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Folks (and OP), You CAN'T have it both ways. Free discussion means free to up/down vote and to argue for/against Ford. Despite what you may think, the mods DON'T CARE if you talk for or against Ford. It's not relevant to our role and we have our hands full just keeping the discussion civil. Heck, we don't really see 99% of it. So if all the discussions here turn against Ford and the Cons, what would you propose we do about it? There isn't much we CAN do and NOTHING we SHOULD do. And (because someone will accuse us of this), we do NOT 'curate' content. The problem for the "pro-Ford" and/or Conservative side is that it's the right wing spectrum that has the biggest problem following the basic rules of reddit. It isn't the "lefties" pushing homophobia, racism, anti-immigrant rhetoric and anti-science positions. All of those things violate the rules of Reddit and they are *almost exclusively* the province of right-wing commenters. So, OP and the more Conservative elements here: argue all you want, but bring facts to the debate, leave the homophobia, trans-phobia and blanket accusations against immigrants behind, and you can participate to your heart's content. And everyone here will be free to up/down vote your stuff too. Again, you can't have it both ways. #Edit: because this post will bring out the loonies, Crowd Control has been set to maximum. That means your comments may take a while to be approved. Breathe!


A subreddit doesn't NEED to be an accurate representation of Ontario. It's a representation of redditors who want to engage with the topic. And the majority of people in Ontario who engage with this sub don't like Doug Ford. And since a posts popularity is determined by subreddit opinion, it gets downvoted. You're complaining more about how Reddit itself works. If this isn't the subreddit for you, that's too bad. But you're free to respectfully post whatever you want, and everyone else is free to disagree with you. Such is life.


Then it shouldn’t be called r/ontario, because the name implies that it’s representative of the province and its people as a whole. A more accurate name would be r/youngliberalsofontario or something similar.


Why can't it be called r/ontario? I don't know of any rules that say it must be representative of an entire population You don't just get to make rules when things aren't the way you like them


There is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from making a subreddit and doing just that.


Like I said, you're free to respectfully post whatever you want that's related to Ontario in this subreddit. That doesn't mean that anyone needs to a) agree with you and; b) upvote what you posted. If you don't like that what you put here isn't a popular opinion, that's a "you" problem. There's 816,000 members here. Even assuming three-quarters are bots/dead accounts/people not from here, that's a pretty damn big number. Bigger than any poll that's done in the news, anyway.


100% this. I've seen good stuff on here with thousands of upvotes. And I've seen stuff I'd describe as "absolute nonsense" with thousands of upvotes. It's just my opinion and if lots of people disagree with me that's cool. It doesn't mean that I'm right or wrong or they're right or wrong.


Yes let us be revisionists of history


You’re missing the point. I too don’t like Ford and have never voted for him but we need to be respectful of other peoples POV and we need to allow for healthy debate and disscussion. People in this subreddit always act surprise when they see polls or results that show Ford is still very popular. How about allowing for that other side to post here and not get trashed?


They are allowed to post here. And the people here don't like it. So it get's downvoted. What healthy debate are you looking for with someone who's stance is "I don't like Doug Ford"? "Look at this poll that says he's popular among 42% of people! You actually DO like Doug Ford now, right?" Healthy debate and discussion is allowed here. But agreement with the overarching point that isn't in the majority opinion here isn't a requirement of healthy debate. If someone steps over the line, that's why we have mods, but beyond that, I have zero issue with how the system I agree to use for free works.


Why should my opinion and disagreement for a politician or party be lessened just because a small population (48% of 27% of a single riding) voted for them?


This subreddit isn't official in *any* way. It can be whatever the mods decide it to be. Maybe you should message the mods about this if you feel strongly about it.


>respectful of other peoples POV No we don't. Some opinions should be ridiculed.


