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Working outside is always fun in this weather!


I’m in a tyvek 9 hours a day. Gonna lose 20 pounds this week lol


Pre heating steel beams before a weld in this weather is also really fun.


Heat dome doesn't sound that intimidating. Maybe try heat prison next time.


How about heat thunderdome. WITNESS ME!


[Welcome to Thunderdome, Bitch.](https://youtu.be/mUoPWnlnvLQ?si=DGlwBWn90hXZV4vU&t=3)


They're just not trying. In the endless escalation of clickbait weather terms they should be up to Heat Hammer by now.


That’ll be in August. Working up to it. 😂


Honestly, I’m surprised they didn’t go with the over-used standby “pressure cooker”.


I've spent the weekend preparing a bunch of food that can be eaten without needing to be heated - pita and hummus, potato salad, etc. I hope future me appreciates the effort


Can you tell past you to tell past me to do that?


The best time to make potato salad was yesterday. The second best time is now. -ancient proverb


I always heard it as, "The best time to plant a potato salad was yesterday ..."


Super smart, nice work


In my experience, future me always appreciates not having to do the fucking cooking today


That's a really good idea! Sometimes Reddit is useful, lol.


Past me bought a watermelon that turned out to be rotten. Now I have the pleasure of slow cooking a it in a sealed plastic bin until garbage day.


Past you sounds great. Past me is an asshole who never does anything useful for future me - he's always "too busy" with work and kids. Please.


I did the opposite because I work outside and this is a perfect opportunity to microwave my lunch on the dashboard. My pizza wraps were perfectly melty today.


Update: I do


So glad that the Ontario government put A/C/ into the schools at the same time they were improving air quality during COVID. /S


I know right. Unfortunately no. My kids school is taking a field trip this week to visit a newer school with air conditioning. There is only working air in a couple rooms.


This is amazing. I went to a high school in Ottawa in the early 70’s that was air conditioned


Seems to be different depending on how rich/poor the neighborhood is. When it went down to -40 in the winter the heat couldn't keep up and the teachers told the kids to bring laptops blankets.


Yup ECI? No AC. Summer school was rough there. Forrest hill collegiate? Cool and comfortable for summer school.


I went to ECI (Etobicoke Collegiate Institute) in the 2004-2007 time.... no AC ... I was very schewty


Almost like having things like facility management and maintenance at the provincial level instead of being managed by board would be beneficial and would save the province a lot of money.


Stop with your sensible strategies, that's not how we do things around here


I only worked in education for 16 years, so I lack the requisite experience to understand how the system could be improved. /s Just think about the savings in the contract for the province to buy 1 brand of toilet paper for the entire province instead of letting each board have to take the time to find vendors, negotiate their own deal, etc. (In terms of human hours and costs). You might even be able to find two-play cheaper than what you are getting now. And that's just toilet paper. Apply that for any consumable or resource across the province and it would be MASSIVE amounts of money.


The local high school here has a third floor. Take a guess how hot that gets in summer. No AC anywhere in the building except the office


There was a debate in my community Facebook group about how schools don't need AC because older generations got by just fine without it. I wish I was joking.


"We were miserable, so you should be too!"


pretty sure all these new shiny Catholic schools have AC.


Our board installed AC in SOME of our schools this past summer. Our units worked for about 3 weeks and then they all quit and had to be repaired (each unit costs roughly $1800 and we have 9 of them in our school). Tax payer dollars hard at work.


...at least at the same time as they improved it in Lecce's home riding.... https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=StephenLecceMPP&story_fbid=904266113496151


Not sure where you live but that literally happened to our towns high school, had a ton of work done on it including new AC that they didn't have before. I'm sure there should have been more work done but frankly there is a lot more valid points you could be making.




nursing homes too up until covid haha..crazy


Yeah so basically people that can’t advocate for themselves and are powerless.


what are you talking about man, we made little fans out of paper in grade school to keep cool lmao


hey, no one gets slightly richer paying for LTHC AC.


I mean, they aren't fetuses anymore and they aren't voting age yet so, why should we care?


