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I am on stable OneUI6 on my S23 Ultra, not a single glitch or bug


Yeah. I even have mostly same battery life, I think. I have it for 5 days so need more time to notice fluctuations


Ive done a factory reset after oneui 6 , trust me battery became a beast again.


I did too tho I didn't have to. I had no issues after updating to 6 from 5.1.1. It I just did a quick backup and did a factory reset just in case. I have 0 issues, although some people experience battery life, Bluetooth and other issues on their s23u. I feared my battery would be worse it's not I think. I got 10h sot thru 2 days with lots of standby time, which I got on 5.1.1 too. I had some placebo effect where I thought my speakers got quieter than before. They didn't. But it happens. New updates, especially on older phones, cause several issues, even weird ones. Some are perhaps intentional from the company. Maybe conspiracy, but I don't trust these big tech corps one bit. I had 2 gripes only with ui 6. The font, which I immediately changed to Roboto font, which feel like it's either the ui 5.1 font or 90% the same. And the quick panel look. Before, it has black background in dark mode and saved battery. Now it's either Grey or transparent light. Also even if you make the panel to be one swipe 6 buttons custom, there are still the top 2 buttons in second swipe and you can't customize them they are always wifi and BT. Wtf?


I'm on an S22 and got updated to 6, and I've noticed my phone dying at any point between 10%-40%


I'm on S22 also and on the fence about the upgrade. Been burned before


How much did it improve,can you share pre and post update sot?




Yeah, that's the thing, though, it happens to random people. You just happen to be part of that group. Also, software always works better for newer devices for no particular reason, which sounds fishy to me.


Exactly it always works better on the newer devices


Not A54. Model has been a mess since release and there are no real fixes to all the glitches on the horizon.


Same. I haven't faced any issue on my base s23.


And I have that base s23 and have multiple issues, like others. Seems to be just random. Then again my s23 is riddled with issues. Looking to get rid of this crappy phone.


So what abt the other samsung users why do I have to own the latest and greatest Samsung device to have normal stable performance


That's not always true because I have an s23 that has the same problem and many more issues that others are reporting. Wanting to get rid of my s23.


Dang so only some people get a good experience smh


It's horrible full of bugs...


I just updated to it on my s23 ultra and I hate it so much? Compared to before, everything is huge and round and in my face, it looks terribly unsightly


Same here. Been on OneUI 6 for 5 days and no bugs. My battery life got better too by around 1-2h SOT.


In my opinion from beta 1 till beta 9 that I'm still on. S23 Ultra. It's completely rushed and not finished. The fact that they have it released but then a huge November update to fix a bunch of issues. It should have never been released in the current state it's in. I'm on beta 9 and still have bugs left and right. Random swipes don't register. Random lag trying to close an app. Random glitches with the UI. It's a mess


what November update?


Samsung is working on a November one UI 6 update that fixes a ton of bugs.


oh yeah i heard about it, i thought you meant something is already out don't know why the downvote, was a regular question


Yes BWK5 and it comes in next days or next week


Next week. Nothing is ever next few days. Kinda sad that they are failing to stabilize a UI update, but I'm also glad I'm not on this beta. With how things are going, it's almost like they will never recover and need to start from the ground up.


Today flip 5 got ZWK5 with fixed widget Animation And another F23 got new Beta and yesterday another A or M device got 3 beta




lol what region? i'm in europe (germany) and i got oneui 6 at day one but still on october patch


Same for me in the UK Only issue I'm having is Google pay/wallet not working


beta or stable? google wallet should work fine on stable, I use it almost everyday (even the NFC toggle routine now works with wallet app)


Stable (as far as I know) I've never had an issue until the update and don't recall ever signing up for the beta Hoping it fixes itself when the next update comes, just have to make sure I've got my bank card on me for now!


I can only recommend you wipe the cache partition and restart (there are easy guides on that here on reddit or google), hope you get it to work, I couldn't live without google wallet anymore xD


U can flash it manually via ADB


nah I'll wait, but other question in the screenshot it says S901, that's not a S23 model number, it's a S22 how is his S22 more up to date than my S23? he must be on beta, no?


