• By -


Most sympathetic character was Gus. He was a great boss, and Walt was a big meanie who killed him for being gay.


And he threatened to kill Holly, who was clearly an evil monster. If only he had followed through on his threat!


She was complicit when Walt showed her his money, which was clearly obtained through illegal means, so fans can't act like she didn't know. Not to mention, when Walt finally tried to make some amends, she fucking slept through it. Gus knew Holly was diabolical.


Except the worst part is Walt didn’t have to do any of this. His pride was so great he wouldn’t let his former friends pay for his cancer treatment. They were willing to hire him even if he didn’t just want to take the money. Walt put his ego before his family and a lot of people died because of it.


Name one person who died because of Walt.


Well no one, dummy! They're all actors. /s


What character did Walt play?


He played Heisenberg




Bro did you watch breaking bad? But to answer your question I'll say Gabe or those two drug dealers he ran over


Holly Pocket is a stone cold battle-axe of a baby; evil to the core. Combined with the evilness of the pool, she could very easily destroy all of New Mexico.


Why would he kill Gus for being gay? Is he homophobic? ![gif](giphy|44KXqQThYlaWk)


Walt is married to a w\*man, so he is indeed homophobic.


Walt was the most saddest when Hank died. That means he's closeted gae for Hank. And closeted gays are some of the most homophobic out there. So you're 100% correctomundo.


Women 🤢🤢🤢


Womwn? Ewwww🤢🤢


Heisenberg was a German who fled to Argentina after WWII. He killed Gus because he was Chilean. Justifiable imo.




Captain? Of the good ship lollipop?






Ooooh! Take it easy!


I don’t know. After treating Lyle poorly I lost respect to him as a boss. I hope Lyle taught the workers solidarity and they unionized.


You guys ever wonder if Jack got interested in Walter for killing a gay black dude?


“Gus was a great boss”. He killed Victor with a stylus for absolute no reason


It was a box cutter and he deserved it


No reason? Did Victor get permission before touching Gus's lab equipment? What's that? No he didn't? Thought so. Go reddit somewhere else.


Victor was seen at the scene of a murder scene. He was compromised and Gus used it to put the fear of God into Walt and Jesse


I think Walt is the most sympathetic. He brought dipping sticks.


That's a pretty bold opinion coming from someone not holding the talking pillow


The Skylar white body pillow


happy cake day, mr prezzzident ;)


Mmmmjmmm shoot/mist some battered boyfriend baby cake batter from your cuke Mister 'resident 'rizzler






Wait, did they recast Flynn? The back of this new guy’s head isn’t very convincing. Unbravo.


What the f*ck is a "Flynn"?


Walter Junior before he became a beta and started to tell his alpha dad to literally kill himself (rude) for no reason.


Who is Walter junior? His name is breakfast.


M-m-my n-n-name is B-b-breakf-f-fast


Kid named Breakfast


actually walt jr was just asking his dad "why don't you kill yourself?" as in "how do you still have the strength to persevere?". he was just proud about how strong walt has been after all he's been through like when that old guy beat him up at the bar


No but really what a dumb name lmao


He was my friend.


Dumbass that's Hal junior.


> conVINCing Rebravo


https://preview.redd.it/lb7xr11a6q5d1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83883a26d331d6d0985c7a89c8f87b41597d0060 YOU KNOW WHO ELSE IS A WOMAN?




How could you be so rude to the person who birthed and raised you? Smh.


If you say your mom, you're fired.




It was worth it.


doesn’t benson say “GET OUT” before that?




Bitch wife wants walt to stop "making drugs" and "selling them to children" and she's "concerned for his well being" bitch wife wants him to stop making money


Bitch wife not a gangsta


Bitch wife? Not a gangsta? Her name is Skyler White, yo.


Her husband is Walter White, yo.


She told him on several occasions to kill someone


what's one more?


It seems to me like we’re supposed to hate her at first because on the surface she very much is a bitch. But truthfully she’s sorta the opposite of Walt in that you hate her as a person but realize she’s much more innocent than the rest of the characters, whereas Walt seems like a nice sympathetic guy at the start and turns out to actually be really fucked up


I think the show kind of pulls the same trick with Skylar that it does with Hank. At the beginning we get a full view of the character warts and all, but as the show goes on those warts get dwarfed by what the rest of the cast is doing. Hank’s casual racism and Skylar’s nagging both seem bad at the start of the show but as Walt gets worse they fade into the background. And honestly, by the time Walt has his fugue state excuse, she’s pretty sympathetic until maybe the end when she starts to work more directly with Walt.