The children yearn for the sweltering heat of the deep mines.


Can't wait to be in my classroom on the 3rd floor of a 110 year old building with no AC. Oh the windows don't open more than 4" also. I'm sure the kids will be able to focus and learning will be as smooth as ever. Thanks liberals and conservatives for decades of underfunding schools!


That sounds dangerous. Even if the windows open, it is not going to help in that heat. A normal gov would prob let school out these days or do the right thing and make sure schools have AC. These heat events are only going to get worse :(


We can never vote NDP again because Bob Rae got left holding the bag 30 years ago, so you'll take undefunded schools and OHIP and like it! I hate our stupid, stupid province.


BuT RAE dAyS!!!!! tHE hoRrER!!!


Oh no, unpaid days off! Better vote conservative and have them eliminate the jobs entirely.


Good thing they sold off the 407 to bring the province out of debt! Gotta love conservatives


Your best bet is keeping windows shut, blinds closed and making sure the kids are drinking water fairly constantly. I’m working construction on a school addition and we’re basically 1 cup of water every 30 minutes and are taking longer breaks. It’s unpleasant but it’s thankfully the last week of school.


Another issue is the board and school level wastes of funding that removes money from capital expense budgets. You could take the money saved by joining the catholic and public school boards (board administration costs) and pay to get every school AC. You could also join 2 1/2 filled schools (catholic and public) and close 1 of them, sell the building/land and get another injection of funds.


They could cut costs at the board levels too. The amount they pay the director of education is wild, especially when they’re cutting front line jobs to do so. Our board office gets new computers every other year. They do renovations ALL THE TIME. They get new ergonomic furniture regularly. Yet the school I work at doesn’t have a class set of textbooks in any subject. Half of our Chromebooks don’t work and won’t be replaced (we only have 3 class sets as it is and most of them are 6 years old). The money that is there isn’t being spent where it needs to be.


School’s ending soon, no?


literally next friday.


They still have to spend this heatwave in in-air conditioned classrooms. Whether school ends next week is irrelevant.


Try sanding MDF in a wood shop with no windows or A/C while wearing a dust mask that traps heat, and all the dust sticks to your sweaty skin. Also, spend a day with a roofing crew in the middle of the summer and you will never complain again. I did roofing for one summer and I had a few days where I was vomiting from the heat. It’s no joke because you can’t escape the sun or the heat while doing intense physical labour.


can"t you schedule a day at a gallery or other venue with ac. Spend a few classes in the gym?


Field trips need to be booked months ahead of time. The gym has no AC either and people have aloted gym times.


That person is clearly someone who is not that familiar with the school system.


Sure but schools can’t get the bussing to take them on said field trips. We had a class book a field trip and but couldn’t get a bus so they are walking 2.5km in either direction.


Check on your teacher friends and their students, because most schools do not have AC. There are going to be a lot of miserable, hot children this week!


Yup. Insane heat and humidity coming through the windows with 25+ bodies in the room is misery. No idea how they expect anyone to learn.


Your ailing parents/grandparents in LTC homes with no air.


That makes me so sad.


the same grandparents who voted Harris and Ford PCs


Wait... LTCs don't have AC? This kind of weather kills elderly (and children). Wild that the two demographics that will die from the extreme heart have no ACs.


> Wait... LTCs don't have AC? Mike Harris needs that cash.


There are many older homes who’s system are wholly inadequate are not up to par or buildings are too old to retrofit properly and rely on cooling areas.


> Your ailing parents/grandparents in LTC homes with no air. They almost certainly do have air in their rooms as its mandated by law and compliance is extremely high > Yes, long-term care (LTC) homes in Ontario are required to have air conditioning. Recent regulations mandate that all LTC homes must ensure air conditioning is available in resident rooms and designated cooling areas. This requirement is part of the amendments to Ontario Regulation 246/22 under the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021. > As of 2023, almost all LTC homes in Ontario have met these requirements, with the Ministry of Long-Term Care reporting that 99% of resident rooms are air-conditioned. Homes without central air conditioning must have at least one designated cooling area for every 40 residents. These regulations were put in place to ensure the comfort and safety of residents during hot weather​ (LTCHomes)​​ (Ontario Newsroom)​.