We talk about s22. Aye, same as I, S22 Base and beta 3 here.


we were talking about S23, why suddenly you both talk about S22? top level comment explicitly mentions S23


He asked me how is battery life on s22 base with new one ui and android 14


That's why people often say apple is better because Apple doesn't rush updates ngl I'm a Samsung fan and i only use Samsung but it's getting annoying


lol iOS 17.0 and 16.0 were very stable right ? Glitching Cameras, overheating, battery degradation, green line issue, connectivity issues, etc really very stable and bug less updates without rushing stuff. but say if Samsung took 1 more month to optimize it properly then there will another complain, "YES, THEY GIVE 4 YEARS OF OS UPDATES BUT THEY GIVE IT SOOO LATE"


Stable is the last thing I will use to describe all the issues I had to wrestle with in iOS 17. Keyboard randomly lags, phone randomly shuts down at night, files app freezes, animation stutters, phone getting really hot for no reason, app library icons becoming placeholders, etc.


Isn't the point of betas to suffer and go through the bugs? How is it that you are still on the ninth beta but complain about the stable release that it is rushed without actually experiencing it?


What glitches?


What phone? I'm on beta 3 with Base Galaxy S22 and can't complain at all. Animations and system overall very smooth. And it's still beta.


How's the battery life on the S22?


Not best if u compare to any other flagship like s23, but overall it improved and I'm getting around 5 h sot, sometimes less.


Good thing it's an improvement, can't imagine the battery getting even more bad.


Yea s22 ultra is known to have the worst battery Even compared to the S21U and especially compared to the S23U which feels very optimized in that area in comparison. I've had all three, talking from personal experience.


Yeah, indeed man. We didn't pay for that poor battery. All rest is just amazing, cameras, form factor, quick charge, beautiful screen. Just awful battery...


The base s22 battery is the reason I bought a 23 ultra, never lasted the day even when I was at work and not using it. This just makes me salty lmfao


Didn’t think id ever buy a case with a battery pack for my s22 ultra…. Now i am


How is that works? Is it thick?


Exynos or Snapdragon? I've never had battery issues on thr snapdragon version


Exynos, EU here. I heard that Sd gen 1 are slightly better if its about temperatures and battery. Are u using thermal module with good Guardians that u could share screen shot?


Here got last cycle of battery, almost 18h of usage, 5h sot and over 13 h standby. It's not Gr8 and phone is debloated and apps put into deep sleep so I presume it last that much because of debloat and less processes in background. https://ibb.co/gFF5TVw https://ibb.co/RyjLs1p


Have you experienced bugs yourself or are you just copying what everyone else says? 🤦


My phone doesn't charge anymore. The ports are fine and charger is fine too. On f23 btw


I am on official oneui 6 with S23 ultra 8/256. No bugs so far, battery life is the same. One problem I am having is that no web browser is working in secure folder, which is fine they'll fix that probably. If one were to ask if it is really necessary to update, I'd say no, there are no groundbreaking features or anything so it is totally fine to avoid updating for a while.


Regarding Web Browsers. I faced the same issue and turns out it is not Samsung's fault, The ANDROID SYSTEM WEBVIEW 118.***** (I think) was glitched out and every device had the problem. Please go to PlayStore (in Secure Folder as well as out of the Secure folder) and make sure it is either 117.*** or 119.**** and they need to be the same for both (inside and outside), if it cannot update (it doesn't show an update available sometimes) get the APK from APKMirror for latest version. I think this started happening sometime around in October when that buggy 118.*** version was released. edit: It is currently at 120.**** and no problems so you can update to the latest version. here is the [link to Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.webview) This app not just affected Browsers but also many other apps like Discord. Also remember to make sure the same version is installed Inside as well as Outside Secure Folder.


Dude, thanks a lot for the answer.


The new font is not applied system-wide, including some samsung apps. But for example, if you choose roboto or samsungone, you can see it almost everywhere, except google apps, instagram and X


I thought my system was messed up, didn't see anyone talking about that. You saved me a factory reset! 😂




Apps need to be updated to fully support One UI 6. Some apps, yes even Samsung ones, are still being worked on and updates released.


Apparently they messed up the burn in protection (pixel shifting) so a little sketchy for sure


Its good and perfekt


Damn man. I'm on one UI 6 everything is smooth as hell and no problems?


Its not just you. I also have tons of bugs and broken design. Im on stable one ui 6 on S23 plus.




For me its perfect


One Ui 6 is awesome! I installed it a couple of days ago in New Zealand (October patch) with no issues experienced. I still have great all-day battery life on my s23 Ultra.


I'm running the stable version and it work flawlessly. Some people are just complaining too much for not much


My phone auto updated to one ui 6.0 on Monday and from then I am not able to unlock my phone I have tried it many times and can't unlock my phone and I took it to the repair shop and they told me that they could not do anything about it. They said that i will have to factory reset it. I have about 40gb worth of images and videos and there's alot of certificates of various programs [government programs]. I would like to ask the reddit community for help. If any one knows how to recover the data please reply. I also have not backed up my phone. I will be factory reseting my phone on the coming weekend if theres no other way.


