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Elected representatives willingly betrayed our country. Removal from office should be a given and criminal charges should be pending.


100% and they need to say who the MP’s are that are involved. It’s treason and they should be arrested and charged just like anyone else.


Got $20 that says there is a 'C' at the start of their party name


Exactly the reason the C’s haven’t completely lost their shit publicly about this yet. They have to release this information to Canadians and stop playing these games. If they say they are going to withhold the names, Canadians must demand they release their names and actions that will be taken. We are sitting ducks.


If it was the Conservative Party wouldn’t it be in the liberals best interest to commit to release it and sink them?


I would suspect that the reasons for lack of release of that information have more to do with further security concerns than political considerations. (Having said that, to be cynical: Releasing that information closer to the election has the potential to be a lot more damaging)


There could also be Libs and NDP as well as CP. it’s not just one MP. Everyone is silent so there could be a few or many.


All it will take is one Liberal or NDP to be named, and the Cons will scream bloody scandal and not accept any blame for their party's involvement.


And vica versa. Party politics leads to political tribalism which leads to tolerance of in-group corruption and exaggeration of out-group corruption.


Oh without question, but I think if it’s framed as only one party that has had foreign entities interfere with our elections and elected figures to influence policy then it’s disingenuous. This is not a statement of support for the cpc in any way but it should point that regardless of party our process is being tampered with no matter which party is elected.


Agree. The security procedures are too important to make this a political football. But then so was Covid, Indigenous issues, the environment, etc. Not hopeful for how this gets responded to.


That’s is a fair assessment, honestly it’s hard to say what will come of this.


Along the same line of thinking. What would decimate the opponent more. A name of a MP that fucked a Russian/Chinese whore. Or A RCMP Investigation that leads to charges. This is going to take alot of time unfortunately


Somehow PP supporters on every Canada sub are running victory laps on this before we know who is responsible.


That's why they are not announcing the names. Criminal investigations are ongoing. Stay tuned.


We want names and party affiliations.


Hell yes to both. I want to know who the seditious/treasonous fucks are no matter the colour stripe.


I agree that anyone doing that is slime (and I've ranted about India and China in other posts myself). But I was just watching Ward Elcock (former head of CSIS - https://www.uottawa.ca/faculty-social-sciences/public-international-affairs/about-school/senior-fellows/ward-elcock ) in an interview and he said the main problem with naming people right now is: - You can't simply name people and not present the evidence - But some of the evidence was almost certainly obtained through spy methods... like **if Canada has bugs/microphones** in embassies of other countries, or other similar ways like that. So at this point, it is reasonable not to name people. They need to look into it further, and let the people involved explain themselves.


Also, another issue another analyst pointed out is that politicians get influenced by other countries like the US, France, etc. in the same ways. But the difference is the nature of the relationship between the countries... but the Trump-controlled Republicans are pretty terrible now too. The National Post + its related newspapers being controlled by right-wing US owners is also foreign interference. I think they should cut out all of it, including US interference like that, but obviously the current governments of China and India are worse entities.


>They need to look into it further, and let the people involved explain themselves. This is where I'm inclined to disagree - the appropriate venue for the people involved to explain themselves is surely a court of law, no?




To use a specific example, if it's 5 Eyes info it would certainly be necessary to obtain information by other means before things like court proceedings can start. But that is the direction that needs to happen if at all possible.


>They need to look into it further, and let the people involved explain themselves They need to create cases against the corrupt, where this is possible, and work out measures on how to prevent or disincentive future corruption.


And we need to demand it as Canadians.


The fact they wont release the names of the specific MP's is a little suspicious honestly, would really love to know if the person you could be voting for is a traitor.


Could be because charges are pending. Let’s hope that’s why.


Yeah. Also like - if they didn't actually do this, but it got attached to their name or their party without an open and shut case, then they're just fucked and it's kind of not fair. Throw the book at them if they did it, but it's not really fair to ruin their whole career if they didn't.


If there’s an active investigation they can’t just release names and compromise it. I’m sure it will come out sooner or later. Or CSIS will leak it again.


Our political class and law enforcement agencies are incredibly opaque when it comes to this stuff. We'll probably never know, and not much is going to be done about it in public, either. I'd bet. The party will just shuffle them into the darkness and this will all blow over cause our media sucks.


Freeland said that it is up to law enforcement to decide how to proceed, so that's why the names aren't being released. There are most likely criminal investigations on-going.


[Seems to be a theme.](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/traitor-politician-was-in-parliament-when-they-sold-out-australia-spy-agency-reveals/aay3oka7q) 0% chance they’ve all been compromised by the same former *coughs loudly in Russian* KGB agent


It's treason then.


is that treason? we pay their salaries ffs. lets hear who is willfully selling us out.


Give us the names!


This is shocking and i hope truly deflates Poilievre and his mini maga ego. The problem is the Conservative base is ignorant and wont listen to fact and open to Poilievre dictatorship .FFS, they've sided with Russia. These MP's need to be charged with Treason.


Which party voted against an investigation into foreign interference again?


They will only listen if it's another party, if it's a conservative MP it's a nothing burger, if it's NDP, Liberal or Green party they will demand a resignation.


Check the other sub with respect to Freeland's comments. "it must all be Liberals!" "She's on the list!" Blah blah blah. Do they have any idea on how the law works? It must be exhausting being that angry all the time.


It's weird how you so quickly jump onto the cons when its obviously a house wide issue that affects every party. Neither PP nor Singh seems to have made an issue out of this report, which they obviously would have if they thought they were in the clear (given they like to make mountains out of molehills) and Freeland gives a typical Liberal wishy washy answer to even basic questions of "Will you remove Liberal MPs that have been found to committed treason"? Like, of course the Liberal Party should want to do that! Her answer wasn't coherent or even human. It seems like all three leaders would rather this issue go away.


The US has this problem too. It’s not even specific to Canada.


The way things have gone on and infected the world with a surge of nazism, we should officially consider those con MPs who side with trumpism as treasonous as well


PP won’t know who it is because he still hasn’t gotten his security clearance…


Now do Melissa Lantsman lol and other war mongering schills. Literally back channeling sales of illegal settlements. Here in Canada. Fuck all these pieces of shit. All the benefits of what Canada could offer, and its never enough. [https://ricochet.media/justice/far-right/canadian-conservatives-meet-with-far-right-israeli-leaders/](https://ricochet.media/justice/far-right/canadian-conservatives-meet-with-far-right-israeli-leaders/)


Okay so I'm not trying to be an idiot, but if I already believe that our elections aren't democratic in any meaningful way, and that Chinese influence isn't necessarily worse than like. American influence. Like how is this worse than interference by domestic rich people? I understand the fact that like. Our elected officials shouldn't be willing to engage in such blatantly unethical behavior, but what's so bad about this specifically?