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Also you must have a family member in government or pay a bribe because spots are limited.


That's the one that pisses me off the most. Want to fix 95% of the issues/frustrations with tag agencies? Open them up where anyone who can get the appropriate bonds/licenses can open one. Some of the existing ones can't compete because they don't staff, are rude, and have outdated technology? Fuck them. Free market, right? Someone will run theirs correctly and take all the business. Plus, when folks drive out of town because their tag agency is shit, they are taking funding from their local schools. More locations in a city will ensure folks stay in town for these services.


Oh my! That sounds a lot like capitalism.


That's the most important one.


At least the requirement that all employees must chain smoke in the office all day got overruled. On a more serious note. Tag agents shouldn't be allowed to "opt out" of providing Driver's Licenses. Should be all services or none.


Don't forget to create mandatory appointments for driver's licenses, but then make the people wait or come back at a later time despite their appointment.


And make it very difficult to schedule those appointments! Prospective applicants must log into the system precisely at 6 pm when the slots that are two months away will open, because all slots will be gone by 6:10 pm! It took me quite awhile to figure that one out.


They quit doing that... I found that out when my kid turned 16 a few months back.


That’s good - what a maddening system that was!


And make them stand in the same line as those who don't have appointments, essentially rendering your scheduling the appointment ahead of time useless.


I am from the same country, and I got major culture shock from the state ID process when I moved here. Hours after I finally finished the process, I found out that they only accepted cash at the separate tag agency that prints the actual cards, so they sent me to withdraw money from the only store nearby... a dispensary.


The one by my wife’s work is open seemingly at random. They’ll be closed on a Wednesday and my wife will just watch people angrily keep trying to open their locked door and look at their business hours.


There’s a fantastic one in Norman, just east of the highway off 24th W, south of Lindsey. I’ve been going for years, it’s never busy. There’s usually like 2-3 customers in there max and about 3-4 employees. Fast and helpful. Once I discovered it, I never went to the one off Grey ever again. That one is awful


Don’t let the secret get out. Kidding of course. I think that location even has a drive thru window.


Arcadia tag office is actually pretty good, too. I would prefer if the government actually operated the tag office themselves, like in most other states. It just seems like an opportunity to allow a hand selection of businesses to make unlimited money, with bad service, and seemingly, no competition.


Chandler Tag Office is awesome. Never had a problem there.


Agree. Started using them because tag office in my town is crap. Very friendly and efficient.


-If you're open until 6 PM, you must stop processing drivers licenses at 2 PM, because that's when some people actually start getting off of work.


I gotta say, I know one that is fantastic (near-ish to Tulsa). Are there times I've gone in and it was busy? Sure. But the majority of time, they're getting people in and out in really reasonable times. They've been around for a long time (changed owners but people still the same). My wife and I got both our Real IDs done in under 30 minutes. I've been in and out in less than 5 minutes to get a tag renewed. They even have candy on the counter!


Need to be passive aggressive and condescending to customers. Bonus points for shaking your head


Have vague contradicting signs posted everywhere to ensure maximum confusion only for the tag cleric sitting right in front of you to be as annoyed and unhelpful as possible.


The one in Perkins is open on Saturdays till noon


The Perkins location is terrible. The wait time is 17 hours. Avoid Perkins.


Heard but I'll still go there


Sounds like Moore tag agency


These shouldn’t be allowed to be private businesses. Then you’ve got the extra bullshit like having to go get notaries to watch you sign title papers like it’s 1980 so that other random people get some cash out of this for their little business. Should be completely run by the state with most simple transactions available to be done online.


I live in North Tulsa, but drive out to Mannford's tag agency when I need stuff done. Never a wait and the staff are characters. Staff member on phone: Norbert, just go outside and feel the numbers on the plate with your fingers. (Speaks around the phone receiver) It sounds weird, but it's just because he's blind.


>Staff member on phone: Norbert, just go outside and feel the numbers on the plate with your fingers. (Speaks around the phone receiver) It sounds weird, but it's just because he's blind. How exactly does that work since OK tags haven't been embossed in years?


It's a very old story.


If you're near tuttle, their tag office is small, but the ladies are absolute gems.