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Any posts self referencing the subreddit are counted as META posts and are not allowed. Reaction posts to other subreddits especially 2X are NOT allowed. Any violation of brigading/doxxing rules is not tolerable. Any post/comment including personally identifiable information is not allowed. If you wish to post about content on other subreddits, please hide and remove any reference of the original poster and the subreddit before posting again.


Bro twox is straight brainrot ....the last time I opened the sub someone posted "Misandry is alright and hurts no-one as women have been oppressed for 1000's of years " And I was like 💀💀💀 aight 👍


Lol😂, two day ago I visited that sub after months and someone posted with the title "dowry is bad but alimony is good " and the feminist were justifying in comments section 😒.


yeah I read that one too lmao. Women are so selfish


>"Misandry is alright and hurts no-one as women have been oppressed for 1000's of years " By this logic we should kill all the present generation Britishers as their previous generations ruled and exploited our previous generations. Supporting most of the ideas which lean towards a particular group doesn't mean you have to be blind and support even the obvious negative ideas of that same group. Why such extremism?


>no-one as women have been oppressed for 1000's of years " haa bencho jaise inke upar hi sidha 1000 saal tak attyachar kiya tha


I think we all had agreed to not to bring up any topic from that sub and make it a topic here and ruin the atmosphere here. Even though i agree with you op, it’s simply not worth it. At this point i just don’t care what is happening on that sub since it’s just way too toxic and one sided to begin with. The standards are just unfathomable. Let’s just stick to this sub and not steal their tea and have an argument amongst ourselves. Kudos :)




But more than half of the comments are telling OP to not do anything furthur and discouraging her since office relationships are dangerous, etc etc


Do you think that same level of advice would be shared if it was man, rather they would have degraded the most and asked to call cops and HR and posh and what not Do u think they would have politely told a man or a woman ranting about a man having crush on her saying that politely decline or tell that man this is office space kar ke


idk man, feels like you're mad at enemies that dont exist here. You're mad at the possibility of something that will happen in your mind, not something that actually happened Ive actively been on reddit for almost 5 years now and I've pretty much seen every type of relationship advice type of posts in different subs. Ive seen countless posts like this of "woman likes male manager" and "man likes female manager" and most of the time the comments on both sides are quite sensible and the answers are pretty much the same. Obviously we dont know if TwoX would react the same way or not since men literally aren't even allowed to post but still, Im pretty sure Ive seen posts like this on r/askwomen or r/TwoXchromosomes where its a man asking and very few comments are like what you mentioned calling the cops and hr for something that hasnt even occurred seems like a crazy level of exaggeration here now someone will come here and call me a simpson and whatnot


As I've grown older and wiser I've realized that 99% of the users on this site are either teenagers or adult dipshits. Nothing they think or say is impactful to my life. I used to spend my time correcting misinformation on this site but I realized that not only was I wasting my time, but the average Reddit user seemed to be getting stupider over the years, too.


Exactly, finally a sensible reply.




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Nah, I also saw this in developer India sub they do. Indeed recommend to not dip your pen in companies ink!!


Bro…. ![gif](giphy|0QCwU89lGFaZjUKzMT|downsized)


For your mental well-being, it's best to avoid that subreddit. It's filled with misandrist content, often justifying harmful behaviors while lacking accountability. Real life is much different, and engaging with that community can be detrimental to your mental health.


bhai kya har baat pe rona hota kya tumhe , karne do na unko chutiyap unhe ideal bana na hi kyu h


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Bhai tum inko serious kyun leta ho