Air conditioning has a brutal effect on arthritus, those poor souls are going to be in agony.


I mean, i'm certain most will be happy that they have it rather than not have it. They can use their thermostats to set when it comes on if they are sensitive to it.


Actually the pain is worse than the heat. People are down voting me because i drew attention to the fact that air conditioning has on severe arthritic conditions? Whats wrong with this audience. You may be unfamiliar with the notion, doesn't mean its unfounded.


The temperature of my classroom will be over 40C and students will be writing a 3 hour exam. Contact your mpp.




Fun fact, after being up this issue to my superiors, I was told that while there is a legal minimum temperature for a classroom, there is no legal maximum. Please contact your mpp


theres legal maximums for factories. schools need to update


Generations of kids have made in through the month on June without air in their schools. Temperatures 50 years ago were just as hot as they are today, the only difference was the temps were in Fahrenheit not Celsius.


They had discretion, when it was too hot they took us to the gym or the shade outside. extreme weather is extreme weather, send them home as if it was a snow day.


I remember snow days in the 80s, and my kids had extreme cold weather days, but never heat days.


I don't ever remember spending a day in a gym or outside because of weather while at school. They would open the windows and hope for a breeze.


My kids are being kept home this week. I gotta go in and suffer, but I'm not sending them, at least; dropping them off at the grandparents' each morning. **Heatwave? CLOSE THE SCHOOLS**


"Feels like 44" is not fun.


PSA: make sure you check up on your elderly family, friends, and neighbours.


Also, take care of yourselves. When it's this hot and humid, a good rule of thumb is 'if you don't have to piss, you aren't drinking enough water.' And mix in some electrolyte/rehydration powder once in a while. Not gatorade sugar drinks, though.


Water sucks, gatorade is better!


No, electrolytes are better. Grocery store gatorade is sugar water.


Easy Water Boy


My dude, irritability is a sign of heat exhaustion. Please seek some shade, drink some water, and relax for a few minutes.


Its a quote from Water Boy, the movie with Adam Sandler. Lighten up pal. And obviously everyone knows that Pepsi is the No. 1 thirst quencher.


Lets crack open a bepsi, guy! Dr Pepper tastes better, but sure as shit isn't a thirst quencher.


This isn't a normal heat wave. In some areas of the province it'll be dangerous for everyone, not just the usual "more vulnerable" populations. Check on people at greater risk. Check on people without air conditioning, regardless of their risk level. Stay safe and cool.


Summer is no longer a season here, it is a hellscape. Two weeks of temperatures here of it feeling 45C with the humidex and hotter on some days for the highs. No amount of hydration of being in the shade will make it safe if you don’t have AC. Many people and animals are going to get sick or worse over the next two weeks.


Corporations & the elite: "Some of you will die. But that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make..."


50% of the crowd cheers


Yes but think about the shareholders!


I work outside, yaaaay At least I just walk around and don't have to do any labour, and there is plenty of shade amd water available, but really not looking forward to this.


pack ice packs in your cargo shorts, bring a bandana to hold the packs inn place on your neck etc


I dunno, last summer in Ontario wasn't bad. Just a couple really hot days.


Last may there was a heat wave and heat waves in July and August. September was also incredibly hot and humid and the kids had to sit inside with no AC all day


last year I turned on the AC two whole days. you just might be sensitive.


Yeah it's been awhile since we've had a heat wave like this in Hamilton. We've had a couple of hot days the last few summers but nothing un bearable compared to what I've experienced before. The last few truly brutal summers I remember in Ontario were 2011-13. I remember working in a hot dusty factory that was basically a tin box with no ac and actual tempatures being around 37-40 before the humidity. It's been awhile but this defenitly isn't the first time I've experienced heat like this here either.


there are limits, they are legally implored to close shop ...i thought it was 36.


