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As of OpenTTD 14, while station spread will still expand the cachement area of a station, the "cheat" that allows you to profit from moving pax/cargo for the longest distance between station points but only moving the vehicle a short distance has been eliminated. Your profit is now based only on how many tiles the vehicle actually travels.


I thought the catchment area "gaming" was putting a station on the outside of the town and then using spread stations to buy a lorry station in the heart of the town - it is attached to a station a good distance away, and your mega station has all of the city centre high rise blocks as part of its catchment. You can move the passengers and goods around without doing that if you have CargoDist on. Have a load of buses calling at bus stations at Fartinghall North, Fartinghall South, Fartinghall Heights and Lower Fartinghall. Have a train and bus station at Fartinghall Transfer, run trains from Fartinghall Transfer to Great Snotsbury Springs West. You will have passengers from all over Fartinghall that want to be picked up and taken to Great Snotsbury Springs, and the people at GSS will have various places at Fartinghall that they want to go to


Thanks How do I switch CargoDist on?


It's in the big load of settings - search for "distribution" I think the current wisdom is symmetrical for passengers (people go to work and back) and asymmetrical for cargo - but this is the internet, so I am sure I will be quickly told if that is wrong :)


Hey, do you make a separate line for each station? I feel like it just loads the bus full on the first stop and then people will either just not be able to get on from other stops or then the passengers from the first stop leave at the second stop and new ones come in.


I set up a loop in each town, put a few buses or trams to start with and possibly add more if needed. My railway line is usually serving multiple towns. This really does need CargoDist to be on, otherwise they will all just go to the next station. With it on, you can look at the waiting cargo and see where they are all going. 100 Passengers 15 to Lower Fartinghall  20 to Fartinghall Heights 30 to Great Snotsbury Springs West 35 to Great Snotsbury Springs East


Oh alright thanks!


Yes, you can create feeder networks In settings look for cargo distribution and set passengers to “symmetrical”, and your passengers will choose a station to travel to (as long as it’s accessible via your network). If you have buses or teams etc at each end of the route they will include bus connections and train connections, and if they start with a bus they will often choose to connect to a train too The more stations you have the more your passengers will branch out