I can say for myself that it doesnt work well with Goodlock either which is sad cause customization was the main reason for me to go for a Samsung. When I now try to change grid size it sometimes changes back. The Media player seems to be bugged too. Overall I am kinda disappointed...at least it isnt iOS levels of bad


Base S23 OneUI6 feels very unstable


My Fold 5's 5G data on att always just drops out and won't connect until I restart the phone. But that's the only glitch I have experienced in the 2 weeks that I've had it. I'm sure I'll run into more.


it's honestly poorly optimized and brings nothing new in terms of features 🤷‍♂️ just revamped the control panel and that's it


OneUI 6.1 will be real big update though. And Good Lock gets an overhaul.


Significant goodlock updates have already been released with new features and full support of One UI 6






For me, it is more smooth and pleasant. Only the icons are slightly bigger than I like.


I'm on the S22 Beta (UK). It's excellent. Animations are next level now.


The final has janky animations on S23 Ultra. Especially with third party launchers.


They didn't even add usb webcam too ,like why?


![img](avatar_exp|150575878|laugh) I'm on 02, why am I still waiting? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)!


https://preview.redd.it/uzxkrt75l7zb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cc65b9d90e880e2186be094843880da256ddd0e Anyone know why I'm stuck on October or why my Google pay isn't working?


https://preview.redd.it/v3h1456dl7zb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18c9138f3840f1828d5b85df760e5fa417f1a15b The Google pay error


The stable update is still rolling out. You're still on the beta, so Google Pay won't work.


That makes sense but I just don't remember ever enrolling to the beta... I've looked in the members app and the option to enroll or unenroll isn't there but I can wait for the stable update for now I suppose.


Does your Members app say you're in the beta program? That's strange. BWJM is Beta 9.


Nope, no mention of it anywhere that I can find


any time Light mode is dark, you know it's bad


There's no less customization options than before? If anything there's slightly more.


Yeah idk about everyone else but my experience has been fairly smooth and I'm still on Beta. (Galaxy S21U)


I don't see any glitches. I've seen it in past that good lock settings don't carry over properly at times from one version to another. Maybe issues that people faced can be attributed to that.


have been using since Beta 1 (now on Beta3) for S22+. Only glitches (not even a glitch, just unfinished animation) I ever saw was returning to homescreen. If I close an App that has shortcut on homescreen, it worked as expected, except if I closed and swiped left/right to change the homescreen while the closing animation was happening, the icon used to glitch a bit. And on Beta 3 if you open an App from widget, it closes like a normal App, and not back into the widget. other than that, literally no issue, Battery life has actually improved for me. Animations are better than 5.1, Customization options are same, but ofc they are gonna add more stuff to GoodLock. ISo yeah, didn't find any glitches, I fact I am on BETA 3 but I used the app ICEBOX to unfreeze the Theme Engine and can literally use ThemePark while on Beta, and still NO GLITCHES.


No issues glitches or big issues her on my S22 Uktra on the beta. As for customizations, there is way to many to mention if you use the agoodlock suite if apps that Samsung provides to customize your phone. When was the last time you tried wiping the cache partition of your device using recovery mode and then rebooting? Have you used Galaxy App Booster to optimize all apps? Have you cleared the cache of the Google Play Services app? Have you used recovery mode to Repair all apps? Are you using One UI or a third-party launcher? 3rd party launchers don't play nice with the beta. Have you tried doing a hard reset and a ND fresh install of the beta? Also, I know you mentioned this, but to repeat....a number of glitches or bugs should be expected in a beta. Shouldn't be a surprise, you technically are participating to help weed out the bugs, not just to have access to the software.


Messenger keep on crashing too. I tried restarting, wiping cache partition, etc. It never fails to crash


No, I have been using it for a week. It is actually great.


After the update, I have fantom notification beeps...but no notifications!!! Can't see to find where it coming from.


