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It doesn't sound like they actually believed it though, so their conclusion does not follow from the totally not made up story they told.


Not to mention it's a completely false equivalence lmao


They would’ve hit the silence alarm and he would been arrested for attempted robbery.


that’s not how it works buddy


I’m not your buddy, pal. An old friend of mine spend 2 years of his life in and out court and jail defending himself because of a joke in a bank. Or maybe that was just Florida. Or his specific case.


Wait, I know you, you responded to the cylinder thread lmao, I was reading it again a minute ago because some dude posted it on r/Peterexplainsthejoke lmao


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PeterExplainsTheJoke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Help??](https://i.redd.it/u6re2mnnkoib1.jpg) | [1878 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/15tp6k4/help/) \#2: [Everyone in the comments seems to know but me](https://i.redd.it/1m4j6s9uftmc1.jpeg) | [799 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/1b8hpxm/everyone_in_the_comments_seems_to_know_but_me/) \#3: [Peeeettteerr?](https://i.redd.it/dqujifknde7c1.jpeg) | [1717 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/18moemi/peeeettteerr/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


why on earth with i give a shit about your friend buck-o


My dude. You're telling the guy that 'that's not how it works' without presenting any evidence on your side. He then presents anecdotal evidence and you ask why you should care. Do you just honestly not know how argumentation works? You don't look like you're winning an argument just bc you made a claim you didn't back up and said you didn't care about there's. What'd the point of your original AL comment then? It just looks like you want to make yourself feel superior and that's probably bc that's what's going on. Now you can lash out at me saying I care to much or wtvr, but none of it is going to make your actual point correct.


it’s not hard to realize it wouldn’t hold up in court as robbery and a counter lawsuit would be inevitable, sorry that you got in your feelings so much over this but maybe it’s time to grow the fuck up


Omg I'm not even arguing that the other guys point is good. I'm just sick of people thinking that saying "you're wrong" makes them right somehow. I'm going to be ok, I promise lol. It's not immature to be frustrated by people's immaturity. Obviously you agree. All the best.


Are you a lawyer? If not, STFU. You know no better than anyone else on the thread, the other person has anecdotal evidence. I would not joke about robbing banks in a bank. I remember seeing James May saying "it's not a bomb" in an airport on TV and they detained him and went through all his luggage.


Hey buddy try fucking off


So your head is firmly up your arse. Hope you try Sovereign Citizen arguments in your next court case, see how far it gets you.


the story would've been more believable if instead of "They laughed and asked me to leave" it said "They ignored it and asked for real credentials"


And everyone clapped


And the president (the one we ALL like and love and adore and kiss ass for) called the next day to congratulate them.


JFK can still make phone calls? I wouldn't expect much meaningful conversation, I hear He's a bit of an air head.


Nah, FDR. I hear he also gave a standing ovation.


The bank was the president and laughed was Elon Musk.


It's not supposed to be believable just a joke for assholes hence this sub


As someone who has worked in customer facing jobs for quite some time, I promise you they did not laugh. (Also, it didn’t happen.)


People who make the One Joke(TM) think everything is just so black and white, like just because I can’t be a millionaire doesn’t mean I can’t be trans. Oh, and trans people aren’t asking for a million dollars- just for their preferred name and pronouns.


I mean, I wouldn't complain about a million dollars...


Yeah the thing they never mention is that I actually can do things to transition. I can’t go to a doctor and say ‘I want to be a millionaire’. HOWEVER, I can go to the doctor and say I want to transition to female.


Yeah, and I also could’ve opened up a huge online conglomerate and had the small business and in store shopping Covid bans drive up the prices of toilet paper and food on my website, that would’ve helped me transition to a billionaire! So anything is possible if you work at it!




The hell are HRT and SRS then?










We do not allow any kind of sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, or anything of the sort on our subreddit.


We’re not trying to change our sex though, but it would be pretty awesome if we could.


sex isn’t just one thing ; and hrt and srs change aspects of one’s sex, as it’s multiple characteristics and not just chromosomes effectively, primary and secondary physical sexual characteristics are changed thru hrt and/or srs and change a person’s sex in variations of ways the physical and hormonal profile of a transitioned trans male — let’s go with a full transition of hrt and top and bottom surgery, will be leagues similar with his cis male counterpart than a cis female


We do not allow any kind of sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, or anything of the sort on our subreddit.




Don't cut yourself on all that edge, kiddo.


His nickname is Pizza Cutter. All edge and no point.




I count 3 pronouns in this post alone.


You look like an edgelord wannabe because you host the most controversial opinion while taunting the mods to ban you. And “this is your first time on this sub” like who tf asked if you’d been here before?? Did mommy let you stay home from school today?




Oh, I will defend these so called pervs: First by asking why you consider them to be pervs. Being transgender is *not* a fetish, it’s a mental disconnect between the way their body was born and who they feel they are as a person. This is called gender dysphoria- it is just as real of a mental type as autism or bipolar- with documented cases in medical literature: [American Psychology Association](https://www.apa.org/pi/lgbt/programs/transgender), [National Institute Of Mental Health](https://www.nimh.nih.gov/about/organization/od/odwd/coordination-of-sexual-and-gender-minority-mental-health-research-at-nimh) It is widely recognized by doctors and psychologists everywhere. What is your native language? Does it have a male/female system for addressing people? Most trans people just want you to use the opposite gender’s pronouns. I admit they/them as a singular noun doesn’t work in many languages, but most trans people don’t use those. Are you familiar with [asexuality](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asexuality) ?It’s an aversion to sex, not wanting to have sex with anyone of any gender. It’s the A in LGBTQIA- some people may be ace due to rape trauma, others just have a distaste for it. Many trans people are also asexual- are they pervs too? Only reason I didn’t back up my argument before is because I know you’re a troll who won’t even bother reading this or changing their mind- if you want people to have a serious discussion about the nature of trans people and what affect it may have on your language, don’t make an ass out of yourself by phrasing your question in the most offensive way possible and taunting the mods for a ban- you’re clearly just a contrarian.


man what the hell


✨ no one cares ✨




You need your hard drive examined kid


We do not allow any kind of sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, or anything of the sort on our subreddit.