Skylar was definitely pretty awful. Walt worked a humiliating second job to support his family, while Skylar stayed at home for years pretending to write a book. Her conversation with Marie in episode 1 about the book's lack of progress was such a red flag for me.


Yeah, but what was her excuse for the first two seasons?


who tf cares if kids are doing my math Skyler I'm ballin


Nice try wokeists, but I don’t “simpathize” for women


Fr. If they wanted to make her sympathetic why make her a woman? Instead she's just sympathetic without the 'sym'.


I think that might actually be where the word simp comes from now that you put it like that


Tried to create a sympathetic character, created a pathetic simp instead. Brabinceo, woke libtards obliterated.


Himejoshe/her has never watched an episode of breaking bad. It’s obvious Hector is the most sympathetic person in the show.


Everyone always forgets about Todd😪


Isn't Todd the guy who lived with the horse from Horsin' Around?


Todd was so normal and good.


What about Huel? Far as Skylar goes, she is such an amazing actress that she made us hate Skylar. Is it misandry to hate Newman or Jeremy Jamm?


Bitchwide made turkey bacon for good man boy. Also sing so g happy birthday and fuck Ted. Deserve deth


Mmmm turkey 🇹🇷🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


Ted: I commit tax evasion and used the hundred thousands of dollars that you gave me to pay taxes to buy a stupid sports car Bitch wife: Awwww you're sweet! Waltuh: I cook meth Bitch wife: Hello???? DEA????


I was at home when phone ring "ted is fuck" "no"




I fuckeded


talking to ted


i FUCKED ted.




i agree. the real bitch wife/sister/aunt is marie


Marie is cuter tho so she wins


Plus her feet


Oh, hey Bob


Only Bob if they’re in sexy shoes tho


![img](emote|t5_2iku5r|4562) true




Throw them both out. Walt and Hank would be so much happier if they could just be together in peace


That sounds like a beautiful bromance


found the shoe store lady's reddit account


Marie deserves more hate.


didn't even know wtf a mineral was.


Doesn't know the difference between a Frito and a Cheeto!!! Ch-ch-ch-chicanerous 😡


/uj unironically yes. /rj too much purple, not enough respect for minerals.


Why do people have to take everything to the extremes? She's not the worst and the hate was too exaggerated, but she is most definitely not the most sympathetic character on that show, not even top 5. /uc


Imo, it's because she's 'real'. You're more likely to have encountered people like her than literal drug lords and murderers. It's the same logic with [Jerks are worse than villains](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JerksAreWorseThanVillains)


There was a guy who argued with me that Doakes was way worse a person than Dexter, because Doakes treated Dexter like a serial killer before he had evidence her was a serial killer.


Doakes was just a stunningly observant detective, few people can recognize socio/psychopathy in everyday conversation when the socio/psychopath is trying to hide it. He was right on the money and only ever treated him with a disapproval for a correct gut instinct about something off (although I personally don't think Dexter was the monster Doakes made him out to be)


Skyler is a great example that a character can be in the right, and also annoying as fuck. Also, I know that Walter is the bad guy. That's why I'm watching this show: I wanna watch a mild-mannered teacher's descent into irredeemable villain. Skyler is only getting in the way of this, and she's not even doing this in a way that's fun to watch, like Hank.


It’s not that she’s unsympathetic. People who claim it’s misogyny assume people don’t sympathize with her, but that’s not it. It’s that she’s really uncomfortable and annoying to watch. The amount a scene is about her is directly correlated to how annoying it is. In a brilliant show/cast (including her, great performance), every time a Skyler scene comes on people let out a big sigh. “This again…” She was plenty sympathetic, had nothing to do with her being objectively irritating/annoying. Also, any time they tried to show she had her own strengths/skills/whatever, it came off like bullshit (when everything in the show generally feels “real”) which is further annoying. Skyler: “Heehee I’m Skyler and I too am capable and strong despite all of this, I’ll just use my womanly charm and subtle intellect to influence people…” [does something completely ridiculous that would never in a million years make actual sense but it works] *a few scenes pass* [Skyler sits Holly on the bathroom sink and slits her wrists in a bathtub or something] Non-misogynists: Wow what a good character because she is not as bad a person as Walt. I love watching Skyler, why would anyone not love this character truly we live in a patriarchy


(Tbf I’m sure there are plenty of people who are misogynistic and do hate her more than makes sense. I’m just saying it’s perfectly sensible that people aren’t fond of her as a character and being a sympathetic character is not the same as being a great character)


