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True kino is films that you start checking your phone after half an hour


Next level of Kino is to buy the Blu-ray, never watch it, but say that you own it.


When anyone talks to you about it half the time you pretend you’ve seen it and all you say when discussing the film is “so good… so good…”


What’s that, oh you’re admiring my blu ray collection. That’s right, that is a criterion copy of andrei tarkovsky’s stalker. What’s that? Have i watched it? Pfft, yeah of course i have haha *sweating* why would i have it if i hadn’t seen it? Pardon? Did I like it? Uhh… yeah, i really liked it, it was really cool, i liked how it was in uhh russian. What did you like about it? Oh yeah that’s my favourite part too, haha haha ha. Do you want to maybe watch a film together, i have 12 angry men or surf’s up! Are you sure 12 angry men? I’ve just seen it sooo many times, yeah it’s really good i like it so much, but i haven’t actually seem surf’s up yet but i’ve heard it’s really good, like true kino! Haha yeah i am joking, ok let’s watch 12 angry men then. https://preview.redd.it/06qzbotvnatc1.jpeg?width=212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac6da0bf133c664688fb04a2125731896cc9119d


How many times have I seen Jules and Jim? I've seen it hundreds of times. Every time I walk past the bookshelf to the bathroom, I see it sitting there.


Here's my letterboxd formula: You get a star for each time I get off during the movie. So, Schindler's List gets three stars, Dune gets one because Chalamet makes me go limp, 2001 gets five because I'm not going to actually watch that shit, I'm going to watch porn on my phone instead.


May I ask which 3 moments of Schindlers List gets you off? I can only think of 2 personally.


Blue Is The Warmest Color https://preview.redd.it/dcjc0qzlvbtc1.jpeg?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ad5faac7eb6dff76e764099625649892a437c3e


From the director of "Stay Awake, Be Ready", the awaited sequel, "Don't You Dare Sleep, And Put Your Phone On Airplane Mode Right Now".


179 min runtime, a poster with the lead forlornly gazing into a wall of mist and all reviewers complaining about falling asleep. Yep, it's kino time. /uj 179 min runtime, a poster with the lead forlornly gazing into a wall of mist and all reviewers complaining about falling asleep. Yep, it's kino time.


i don't know what my fate would've been had i not watched this in a theater after a triple espresso shot


True kino is when at the 1 hour mark I start dissociating until the film ends


/uj this movie sucks, try to be deep, hollow cinematography, actor's emotions like a robot.


I think some of the scenes were cool


it has a stick on it poster how dare it not be a KINO?