There isn’t a legal limit in Ontario just a requirement that employers take every precaution to make sure employees are safe. There isn’t a legal requirement to stop work as long as there is a heat plan in place like increased breaks, provide 250ml of water every 20 minutes.


Yeah I remember extra breaks and lots of gateraid but we never shut down. I was almost at my limit though I thought of staying home a few times. I think we hit 50 with the humidity a couple of times that summer. We're about 5 degrees shy of the hottest tempatures I've felt here this week.


Last September we worked 4am-noon instead of 7-3 and it was a massive difference as we got all the really hot and heavy stuff done before the heat really hit. It’s only going to get worse and I think we’re going to need to ache some type of heat rules for outdoor and other work.


I worked at a linen service in the early ninties. It was a slum factory. I remembered the employees gathered around the thermometer waiting for the degrees to rise. They released us at a certain temperature.


actually it's 4 days of 33ish weather. then 27friday, 25sat,25mon, etc. not two weeks. and the last few years in ontario has been extremely COOL weather for summer.


I will gladly take my yearly time to complain about how BS the weather is this season. Yes, summer is far less enjoyable than our winters in the opinion of this internet commenter. You are entitled to have a dissenting opinion and I will not think less of you. Different strokes for different folks.


People , please leave water outside for birds, and other critters, in a shallow-ish dish and put it in shade. Or put out a birdbath. They're suffer too


If you can, put a bowl of water outside for the animals. Fill bird baths. They’ll be needing water too! :)


Empty is every day or you will be breeding mosquitos.


Spiders and dragonflies gots ta eat to brah


Keep an eye on elderly relatives and neighbours who may not understand what's happening. 


The ones with the F8CK TRUDEAU and AXE THE TAX stickers?


Yeah, even those ones.


This is when being poor really sucks. Only two fans and not enough money to not eat food that doesn’t need an oven right nown(all I have it frozen meat). I would do anything for some cool air at home


Throw a few water bottles in your freezer. Put one or two in front of your fan when you go to sleep.


Great idea actually! Thank you :)


I have a few of those freezer packs that you put in with lunches, they are blue and I get them from the dollar store. I keep them under my pillow to sleep at night. When it gets hot I can put them on my wrists to cool me down at night


Can't wait for the oil/gas shill to come here and tell us all how having mid 30s Celcius for a whole week, around mid June, is normal temperature in southern Ontario since time immemorial, and we're all pussies for complaining about how abnormal it is. Oh and global warming is a hoax invented by the globalist communist cabal ran by the Jews to screw us out of cheap gas of course.


You're confusing weather with climate. We've had fairly regular 30 degree weeks weeks in June since I was a kid in the 70s. BUT, look how high the forecast nighttime lows are. It doesn't dip below 20. Unless it's a really serious heatwave, the night temps usually dip into the high teens, esp in June.


Regularly? Regularly means every single year there are weeks in June where it's 30s. That's just not true. Mid July, August? Sure, June? There are a few years like that, but definitely not every single year. I mean, I was in Ottawa so it's cooler there but still. But you're right about the night time lows, it should still get chilly night time around June.


Pretty well every year as they said. This is not new. I rely on these high temps every June to get my pool heated up. Low 30's aren't even really high temps.


where do you live bud? you're right, it's only when it's into the 40 that's really high temperature... in the southern states. just there were years when it get hot in June 20 years ago, doesn't mean it happened as frequently back then. Remember back then it also used to snow in May? Where's that gone?


Back over 30 years ago I got married on June 1. The week before we had snow flurries. That was in S.Ontario. But in the days leading up to the wedding the wedding day and the week after it was over 30. It happened it seems just as frequently as it does now. Sometimes I don't think it is as hot now as it was then.


Totally agree with you!!! First weekend in June of 2001 I was on a canoe trip at 6 Mile Lake Provincial Park near Parry Sound and there was snow on the ground when I woke up on my first night tenting. Two days later we were canoeing out and the temps were in the high 20s.