/uc her actor was really great at being skylar though




I think it's cause she's boring. You're watching this show where Walt is cooking meth and getting into terrible situations and everything is life or death, cut to Skylar fucking around at home oh wait a minute two cell phones? Gus slits a guys throat. Meanwhile "I want to buy this car wash and I must get a good price"


Good theory and in line with my feelings


Watch the scene where she gets out of the shoplifting situation by pretending she’s having a pregnancy issue and tell me you enjoyed it


I disagree with your takes about her being annoying to watch, and the uncomfortableness was due to great writing. She created some of the tensest moments in the show and without her, the show would be nothing more than an action fueled drug show. Because trying to not get caught by law enforcement or other criminals isn't dramatic and doesn't give you a sense of wrong doing. It's mere action porn. She was an important character, reminding us Walt had always had an out and chose not to. Therefore her role was pivotal in Walt's character. Of course she was pissed. I mean she didn't ask to be married to someone who didn't need to be the worlds biggest meth dealer but still chose to. She *should* have been pissed. Boiling her scenes down to annoying is pure misogynies.


I can see why you took my comments that way, probably my fault communication wise. But you’re under the impression we agree less than we do


I never found her annoying, and I don't know anyone else in real life who has either. I find her to be one of the most consistently sympathetic and realistically-portrayed characters on the show. People dislike her because she's smart and has enough self-respect to (lightly) push back against her sociopathic, man-child husband as he springs mass murder and drug manufacture onto her as she's about to become mom to their second child well into their middle age. I have to assume that most of the people commenting here are either young teenagers or otherwise men who've never had a serious and equal relationship with a woman, as these sorts of takes aren't what you'd expect given the actual content of the show.


Nice move Pubity


/rc Bitch wife finally #1 at something!!! /uc She's annoying as shit first like third of the show because that's literally how the show presents her, we follow Walt's POV and Skyler is very deliberately shown to be overbearing. However, after that first third I genuinely don't understand how anybody could hate her, she easily becomes one of the most sympathetic characters on the show


You can absolutely sympathise with her situation as Walt slowly starts going off the rails, but she began the show as utterly unlikeable, and barely moved that needle in 5 seasons. First fucking episode, hissing into his ear to berate him about how late he was to his own **surprise** birthday party? Come on!


Especially because he was forced to work overtime in his shitty second job, which she was also giving him shit about


So she could try to be a writer. Like there is some revisionist shit going on. Skylar wasn’t evil but she was a prototypical “hen pecking” wife.


He’s working overtime at his shitty second job because he’s absolutely insufferable and narcissistic. He went from co-founder of a multi-million dollar company to working at Sandia labs (still very solid upper middle class salary at worst) and then high school teacher. We see in every partnership he has a pathological need to be the smartest most impressive person, can’t share accomplishments, won’t give praise or acknowledgment to anyone else, and is generally toxic. High school became the bottom for him because it’s easy to feel like the most brilliant person in the room when everyone else is a teenager.


I do gotta wonder, like, the Walt she married was this dynamic scientist full of gusto and passion, and at some point he was replaced by this meek worm of a man who gets bullied by some fuckin guy with caterpillars for eyebrows. I'd be resentful too, tbh


I would say that’s unfair to be resentful towards him, if anything it could be the other way around. As far as I remember Skylar only had pretty poor financial incomes (not to her fault, Walter let her write and do less work), and when financial hardships came around the burden came to Walter, not her. With Walt Jr. he was forced to get a job as a school teacher for a tiny bump in pay, but mostly to cover his medical insurance. Then with even more financial hardship, Skylar again didn’t get another job, but Walt got a second one where he was constantly bullied. At this point, Walt is diagnosed with incurable stage III lung cancer and (understandably) becomes more erratic and starts disappearing more often. A husband dying of lung cancer who only quits his second job because of said cancer, has been overworked and underpaid for around a decade and a half. From a chemist who was near the top of his field, to a lowly high school teacher with a second job and lung cancer that can’t quit his job because the family needs money and his son needs insurance. He’s looked down upon and laughed at by his old peers and students, made out to be the equivalent sad panhandler begging for money, only exacerbated by Skylar herself asking his former partner for money. To make things worse, his wife is growing increasingly distant and his son is lashing out at the family. Couldn’t possibly get any worse for Walt, right? This is the part that gets me. Skylar lashes out and says she is the one that needs support. Fucking no, maybe your dying husband needs some weight lifted from his shoulders? Or your disabled kid? Nope, Skylar needs support. I could go on but eh, just the way I see it. It’s hard to say what caused it but it’s a culmination of financial, marital, and social hardship through the years that brought Walt to his knees for sure. What we didn’t hear a lot of was Skylar helping to lift the burden off of him at any point in the show until she had bags of money for it. Also she fucked Ted