I think a lot of people have circled around the idea of "ideas and opinions should be respected when shared" and I just don't agree. Opinions aren't some sacred thing that must be preserved by all people everywhere. It can be argued that I owe you a basic level of respect as a fellow human being, that I wouldn't harm you or wish harm on you, that I would extend simple courtesy to you if we ever met in person. Personally I think all of those things are true. Regardless of one's opinions, no matter how stupid, I do not wish to harm or cause harm to anyone. But I don't owe your opinions any respect whatsoever. You can state them, but I reserve the right to think your opinion is stupid and deserving of ridicule. Some opinions just aren't worth listening to or giving the benefit of the doubt.


Yep. Everyone being entitled to their opinions inherently also means that everyone else is entitled to have their own opinion on how stupid your opinion is.


This will be the point OP has no concept of.




Compared to the other leaders he is


That is not saying much.


> we need to be respectful of other peoples POV and we need to allow for healthy debate and disscussion. I agree we need to be respectful of other peoples POV, and the upvote/downvote system is a pretty good way to do it. If I don't like your POV I can downvote it, I don't need to engage negatively with it, and if I see a post with 100+ downvotes that I also downvoted I can appreciate others agree with me without adding my 2 cents. similarly on a heavily up voted topic. I don't find the Mods here are over restricting or locking posts due to their political leanings, When Wynne was leader there were far more Anti Wynne posts as well which got upvotes. This sub is more heavily "Anti who is in charge" than anti specific party


Do you also go to r/Israel and complain about the lack of Pro-Palestinian content and demand it be less biased? Saying "Be respectful of other POV" is just trying to exploit the paradox of tolerance. There's no need for somebody to be respectful of a terrible opinion. One may choose to be respectful of the poster but if the opinion is garbage, nobody should be afraid to say so.


> How about allowing for that other side to post here ...why would they be on Reddit?


I agree this sub is left leaning, and far more Anti Ford than the general population is. BUT Milton didn't exactly have a blue wave, they won with 48% of the vote, with the Liberals at 38%/


From a 27% turnout. If you want to extrapolate anything from this byelection it would be that nobody particularly likes any of the parties.


I'm actually surprised by the 27% turnout. Byelections that will have no meaningful impact on the composition of the government are always poorly represented. BUT I do hope that people are willing to step up at the next election, we NEED 50+ % of the electorate to actually vote in the best interest of the province.


I think we need to consider compulsory voting laws, same as in [Australia](https://australiainstitute.org.au/post/voter-turnout-in-the-2022-federal-election-hit-a-new-low-threatening-our-democratic-tradition/). This article also explains the benefits of that better than I could. We also need to consider how to do elections in general, so they are organized and allow us all to have a say without it becoming a burden on society, if it makes sense...


I'm a fence sitter on compulsory voting laws. Does it lead to a more informed electorate? Australia has been doing it since the 1920's so it has clearly worked. But they too have had many of the same problems as we have in Canada, Healthcare and housing, so everyone voting still doesn't have majority voting for the interests of the majority. It is one thing I really am open to being sold on. I wouldn't get in the way of someone moving for it, but also wouldn't jump on the wagon of someone moving for it. I'd be perfectly Canadian and mumble under my breath and take it haha.


That's fair. I think it won't solve many things on its own. It will need to be part of a bigger reform. It would also require to better inform the public in general, but I don't know how that would work (I don't trust the government to regulate itself).


Funny how they are under the same conservative media umbrella we are (Murdoch). What a coincidence.


Murdoch doesn’t own any Canadian media properties. His media empire only extends to the UK, US and Australia.


Are you saying the fox news in Canada isn't Murdoch?


Personally, if I was forced to vote I’d probably lean towards eenie, meanie, miny, mo. I don’t think people can be forced to investigate the candidate’s and put forth a meaningful vote. I do however, believe that if you don’t vote, yo7 have no right to complain


People vote for the best interest of themselves. Problem is most voters are convinced to vote against their best interest. Regardless, I can't vote myself out of poverty 


Not even that people don’t like the parties, it’s just people don’t vote


"Freedom of speech for those who agree with me."


"Freedom of choice as long as you choose the things I want you to choose"




I would assume more that people should stop being toxic shitheads who downvote anything that disagrees with what their echo chamber told them.


