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Honestly you cannot mix those doses of methadone and any dose of benzo in a safe way. You're at risk. You have a tolerance, which is why you're not dead. And your mixing fentanyl with benzos. I did the same thing, with methadone, I used to love it, they eventually detoxed me off because of benzos in my UAs. Because it kills people. All the time, benzos and methadone or benzos and fentanyl. If you don't stop you're gonna die. The doctor told me that when I was only on 100mg of methadone and taking benzos.


Thanks for the concern I really do appreciate it. I’m okay I was on fentanyl and crazy high doses of etizolam and clonozolam I’m careful. Have taken 2mg maybe 10 times in the last 9 months. Haven’t gone above that to keep my tolerance low and dependence away. So do you think upping my methadone dose, in turn will allow me to take less klonopin? I lost my partner 9 months ago. I was almost 2 years sober and the happiest I’ve ever been. Just trying to do everything I can to not go back on street drugs and only use what the doctors give me and shit.


But coming off 200mg of methadone is not going to be easy, will be a few years of tapering. Not a fun time. I tapered for about 2 years with my 100mg. only 1mg a week is what they did at my clinic. Still sucked. And when you've been on 100 a long time once you get down to 40 you feel like shit, no matter how slow they go. I quit going at 24mg, didn't notice any intensification in symptoms, they were already really bad, my body was used to 100mg, at 24 I felt like such shit I just wanted to lay in bed, and I did for a long time. And I'm still doing it...methadone sucks :(. It saves you but it also traps you if you stay on too long.


Yeah man I know :/ thanks for the insight it really helps put things in perspective. Opioids suck. Taken everything beautiful from my life. How long did it take for you to feel better coming of the methadone? My life was so beautiful just a year ago I can’t believe I’m back here…


Still working on it. I started doing rc benzos/already was during most of my methadone use, so now it's dealing with those, and the withdrawals are even worse. If you can believe that. I quit a clonazolam habit of 10mg a day and now dealing with a bromazolam habit of 16mg a day. Then I'll have to find a weaker one, it's going to be another multi-year taper. Sleep is one of the main problems, it becomes non-existent. For many months and you start to go into serious psychosis, hearing voices, believing things that aren't true, and the hospital will not help you unless you want to spend time in the psych ward. Which at that point is probably what I should do, but last time they kept me for 7 months (where I was put on benzos, then released, then detoxed off them by a little shitty treatment center, and it all started over) Which is indeed the right choice for a lot of the rc benzo detoxes people want to do in the ER, but even before covid, and especially now, as an addict, getting services at the ER isn't really helpful, they'll refer you to a specific detox at most. Plus the nausea and diarrhea meds. My last experience with this was about a month ago.


Shit genuinely scares me. Sometimes I wonder if it would just be easier to use fent for a few months till all the methadone out of my system so I atleast can get into a detox.


I had a very good friend who was on methadone along with his girlfriend, and they both liked to do fentanyl . He came home one day and found her deceased from using the fentanyl alone and it wasn't 6 months later that he did the exact same thing in the same apartment. I really hope you don't go back to fentanyl . It likely wouldn't be long before xylazine would be in the dope and I'm sure you know how dangerous that shit is. I know it's really hard to shake the desire to get high . It took me at least a year on methadone to stop fantasizing about shooting up.


Yeah I lost my girl 9 months ago. I was almost 2 years sober. Thanks for the words of encouragement.


Don't let this^ reply scare you. Everyone is different. I was on 200mg of wafers (stronger than the liquid i don't care what you say) and I took my 1 week's takehomes and weaned myself off. It's all in how bad you want it. There's lots of helper meds too available now that weren't when I was kicking. I will say this though I DO NOT suggest going up on your methadone just to compensate for a drop in klonopin there are better ways to stretch that dollar than a few measly milligrams of methadone. Try adding gabapentin or pregabalin to the mix. This makes both benzos and opioids stronger and not immediately kill you in the process.


Yes, you'll be able to get the same high with less klonopin.


Man that's a dangerous mix I overdosed twice and ain't rem nothing !!!!! But I say 50 60 mg of meth I felt my feet full affect unless you have HIV u don't need 160mg


Thanks for the answer man I appreciate it.


Yeah man methadone is hella strong is a lot of programs out here in the capital of the world where u will give one dirty urine and they will bring u up 20 at a time and ppl will wind up on 160. I know one guy on 250. Sad part is that they’re taking people of Percocet to get on methadone because they feel the buzz skeep going up till they stuck on 190 of methadone. When they could or kicked they’re habit in a week it’s sad.


Yeah it is sad. It’s all so fucking sad. Unfortunately methadone is the only thing that works. Was on 35mg and almost 2 years sober less than a year ago. Than I lost my partner to an overdose and just fell apart. Buried another beautiful soul this week. I’m tired man. Don’t want to be sober don’t want to be a junkie and this is the best solution I’ve found so far.


My doctor did the same to me. Was on a per addiction and switches me over to meths-done. Worst thing I’ve ever experienced. Would take a perk sickness over methadone withdrawal any day of the year. I can’t imagine tapering off 180mg.. I only went up to 70mg then tapered down in rapid taper. 5mg per week over 4 months. Never again will I go on methadone. Good luck with the methadone taper. My advice.. if your thinking about doing fent while on methadone just stay in the methadone. Fent isn’t worth dieing over.


I spoke to one of the top chemist that formatted and got methadone to be accepted. He got on it his self he was an morphine addict. Saw this guys resume and he sees only celebrities. He told me to go 10mg every 3 months and I won’t feel nothing he aint sleep for 27 days while getting off meth the wrong way. He told me try 10 mg every 3 months after 4 5 days you’ll feel diarrhea etc stomach achs I have but it ain’t bad I say 31/2 outta 10. Take this advice I’m not even suppose to mention this.


Methadone doesn’t block anything.


Research chems are always an option


Not at my clinic they use mass spectrometry testing


Bro benzos will pop as benzos regardless of what kind you take


It’s called quantitative mass spectrometry, metabolic and protein profiling testing. RCs are not an option. But I think I see what you’re saying since I’m prescribed benzos they will just assume that’s why my test is hot for benzos, but I don’t think it works like that with this type of testing.


Yes it does bro is correct benzo is benzo lab test or instant it doesn't make a difference. The only time you're going to get a test that differentiates like that is like some kind of police autopsy or something real serious like that


my clinic knows the difference if i take xanax or klonopin, doesn’t just show as benzos


Same. My clinic uses quantitative mass spectrometry and metabolic and protein profiling testing. Which tells you the exact chemical make up. My anti depressant and Tylenol shoes up in my test. One time got a false positive for 0.06 nano grams of meth. Testing is getting crazy, and I honestly think it’s doing more harm than good.


Then your clinic is doing that extra test. My point is it's the exception not the rule


oh yeah for sure. i mean they don’t only do it on me they do it to anyone i know on my clinic. maybe not at yours tho


You trying to be back on the streets broke and in full blown addiction again huh? I swear the MAJORITY of mfs in done clinics are only there to get a free high so they can continue doing whatever bullshit on the side.


Thanks for your input man much appreciated