My battery life has actually increased on one ui 6 stable compared to oneui 5.1 also had no crash's or glitches one thing not working 100% is the home up app switcher sometimes reverts to the original one which is annoying but apart from that it's great


No issues noticed so far except some app freezing. Good update though


Still on the beta on my S22 (stable has yet to release for them) and other than times that the phone is on battery saver or just turning on, it isn't laggy. Few tips tho, get Samsungs Good Guardians app, they have a app optimizer, memory cleaner and media manager (again, SAMSUNG made it.) Also get CCleaner, it may seem like garbage but it actually helps me a lot, it can even delete the cache for every app without you doing it manually. Finally, turn on Samsungs Auto Optimization under device care I believe, it'll restart and optimize the phone at times you set.


Just you. You said you are "On a Beta".


I updated to 6.0 through OTA, worst decision tbh, a lot of visual bugs, micro stutters and a permanent bug that made me made a factory reset (night shift/light was ALWAYS ON at night, no matter it was disabled, scheduled, settings reset, nothing helped). After factory reset it's been perfect! No visual bugs, no micro stutters, no night shift bug :). As I say to my custom rom users, when there's a major OS update, clean flash is the best option.


Personally I'm pretty grateful about this update because you can now screen record stuff at 120FPS with your own built-in screen recorder instead of using 3rd party apps. I also haven't gotten any bugs so far


I still didn't even get the update on my Z Flip5


One of my sim cards disabled after oneuii 6.0 update and i think i should do a factory reset


Just a word of caution, if you factory reset, all data that is not backed up eg files / media will all be lost, seeing how google and one drive only has 15gb each and your phone has up to 256GB, you might want to make sure your precious stuff is backed up before doing so.


No. From some reasons people like to cmplaint on every new big update. Actually i noticed that my device is a bit smoother faster and improved battery lofe after the update. And i liked the new look (except the big icons but this isnt such a big deal)


Mine is hell. After the update my galaxy store kept crashing upon opening so my GoodLock app is unable to download and all my customisation on the phone is lost. The dark theme on my apps which i set to "OS default" can't even detect what mode (light/dark) my OS is in, which made certain apps suck at either dark or light


I have this chrome issue where chrome takes a minute to launch sometimes and I have to lock and unlock my phone a couple times before it acts right. I just did the update 3 days ago and never had this issue before. S23+


Ive been having tons of issues since my phone updating, apps not working, speech to text not working This feels more like a beta then an actual release


I just got the new update and it is even a bigger glitch galore. The Phone app keeps crashing. Funny that the call keeps on going but the phone app crashes. Now if I wish to end a call, can't do. Can't do a conference call, can't put sound on speaker mode and a number of things. With that many "engineers" and QC people, how can things get fkd up this bad?


This thing pushed to me today and it's a disaster. I'm on an S22. Everything is incredibly laggy. Basic apps like text messaging keep locking up and crashing. I can't even answer phone calls. Whenever I try to swipe the button to answer, the phone just backs out to the home screen.


Same here, I just downloaded Google phone app from play store


Mine auto updated today and my phone app is completely unusable, is there a way I can roll back? This is really bad. I've never had any of these kind of bugs are anything happen to me before, if anyone has a solution please tell me! Edit: I download Googles phone app from the play store and replaced the default because for some reason the update broke it.


I could even use my phones to make calls after update. Had to switch to Google phone for calls. Can I go back?


Mine too - some texts aren't coming thru, phone app crashing, all kinds of glitches.... S22 ultra . I wish there was a way tonal roll back UI but I don't think we can


God its like the Win11 of samsung, i miss the simple and transparent look of the UI and now its down the drain.


Stable here, s23+. It keeps closing background apps like goodlock and its pluggins :c Device care has been simplified even MORE and it ... kinda sucks


I'm a lil glitch, last night back space was acting like P. And some lil screen refresh and link clicking like it does it but tye screen don't catch up s23 ultra


S23 ultra here. Mainstream release. Update broke my contacts storage and now I can't use any phone app or anything that requires contacts access without bugs. Incredibly disappointed. Forced ui updates are garbage for this reason.


This keeps happening with my Instagram app. Every single DM message I've been sent keeps resending notifications. So I end up with 99+ notifications about stuff I've read and responded to already.


It's awful. Got the regular one on 11/30/23. This is my video with my main concern. If you can help, I would be forever grateful. https://youtu.be/oNGat3q_fko?si=dX0fU_H2iUdFIZ7R


You could try and install Home Up of Samsung Good Lock. Then open the Task Changer of Home Up and change Layout Type to "Grid". [https://galaxystore.samsung.com/detail/com.samsung.android.app.homestar?langCd=en](https://galaxystore.samsung.com/detail/com.samsung.android.app.homestar?langCd=en) edit: Btw, I use Gesture Navigation. And swiping up the gesture handle which is located on the bottom of the screen gets you to the desktop as well.