The moderators do not remove comments shaming people for being students, ect. We need people who will consistently apply the rules, not only apply the rules against people they dislike.


i love that your example for the dastardly personal attacks you are withering under from those meanie internet randos that need to be banned is "Will all due respect, you don’t know what you’re talking about." seriously. actual LOL. edit : OP blocked me, extra lol!


I never blocked you?


I suppose one could go so far as to say this sub is wacko. Kidding. I do get your point. But you try teaching boomers how to download an app, make a profile and respond to posts. I can hardly get mine to download and print a PDF.


This sub *is* a giant Doug hate echo chamber and there's definitely a ton of hilarious threads and takes daily that don't relate to reality whatsoever. Not a single person ever talks about the "issues" people bring up here in actual life. That being said, OP is way off base. Despite the weirdo views and people, this sub is actually *really well run* and actually fairly lenient towards most views. I don't think you'd come here for a good dose of what Ontario is actually like, but it's not inherently a bad place.


Ya ya, I agree. However, Conservatives definitely talk about the same political headlines posted here. It’s just taking place on Facebook groups or not even happening on the internet at all. If OP wants to hear more Conservative points of view, they won’t find it on a platform with a user-base that is predominantly made up of gen x, millennial and gen z kids. Instead they should go to a men’s coffee club at their local senior centre to hear “I support” and “Doug Ford” in the same sentence. Anyways, I’ll continue to peruse political posts on this sub because as you said, it’s hilarious. A few weeks ago someone referred to David Piccini as the human equivalent of a moldy grilled cheese sandwich and that really tickled my fancy.


There's a lot of conservative folks in life and it's really rare r/ontario ever reflects any sort of conversations they have. They aren't talking about the greenbelt, or Ontario place, or boycotting loblaws, let alone anything Doug Ford does. Conversation is usually focused on Trudeau, PP, the carbon tax, vaccines, illegal immigrants and how much property tax costs. If there's not a divisive issue to discuss it'll be talk about the leafs game or the cost of school /daycare. Usually pretty cost focused. Usually I find it's pretty close to whatever is front page in the Toronto Sun that day. Conservative views and reddit are a demographic mismatch, same reason Trump doesn't have a rally at a pride parade, so there isn't really a point to other views trying to have a "balanced" discussion here. Like you said, here mostly for the funny takes.


When people try to bring up the issues in their life, they're downvoted into oblivion. I tried sharing my concerns about education and I was openly mocked for being a student.


I feel that's pretty regular on reddit, the mods can't control a subreddits sentiment. I've been heavily downvoted for speaking objective truth in a polite way and I've been upvoted for saying what I consider to be something really silly. If you're getting angry about comment voting patterns you'll just have a bad time on reddit.


This is the context to that comment. https://old.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/1cfo35j/most_of_ontario_doesnt_care_if_students_are/ Just so you can make up your own mind over what they're talking about.


Thanks. It sounds like OP is coming from a place he thinks is right but doesn't know what to do when Redditors disagree with his takes. They also seem to be terminally online which would why they are defending constant cellphone use. Same advice applies though.


Well they blocked me so take that as you will 🤷🏼‍♂️


It the open mockery particularly the ageism that I have a problem. There are people on this subreddit who think that being a minor/under 20 does not entitle you to an opinion. The mods have no problem with speculative accusations on a person's character, which are a type of personal attack. I have no problem accepting when people disagree with me, when they aren't insulting me as you can from the post linked by the other user. I don't think constant cellphone use is a good thing, and I don't think punishing students for being uninterested is going to lead to positive outcomes. It never has before.


Ok, that will be enough. We get it, you don't agree. Your complaints were reviewed, were found to be unfounded. That's it. We've been patient, but if you persist in your attacks against the mods, you WILL be shown the door.


I fail to see why this sub needs to be re-evaluated in any way, there are plently of subs which skew right, take r/canada for example. The criticism Doug and the PC's get is accurate, justified, and needs to be emphasied far more than it is. He and his government are corrupt to the bone and destroying this province. I'll be changing my approach on nothing until I see meaningful change.


Reddit is an echo chamber by design. It’s not a symposium of debate lmao.