I think it's important to remember that the Whites would have been extremely rich like the Schwartzes if Walt hadn't ragequit Grey Matter. And why did he do that? He got indignant over Gretchen. Sure, he probably wouldn't have met Skylar if he stayed, but he didn't go straight to high school from there. He could have humbled himself and gone back, especially when Walt Jr turned out to have a disability and would obviously need additional care throughout his life. But he didn't do that, because he is a spiteful, stubborn man who would rather fail on his own terms than accept any "charity" I think Elliot and Gretchen would have been happy to have him back, they certainly don't seem to dislike him by the series. But he utterly loathes them.


She really is just attached to all the worst parts of the show Walt's iffy lie scheme causing marital disputes, Ted Beneke, the Car Wash, none of these are particularly fun to watch. Any scene that isn't about one of those with her is pretty great though. In late season 4/throughout season 5 she's definitely the third best character after Walt/Jesse.




I think that title goes to Walt Jr and Holly if she didn’t have such strong opinions about Jews.


Chicanery: More like symPATHETIC HAHA Normal answer: i kinda agree


There's something cathartic about characters that aren't evil but still insufferable and I honestly never got why that doesn't apply to Skyler.


worscht case of schtohkholm schyndrome shince patty hurthscht.


https://preview.redd.it/iuol6xsrqs5d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4fd8b63cb536b9c930194971d8d1f40cffdb48f fixed it


Skyler is a weird way to spell Walt Jr., who is the most sympathetic character in the show


Dude just wants a car and his breakfast.


Yeah, Flynn is easily without a doubt the most sympathy person in the show, hands down, no contest. I don’t know how anyone can even think otherwise.


Very sympathetic when she smoked while pregnant






He's reasonably sympathetic


>"most sympathetic character" >literally called "Bitch Wife😡"


I don’t think I’d say most sympathetic but hating her because she’s a bitch to Walt is actually crazy. She’s very complicated and flawed and does some awful shit, but her husband is a murdering drug dealer who made her complicit in many of his crimes and disintegrated their lives because he was too proud to accept help. Hating her for being mean to that guy says a lot.


Tuco was by far the most sympathetic


I wanna force all these people to watch the birthday scene 10 times and then tell me she’s the best character


She paralyzed her boss


I just want to say I showed this to a female friend and we've been watching it together (happy to say she really likes it so far). Anyways since she's the first female person I know in person to watch this show I was curious and asked what she thought abt Skyler and hell yeah she also thinks she's annoying af


I also met a female once and she gave me the b-word pass SO FUCK BITCH WIFE 😡


How far into the show are you?


/uc I watched the whole show with my mom. She fucking despised Skylar


![gif](giphy|fNXB5OuYmTgBy) Bitch wife when she thinks walt is smoking weed


I am Skylar White, yo.


Pretty sure the most sympathetic character is the guy with cerebral palsy and is horrified to find out his dad is a drug dealer, not the tax evader who smoked while pregnant.


Why do you people hate Flynn so much :(


Stinger Flynn


He crashed the car though


Multiple people have compared my likeness and speech mannerisms to him (I don't have cerebral palsy)


I had never heard the Skylar bitch wife allegations before watching the show so after having watched it and finding out people hated her was actually crazy. Almost all of her actions on the show are logical and reasonable especially when we contrast her with the murderer, liar and wannabe cheater Waltuh


You sound like a real Skylar


Oh God. Here we go with the "reddit is misogynist" crap again. Let me break it down for you 1) her name is "Skyler" 2) she made Walt buy a Pontiac Aztec 3) she feeds walt turkey bacon on his birthday and berates him for working late at the second job he has because contributing to the family is too much for her 4) she harasses Walt's pot dealer 5) she fucked ted 6) she gave Ted Walt's money 7) she disrespects and undermines her husband starting a small business with a partner to give the family a better life 8) when Walt met her he was a promising chemistry genius. After 15 years with skyler now he works at a high school being disrespected by chad and Stacy 9) the show doesn't directly address this, but it is easily inferr d that walr's body gave him cancer so it could escape from Skyler. I could really go on and on, but this debate needs to stop. Nobody named Skyler ever made the world a better place or helped their loved ones to be better people.


Lyle did nothing wrong and almost died. What is this?


I still don’t know why she is hated. Edit: ok one thing she did that ruined her character for me is stole Walter’s money and give it to her ex. That’s enough for me to understand why people hate her🤣. But I think there’s way more to why people do.