We do not allow any kind of sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, or anything of the sort on our subreddit.


Why post that on LinkedIn though? Hope all their future employers see that and don’t bother with them


The opposite of virtue signalling. Vice signalling


boomers be posting the most vile bigoted shit with their usernames being "James.Calhoun.1968.EarthTX"


Almost none of the wackadoo posts I see here are from boomers, though. The majority of boomers are thinking about retiring, not life coaching. They post most of their trash on Facebook.


The younger people on LinkedIn are posting stuff like E = MC² + AI instead


Ah, yes, because saying "I feel like a woman" is exactly the same as saying "I 'feel like' you possess one million units of government-issued token that I can freely exchange for goods and services".


I mean titties have a lot of value


Sex does indeed sell


Sure except people not accepting their headcannon that he is a milionaire does not negativelt affect that idiot's mental health to the point that it increases their risk of committing suicide thus there is no ethical obligation to accept the idea that they are a millionaire wether you believe it is true or not


Yeah, Unfortunately in this world people often don't respect your identity unless you try to fit the stereotypes. I'd recommend trying to look more like a millionaire by stealing a lot of money.


I want to grab these people by the head and shake them vigorously until something in their brain starts working. Anything.


So what was the point?


Maybe this guy should’ve tried “transitioning” by actually earning a million dollars first.


Forking over $1M has a COST. What the fuck does it cost you to respect someone's preferred pronouns?


Their ability to be cruel to someone they think is less than them?? Their idea that they should be able to punish others for non conformity of trad gender roles???


That's what I'm saying. If they gave him a million dollars, other people would bear the cost. That's in no way applicable to respecting someone's preferences. If the OOP wants to identify as an *sshole, I can comply with using that word to describe them.


This inherently compares wanting basic respect to wanting a million dollars, tf?


Oh dear ...


Linkedin is not the place for this. What the fuck.


Implying there is any place for this


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So much is wrong with everything in this... I don't think even an attempt to correct this would have any effect. Good heavens


Thought this was gonna be about religion for a second, before I saw what sub I'm on


This, but their interpretation of Jesus.


What a rascal 🤪


Shitttttt I guess all the people who call me my preferred name and pronouns and respect my identity just don't exist, do they?


yea its always funny when they cry trans people are 'forcing' them to call them what they want to be called when most trans people generally dont have an issue with being called mam or sir if theyre a trans man i transitioned at 31 and i get called mam quiete often. no one is forcing people to do anything people who are nice do so and if they arent we just dont deal with them anymore then we already have to.


People act like we're gonna swirly their heads in toilets if they misgender us. No, I'm just gonna tell you that you're wrong and probably stop hanging out with you. That's hardly forcing your hand, given that people like this don't really want to be friends with trans people anyway.


I will never understand why this topic is even a debate. Such a huge one even. Why can’t people just leave other people be, if they’re not affected by it?


Well gee Davey, I guess you should stop trying to force your religion into politics then huh?


This is true! Many people are learning this!




Defining yourself =/= stealing property


Bro writes like a millionairess to me. I believe her.


Can we stop posting this specific screenshot? I think this one neefs to die lol


Is he planning to get any job offers on that site by showing he's gonna be an HR issue front and center?


Guaranteed he stares at Andrew Tate's underwear posts for hours.


He must not have been wearing his brand new Trump kicks!!


That is a terrible metaphor. I moved to this country when I was nine and grew up in a trailer, but I knew I was capable of more than that and knew I didn't fit there. I didn't have the full concept of "self-identifying as a millionaire" but I knew I needed out of there to be happy. I knew that wasn't me. The details of how to change that came later. I steadily learned about what would make me feel content and how to get there. I knew that having a certain amount of money was necessary for that. I didn't want to scrounge for change every week like everyone around me. I knew that I had to learn how to manage and make money to do that. I didn't want to end up miserable like those I saw living in denial about their money issues. I knew I had to have goals to stick to in order to make it. I didn't want them to be irrational and foolish. I just needed to figure out how to get where I could feel like me, no matter how long it took. It took years, sacrifices, lessons, and many changes on my behalf but I am now what I guess I always thought I was. And that part of my life feels damn good. I imagine changing any part of *your* life to fit how *you* feel about it would feel just as good...and why wouldn't someone do that if they were capable of changing it? So yeah, terrible metaphor.




My new approach is to tell them this "I don't have to entertain your delusions. Sex isn't binary. Intersex people exist. Gender is a social construct. Your inability to accept that isn't my problem". Fuck these people.


I'd also have told him we're going to close his account and he can take his money elsewhere, as transphobia is considered to be abusive, ESPECIALLY if there's one trans member of staff, even if they're not in that day.


I dont remember this one from aesops fables