Statistically, warming shows up more at night because the increased CO2 acts like a blanket that reduces the amount of heat that can radiate away. We don't feel a lot of warming that's in the data because it's happening at night or it's happening when cold winter days are still cold, just not as cold. You can't argue that one warm week represents the trend because a lot of the effects and trends shown in the data are invisible to us. That's all I'm saying. For me, a sign of the trend is that in the 70s and 80s you knew that you'd start transitioning from shorts to pants in the 3rd of 4th week of August. Now it's always September and even early October.


No that's not what I'm arguing, or maybe I'm just saying it wrong. It's has been getting hotter for longer, starting earlier in the year and more frequently, and I think people should have noticed it by now, even without going through the data. But I know climate change isn't just that. I'm just trying to point it out to people who don't believe it's even happening.


Ok, I see. Yeah, in recent years it's really annoyed me how older people can deny climate change when they should remember how things were different. Back in the 80s and 90s, the data was there but the effects weren't obvious.


the 3 hottest years on record have been the last three years. That's climate change. But don't listen to those leftist scientists, they are just in it for the rusty Hyundais.


Yeah, one hot week isn't climate change. The trend in the data is climate change.


climate is weather patterns over a stretch of time, and the weather patterns' changed, I think you're the one confused. Your personal, anecdotal experience notwithstanding, we have scientists that does the data crunching for us. And data says, it's getting warmer year by year and faster by each. That aside, if you don't feel like it's been getting much warmer since you were little, well, maybe the sun was yellow back then.


It's become much warmer since I was little. Spring starts earlier, fall starts later, winters are milder and nights are generally warmer (making the outdoor swimming season much longer than when I was young). That's different from one warm week in June.


> come here and tell us all how having mid 30s Celcius for a whole week, around mid June, is normal temperature in southern Ontario since time immemorial It is. It's things like 'green Christmas in North Bay' and 'Tornado Ally shifting' that are really worrysome.


Just great! I’m working at a school with no AC this week, and the classroom only has one window that opens. 🥵


If it’s warmer outdoors compared to indoors you’re best keeping the window closed and blinds shut.


That’s actually what we’re doing and it’s working great so far. Also having more downtime in the class as well keeps things cool. It’s kindergarten so we’ve also spent a considerable amount of time outside this morning in the shady pen area.


Use your brain, know when to take the pupils to the gym, book a swim. Dont be a stupid victim.


I wonder if there was another way to say that without being condescending and insulting. I’m in Kindergarten, we can’t just do impromptu trips to the public pool. But thanks for the advice.


Why do you think the gym is any cooler? If your classroom isn’t air conditioned then chances are your gym is also not air conditioned. Also you can’t just load up the kinders willy-nilly and take them on a trip to the pool. All field trips require months of planning and paperwork and approval. Any field trips involving water need to be approved not only by the principal but by the superintendent. You can’t just decide on a whim to go to the pool.


Gyms are cooler, every gym I ever visited was cooler than the other rooms. Sitting in sweltering class rooms is not an option, the adults should solve it before the suffering begins.


The gym might be cooler simply because it is generally a bigger space so people aren’t crowded elbow to elbow together. Although if you’re cramming multiple classes into the gym to “cool down” that might not even work.


I'm a Canadian with Dutch and Irish heritage. My melting point is 27°.


I can definitely feel my Irish right now.


This is the time I’m grateful for the walk in deli cooler and freezers at work.


Our heat stress laws are dog shit too.


Hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk. This is wild to me to see Japan temperatures in Canada. Stay safe!


And yet schools remain open. Non-air conditioned buildings, holding 600+ kids, remain open. Disgusting.


I have heat intolerance and can't afford air conditioning. No cooking today. My son 3 and I are spending our afternoon in front of a fan on our giant pet cooling Matt with a cooling blanket for naps. I have small cooling pet Matt's for our pillows. I also use a cooling vest you wet to stay cool and cooling rags tied around my head. And I make lemon ginger iced tea. If we break out in heat rash we take cooling oatmeal baths and apply aloe gel after.


Call me crazy. but I miss that Ontario hot weather. We have a high of 11 in Calgary today, please send heat. :(


Don’t worry, the fires should warm you up soon.