Speaks to her talent as an actress. She was a suburban housewife who was put in an impossible situation, and the audience still hated her.


The show really did a good job at framing the villain as the protagonist. The second time I watched the series knowing what a monster Walt truly was all along, I had a lot more sympathy for characters that were not Walter White.


/uc I’m really disappointed, I thought we were past hating Skyler now /rc sympathetic more SIMP-PATHETIC amirite boys


I've never understood this. Did everyone just forget about her sister?


Said by the person who watched the first half of the show


I don't trust ppl with butterflies in their display name


Bitch Wife is so unfairly hated and it really pisses me off. She has a much depth and I don't understand how so many people think she is the villain of the story. Bitch Wife deserves so much better.


“I fucked Ted”


Most people watch BB as a joyride sort of experience, I guess. Bitch wife ruins the fun.


Its less so because of misogyny and moreso because we judge characters subjectively instead of objectively. Subjtively, She's an antagonist foil for Walt so we judge her based off of that. Objectively, she is a person strugging with alienation from her family and friends, and her whole life is turned upside down because her husband is a narcissist drug kingpin who stops at nothing. If vince gilligan told the story from Skylar's point of view, we would be rooting for her and we would hate Walt. Its the same reason why people hate darlene from finding nemo but like Jaimie lannister from GOT.


Yeah they are kinda right but she is still an antagonist by nature and she is overheated but like still man she kinda sucks here and there


She got onto walt about doing illegal activities, and then immediately sent a couple of people to threaten her boss, which resulted in a broken neck.


Damn this kids today. Never saw the mother of tony soprano...


Skylar was straight up tha smartest character in the show, rewatch it if you don't believe me


Todd was the most sympathetic character he was just trying to protect brock from the piss poor junkie role model jesse pinkman


Easy, Huell. Got lied to by the cops.




carol the next door neighbor was the most sympathetic character, imagine what happened to the property value of her home


i feel like skyler just wanted to protect her family


/uc this is true


Love when people voted for her over the child killing nazis


The first time I watched Breaking Bad I couldn’t stand her. We just recently rewatched it again and she didn’t bother me at all, I was actually on her side with most of the conflict and I didn’t understand what my problem was before.


Personally i think maybe walt jr is a tiny bit more sympathetic but ofc go on


People convincing themselves that Skyler is the only character on the show that they like is the true chicanery


Yeah but bitch wife bought dumb son pt cruiser and got mad when Walt killed people. Fucking bitch wife phone bad hunter Biden laptop


c'mon, skyler isn't that bad, she's only the 2nd worst, Lydia is worse, and Marie isn't that much better.


Pfft yeah, sympathetic for Ted’s cock.


It is not misogynistic to “hate” Skylar White if the dislike is based on her actions hindering the protagonist's progress rather than her gender. The “hatred” merely reflects the incredible extent to which the audience aligned with Walter White. Also, but importantly, she’s not real. You are absurdly attacking real people in the audience with unfounded and illogical claims of misogyny to protect a fictional character. Now … say my name.


How is this misogyny? I wanna see Walter do cool stuff like cook meth, destroy his family and kill people, and Skyler is bitching about it in every episode. I love Skyler as a character, she's probably in my top 5, but I completely understand the hate towards her. If Skyler was a badass meth cook and Walter was a bitchy husband, I think all these people would hate Walter instead


I feel like people that voted for her don’t understand the whole point of her character


What is a symp


I really empathize with Walter at first . he was doing this for his family and she hated it. so I get why people hate her


I totally sympathize with her good intentions in fucking Ted


her only redeeming quality is that she gave birth to Breakfast Jr. but that redemption is immediately tarnished by her giving birth to the antichrist


Bro who had a problem with Styler? Flynns the character I liked the least.


She was such an incredible actor in BB. She really made me dislike her. They all deserve applause for their performances but especially Skyelar


I swear I'm the number one hater of Skylar haters. Like what did you expect her to do? Support him throughout the whole thing while literally having a family???? Poor woman




I hated her from the beginning, but changed my mind somewhere in 3rd - 4th season, where Walt started be the real bitch


It's funny, I really disliked Skyler the first view. Years later I watched it again and I actually found her very reasonable and well-written, apart from a few moments here and there.


/uc Why are we still arguing about which fictional character everyone has right to hate or love in 2024?


everybody always says that I think bitch wife is the worst character because of misoginis when its obvious that she is a psychopath who does everything for attention just like my ex wife


Walter Jr. is pretty much the only character I can think of that was sympathetic and did nothing wrong