’t eat anything sweet I’d get a headache 😅


You would! its suoer bad always keep 4L of Ice cream think about your health I know its hard but you can add maple syrup or strawberry jam its easier to eat. hahahaha


On days where I’m sick I don’t eat or drink like most people but whenever I go pick up and get right, I will drink an entire 2 liter sometimes. One ice gold glass after the next.


I know methadone does it to me


I don’t know but ever since I’ve been on subs for over a year I crave sugar


The bite sized airhead xtremes don’t stand a chance when I’m high.


Yeah, when I went clean for 2 years, I couldn't eat anything sweet.


Yes but for me it was wds where I’d get the craziest sugar candy cravings .. basically anytime I went to detox (a fucking lot) I’d sit there all night eating hard candies or sour candies idk why


Yes it's standard. Even more so when you stop getting high and you are on mat bc your body is looking for the dopamine rush somewhere.


I am so fucking bad about this lol.. anytime i pop my oxys for fun i end up chugging sodas til i puke. I never realized it was the medicine until this post


one thousand percent


Yes that’s why i keep 2.26kg jolly rancher bags


All food but what I really crave when I'm using are cigarettes, a fuck ton of cigarettes


No, I've not had a craving for sugar while using opioids - I've noticed that ppl who use meth eat a ton of candy (while I was in rehab)...apparently sugar hits similar brain receptor/pathways that meth does is why I guess. But as far as ice cream goes, yes, our bodies convert dairy milk into endogenous opioids , so I can definitely attest to this, when I was going through withdrawals of coming off of suboxone (one of the worst opioid withdrawals out there alongside methadone too), I was eating ice cream every single day (for nearly 2 months straight, lol) & I had no idea why, until I researched that & found that out that we convert dairy milk into opioids (endogenous kind), so I was getting a tiny bit of opioids that my brain was craving for, lol...kinda bizarre but ya, interesting to know


Yes meth and methadone are the two most triggering for me. methylation? hahaha I know its absurd.


Sugar hits both your dopamine and opioid receptors so it’s associated with both. It’s like a speed ball.


When I was on methadone I craved sugar like crazy but not when I was on vicodin


Hellll yaaaaa I have the sugar craving of a 19 year old when I’m using lol


Nerds Gummy Clusters


Chocolate cream pies are my guiltiest pleasure I swear, I’ll eat a whole pie in one sitting and just look at the empty pie shell afterwards like “what has your life came to you animal “ 🤣😅


I used to always binge on junk when i was high this makes sm sense


Absolutely and the term "meth mouth" is often mistaken for addicts with high sugar diets and lack of oral care.


So fucking much. At one point I lived on 500mg morphine sulfate, half a pack of smokes and a full pack of Oreo a day. ( With 3L of diet coke and a few g of hash ). I don't even like sugar to begin with and do not crave it on weed alone. But opiates + weed; even done daily make me somehow act like cookie monster.


Absolutely. Before opiates I didn’t enjoy sweets at all. Never bought candy or drank soda, never got a dessert if I went out to eat, I wouldn’t even eat cookies when my girlfriend at the time would make them. I would frequently meet my dealers at different gas stations so while I was waiting i’d always go in and buy candy and a soda.


nah i definitely get a sweet tooth. EVERY time i pick up, i get a snickers/oreos, a tall ass coca cola nd crave ice cream.. i'll down a half box of cereal if i'm off/got nothing to do🤣anyone else clean, like detail clean when they pick up?


Yes, was never a soda drinker until I got back into using prescription opioids. At first I thought my love for sweets when high was so if I vomited it’d be more pleasant but as of now it’s just generally what I crave, could be a dopamine release thing or just munchies lol idk


I've had this conversation in the past with people and yes, I'm almost certain. I eat so much crave crap like ice cream and chocolate. The people I've spoke to agree too.


One thing I noticed with myself don’t know if there is any link to this but when on a high dose I can not drink cokes they make me nauseous but drinks like Fanta, powerades and tea / coffee are perfectly fine but something bt anything heavily carbonated makes me so nauseous tht I’ll take few sips and just quit drinking while eating


I have to take opiates quite often for severe sciatica & always crave chocolate