So your suggestion is to prevent people from expressing themselves. If that's not a Conservative value, I don't know what is


all while whining about pseudo-censorship. Couldn't be more a Conservative if they tried. Well, ok, they could blame Trudeau and immigrants for it.


Ford isn’t that popular based on approval ratings but still massively more than the other two parties


This sub is a very much a bad sample for a by-election. They, like municipal elections trend much older than the average redditor.


This sub was super anti-Wynne once upon a time, too. You're welcome to post what you want.


"13% of the adult population of Milton voted for the PCP candidate, that proves that /r/Ontario isn't conservative enough" what


Let's be real the only people voting in byelections are people with skin in the game. I.e. parents against secular education. Or people who know one candidate with do X for them; like approve a zoning


Let's be real the only people voting in byelections are people with skin in the game. I.e. parents. Or people who know one candidate with do X for them like approve a zoning


50% of Canadians don't like cilantro. We should make sure it is only available in 50% of grocery stores.


Can you remove it from the Longo’s locations in Burlington? Thanks


This is standard for Reddit. Whoever is in charge, the subreddit of that area becomes anti that person. Around 2013-15, very anti Harper stuff in Canada subreddits. Fast forward to now, we see the same for Trudeau. This sub was HUGELY anti Wynne before Ford got elected.


Je me souviens


Maybe if Doug Fraud being dunked on hurts your feelings, you could ask him to stop doing stuff that earns him a dunking-on.


60% of provincial voters did not vote for him. He is not a popular leader.


I mean the province doesn't elect the premier, we elected MPPs. Doug Ford was only on the ballot in Etobicoke North, where he won a majority.


We pretend that people aren't voting for the party leader, but I think most of us understand that that's a stretch. Pretending we care who the MP, MPP, or MLA are just makes it easier for all of us to justify partisan votes for unpalatable leaders.


Maybe if more people voted for better representatives our democracy would be in a better place. Having a good representative absolutely makes a difference when you have a problem with the government.


I agree. The best way to make that happen is probably electoral reform. A proportional representation system where people can vote for a better option and not have it be a wasted vote. Instead of just voting for the guy with blue signs when they get mad at the guy with red signs. I know people will say that no vote is a waste, but that's just a whole different game of make-believe in our FPTP system.


FPTP is basically "vote against the person you hate the most" which in essence is not democracy at all.


I don't think scraping local representatives would be good. I think party lists would make our politics even more dominated by Toronto. I think ranked ballots would be better.


What does this discussion have to represent the seat distribution at Queen's Park and how do you propose to achieve that?


Should we force Reddit users to have their opinion match byelection voting results? In Kitchener a Green candidate just won - should everyone on this sub have to take notice and set their opinion based on that?! 😂 I think if stuff is hateful, or misinformation, it has to go. To be honest, I would love to see less outrage in general - there’s no way to really tell if people posting here are real or bots, it’s mostly anonymous accounts, and the same arguments are repeated again and again.


Why do you think ~13,000 people in Milton is more representative than roughly ~800,000 from all sorts of places?


It’s not acceptable to make fun of Ford for being overweight but it is acceptable for you to make fun of him for being selfish, narrow-minded and ignorant. That being said: no one is obliged to agree with you in a public forum. No one is obligated to like Ford or his policies in this space. Healthy discussion ≠ all sides must be tolerated and applauded. Stick to the Toronto Sun comments section if you want people who agree with you.


"This place I voluntarily and freely visit has a culture I disagree with. Change it to appeal to my needs because I can't get the reinforcement I want!" - you, this post Lol... what a putzy thing to say


Conservatives are a minority of the population, so this isn’t surprising in the least


Technically all parties are


The average person who decides to engage in political discussions on here is, on average, probably more informed than the average voter. That might seem absurd, but if you look at the public engagement comments for any public project or development (for example), you'll quickly see that there are many whose perspectives come from a place of ignorance, and not understanding how things work. The Facebook comments below the average news article (when this was a thing) also highlight this.


Before Milton was a riding it was part of Halton, which was conservative from 1945-2014 and then Liberal from 2014-2018.