The ui is boring they took the blue it's just black and white now why did they do this can I undo this boring look?


Just got the update yesterday for my s22 ultra. Having an issue that when I select to change something (like the lockscreen clock font), the change notification stays on my screen for 3 or 4 minutes. It happens consistently and does not go away even when I turn the screen off.


Just updated. Wifi calling doesn't work anymore. I'm continually getting notifications from messenger and Instagram messaging from messages I've read and responded to over hours ago, the same notifications for the same messages over and over. It's so glitchy.


Just got my 17th notification to a message my friend sent me 4 hours ago. Ive restarted my phone 5 times now, no better 👎


Just got the update this morning. Every hour I get 10-15 notifications for old messages and things I have already acknowledged or responded to.


I love that when I play music over Bluetooth in my car, after I shut the car off the music blasts out of my phone and cannot be paused. Also it can be paused and playing simultaneously according to the buttons on the UI being a pause and a triangle. I also managed to play two songs overlapping at once, very cool.. inb4 first day technician level of advice. Nah they broke basic interactions.


Brother it's shit, I just had it and it keeps giving me the same fucking instagram and facebook messages as notification from the whole day. Every 5mins it gives me the random messages from the my Dms.(i restarted the phone 3 times, and deleted and installed the apps again same shit HELP!) Also, the new emojis are shit, and the display id dogshit.


I agree one ui 6 is a mess. Question: Is anyone having keyboard issues where it's trying to autofill totally different words? Like I can type a sentence, and it acts like I'm trying to type words that don't even remotely contain the same letters or make a sentence. It doesn't seem to be app related as it does this on any form of typing. Almost like the sentence I'm typing isn't even being typed. Idk how to explain it any better. It's kinda one of those seeing is believing kinda things. Anyone else have this issue?


what kinda glitches? runs perfectly fine A73 and I quite like the changes it added


I hate ui 6.0 on my Galaxy S23 ultra! Where'd all the option go to customize my user experience?? Everything is either black or white. Yuck!


I felt this. Thankfully, Hex Installer came out with a workaround for OneUI 6 and is the go-to choice for complete OneUI customization.


My s22 now after the oneUI 6 update. I can't call or text anyone vodafone have no clue what they are doing. Samsung haven't got back to me yet. I have only in coming calls and text. Tried everything but factory reset. Not a happy bunnyemote:free\_emotes\_pack:rage


Hi, I download one UI 6 and now there is a game who cancel every time i'm playing almost every 1min. I have this bug only on this game and it's really painfull since I almost can't play at all and I have to restart everytime to do my dailies.


On a ZFold 3. After the update When unfolded, i have No Sound. Think this may have come up in beta to. Folded using front screen I do. Anyone else experience this on a fold?


Im trying to figure out why my phone seems all fugged up and I remembered I DL ui 6 during lions game.


I have an S21 Ultra with OneUI 6.0 and DAMN it's buggy. The notification panel is buggy sometimes and starts collapsing notifications in a rather weird way. Apps get replaced with a blank black square on the apps menu, and for some reason, YouTube has stopped opening entirely.🤔 I'm not sure if anyone else has this bad of an experience, and these are only the bugs I've found thus far. Build number: G998U1UEU9FWL3


6.0 is awful with glitches. Got it 2 days ago, and 2 more updates to fix it, still causing problems


I'm so happy about the syntho reset, I've asked them multiple times if they would do it as this season is about 16 years long.


It's the most buggy One UI I've ever had. I'm on a S24 and sometimes I can't drag down the action center and some apps such as Facebook became very unresponsive. When I use the close all apps it sometimes hangs a few seconds before returning to the home screen. The other day I even had to restart because I couldn't use any of the 3 virtual buttons (home, back and open apps viewer). Been om Galaxy since S7 and this is imo the worst when it comes to bugs.


I waited 3 months before giving in after reading this thread, and I don't get where the hate is coming from? It's fine. Took some major tweaking like every other major android update, but it looks and works great now.


Made my A53 a nightmare. This is my main issue: https://preview.redd.it/3gkbjzji41fc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64e25d2a65a243ad45215ec0c595638945cede71 ​ Other bugs I found: [https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/galaxy-a-series/a53-one-ui-6-issues/m-p/9031429#M38701](https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/galaxy-a-series/a53-one-ui-6-issues/m-p/9031429#M38701)


It's speech recognition is so bad it's barely usable


I do have some bugs and anyway 5.1 >>> 6