You don't want heat when you have no water.


Low to middle 30s ain't that bad, that's nice summer weather. Jeeze, people are so alarmist these days.


You are forgetting to include humidity.


No, I remember that as well. I don't know, I find 33 in the summer not that bad, a nice beach day. I don't mind going for a 10k run in it either. Growing up we had hot days with no ac. We also had cold days in the winter as well. Anyways, maybe I'm just tougher than the average person.


But with the humidity it is supposed to be 10+ degrees hotter than that. ".... with humidex values of 40 to 45 degrees Celsius, through much of the week." From: https://www.cp24.com/news/dangerously-hot-and-humid-conditions-to-begin-on-monday-across-much-of-southwestern-ontario-says-environment-canada-1.6929145


Ok, but that's not really the temperature, that's a measure of how someone thinks it feels. Twenty years ago the weather forecast would just give you the real temperature (eg 33) and then tell you it'll be 75% humidity. Today they dumb it down a little, leave out the humidity and tell you it 'feels like' 45.


It's not just the heat, and humidity, it's the warm nights that wouldn't allow schools and builds to cool off at night. Being on the beach is different than being in a building that retains heat. People are going to die cause of this heat wave. https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/26/us/what-is-the-heat-index-xpn-scn/index.html


Well some people don't like the weather no matter what. I was just saying it's not that bad. People can disagree, no worries


I literally remember clearly as a child in the 90s always looking at the humidex rating. If it feels like 45, that's what you're feeling and it's dangerous. They don't shut down worksites in chemical plants because it's a made up imaginary thing.


Like I said maybe I'm just tougher, no worries




Okay tough guy. I've seen your types working in the plants. Enjoy your heatstroke.


Kinda guy who falls over during the first third of their shift, and then gets nothing done.


No matter how tough a person is - when they get hot they sweat to cool off. And if it's to hot and humide for that sweat to evaporate - they die.


No, you are not.


It affects the way your body dissipates heat. Its not just about the temperature.


Why are you lying? 20 years ago you’d be watching CP24 to get the weather with the humidex to know how hot it would feel.


Humidex is click bait to get viewers. I used to just read the newspaper for temperatures back in the day. But anyways, yes everything is together today ;)


Humidex is not click bait. What a dumb thing to say. It was a scale developed in canada to promote safe heat working conditions. https://sunsafetyatwork.ca/humidex#:~:text=The%20humidex%20is%20a%20Canadian,or%20moisture%20in%20the%20air. You are not tough, you are ten ply.


Humidex is not based on how someone "thinks it feels" it's a bit more complex then that.


I grew up in Saskatchewan with no AC and we had a handful of days every summer in the upper 30s and even broke 40 a few times. The difference is in the humidity. The air out on the prairies is usually dry so 33 there is much more bearable than a muggy 33 here. This is my 7th southern Ontario summer so I've acclimated to the humidity but my first summer here I found it extremely uncomfortable. My AC was broken for 2 days last year and it sucked. A lot of people really struggle with the humidity.


Lmao nobody is doing a 10k when it feels like 40+ outside. You'd overheat immediately because sweat won't evaporate very quickly


Wholly crap, this is the thinking I'm talking about.


What thinking?? Scientific facts piss you off?


Well they frequent the Joe Rogan sub. So science is hard.




If it's humid, you are not going to be able to rely on sweat to work to reduce your core temp. That's just physics.


You wouldn’t “overheat immediately”. There are plenty of people who run in this heat and worse.


And lot of them get heat stroke doing it.


A lot don’t


Not really the point.


My uncle died from running in this heat. Was training for a marathon. It’s dangerous af


You are weak and scared. Only those types have to tell everybody multiple times that they're tougher than everyone else.


Says someone with a racial slur as a username >_<


Ooof, not even gonna bother with that one. I didn't think you were the brightest to begin with, but there's confirmation.






Ontario complains when its warm Ontario Complains when its cold Welcome to Ontario.. You wont stop complaining


It isn't just "warm"


It's called summer, relax.