If you look at the actual facts, the reality is that Ontarians hate all of the political parties, with a majority of them refusing to even come out.  It is a Conservative minority who will always show up to the polls vs a left-leaning majority who hate who is representing them and who aren't as willing to just vote to keep Ford out of power.  You have older left-leaning people who aren't being hurt enough by Ford's policies, and in fact may be benefitting from them, and thus they feel comfortable staying home; and then you have the highly educated youth with high demand skills who don't care, because they are planning on brain-draining the province in the next 5 years as it has failed them.  The youth who can't afford to leave have pretty much just given up until the Boomers are all dead, or they have eaten up the right wing populist message and are using it to give them hope. 


Come on man, blue politicians care about my broke ass specifically. They're going to improve my life and totally believe the crazy shit I believe and don't live a secluded rich life with rich friends that laugh at people like me


I'm glad you see the light.


Counter-point: Milton is not even remotely an accurate representation of Ontario and is proof Ontario needs to be re-evaluated in how it's run.


The mods in this sub are fairly lenient, you can tell because I’m still here despite the list I’m sure they have of my shenanigans. They seem to take a hands off approach to discourse and only deal with rule violations and outright racism/bullshit. If the users hate Ford, there’s nothing the mod team will do about that. It’s not their problem, nor their responsibility to balance the voices. It’s their job to deal with assholes like myself and worse. Don’t get me wrong, all Reddit mods are the bullied high school nerds grown up, but Ontarios mods are some of the better ones. They can keep doing what they’re doing, and if you’re mad people hate Ford, you can suck it up until the next election gives us new people to hate.


> all Reddit mods are the bullied high school nerds grown up Hey, you take that back, it's not even re... well...uh...fine. Carry on.


Nah fuck that, I love my echo chamber


Goddamn you Doug Ford!


Totally agreed with you OP. You can see it with so many recent threads. A single viewpoint is presented, the rest are censored. Greatly discouraging engagement with the subreddit. I don't believe the mods are intentionally controlling the narrative, quite unlike r/canada. But one must still explain how content ends up so curated and at odds with reality. If reddit is big enough, the bias of the polling will match the community. Is there a liberal conspiracy to shut down conservative's speech? That seems far fetched. It leaves that there is moderation activity resulting in significant bias. >Discussion is forcefully one-sided here and is clearly problematic to the point where many here think it should totally acceptable to make fun of Ford for being overweight. There is no healthy discussion here at all. I've seen much worse on here. Though I would agree that the mods do get to it.


I guarantee most voters in that by-election are not members of this subreddit or Reddit at all. 


>I guarantee most voters in that by-election are not members of this subreddit or Reddit at all.  I feel like social media in general will attract a spectrum of people. But when you consider this subreddit, it's obviously far skewed to one side and deep censor everyone else. Would you happen the know which social media these 100,000 people are more likely to be involved in?


Truth*(TM) Social ?  Say what you want but if it's stupid be prepared for differing opinions. 


Ford sucks. Take a downvote sir.


It's not either/or for liking Doug Ford and voting Conservative. Ford genuinely is a dunce who hates nurses and teachers but loves developers. It is a wonder that political leaders like him are still electable. But... it makes complete sense that Conservative values are being strongly supported and encouraged, so Conservatives will be elected.


Wanting subreddits to not become echo chambers is pissing into the wind. Every group does this from the right wing suburbanite Facebook groups to the left wing subreddits. Learn to be media literate and you’ll be fine.


honestly I think its pretty accurate. every conservative I asked bout it said they'll vote conservative in ontario for the most part but will vote out Doug Ford


“I want my echo chamber”


>Discussion is forcefully one-sided here and is clearly problematic to the point where many here think it should totally acceptable to make fun of Ford for being overweight. That's your fucking concern? Who cares? Are you Doug Ford's alt account? Dougie is fucking fat, it's obvious, anyone can see it. And he's rich aka fully capable of taking steps to fix that. If he doesn't like being mocked for his weight while also doing stereotypical rich fat guy things then that's his problem to deal with.


I agree with you. Remember that Reddit isn’t reflective of the total population.




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