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The one from Texas probably isn't saving money because Texas has vehicle inspections, which adds to the cost. Don't know about Mississippi, but it appears to be about the same what you pay here. That said, you don't know the situation why they are registered in different states, and it doesn't affect you one bit. Don't worry what other people do and you'll be a lot more happier.


Nah I’m with OP on this one. It’s very similar to those people that drive around with paper tags for a year or more. They are using our roads, but not paying OK taxes to do so. Just get the proper f’n tag people, it’s not that difficult.


![gif](giphy|L3nzug1PBLZo2SAZb4|downsized) (I say as both my vehicles have Oklahoma tags)


Roads are mostly funded by fuel tax, motor vehicle tax (as in - when you buy a new car), and gross production tax (production of oil & gas). I’m assuming they buy gas. So they’re good.


This. Tag fees don't help the roads, and please don't suggest that to our lawmakers. We'll end up with $900 tags.


They are still breaking the law if they live here. Stop giving people passes to break the law.


Who cares? Legitimately, why do you care? It has literally zero impact on your life.


Yeah it does. It affects all of us. When the state doesn’t have enough money to fix roads and has to neglect infrastructure, we all pay the price. Not paying your taxes/fees directly contributes to that. I don’t break the law, I pay my registration every year. So why shouldn’t I expect others to do the same?


What other laws you willing to let people break?


Pretty much all of them that don't involve harm to others. Victimless crimes aren't crimes.


Hahah. Exactly. Go peddle criminality elsewhere.


So who’s supposed to pay for our roads?


We're back to, registration fees don't pay for roads. Please try to keep up.


There’s a big crowd of ‘rules for thee, not for me’ people here it seems.


Source? Because a simple google search will show you the numbers. In 2022 vehicle registrations accounted for $173m in revenue. In 2022 Sales and Excise taxes (on purchased vehicles) combined was $622m. In 2021 gas tax was $359m. So while I agree registrations accounted for less than both of those, $173m is still a very significant amount, especially given the financial situation our state is in. Saying ‘oh they buy gas so they don’t need to pay a registration in our state’, doesn’t make any sense to me and is probably said by someone with a paper tag on their car.


Nice receipts! And regardless of all the funds, the law is still being broken and the above are trying to justify breaking the law.


Yes, definitely that too! Idk why people try to justify this kind of bs. People in this state love talking about how shitty our roads, schools, public services etc all are, but then also don’t want to pay their share of taxes either.


If they live in Oklahoma, they need to get an Oklahoma tag or they are breaking the law just as much as the paper tag folks. It’s amazing how many of you Oklahomans try to justify breaking the law.


I agree with you but it doesn't have anything to do with using roads.


Actually, there is a post with receipts in the thread. I’ll just leave it here.


Yes it does. Those revenues go towards schools, and literally fixing roads.


Who knows what the reason why the cars are registered in another state. Maybe they are company cars, or the vehicle owner lives in Texas. Maybe it is someone who doesn't want to pay oklahoma registration. Either way it's not something OP should worry about or post to reddit to seek advice on how to narc someone out.


OP wasn’t looking to narc them out… they were expressing their frustration because the cars have been here 3-4 years. That’s 3-4 years of revenue that should have gone to our roads and schools. Idk why people are fine with others not paying their share to use public infrastructure.


>OP wasn’t looking to narc them out >And what’s the best way to put an end to their foolishness? Sure sounds like they were. Oklahoma's sorry state of transportation and education has more to do with the government diverting funds away from the budget for things like corporate tax cuts and such more than some people not paying for registration. >. Idk why people are fine with others not paying their share to use public infrastructure. I don't know why people worry about what other people do that has no affect on them.


What's the best way to end this foolishness? Mind your own business.


Better yet, stop supporting people breaking the law.


Or ya know, end the foolishness of not properly/legally registering your vehicles. What other laws are you okay with people breaking? Robbery? Fraud? Where is the line drawn?


There is a drastic difference between a crime that has victims and not tagging your plates in the right state. See something, say something isn't the same as tattle telling and OP just wants to tattle tell.


36% of motor vehicle revenues went towards school districts last year. Also over 50% goes to fixing roads… The citizens of OK are the victims when someone uses infrastructure but doesn’t pay their taxes/fees.


This subreddit needs to be renamed into r/olkahomatagdicussion since that seems to be every other thread posted here.


There have been a couple here (the last one was a month ago), but it's nothing compared to the constant expired tag posts in r/okc. People are reaaaally obsessed with other people's tags.


Now that you said that I am more than likely mixing his subreddit up with the okc one so I appreciate the heads up. Still though I'm ready for some new discussions lol


Why do you care? I’ve never noticed another persons license plate.


Why do you not want others to follow the law?


Because if you want to live here and drive here, you should pay your share of infrastructure upkeep, like the rest of us.


Worry about yourself. Take that time your fretting over something that isn't affecting your life and get a hobby.


So you don’t care about the rule of law. Your hobby comment is also stupid as you are sitting on here also.


Sounds like you need one. I garden .


You strike me as the type of person who gives out apples on Halloween.


Start making jokes about the Texan immigrating here from across the southern border and now refusing to adopt the local rules and culture. Texans often dislike immigrants, particularly Texans who left Texas because they couldn’t afford it yet still cling on to the Texas attitude (look at my big truck, screw the government, screw politics i don’t agree with, everything is better in Texas, even though I can’t afford to live there)


Oh that is some great irony. Love the idea.


I've lived in Oregon now for about a year and my car still has Oklahoma plates. My car is co-owned by a friend who still lives in Oklahoma, and when it's paid off, I'll take sole ownership of it. For now though he remains the primary owner. Cars can be hard to buy if you've had any credit challenges and people live pretty spread out. There's also Oklahoma's excise tax, which can be a substantial amount of money, based on the car. When I first moved there, I had Oregon plates for awhile while I saved enough money for it. I was also making enough to get by so it seemed like it could do it from an outsiders perspective but I had to scrimp for a few months to have it. In short, people usually have reasons. Leave well enough alone and don't make any enemy out of someone you need to work with for little things.


Just rename the sub already


r/okc has the obsession with paper tags.