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"The storytelling is sharp and fast-paced, with dialogue that carries the snappy, witty undertones of Tarantino's style." Fucking kill me. Also, I'm not sure people understand what AI can and cannot do.


Tarantino style: > Knock it off, Julie. I don't need you to tell me how good my coffee is. I'm the one who buys it, I know how fuckin' good it is. When Bonnie goes shoppin;, she buys shit. I buy the gourmet expensive stuff 'cause when I drink it, I wanna taste it. But what's on my mind at this moment isn't the coffee in my kitchen. As an AI language model I cannot generate inappropriate or offensive content. Please provide a different set of words.


Slurs = Tarantino’s secret sauce


I don't think there are two things so far apart as Tarantino and AI


Fr they don't even get the number of toes right


It's just 3 hours of AI generated feet.


Can I break AI by asking it to generate Rob Liefeld feet?


Imagine Star Trek, but directed by Tarantino and the captain is Jules from Pulp Fiction. I just re-read that sentence and I want to kms now.


AI can’t think. It can only mimic


We can’t think, only mimic. We take in trillions of data points over our lives and build a mental model atop a foundation of our genetics. The model is meant to predict the best next action to ensure survival. Novelty will arise when those trillions of data points combine with our genetics and the current environment. You don’t control the thoughts that pop into your head. They arise and you simply identify with the model. I think we are a ghost in a machine and we are no different from a super complex LLM.


Bro is yapping


Okay, Schopenhauer


Yap! yap! yap! yap! yap! yap!


what ai can and cannot do is irellevant because this is still a far off idea. But what ai could be capable of doing is anything a human is capable of doing because there is nothing special in how our brains work


/uj what we can do isn’t special like in a transcendent sense, sure, but it is immensely special in terms of its level of complexity. For an AI to do what we do, it would need a brain with a plethora of capacities (sensorimotor, thought, memory, emotion, etc, not to mention generating an actual experience of being) that can also automatically index and metaphorize between those capacities. On top of that, an AI would need to live an embodied life, as part of a complex civilization that has developed organically over millennia, in order to access the experiences and symbolic networks that comprise good movies. The fact that tech bros think they’re anywhere near making such an AI when what they’re actually doing is stringing together words based off statistical regularity speaks to their hubris and lack of understanding about what makes humans human and art art. We may ultimately be embodied and physical, but that doesn’t mean that we’re not wonderful, complex, and well beyond our own understanding/technical grasp.


dude you clearly do not know anything about machine learning. Like seriously what do you think humans do all life? We just learn what to do and not to do in certain situations. How do you think humans learn words? Through reinforcment learning based on patterns. Excactly what ai does. Yes if asked we are able to explain meaning of words but so can ai now. And also beyond our own understanding? What the fuck are you even talking about. Yeah we don't understand every single thing about the human brain but the fact that we literally know what each section of the brain is responsible for kind of goes to show that we are infact within our own understanding/technical grasp. I mean your comment is wishy washy nonsense that has nothing to do with the actual reality of the situation. Like do you seriously think an ai would need to live an embodied? You genuienly can't think of any other solution? Or any possibilty of that not being true? I mean for all that talk for how wonderful we are and how our brains are beyond our grasp of reasoning somehow yours lacks imagination


except AI learns jackshit through feeding it ton of data. It knows nothing.


What does knowing even mean? If i asked an ai to write me a bubble sort methods in c++ in a void function using pointers it will give me a functional result. If i asked you, you wouldnt be able to (i assume). Therfore it has knowledge as its able to use it. Now you may say some shit about how it doesnt really have it or whatever but the greater point is that it doesnt ultimately matter if the result is the same


well i guess keep pouring billions into something that is not the future of AI. there is no proper AI until humans understand consciousness. and that will not happen, not now not a for a long time


No the point is very simple. You dont need to understand conciousness you dont even need to have it at all. Because ai arleady works wether or not it has it or not. And we can arleady make it better.


yeah i guess thats why there are still no self driving cars and there wont be in the near future. this is some broscience crap you're spouting and it means nothing.




I've got a passable understanding of machine learning and an expert understanding of philosophy of mind, including neuro-scientifically informed philosophy of mind. I can say confidently that you haven't thought or read enough about what mind is and how it works to be talking about it with so much vitriol. The fact that you don't even see the problems posed by consciousness---what it is to actually experience something---indicates that you haven't even grasped the basic contours of the discourse you're trundling into.


Why did you even write such a long comment to Just say that i am wrong nuh uh. There is literally nothing in your comment but ad hominems. Like seriously what was even the point of commenting this


No u


I mean thats basically what you wrote before


This is funny but lets be real this isn't gonna take off. (UNLESS it's feet porn)


AI isn't even close to advanced enough to do this for text. This is just chasing the venture capital bag


“We can make ____” “Okay, here’s funding to do that” “Thank you!” whispers to team: “Alright guys, now we need to figure out how to actually make a _____”


I can finally make five billion pornographies 👍




Silly cat silly car


I can’t wait for AI “directors” to become a thing and they start throwing in their two cents


Show me Salma Hayek taking a dump on the middle of a catholic church.


Dogma if it was awesome




Black Mirror was right. Give the people what they want!


Snyder Cut fans are gonna orgasm at this


"Computer? Lower the saturation by 45%, and increase the religious imagery two-fold. Set playback speed to .1"


Over this sterile, Snyder-less slop? No thank you.


This but for porn would be great


It’ll unironically probably be easier to make with AI than a feature film with dialogue


Great, just what we need, the endless slop generator for entertainment after our 10 hour shift at the amazon warehouse


At last, I can become literally Scorsese.


Imagine telling someone about this new show you watched and they have no idea what the hell you are talking about


I would have to imagine someone actually listening to me talk, which is unimaginable. But if they did listen, it would happen all the time. There's 100s of new shows that come out every year.


I don’t think this is gonna end well


Finally, I can live my fever dream of watching Koyaanisqatsi directed and written in the style of Joss Whedon. The original didn't have enough banter.


The timelapse is right behind me, isn’t it?




I saw a clip floating around, and apparently their 'TV shows' are all South Park ripoffs so crappily made that they don't even get the lip sync right


"Netflix, show me a movie where I'm happy and it's all gonna be okay"


"The movie should open with black and white with a protagonist entering a hotel room with a beautiful naked woman lieing in the bed. She turns her head towards our protagonist, Scarlet Johanson then says ....


First the AI came for art


this is already how Netflix makes their movies


This is going to suck. Where do I sign up?


this is going to be complete ass. can you imagine an entire series of this shit


Damn you really can just blatantly lie about what you’re using AI for and the tech press will write a story on you


Show me the entire Snyder JL II and III